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1967 March Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
March 1967 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Indiana University
1967 March Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
John is a junior from Richmond,
Indiana, and is maJOrmg in mar‑
keting. FIo also plans to enter
law school upon graduation. He
has been outstanding in his de‑
VOtion to the house serving as
Public relations chairman, Baker
Cup chairman and recording sec‑
retary on last year
s cabinet. On
the campus level, John has been
elected to I.U. Foundation, Lead‑
ership Conference, and has been
a regular on the Dean
s list.
The new house treasurer is
Thomas George OIsen, a JunlOr
from BIoomington, Indiana. Tom
(Continued on Page 2)
\r\nⅢE 〃00S胸【 f〃l
(Continued from Page l)
is majoring in zooIogy and plans
to enter I.U.
s medical school upon
His successful en‑
deavors on the campus have in‑
cluded selection to AIpha Epsilon
Delta, a Pre‑med honorary fra‑
temity, and grades which have
merited the Dean,s list several
He also has been selected
to the I.U. Foundation and has
been active in Union Board ac‑
Published regularly throughout
Within the walls of
Beechwood Olie has served as
the school year by Zeta Chapter
PaSt Public relations chairman
where he has accomplished much
of Phi Gamma Delta Fratemity at
Indiana University for the enjoy‑
in the way of innovating new
ment of its alumni and friends.
Contributions of news of alumni
are welcomed and encouraged at
Corresponding Secretary
all times. Let us know what you
One of the sophomore members
are doing. Address all communica‑
tions to: Alumni Relations Chair‑
man, 631 E. Third Street, BIoom‑
of the cabinet is Frank Wallace
Yoder, Chosen to fm the position
of corresponding secretary. Frank
ington, Indiana 47401.
is an economics major from
BIoomington and he plans to at‑
tend Indiana
On March 3rd and 4th the men
s medical school upon
graduation. Another Deanタs list
of Zeta had the pleasure of their
mothers) company at Beechwood.
I.F.C. Scholarship Committee and
Parent relations chairmen Mark
has played an important role in
Weber and Jack Ransom planned
the Mother,s Weekend and did
many Union Board activities. He
an exce11ent job of entertaining
Mortarboard leadership conference
both the Mothers and Brothers.
The plamed activities included
a Mother
s Club meeting where
the Mothers decided to donate a
new refrigerator and ice maker to
Frank has served on the
has served on the Blue Key and
and was a member of last year
I.U. freshman golf team.
year Frank served the house well
as faculty relations chairman.
the kitchen, a mOVie for the sons
Recording Secretary
and moms in the house Saturday
night, a Serenade following the
The other sophomore member
movie and a dress dinner on Sun‑
of the cabinet is Dennis D. Smith
day. In addition to these planned
also from BIoomington. Denny
activities, muCh free time was aL
major is marketing and he plans
1ot七ed to play cards, relax or do
to further his education in I.U.
whatever they chose. Throughout
M.B.A. program after graduation・
the weekend the Mothers met,
chatted and observed the brother‑
hood that we at Zeta consider so
essential to our tradition.
As the last order of business the
Mothers treated the Brothers to a
This year,s mother
weekend was truly an event to re‑
Like the others on this year
s Zeta
Cabinet Demy has consistently
and has been active in Union
Board projects. Denny also play‑
ed on I.U.,s freshman golf team.
Last year he contributed much to
member for everyone at Beech‑
七he house by serving as intramural
In a few short weeks Beech‑
wood promises to be again buzzing
with the happy activities of wel‑
coming our graduate brothers back
to Zeta for the 96th Annual Nor‑
ris Pig Dimer. Richard D. Hand‑
ley, ,69, Pig Dimer Chairman has
set the date for the traditional
banquet to be Saturday, Apri1 15.
The week end,s events wi11 be‑
gin for the graduate brothers on
Saturday aftemoon about
with check in, a trip through past
scrap books, and leisurely visiting
with former schoolmates and the
undergraduate brothers. Femie,s
traditional feast will begin at 6 :00
in the chapter house dining room.
