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1967 Spring Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Spring 1967 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
1967 Spring Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Xi Deuteron
'Pot Po^cvU
SPRING, 1967
Zerman To Address Xi Deuteron Pig Dinner
Manor, Get Set!
William S. Zerman will lead Pig Dinner festivities for all Cleveland area
Fijis. Phi Gamma Delta's Executive Secretary has accepted an invitation to
address the dinner to be held at the Wade Park Manor at 6:00 p.m. on April
Also tentatively scheduled to attend is the Rt. Rev. John H. Burt
(Amherst) who has recently been appointed Bishop Coadjutor of the Dioceses
of Ohio of the Episcopal Church. Pig Dinners are good, but this one looks
to be exceptional.
An added attraction (if that were possible) is the battle looming for the
Noble Pig's Head. This part of the beast is traditionally awarded to the eldest
member present and with contenders Bill Erwin ('08)
(who lives in the Wade
and hence may claim eminent domain) and Carl Friebolin ('08) (who
was recently featured in the Phi Gamma Delta and hence may have an in
In a gesture of grateful good feel- |Iwith Bill Zerman) the battle will be fierce.
ing, the Cleveland Graduate chapter
awarded Ai Williams the first Fightin'
The Norris Pig Dinner is the best opportunity of the year to see college
Fiji award. A spontaneous creation,
friends, actives, and alumni alike. To this end, we of Xi Deuteron urge you to
this trophy is a wild-haired gnome- like
figure that "kind of looks like a Fiji-| make your reservations now (Reserva
man" according to Jay Gray, current
tions are necessary) by writing:
Grad Chapter President.
*27) was cited at the
John M. Saada
c/o Ernst and Ernst
recent Presidents' Dinner at the Wade
1300 Union Commerce Bldg.
Park for his outstanding leadership as
Cleveland, Ohio 44115
President and for his loyalty to Phi | Also a reminder goes out that just
Gamma Delta as shown in his perfect a letter or a phone call to the
attendance at luncheons and just about
FIJI House
every function ever held.
11317 Bellflower Road
We, the undergrads, can only add will insure reservations at any hotel
Al who
personifies the lasting spirit of Phi
Gamma Delta.
in town and even taxi service during
your return to Cleveland.
flPfflL 21'^^
^This is our first formal graduate communi
The "fraternity experience** is one that has been a significant influence upon
each one of us. It is an experience unique in its composition, representing not just the
"genius** of the fraternity and the initiative of the undergraduate brothers, but the
devotion of many alumni whose wisdom and experience have guided the chapter in the
past and continue to help shape its future. The destiny of Xi Deuteron and the con
tinuity of the fraternity system, here at Western Reserve, cannot be held apart from the
fun way to keep up with old friends or to start
earnest belief that many of our graduates
are willing and prepared to assist the chapter in its endeavors, that herein is presented
cation in over one year and frankly, we're
ashamed. The Pot Pourri may not be the most future of the chapter*s graduate relations.
It is with these things in mind and an
important document on your desk, but it is a
you remembering Fiji experiences. So let this
issue be dedicated to the idea of communica
some of the problems of both change and challenge which face Phi Gamma Delta at
tion between Xi Deuteron Fijis and those in the Western Reserve. In the words of Dale Bruce, the Graduate Secretary of the Fraternity
Greater Cleveland ^ea. Forgive us for the in a speech before the Cleveland Graduate Chapter, "What we, as graduates do for the
immediate past and aid us now by sending news continuation of the Fraternity is in acknowledgement of a debt that we owe.** We should
of yourself or of any Fijis in your vicinity and realize that in our undergraduate days there were those who had long since graduated
if you suddenly recall a riotous incident in your
undergraduate time (springboards ^ for such and who believed enough in what the 'fraternity experience* had to offer, to give of
thoughts^ are phrases like, "the ride back to' their time and effort to see that it could be continued. Without this spirit, there would
L^e Erie college" or "the elaborate plot that be no hraternity as we know it today.
failed" or "sing out" or "your Voomate's habit
of....") send them by all means!
In short, we plan to keep in touch with you
and we'd go nuts if you responded!
