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1967 Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson University)
1967 newsletter for the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
Washington & Jefferson College
1967 Newsletter Alpha (Washington & Jefferson University)
Vol. 44' No. 1
Pig Dinner
Chapter House
To Get Repairs
Th is Summer
Annual Norris
The next annual Norris Pig Din
ner, for tlie Alpha Chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta will be held on Sep
tember 16, 1967 in the George Wash
ington Hotel in Washington, Penn
sylvania- Last year's dinner was also
Work on Washington & Jeffer
son's new 3 million dollar Commons-
Residential Center is progressing
about one and one-half months ahead
of schedule according to Alumni
Graduate Brother Richard Perrault
('56), assistant director of develop
held in the hotel with Graduate
Brother William Zerman of the na
ment at W & J.
tional headquarters as the gest speak
er. Dr. Zerman spoke to tlie brother
hood for approximately an hour and
commented enthusiastically on the
many alumni present. Graduate
The two-story Commons Center is
expected to open in January of 1968.
Ten of the 11 fraternities on campus
Brothers Alex Reed and U. Grant
The fraternity housing units for those
ten fraternities eating at the Com
mons are scheduled to be ready for
occupancy in September of 1968The Alpha Fijis will continue to
occupy their present house that was
will take all their meals in their own
private dinning rooms at the Center.
"Bunny" Miller of the class of '07
also highlighted the event, with short
speeches concerning brotherhood and
unity. The evening drew to a success
ful conclusion when Graduate Broth
er Miller, the oldest alumnus present,
kissed the pig's nose, while newly
initiated Warren Shakesjreare, the
youngest of the initees, kissed the
pig's posterior.
Those initiated were William
Hemphill of Apollo, Pennsyh ania; J.
Thomas Lane of Charleston, West
Virginia; Richard Kauffman of Roanoke, Virginia; Grant Hopkins of
Memphis, Tennesse; David Faxon of
Riverside, New Jersey; Richard
Maney of Rumson, New .Jersey;
Lloyd Fitzsimmons of Bogota, New
Jersey, Curt Ellen berg and Paul
Bechtold, both of Lancaster, Pennsyl
vania; Ted Birkenhauer of Bel Air,
Maryland; Mike Brillhart of York,
Pennsylvania, Mike Aspinwall of
Manhasset, New York; and last but
not least Warren Shakespeare of Cin
cinnati, Ohio-
The undergraduate chapter would
like to take this opportunity to cor
dially invite all alumni to attend the
fall pig dinner so that it can be as big
a success as the ones in previous
Jack W. Slabe
12 Alpha Seniors
To Be Graduated
Brother Jack W. Slabe, an
economics major, was named Most
Outstanding Senior of Alpha at the
annual Founders Day Dinner in Pitts
burgh on April 21. This will place
him in national competition for the
Wilkenson Cup award for outstand
ing senior of Phi Gamma Delta. Jack,
built in 1950 and not move into the
Residential Center. The house will
also maintain its kitchen and cook.
However, the Chapter house will
undergo minor repairs this summer
reported Brother William M. Hemphill, chapter president- The House
Corporation will finance the water
proofing of the stone slabs of the
porch over the kitchen and new bed
who maintains a 2.5 scholastic aver
matresses for the house's 24 beds.
age (out of 3.00), has been on the
Dean's List for 6 semesters. Next
The Alpha Alumni Association will
purchase a new refrigerator for the
year he plans to do graduate work in
business administration at Harvard
University. A member of the Associa
tion of the United States Army
(AUSA), Jack serves as the opera
The Commons Building will pro
vide seating accommodations for the
entire student body. The first floor
will contain the fraternity dinning
tions officer on the Battalion Staff of
rooms and the second floor will have
W & J's Reserve Officer TrainingCorps- He is president of the econo
mics honorary and vice-president of
the Pre-Law Society. Jack acted as
vice-president and treasurer of the
house during his junior year. He has
also represented the house in Student
Go\ernment. He has worked on the
(Cont'mued, Col. 2, Page 3)
the main dinning room seating 450.
In addition there will be a student
lounge and a President's lounge and
dinning room- A laundromat with
coin operated washers and dryers will
also be provided in the building.
The College will finance a portion
of the houses, while fraternity pays
the rest.
