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1967 March Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
March 22, 1967, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages long.
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DePauw University
1967 March Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Gamma Delta, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
March 22. 1967
Lambda h as moved from a disappointing eighth place in over-all standings to a second , maybe fi rst, with a
second in ping pong, a first in basketball, a nd a first in wrestling .
In early winter, Lambda was led
by Dan Swift's victory in third singles to cop second in IM ping pong.
ball games get. The first h a lf was
close, but some ho i: shooting by Harry
Dunwoody and two clutch free throws
by Mike H ickman put th e game on
ice. W ith this victory Fiji won its
first IM basketba ll championship in
five years.
For their excellent play during the
season, three of the players made the
All-IM first team- captain Steve Huffman, h igh scorer H arry Dunwoody,
and sophomore Mike Hickman. Equally respon sible for the team's success
were A ll-IM honorable mention choice
Mark Turner and leading r ebounder
Jim Putnam.
Sophomore Ma rty Foster and freshman Frank Lowry lead L ambda's
wrestlers by taking first place in the
heavy weight and 177 pound divisions
resp ectively . D an Spear managed a
second place finish in the 138 pound
division. Two fourt hplaces by Bill
S toner at 130 pounds and P et e Valesares at 138 pound s rounded out the
rest of F iji's place winners.
The volleyball team - led by captain Steve Norris, spikers Steve Huffman and Jim Putnam, and setter Gerry Chapman handily won their
league without a loss .
Lambda's past Fiji presidents have
compiled a remarkable but not unp redictable r ecord . Their proven leadership has carried over into a wide
variety of fields. Bu siness seems to
be th e most popular occupation with
law fo llowing a close second . The
list of past Lambda presidents also
includes physicians, insurance executives, publishers, bankers, fa r mers,
and teachers.
Put nam clears a r ebound.
According to the pre-season forecast by Th e DePauw, the Phi Garns
were picked to be in the cellar of
their leagu e. But by late F ebruary,
th e team had won their leagu e having
lost only on e game. It easily beat
Phi K app a Psi in the first gam e of
the playoffs.
The ch ampion ship game with Sigma Chi, the only team to beat F'iji
during season play, wa s played b efore
a crowd of 400 p eople, almost as m any
as some of DePauw's varsity basket-
Among the businessmen are Dale
Allen Chandler, '59, who is A ssistant
Vice-President of Panohio Mortgages,
Inc. Brother Chandler h as served as
the President of the Mortgage Bankers A ss'n. of D ayton , Ohio. Brother
Conlin Alexander, '26, is the Director
of Trade R elations of Stokely Van
Ca mp, Inc., in Indianapolis, Indiana .
R ichar d C. Murra y, '29, is th e Manager
of Customer Relations for the Busin ess Men's Assurance Company of
Brother Murray has six
children, including two Fijis, and he
resides in L eawood, Kansas. Brother
Charles A. Tucker. '43. is the Presi-
dent of the Frenchette Divi sion of
Carter-Wallace, Inc., in New York.
Fread Veach, '44, is the Regional Vic ePresident and Director of Mon tgomery
Ward in Oakland, Ca lifornia . Brother
Veach is a n officer on the B oard of
Directors of the California Retailers'
A ssociation, a m ember of the county
H ealth Facilities Planning Commission,
and a member of the Boy Scouts E xecutive Board for the Bay Area Council.
Fra n k L. Tupper, ' 48. is Vice-President
of UMC Industries, Inc., in St. L ouis,
Missou r i. Brother Tom Burgum. '64.
is Public Relations Supervisor for
Armstron g Cork Company and resid es
in L ancaster, Pennsylvania . He is active in United Fund drives, Boy Scouts,
a nd community sports activities.
Bur en H. McCormack. '30. is the
E xecuti ve Vi ce President and Director
of Dow Jones and Company, Inc. A s a
pledge h e reca lls reelasing pigeons one
night in the old Annex where sophomores and s e n i o r s were sleeping.