Xi Deuteron needs graduate support. If the problems which now face our chapter and
the University of which we are a part, had to be said in one word, that word would be
"transition**. The coming federation between Western Reserve and Case Institute, the
changing composition of the student body, the growing discontent of the students with
both the policies and precepts of the
With both admiratioii and confidence, Xi Deuteron elected Roy M. Wesley to the
office of President. As past recording secretary, Brother Wesley has shown his
ability both as a Fiji and as a participant in campus government. In the past year,
Roy has headed work on a comprehensive study and proposed revision of our chapter
by-laws. A political science major, the newly elected President has served on Student
Council and has headed numerous committees for the past two years. When asked about
his goals as president. Brother Wesley emphasized his desire for closer contact with
school, create an environment in which
stagnation cannot last and change is not
only inevitable but sometimes radical. If
wisdom and moderation are to guide such
change within the fraternity, graduate
The University has launched a build
ing program that by the 1980*s will turn
University Circle into an area of what the
administrators call "unparalled academic
excellence.** However, at this point the
the graduate brothers. To this end our President has pledged not to miss a graduate administration is but lukewarm to fraternity
luncheon at the C.A.C. and we urge you to meet him.
participation in this "academic Utopia.** To
Aiding President Wesley is Judd Horbaly Xi Deuteron's newly elected Treasurer. date, they have alloted only 3.2 acres of
A former President of the Sophomore Class and member of Student Council as well as land for Reserve*s ten fraternities. They
gaining the position of starting defensive halfback on the Varsity football team.
Brother Horbaly has wasted no time taking charge of the books. Under his direction
budget studies and several new billing procedures have been established to improve
the already sound finances of outgoing treasurer Ken Linder.
The office of Recording Secretary is now in the hands of Edward W. Holzapfel, Jr.
Brother Holzapfel has been Student Union|%^«
Vice-President and has won his letter in
Not content to merely take
Xi Deuteron Hosts
have neither a concrete policy as to
fraternity housing nor a policy as td
fraternity themselves. In their drive to
build a better university they have over
looked both the students and the fraterni
ties. With this in mind, it is essential for
Xi Deuteron to have graduate support in
this area. We believe that fraternities have
minutes, Ed has started work on revision of
Section Convention
contributed significantly to campus life.
April 14^ 15, and 16. Originally scheduled for of Reserve*s "future plans.**
prepared for the Section Convention to be held
More than
However, neither we nor those who will
the duties of his office as well as organiz
Xi Deuteron^ will be host to some ten follow us as brothers in Xi Deuteron will
ing Xi Deuteron*s up coming Cheny Cup chapters in Sections^ 9 and 10 as plans are
necessarily be here to see the completion
David Bishop Erwin is Xi Deuteron*s
new corresponding secretary. A third gener
ation Fiji, Brother Erwin has distinguished
both himself and the house as a Varsity
Wrestler for two seasons and as intra mural
champion during his pledgeship.
earlier in the school year, plans were post that, none of us will be here to see if
poned due to some confusion in obtaining a fraternities are a part of it. Only graduates
guest speaker. As is tentatively arranged now. who have a continuing interest in the future
Dr. Hauser, Dean of Athens College and Educa
tional Director of the Fraternity will be the of our chapter can guarantee a housing
program for our chapter.
will be
and the
Strong fraternities and strong graduate
guest speaker. The theme of the convention
Grant S. Conzaman has been chosen Fraternity."
The Section Convention will be three days,
keeper of the Fiji Ritual. Our new Historian
heightened by a guest speaker and a party on
has been, the Fiji representative to Inter- Saturday.
Registration will be Friday afternoon,
Fraternity Council and is best known the first meal bein§ breakfast Saturday morning.
the house for his efforts on the The Convention will close following the nooa
meal Sunday.
Intra-murals committee.
The Convention is being planned around
relations tend to go together. While under
graduates may supply the initiative and
drive that makes a chapter alive with
activity, they do not supply the wisdom
and experience which insures the continu
ity of the system. Graduate relations can
the ^idea of bringing the Chapters in the make the difference between good chapters
Sections closer together and discussing and mediocre ones. Graduate relations can
questions of a provocative nature. Scholarship make the difference between chapters
is one of these questions. It is well-known that
Phi Gamma Delta on a National basis has not
whose star is always climbing and those
been exceptionally outstanding scholastically. whose stars continue to go up and down
While the Convention is being aimed at like a roller coaster.
If in the near future you should be
discussing contemporary problems faced by the
Chapters and the Fraternity as a whole, it is by approached and asked to help your chapter,
no means expected to find any universal solu will you give your aid and council to it?
tions to them. It is generally felt that the value
fraternally yours,
of the Convention will be in bringing the under
graduate chapters together.
P erge!
Roy M. Wesley
BobNorwick steps downJoyGroy ascends.
P ledgema s ter
Keffer back fires.
Brother Jules leads a dorm serenade.
The orphan's dug Santo
Jules and Co.
Visiting Field Secretaries all swim.
This segment of your newspaper is truly a Pot Pourri — a conglomeration of information gathered from numerous
sources in on effort to reestablish the flow of graduate news. Some of the following bits are horribly outdated
having been received a year or more ago and some of them may be inaccurate having been gleaned from
conversations at graduate luncheons. If this is the case, or more important, if you've just seen a
Fiji associate put what he's doing down with your own news, but most important, write us!