A fine program has been plan‑
ned with au the gaiety, gOOd cheer,
and tradition of previous Pig Din‑
ners. Brother Frank J. Otte,
will act as Toastmaster and should
do a fine job of keeping the pro葛
speaker for the occasion is Brother
Wimam S. Zerman, Michigan,
B「o†he「s, Have You
One of the purposes of the
Hoosier Fiji is to provide a link of
brotherhood between the graduate
and undergraduate brothers. We
attempt to keep you abreast of
the many activities going on at
Beechwood yet this is not the
SOle purpose of our publicaion. It
also serves as a link between the
many graduate brothers through‑
out the land. As you ̄kn。市much
Of the paper is devoted to you,
the graduate brothers and disting‑
uished alumni of Zeta chapter. Yet
without your continued support
we find this increasingly difficult.
Please, if you have failed to in‑
form us of yourself recently by
means of the questionnaire then
send us a brief biographical sketch
Of yourself. We need your sup‑
port to make the paper informa‑
tive for you the graduate bro七hers,
Executive Secretary of Phi Gam‑
ma Delta. Following the dinner
will be a mixer for the graduate
brothers at the Van Orman Subur‑
ban Motel.
Rush for next year
s fall class
is now in full swing at Zeta and
To complete the weekend John
28, Wi11 be the toastmaster
of a late‑mOming brunch where
graduates and undergraduates may
mingle and a share favorite stories
of their life‑ at Beechwood.
we are truly looking forward to
the upcoming rush weekends. We
would like to express our appreci‑
ation to the graduate brothers for
the help they have rendered臆this
As speaker for the 1967 version
year by notifying us of outstand‑
of the Norris Pig Dinner, Dr. Wil‑
ing high schooI seniors who are
1iam Sheridan Zerman of Bethes‑
I.U. bound. Yet we hope the grad‑
da, Maryland, brings with him a
uate brothers will continue to co‑
rich tradition of service both to
OPerate With the undergradua七e
educational institutions and espec‑
ia11y to Phi Gamma Delta. He
was initiated into Phi Gamma Del‑
ta at the University of Michigan
(AIpha Phi Chapter) in 1947.
While at Michigan he received the
Reynolds Rich Smith Award, an
award given to the outstanding
senior ,and was quite active in
football, yearbook, Student musi‑
cal shows, Drueds and as a corre‑
SPOndent for the Toledo Blade.
He was also an officer in the
AIpha Phi chapter.
brothers to make this year
s rush
PrOgram the best ever at Beech‑
\r\n功i Ga′n AんmniA硯nd物e αm砂
James Robert Saideler,
29, has
Laurence William Wylie,
32, is
not only the C. Douglas Dillon
recently moved to Sun City, Ari‑
dentist in Kenda11ville, Indiana.
zona, (Phoenix area) after living
He married Peg GeiseÌ, a Register‑
Professor of the Civilization of
twenty‑Six years in Cleveland. He
ed Nurse from Parkview Nursing
France at Harvard University but
is district manager of Union Car‑
Co11ege, in 1962 and they now re‑
a Cultural Attache at the U.S.
bide in the Los Angeles area, deal‑
side at Riley Street in Kendall‑
Embassy in Paris, France, aS Well.
ing in the automotive chemicals
Ville. John graduated from Den‑
He received his Ph.D. in Romance
division. Since his two children,
tistry School in 1966 with a D.D.S.
Languages and taught French lit‑
James and Martha, have just re‑
degree. While at Zeta he was the
erature at Haverford Co11ege for
cently married,生Bob
Pledge Trainer for the spring
years, but became very interested
in anthropoIogy, SOCioIogy, and in
and his
wife live alone at lO624 102nd
Drive in Sun City. Bob
s hobbies
are sailing and golf, and he says
that he lives just two minutes from
the first tee of the nearby coun‑
try club.
applying field methods to a study
Joseph Blair Kyle, Jr.,
47, has
just recently moved to Miami af‑
ter working fifteen years in Indi‑
anapolis with General Motors. He
is now working as the Director of
Charles Dirk Storms,
65, has
Material for the Aircraft Plating
just retumed from active duty on
Company at Miami, FIorida. Joe
the National Guard and is Busi‑
married the former Barbara Reed
ness Manager of the Red Spot
of I.U. (Kappa Kappa Gamma,
Paint and Variety Company in
Evansville, Indiana.