Brother McCormack has been awarded
(Continued on Page 2)
\r\nPage 2
the Old Gold Goblet and an honorary
Doctor of Literature degree by DePauw. It looks like last year's president, Bob Vedder. '66. is following in
his footsteps. Bob is currently A ssistant Production Manager at Dow
Attorn ey s are quite numerous.
Brother Arthur C. J. ChiUick. '06. is a
retired lawyer living in Dania, Florida.
John A. Rowe Jr .• ' 19. is a lawyer living in Mill Valley, California. He
had the distinction to serve as president of Lambda for two terms. James
F. Thornburg. '33. is an attorney for
Oare, Thornburg, McGill, and Deahl
in South Bend, Indiana.
Thornburg has an impressive list of
accomplishments among which is a
listing in Who's Who in the United
States. tax counsel for D ePauw, and
a member of the Internal Revenue
Commissioner's A d vi s o r y Group.
Brother Robert Gibson. '42. is an attorney for Massey, Anderson, Gibson ,
and Dearman in Paris, Illinois. He
has served as President of the Rotary,
Edgar County Bar A ssociation, and
the Chamber of Commerce, not to
mention member of the Board of Directors of the Illinois C. of C . Clifford
E. Simon. Jr .• '47. practices law for
the firm of Shoaff, Keegan, and Baird
in Fort Wayne, Indiana. He has been
an officer in several fine arts organizations, the Allen County Bar A ssociation, the Allen County Cancer Society, and the Indiana State Bar Association. Brother Joseph B. Carney.
'50. is an attorney with Baker and
Daniels in Indianapolis, Indiana. He
has remained in close contact with
the Fijis and is currently doing a great
job as section chief of Indiana.
Past presidents also include two
teachers. Larry L. Rose. ' 59. is a college teacher at Rose Polytechnic Institute in T erre Haute, Indiana. After
earning his Bachelor's degree in Philosophy and Religion, he went on to
earn his Master's at Yale and his Ph.D .
at Claremont Graduate School. Brotheer Gary L. Wegenke. '60. teaches
math and physical education at LaSalle High School in S outh Bend,
Two Lambda presidents became
physicians. Brother Don Vivian. '37.
is a physician at Henry County Hospital in New Castle, Indiana. Charles
Oldfield. Jr .• '46. is thoracic and cardiovascular surgeon.
He has written
numerous medical articles and resides
in LaGrange, Illinois.
Hastings Smith. '32. and William
Cooling. '36. are both insurance executives. Brother Smith is General Agent
for New England Mutual Life, and
March 22. 1967
New officers for 1967-68 are (seated) Mark Fraser. Treasurer; Chuck
Jenkins, President; (Standing) Dan Swift. Historian; Dave Jensen. Corresponding Secretary; and Mike Dixson. R ecorder-Secretary.
SEE I""l--,
Brother Cooling is President of the
Indiana Insurance Company .
James R. Pence. '34. is a banker at
Citizens Trust and Savings Bank in
South Haven, Michigan. He has served
as a District Governor of Rotary International and President of the DePauw Alumni A ssociation.
Brother John Kendall. '63. is a procedures analyst for Ford Motor Company in Denver, Colorado. Brother
James 0. Carney. '38. is a farmer in
Morristown, Indiana, where he has
served as President of the Lions Club
and PTA.
Lambda's past presidents have shown
that Lambda's brothers have always
made wise choices in selecting their
leaders. The leadership of these brothers is one more reason for the success
which L ambda has today.
Of the seven hundred graduate
questionnaires sent out in J anu ary,
two hundred have been returned. We
would like to increase this 29 % return
to 100 %. Please fill out your selfmailing questionnaire and send it to
This information will be
used for future Tiger Fiji features and
for more accurate fi les.
On February 26, 1967, five new offi ··
cers assumed the duties of their respective p o sit ion s and twenty-two
pledges were initiated . This always
generates renewed spirit and enthusi asm around the house and we hope
to take full advantage of this atmosphere.