— J. D. Sloan, 11317 Bellflower Road, Cleveland, Ohio 44106 —
Dr. George F. Barnett (*05), a Painesville
A. Chamber! in ('31), writes from
James Allyn Bixby (*51), opened a new
physician and general practioner for 45 years, Los Angeles: "It was my pleasure to tote around office, specializing in foreign real estate, in
died April 4, 1964 in the Veteran's Administra" the Pig Platter at the 1929 Dinner.^ Although the four county area of Medina, Lorain, Wayne,
many years have gone by, it seems like only a and Ashland. The Bixby Realty's motto is "Put
tion Hospital, Brecksville. He was 82.
The "Pot Pourri" apologizes for the delay short time ago. Good luck and the best to all." your capital in farms with Bixby Realty."
in reporting this. The Brothers of Xi Deuteron Brother Chamberlin can be reached at 140
Brother Bixby resides at 210 West Home
are saddened to report the death of Brother Bowling Green Way, Los Angeles 49» Calif. stead Street, Medina, Ohio.
Dr. Louis J. Ripick (*53), is teaching at
Brother Bamett was graduated from Western
Brother Paul Herbert Cronenwett, M.D.(31),
Reserve University in 1905 and received his de is a surgeon and maintains a general practice Upper New York State ^Medical School at
gree in medicine from the medical school of in Alameda, Calif. He reports that he was Syracuse. He also maintains private practice.
Brother Ripick is married, and is the father
WRU in 1909- He started his practice in Paines immediate past president of the Alameda-Contra
ville in 1911 and continued until his retirement Costa Medical Association. Brother Cronenwett of four children. He lives at 106 Wellington
De Witt, New York.
in 1956.
resides at 1729 Cornell Drive, Alameda, Calif.
Early in his career he taught at the old 94501.
John Charles Loesch ('56), writes: "After
nurses' training school in Lake County Memorial
working and residing in Cleveland all my life,
Hospital. He had been associated with Lake
Fred Griesinger (*40), pianist-teacher with my wife, Marie, six children (5 boys; two sets
Erie College.
He was a member of several Masonic the Peabody Institute, Baltimore, Maryland, of twins and one girl) and I moved to the Miami,
lodges, the Painesville Elks Lodge, and the writes: "For 22 years 1 have taught piano at Florida area. I am presently in charge of the
Painesville, where Peabody Institute, having had many successful Miami Resident Agency of the Fraud & Arson
and talented students. I also have done a good Bureau of the American Ins. Assn.
We are
memorial services were held.
Since his retirement,
Dr.^ Barnett had deal of concertizing throughout the east, south, enjoying the beautiful Miami area and climate.
spent his winters in Florida and his summers in and the midwest. I appeared twice as soloist I particularily enjoy ^receiving my copy of
Painesville. His residence was 11820 Ed^e- with the Baltimore Symphony, and gave my The Pot Pourri, and enjoyed the news of my old
water Drive, Lakewood. Surviving are his wife. Town Hall (New York City) concert some years roommate. Jack Perkins.
Thanks so much for doing the excellent
Hazel L.,and two sons, Frank E. and Robert N ago. My wife (a violinist and ceramic artist) and
I live on a two acre plot, 28 miles north of job of^ reporting the chapter news! Best luck
Brother Howard E. Ferris (*09), gives us Baltimore with a "million dollar" view. and wishes to all."
the following report: "After trying retirement
Brother Loesch gives his new address as
My heavy schedule has not allowed me to
three times for the past 23 months, 1 have a participate in Baltimore-Hopkins Fiji activities. 10231 S.W. 160 Terr., Miami, Fla. 33157.
better yard, more flowers, play more bridge We seldom get to Cleveland since the passing And, P.S., thanks for the compliments!
(weekly with Bro. Ralph L. Quass '08, WRU), of my mother and father (Dr. E. F. Griesinger,
travel more, go to more concerts, symphonies, former Wooster College Fiji)."
Dr. Walter Lawrenson (*60), is completing
ball games, etc.
Brother Griesinger lives in Parkton, his internship at Lenox Hill Hospital in
Topping all of the above, my 9 grand Maryland 21120.
New York City.
Philip Ellsworth Dew (*48), is one of three
others. That was my first "Pig Dinner",
(ed. Brother Ferris is referring to the reprint of pediatricians in a group of twenty-five physi
the 1905 Pig Dinner which appeared in the cians, all specialists, with the Thomas-Davis
"Pig Dinner EXTRA") Clinic in Tucson, Ariz. He has been with the
We have catalogued 145 Fijis in our River^ clinic for ten years.