46) in April of 1947. The couple
now live at 13200 S.W. 69th Street
cently married a Fine Arts grad‑
in Miami. While at Zeta, Joe was
uate from Washington University,
Treasurer and then President of
the former Elizabeth Karges, and
the house. On campus Joe became
they ÌeSide at
Bayard Park
president of Sphinx as we11 as an
active member in Student Council,
rush chairman, intramural chair‑
Union Board, and Board of Aeons.
man, and edi七or of the Hoosier Fiji
His favorite hobby is golf.
tioned at Ft. Gorden, Georgia, for
Six months active duty in the
National Guard.
23, has just
retired to a beautiful new home
serving as Captain of the U.S.
Army in the Intelligence Division
of the Pentagon. Jim and his
Wife, the former Edith Gavin from
reside at 1300
Army‑Navy Drive
On Lake Freeman in Monticello,
in Arlington, Virginia. Jim was
active at Zeta as Treasurer and
with the Aetna Insurance Com‑
Corresponding Secretary. On cam‑
Pany Where he became in charge
PuS he was in Blue Key, Stu‑
Of the firm
dent Govemment, I.U. Foundation
s business in eighteen
is active in many
Steering Committee, and Scabbard
different activities including the
and Blade. Jim received his Mas‑
Masons and the Shriners.
teI.S degree from Columbia Uni‑
He is
an avid fisherman and golfer and
VerSity in 1963
is very glad that he has more time
be returning there to complete
to devote to these pastimes. Mr.
work on his PhD in international
and he will soon
and Mrs. Scott reside at Route 5,
relations. Jim,s favorite hobbies
Monticello, Indiana
are reading and playing sports.
1on Chair of the Civilization of
France. He took a two‑year leave
Of absence, from 1965 until 1967,
to serve as Cultural Attache at
the U.S. Embassy in Paris.りLar‑
and his wife, Anne, nOW live
4F Anzi d
Orsay in Paris,
France, and they invite any
friends to visit them if they are
Their older
College and younger, Dave, is a
SOPhomore at Harvard. Larry has
just recently published a new
book, Chanzeaux, a Village in
married in February of 1965 and
the newly created C. Douglas Dil‑
SOn, John, is a senior at Reed
the University of Maryland, Were
Harold K. Scott,
book, VilIage of the Vancluse. He
WaS then ca11ed to Harvard to fill
traveling in Paris.
when Zeta won the Coon Plaque
glad to be home after being sta‑
(Vancluse) in 1951, followed by
the publication of his successful
Drive in Evansvi11e. Stormy was
in 1964. He says that he is very
Of the French people. His first
field project was in Roussillon
Philip Matheson Broughton,
65, is living with his wife, the
former Sue Von Grossman (Kappa
Kappa Gamma,
64) in Columbus,
Ohio, While he is prospecting for a
majored in chemistry
While at Zeta, Where he was the
first recipient of the famed Porky
Pig Award in 1965. Phil
s parents
as well as his∴yOunger brother,
Steve, also a Phi Gam, reSide at
5 Lake Place, Branford, Connecti‑
(Continued on Page 6)
\r\nNew Commi音青ee Chairman §eIec看ed
As the second semester of the
Ze†a P看edges
s new
chairmen for the Baker Social
commi七tee chairmen were chosen.
Service Cup are Steve Springer
1966‑67 school began, Zeta
Spring Class
With spring rush over, Zeta
Working under each chairman are
and Bob McConville.
These men
feels that it has pledged an ex‑
a team of men each of whom con‑
are also striving for first in this
Cellent spring class comprised of
tributes to the house throuall the
COmPetition and their abilities and
Various tasks assigned to him. The
achevements can make it possible.