\r\nWiji Fiji 2
Chapter Achieves
All-Men's Average
Alpha's academic standing in the
past semester was a significant im
provement as the Chapter pulled
above all-men's with a 1:648 grade
average. Out of 11 fraternities and
the independents, the Chapter stood
in sixth place, differing only a hund
redth of a point from fourth & fifth
Jeff-Duo Party Held
On February 25, 1967, the Alpha
chapter of Phi Gamma Delta and the
Alpha chapter of Phi Kappa Psi cele
brated the famous Jeff-Duo- A party
was held in the Phi Psi house. Again
the traditional rivalry between the
Phi Psis and Fijis was put aside and
the friendship which extends between
us was brought to the forefront. This
was the first Jeff-Duo since 1965.
Contributing to this high standing
were such excellent averages as; Dick
Kauffman 2.9, Richard Hopkins 2.6,
Steve Walker 2-6, Grant Hopkins
2.4, Mike Brillhart 2.4, and Jack Sla-
be 2.4. This semester's pledge class
should boost the grades even higher
U. Grant Miller
Perrault Retires
As Legionaire
Dick Perrault has been the purple
legionaire for the Alpha Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta for a number of
as most are well above all men's aver
years. During this time he has proved
age with Ken Steinweg and Bud
Lindquist presently on Dean's List.
to be a loyal Fiji and an invaluable
Alumni Report
Graduate Brother Robert W.Dun-
counselor to the undergraduates.
However, due to a recent position
which graduate brother Perrault ac
cepted on the college administration
lap ('03) is a retired medical misson-
Box 253
ary and now resides at 125 Market
he feels, that he will be unable to re
tain his position as purple legionaire
St", Amsterdam, N.Y.
Abrams ('16) has been an oil and
gas mining consultant in California
Published by the Alumni Relations and
Publications Committee of Alpha Chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta.
for the past 45 years. He married in
1920 and has three children. Brother
Abrams has also been president of
the Phi Delta Graduate Chapter in
Los Angeles and president of the W
& J Alumni Association of Southern
Graduate Brother Marry B. Mc
Dowell, Jr. ('16) is serving as pres
ident and director of the McDowell
National Bank and also as director
for the Chamber of Commerce and
United Fund of Shenango Valley. He
may be reached at 1355 Yahres Road,
Sharon, Pa. 16146-
Graduate Brother Clj^de Chalfant
('28) owns a law firm in Steubenville, O. He is also active as a vicepresident and director of the Steubenville Building and Loan Association
Co. and a director of the First Na
tional Bank and Trust Co. in Steubenville.
Graduate Brother Laird O. Miller
('37) is now a minister at the Noro-
ton Presbyterian Church in Darien,
Conn. He has about 1,000 pupils
under his supervision in the Chris
tian education program at his church.
He has participated in many civic
activities such as the Family Counsel
ing Service, Interfaith Human Rights
Council, and the Mental Health As
Graduate Brother Thomas L.
any longer.
Replacing graduate brother Per
rault as purple legionaire is graduate
brother Robert Shoop a graduate of
W & J and a loyal fiji. Brother Shupe
attended W & J and then went on to
Poque ('37) is an accounting execu
tive for Hayden Store Inc. He is also
a member of Phi Delta Phi (legal
fraternity) and the Cincinnati Bar
graduate from the University of Pitts
burgh Law School. He now resides
in Pittsburgh with his wife and son.
Association. He is married and has
We would like to wish brother
Perrault the best of luck in his new
three daughters. Brother Poque ex
tends an open invitation to his home
at Virginia Beach, Va- His mailing
address is 3268 Hardisty Ave., Cin
job and thank him from the bottom
of our hearts for his dilegent labors
here at Alpha.
cinnati, O. 45208.
Graduate Brother Steven R. De-
Francesco ('54) a guidance counse
lor, reports he and his wife just had
their fourth daughter. His home is
at 4025 Telhurst Rd., Cleveland, O.
Graduate Brother Rawlin A- Fair-
baugh ('54) is married and has three
boys and two girls. He is manager of
branch operations of Pitney-Bowes
Inc. His address is 40 Spindrift Lane,
Milford, Conn.
Graduate Brother John N. Mc-
Elravey ('54) was recently emploved
as an architectural representative for
the Armstrong Cork Corp. He resides
at 414 Lenox Drive, Ballwin, Mo.
Graduate Brother Andrew N. Far
ley ('56), chairman of the Board of
(Continued, Col. 3, Page 4)
Richard Perrault
\r\nWiji Fiji 3
1967 -68 Cabinet
At a meeting on March 13, 1967,
Alpha of Phi Gamma Delta elected
officers for the year 1967-68. Elected
to office were: William M. Hemphill,
('68); Curt P. Ellenberg ('68);
Robert B- 111 ('68); Wifliam L.