Brother Dew is past president of the Board
side-San Bernardino Chapter. We meet regularly
here in Riverside, and have fine meetings- pre of the Family Service Agency of Tucson. He is
head of the Health and Hospital
ceded, of course, by the usual libation. I feel
sure there are many more in the area, as these Division of the Tucson Community Council.
Dr. Dew is on the Medical Advisory Board
counties are the largest two counties in the
U.S.A. We'll get 'em.
Ralph Quass is not well (neither is Mrs.),
but keeps going. Glenn Florance '09 spends
half the year at Laguna Beach, Calif. As far
of the Planned Parenthood and Child Guidance
Clinic. He is also a member of the Arizona State
Gregory as Media Director.
that he is president of a bowling league com
There is but ONE objection to this wonder posed of doctors, druggists, and dentists. He
ful state of California. It is the distance from lives at 4112 East 5th Street, Tucson, Ariz.
out class.
We would like to pause for a minute to
thank Brother George C. Sternod '17 for his
Lowell R. Schmidt (*60), is presently with
the Interior Designer Contract Div. of Higbees,
is living at 1320 E. 279 Street, Euclid,
Ohio 44132.
Deuteron is happy to announce that
Ex-Purple Legionnaire Donald K. Spies (*60), is
again in the greater Cleveland area. Brother
Spies wrote us the following letter: "I have
recently joined the firm ^of Towers, Perrin,
Foster & Crosby, nationwide management con
sultants in all phases of employee benefits,
administration and organization. After a short
three month stay in Philadelphia (our head
quarters) and four months in Chicago, 1 have
returned to Cleveland. During this time a sdcond
son and legacy, Robert Kimmel ("Rob"), was
Health Dept. Advisory Committee on Pre born to us on Jan. 13, 1965, exactly three years
maturity, and took part in a recent seminar, in and one. month after the birth of our first son,
as we know, he and 1 are all that are left from Phoenix, on prematurity. Brother Dew reports
new advertising firm of Northlick, Stolley &
son, Baker, Earl Hauserman, and many many
John M. Walsh (*57), has recently joined a
fond memories of Gibbons, Bard, Stuart Eagle-
children are "IT" with Gramp. We do lots of
sleeping out under the stars in the mountains,
We would like to thank Brother Haven
on the desert, and in the not too far Oregon and McCrillis Eaton (*47), for his continued interest
Washington woods. Great Country, this Cali- in The Pot Pourri. Brother Eaton, who is
fornia-EVEN IN SPITE OF THE PRESENT Vice President for the ITT Terryphone Corpora
JACK-ASS OFFICIALS. 1 am not old enough to tion of Harrisburg, Penn., gives his address as
play golf—only 78.
Old Gettysburg Pkie, Shepherdstown, RD#5,
Reading Clarence W. (Doc) Miller's article
Mechanicsburg, Perln.
in the recent "Pot Pourri" brings back many
Xi Deuteron."
John Bennineton. We will be living at 1038
Argonne Road, South Eiichd."
Thomas L. Wachtel (*60), completed his
internship at the U. of Kentucky Medical Center
in Lexington, Kentucky, and began surgery
William Arthur Howe ('49), wrote us the residency in July *65 in preparation for ortho
the following note: "After five years as the pedic residency.
great letter! His interest in The Pot Pourri is principal in the Cupertino Union School District,
On May 15, 1965, he married the former
Cupertino, Calif., (where 1 helped develop an Carolyn F. Coleman of Falmouth, Kentucky.
highly appreciated. ^ ^ ^
Joseph Addison Cleory (*23), reports that he ungraded
school program) 1 have
moved to
Brother Wachtel writes that he "enjoys
retired from the F.W. Dodge Company on Mayl, Menlo Park to become Director of Instruction. The Pot Pourri and The Phi Gamma Delta
1965. He is now dedicating his life to the Currently, I am polishing the manuscript of a more than 1 ever thought possible in underworthy pursuits of fishing, golf and bridge. new book entitled Self Enhancing Education, an graduate school."
Thanks for your letter, and best of luck in
If any Brothers would like to convey their envy elementary school guidance work in which 1 am
Brother Cleary, his new address is 4131 a
joint author with three other educators." the future!
Brother Howe gives his home address as
David Forbes-Watkins (*61), recently be
476 Giannini Drive, Santa Clara, Calif.
came assistant administrator of the Health and
I. Buzzard (26), is a common
N.E. 27th Ave., Pompano Beach, Fla.
judge in Comumbiana County, Ohio.
Safety Laboratory in New York. Brother Forbes-
cnn. David
David Sean,
Brother Ross Reld (*50), opened a bar in Watkins* son,
Brother Buzzard gives his home address as
second birthday last May.
2759 St. Clair Ave,, East Liverpool, Ohio. Avon, Ohio named "Dusty's."
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Spring 1967 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is four pages in length.