Chairmen Steve Pollom and Bruce
Strength of Zeta of Phi Gamma
The job of scholarship chairman
Gobdel wish to extend their thanks
Delta rests on these committee
has again been given to John
to the graduate brothers for their
POSitions since each brother has
Geiser. His outstanding job last
help in tuming in names of rush‑
the opportunity to give his time
SemeSter helped the Zeta Phi Gams
ees. The Spring Pledge Class is
COmPrised of the following:
and leadership abilities to the
Win campus scholarship competi‑
house. Zetaタs excellent committee
tion with a
StruCture insures a smo9th opera‑
average. This broke a twelve year
tion of the fraternity
record at Indiana University. Steve
an Arts and Sciences major who
Broughton has been appointed this
also plays on the rugby team; John
SemeSter aS Chairman in charge of
Robert Mathias, Who was a stand‑
s affairs in
many diverse areas.
The newly chosen rush chairmen
are Bruce Gobdel and Steve Pol‑
lum. The importance of the posi‑
history and archives. His job in‑
Out member of the Freshman foot‑
Cludes a daily account of Zeta
ball team this past fall and is from
Chesterton, Indiana, and a busi‑
tion of these men cannot be em̲
Phasized enough. In their capac‑
ity thus far, they have already
done a fine job on the recently
Pledged spring class composed of
and Bruce have also organized
and prepared this year
rush for next year
s spring
s fall class.
The social chairmen are Gil
ness major; Wi11iam Allen Foley,
Haynie and Denny Thompson who
a radio and television and history
Will arrange dances, dinners, and
major who is from Richmond, Indi‑
exchanges. Jerry Danielson will
be leading the Fiji
s again as song
ana; Gregory Paul Sutton, Who
hails from South Bend ,and is in
leader. The key position of intra‑
Pre‑Med. He was also a member of
mural chairman has been given to
the I.U. freshman swimming team
Steve Andres. Steve is working
hard to keep a11 the brothers
Heading the public relations
Clyde Ralph Leonard, Who is
from Gross Ile, Michigan, and」s
ed up
to again win the intramural
last fall; Michael A11en Baughman,
Who is from Lancaster, Ohio, and
is studying mathematics and was
trophy. Three important jobs to
also on the freshman grid squad;
COmmittee functions in many ways
keep the house running smoothly
and Wayne Crosbie McDonald who
and is one of the most important
have been given to Mike Horton
in the house structure.
as house manager, Denny Thomp‑
COmmittee is Pete Skafish.
It is
broken down into several segments
son as kitchen steward, and Steve
Which are: Pig Dinner, Dick Hand‑
Springer as assistant treasurer.
ley; Hoosier Fiji, Pete Scott, Pete
This year
Skafish, and Harry Stevenson;
coaches are Craig Finlayson and
s Little
bike team
Parent Relations, Mark Weber and
Steve Springer. They are work‑
Jack Ransom; Greek and General,
ing to keep the Phi Gams in their
Hal Smith and John Sorensen;
number l spot in overall Little
COmeS all the way from Toronto,
Canada, and is on a golf scholar‑
Ship at I.U. and is∴also a business
AIso Joseph Michael Kosarko,
from Terre Haute, Indiana, and is
undecided upon a major; Greg
Moyes Galloway, Who hails from
St. Louis, Mo., and is planning to
go into dentistry; David Charles
Faculty Relations, Gordon Mc‑
point standings by another
Frauman, from Indianapolis, In‑
Laughlin; Inter‑Chapter, Don Am‑
Victory in the approaching race
diana, and a business major; James
merman ; Intra‑Chapter, Barry Ar‑
this spring.
OnSOn; Graduate Relations, Nick
book will be compiled this year
by Denny Thompson and Mark
This year
s a11‑important Cheney
Cup chairmen are Bob Long and
John FIoretta.