Gaunt ('68); Lloyd G. Fitzsimmons
('69); and John D. MacMillan
Alpha's new president is William
M. Hemphill, frim Apollo, Pa. Bill is
biology major. At W & J, he has been
a member of the Rifle Team, the Bus
kin Club, the red and blacky and a
photographer for the Pandora.
Curt P. Ellenberg replaces S- Curtiss Roach as Vice-President, Trea
surer. Curt is from Lancaster, Pa.,
and is an economics major. Curt's
activities include football, track, the
Letterman's Club, and the Pre-Legal
SocietyRecording Secretary Robert B. Ill,
from Short Hills, N. J. Rob is an
economics major, and his activities
at Jay include wrestling, the Pre-
Legal Society, the Buskin Club, and
president of Alpha Psi Omega.
The new corresponding secretary
is William L. Gaunt. Bill is a psj'chology major from Haverford, Pa.
Bill's activities are the Psychology
Club, the College Choir, and the PreLegal Society.
Alpha's historian is Lloyd G. Fitz
simmons. Fitz hails from Bogota,
N. J-, and is an economics major. He
is a member of the Pre-Legal Society.
Completing the cabinet as steward
is John MacMillian from Pittsford,
N- Y.; also a psychology major. His
activities include the Buskin (jlub, the
Faculty Play, the W. & .J. Literary
GraduaMng Fiji's
President's Message
staffs of the College yearbook and
Brother Clifford C. Evans
is a biology major and is one of three
active brothers who plan to enter the
University of Pittsburgh Dental
School next fall. As immediate past
president of the house. Cliff is the
personnel officer of the ROTC Bat
talion Staff. He is also in the biologw
honorary as its secretary and in the
german honorary- Cliff was a proctor
in one of the freshmen dormitories
and was on the College Choir for
three years. He was also a Kappa
Scholar his freshman year.
Brother Larry W. Fifer, a
Spanish major, is undecided about
what he will do next fall. Larry is
vice-president of the Spanish honor
ary and was a member of the PreMedical Society. He has been social
chairman of the house and vice-pre
sident of his sophomore class. Larry
was on the Dean's List for two
Brother David P. Griffith,
a biology major, plans to study at the
University of Pittsburgh Dental
School next year- Dave has been active
in the College Choir, Pre-Medical
Society, and tennis.
Also a biology major. Broth
Clifford C. Evans
One of the problems that every
chapter has to face each year is the
question of campus standing. Now
that the 1966-1967 academic year
is with us, it is time to consider the
continuing task of exercising an
effective working relationship with
the College faculty and Administra
We have found that the place to
er Richard W. Hopkins expects to
begin dental studies at Pitt next year.
begin is within the Chapter itself.
One of the best methods for insuring
Rich is a member of the Pre-Medical
success in this area is to create an
Society, the biology, and German
efficient set of standing committees.
This leads to a well-organized,
smooth-running fraternity.
With the Chapter house now
working efficiently, attention may now
be turned to the College- It has been
proved effective that formal dinners
Brother S. Curtiss Roach plans
to enter the army next fall as a
second lieutenant in artillary. Curtiss,
an English-economics major, is the
immediate past vice-president and
treasurer of the house. He is an actingcompany commander for the W & J
ROTC. He is president of the Buskin
Club, the College dramatics group
and the dramatics honorary- During
with faculty guests is an excellent way
to improve faculty-relationships.
Another, less formal manner in which
to entertain would be the Faculty-
his junior year, Curtis was the editor
of the College year book. He has been
on the journalism honorary and has
Administration Tea which has become
served on the staff of the college
Unfortunately, however, the task
is much greater and goes much
a tradition at Alpha Chapter each
Brother David L. Ream, an
further than teas and dinners. We
economics major, plans to study
master business administration at Pitt
next fall. Dave was house steward
feel that it is up to each brother to
sell himself to the Deans and profes
sors as they will see him as a repre
this past year and is a member of the
sentative of PHI GAMMA DELTA.
economics honorary. He earned a var
Fraternally yours.
sity letter in westling his freshman
and sophomore years. He is also a
Cliford C. Evans
member of the Lettermen's Club.
(Co7Uinned, Col. 2, Page 4)
\r\n12 Freshmen
Seniors (Confinued)
Alumni (Continued)
Pledge Phi Gam
Active Brother David T. Sargent
will start infantry training school at
Governors of Alpha Chapter's Alumni
Association, was nominated as a fi
Fort Benning, Georgia next fall as a
nalist in the White House FellowsHe is a member of the American Bar
Rush week proved very success
ful for the Fiji's as they accepted the
largest pledge class on campus,
twelve to be exact. Most of the new
pledges were very active in high
school, participating in a variety of
Bud Lindquist was a graduate of
Jamestown High School, in James
town, New York. Bud was an active
member of Student Council, a mem
ber of the dramatics honorary and
president of the band during his sen
ior year.