Looking ahead to the remaining
five weeks of classes following spring
break, we are going to be rather busy
around h ere. Three of the five weekends will be taken up with "Little
500", Mom's Day, and Fiji Isle. Of
course, the I sle takes about three full
weeks to prepare. A s you can see,
between the books and big weekends
there won't be much time for loafing.
Also coming up this spring is our
annual major social service: project.
This year we are considering helping
the Jaycees build their new park for
There never seems to be enough
time in the year for our many activities, but with the vigor and vitality
around the house now, I'm confident
we will carry out our plans quite successfully.
Chuck Jenkins.
Ferge !
\r\nMarch 22. 1967
Paul M. Riddick is on the committee
to organize the April 8 ceremony at
DePauw, when Sigma Delta Chi, journalistic honorary will dedicate a perm anent historical marker. He was one
of the original founders in 1909 at
Brother C. M. Sennett reports the
golfing fine after his annual vacation
in Dunedin, Florida, in mid-February.
He plans many further rounds to get
ready for Alumni D ay in May.
C. M. "Mike" Ogle, publisher of
the Hendersonville (N.C.) Times-News.
cited a diminished supply of trained
newspaper personnel and the threat
of limited news as the greatest prob lems facing the state's papers.
made these observations while addressing a crowd of 300 at the North Carolina Press A ssociation banquet January 21. He is the current president of
the state press association.
Earl Ewan was elected to the threemember Advisory Council of the St.
Petersburg-Tampa Graduate chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta. Earl and his wife
Annette have resided at 1519 Chevy
Chase Drive, Sun City Center, Florida,
for two years.
Buren H. McCormack w as given the
Wells Memorial Key, the highest honor of Sigma Delta Chi n ational journalism society. McCormack is executive vice president of Dow Jones and
Co. and is Senior editor of the Wall
Street Journal.
Joseph Coffin, president of J . I. Holcomb Manufacturing Co., is the n ewlyelected president of the Central Indiana Better Busineee Bureau.
Brother Warren Reynolds was recently named publisher of Parade. a
Sunday newspaper magazine which
has a distribution of nearly 13 million
copies. He has been with the magazine since 1947.
Robert Gibson of Paris, Illinois, has
been elected a member of the Board
of Directors of the Illinois State Chamber of Commerce for 1967. Former
president of the' F&iis «Chamber of
Commerce, Bob has just completed
two years as chairman of the state
chamber's labor relations committee.
l-950 --Richard C. Smith is now director
of long-range planning with H. P.
Hood and Co. in Boston.
He has
been employed there since 1959.
Congratulations to Mr. and Mrs.
Charles McKibben on the birth of their
son Dan. D anny joins two brothers
and two sisters at the McKibben house
in Evanston, Illinois.
Returning from a post as managing
director of Clevite Service Europe in
Antwerp, Belgium , Ben Bailey has
been named to the post of assistant
to the director of marketing at Clevite
Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio.
Jerry Burand is the new Resident
Director of a Methodist Childrens'
Home in Detroit, Michigan .
Bob Gephart and wife Phyllis have
adopted a baby boy, Michael. They
live in Barrington, Illinois.
J. T. Phipps has joined the law firm
of Phillips, Phebus, Tummelson, and
Barth in Champaign, Illinois, where
he and his wife Dodie now live.
Thomas Burgum has been promoted
to supervisor of Employee Information in the Public Relations and Public Affairs Department of Armstrong
Cork Co. This means he is responsible for communications services at
Armstrong's 18 plants. Tom and his
wife and daughter live in Lancaster,
Pennsy 1vania.
Dave Gilbert, who is presently serving as House Manager of the Hilberry
Classic Theatre, will receive his M.A.
in Speech in June at Wayne State
(Continued on Page 4)
Page 3
Class of '42
Still Strong
Twenty-five years after graduation,
Lambda Fiji's of the class of 1942 are
active in many civic activities in their
respective cities.