Their,s and the
s goal is no less than to
return the Cup to its familiar sur‑
The house
s scrap‑
These committee chairmen will
Max McGee, a PerSOnnel relations
major from Chesterton, Indiana;
Dean Lee Kleinschmidt, Who is
from Morgan, Minn., and is ma‑
joring in athletic training and is
also working as a trainer for the
all continue to uphold the excell‑
I.U. athletic teams; and Larry
Morman Shaub, an aCCOunting
ence to which Zeta has grown
major who is from Speedway,
\r\nZela音n描a1eS New C8ass
On Sunday, February 26, tWenty‑
two new brothers were initiated
into Zeta. In an impressive initi‑
ation ceremony these young men
PrOudly received the black dia‑
mond of Phi Gamma Delta, an
event which they had long looked
forward to and one which they
Will, undoubtably recall with warm
memories for the rest of their
lives. Happily, in light of their
many accomplishments as a pledge
class they are we11 qualified to
assume the responsibilities that
they face as brothers of Phi Gam‑
ma Delta. Their pledge class was
number one scholastically with a
2.72 accum. and represented Zeta
well in intramural activities. The
new initiates include :
Martin Gregory Cammack, from
Noblesville and majoring in busi‑
ness; Jon Carter Constable, Who
P短Gam Aんmn;
(Continued from Page 4)
John Toner Scott,
a partner in Scott
57, is now
Shine Law
firm, in Anderson, Indiana, aS Well
as being on the Board of Directors
of Anderson Newspapers, Inc. and
President of the Shadow Trails
Im, Inc.バJack
and his wife,
Ann, reSide at 3713 Redwood Road
in Anderson with their young sons,
Jeffrey and John. He is treasurer
of the Phi Gam Graduate Chapter
in Anderson and sti11 maintains
cIose ties with Zeta. John
s fath‑
er, John E. Scott, is a Zeta Phi
Gam, aS are many Of John
s other
of Trustees of Fort Wayne Public
At Indiana Univer‑
Studies at FIorida State University
in their Air Force ROTC program.
sity =Judge
was a varsity base輸
He lives at
Lasswade Drive
ball player and Treasurer of Ar‑
in Tallahassee, FIorida, With his
Wife, the former Elizabeth Cole,
His favorite hobby cur葛
rently is fishing. Clarence and
a Theta from I.U.,
his wife, the former Harriet
Brown, also of I.U. (Delta Zeta,
Indiana University in 1939 to at‑
16), nOW reSide at
Lane, Fort Wayne, Indiana.
45. Bob left
tend West Point (class of
and he has worked with the U.S.
Air Force since graduation.
is now a member of Rotary Inter‑
national as well as the Purple
now the Product Manager for the
American Hospital Supply Corpor‑
ation of Evanston, Illinois. He is
serving on the Northbrook Cau‑
Legionnaire for the Delta CoIony
of Phi Gamma Delta at FIorida
State University. He reports that
the coIony is an outstanding one
With a bright future.
Bob and
Elizabeth have two children Bar̲
bara Anne, 20, and Robert, 16.
1eads a very active life in Fort
his wife, the former Connie Good‑
night who received her B.S. de‑
Wayne in many different roles.
gree at Indiana University (Pi
First, he is a prominent attomey,
Beta Phi,
receiving his L.L.B. in 1919 from
Ash Lane in Northbrook, I11inois.
Indiana University. He is the at‑
member of YMCA and the Indiana
in the Indiana War Memorials
Clarence Russell McNabb,
now a Professor of Aerospace
cus Committee as well as being a
SchooIs, Director of YMCA, and
59) now reside at 2206
Ca案enda「 Of Even†s
Mar. 18
They have a young daughter, Cara
Rush Weekend
Spring Vacation Begins
torney and director of several
Ann, 2. While at Zeta, Dave was
businesses in the Fort Wayne area.
very active having been Pledge
He is also quite active in politics
having served as Allen County
Trainer, Historian, Treasurer, and
President of the chapter. Dave
Circuit Court Judge and being the
also excelled on campus with a
Democratic Candidate for the Su‑
fine record on I.U. Foundation,
Preme Court of Indiana in 1960.
the President
Little =500,) Weekend
He is now active in Masons, Ki‑
wanis, the Bar Association, Board
1ing team. Dave enjoys reading
mos七as a hobby.
Finals Begin
s council, and wrest‑
Apr. 8
Rush and Little
Pig Dinner
Rush Weekend
Rush Weekend
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March 1967 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is six pages in length.