Geoff Davis was graduated from
New Hampton School in New Hamp
shire where he was a m.ember of the
ski team and editor of the school
second lieutenant in the army- Sarge
has won four varsity letters playing
baseball and was captain of the team
for the past two seasons. He was
chosen as Most Valuable Player dur
ing his junior year. He was immedi
ate past corresponding secretary of
the house and also was house man
ager. He has been a member of the
Buskin Club and acted as business
manager for the college literary jour
nal. David, an English major, plans
to enter the resort business in Maine
after he completes his military ser
Brother Charles R. Stauffer
is a political science major plan
ning to enter the University of Den
ver Law School next fall. Chuck has
Keck Jackson attended Perkiomen
School where he was a member of the
varsity club and an active participant
in wrestling and soccer. Keck also
participated in dramatics and was
secretary of his Sophomore class.
won four varsity football letters as
defensive end and two varsity base
ball letters as first basemen. A mem
ber of the AUSA, he is a company
commander for the W & J ROTCChuck is also a member of the Pre-
Andy Packard attended Avon-
Association, Society for International
Development, and secretary on the
Board of Governors of the University
of Pittsburgh Law Anumni Associa
tion. He has written "A Layman's
Viewpoint: Crisis in the Church"
which appeared in W & J's Topic 10
in 1965. He may be reached at B-9,
4403 Centre Ave., Pittsburgh, Pa.
Graduate Brother James Sharer
Bentley ('60) spent a year in Viet
nam and then was transferred to San
Francisco from where he hopes to go
to Cario, Egypt to work at the Amer
ican Naval Attache Office.
Graduate Brother Adolph Falso
('65) reports he is manager for Thor
Metal Products Co., Inc. and is also
a member of the Junior Chamber of
Commerce. He resides at 12 Candy
Lane, Manlius, N.Y. 13104
Legal Society and the Lettermen's
worth High School in Pittsburgh.
Andy was quite the athelete in high
school lettering in football, basketball
and baseball, while also finding time
Brother Timothy W. Thomp
son, an economics major expects to
enter the artillery branch of the army
for student congress.
as a second lieutenant at Fort Sill,
Okla. In W & J ROTC this year
Richmond Hosley was graduated
Timmy instructed the juniors who
plan to attend ROTC summer camp
this summer. He is president of the
Pre-Legal SocietyBrother Stephen C. Walker,
an economics major, plans to study at
from Winchendon School where he
worked on the school paper and par
ticipated in La Crosse and Football.
Henry French also attended Win
chendon where he played football,
tennis and basketball. Henry was also
the editor of the school newspaper.
Southern Methodist University's Law
Houston Marshall was graduated
from Mercersburg Academy where
he worked on the yearbook and par
ticipated in soccer, rugby, and skiing-
School next fall. Steve is vice-presi
dent of the Pre-Legal Society and
secretary of the economics honorary.
He has been corresponding secretary
and pledge trainer for the house- He
has been on the Dean's List for two
Dave Gilmore was graduated from
Oakwood High School. While in high
school Dave was the co-editor of his
school yearbook, a member of the
yearbook honorary and a member of
the tennis team.
Dart Messick is also a graduate of
Oakwood High School in Dayton
Fijis in ROTC from I. fo r.: Slabe, Thomp
son, Red Baron, Evans, Sargent, Roach,
of his high school.
Jack Healy, Tom Steacy & Ken
Steinweg are also great assests to
Alpha. Ken is a Dean's List student
and Jack and Tom are very active in
Brother Paul C. Yates ex
pects to enter the General Seminary
in New York City next year in pre
paration for entrance into the Epis
copal ministery. Chris was immediate
past recording secretary of the house
and is pledge trainer for the new
pledge class. A biology major, he has
extracurricular activities on campus.
been a member of the dramatic hon
Tom is the head of the Young Repub
orary, Buskin Club, a Pre-Medical
council. In his senior year Dart was
licans Association and Jack is an
active member in the Buskin Club at
the treasurer of the Student Council
the College.
Society. He was also past editor of
the Wiji Fiji and a member of the
Young Republican Club at W- & J.
Ohio. Dart was the co-editor of the
yearbook and president of the youth
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1967 newsletter for the Alpha chapter at Washington & Jefferson University. The newsletter is four pages in length.