Wilbur "Bud" Allison has three
children and is self-employed in investments. H e has served on the Salvation Army Board, Rotary Club
Board, and the Air and Water Pollution Committees of South B end, Indiana, and Sarasota, Florida, where he
now lives.
Brother Chuck Beardsley of Columbus, Ohio is now Senior Vice President and Actuary for H. W. Satchwell
and Company, consulting actuaric!>.
He has written four texts on life insurance accounting, and he is a fellow
of the Society of Actuaries, a member
of the Conference of Actuaries in Public Practice, and the American Academy of Actuaries . A Phi Beta Kappa,
Chuck is listed in "Who's Who in
Insurance" and "Who's Who in Commerce and Industry." He has two
daughters, one a freshman at DePauw.
Arnold "Arne" Carlson lives in Sarasota, Florida. He owns his own insurance agency there, and has three
children .
Lambda Fiji John E. Gelvin of Norwalk, Ohio, is a sales representative
for Batesville Casket Company, Incorporated. H e has been President of
Norwalk's Shakespeare Club 1966-67,
President of the Woodlawn Cemetary
A ssociation 1958-64, and President of
the Ohio Funeral Supply Salesman's
Club 1962-63. He has two sons, William II and John Jr.
Brother Jerome Fletcher Shandy has
two children and is Director of Com munity Affairs for Associates Investment Company in South Bend. He
is serving on the Junior Achievement
Board, Urban L eague Board, Scholarship Foundation Board, and the E xecutive Secretary Committee on Higher
Education for Northern Indiana.
Contributions to Lambda can be
made through the offices of DePauw under the Ford Foundation's
"Design for the Decade" program.
These donations can be sent to the
University with the specification
that they are to be used by Phi
Gamma Delta. Such a donation
remains tax deductable and still
applies to the University's part of
the Ford Foundation Fund.
\r\nPage 4
Frosh Excel In Winter Sports
Most popular of all the winter sports
is basketball, and although we were
not represented on the varsity, we had
two outstanding performers on the
freshman team. Larry Downs played
the entire season at center, and led
the team in scoring and rebounds.
Against Wabash he had 21 points and
19 rebounds.
Jim Yoder found a
starting spot midway through the season and finish ed as the second leading
rebounder behind Downs. Jim was
the MVP at the International School
in Bangkok, Thailand, where his father
is stationed in the Foreign Service.
On the freshma n wrestling team we
are proud of the record of Mike Scalzo
from Lombard, Illinois. H e wrestled
in the 147 lb . class and posted a 2-1
record, with a hard-earned second
place in th e ICC freshman meet.
Moving into the tank, we find three
freshman swimmers, Kirby Whyte,
Bruce Menk, and Rudy Hokanson.
Bruce was the team's best breast
stroker, and Rudy was likewise the
leading swimm er in the butterfly.
Kirby had different ideas, however,
and he lead the team in diving. Coach
Erdmann is counting h eavily on these
Fijis nex t y ~ar .
Lt. S teve Young
Charles Yo u ng has b een commissioned a second lieutenant in the
U.S . Air Force upon graduation from
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Chapter Mailing S ervice
1757 N S treet N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20036
Return Requested
Officer Training School at Lackland
A .F.B. , Texas. · He "ls now assigned to
Mather A.F.B. , California, for navigator training. Other of last year' s
seniors now serving in the armed
forces include Bill Gilbert, Tom Bos well, Terry Etter, Jim Gould, Schrade
well, Terry Etter, Jim Gould, Schrade
Radtke, Greg Pearson, and Bob Vedder.
Wedding bells have also entered the
picture. Among the brothers married
Joe Johnson to Linda Coleman on
October 8. Joe is now studying at
W ayne State University.
Tom Hosier to Janet Hellberg on
August 20. Tom is now graduate assistant in physical education at DePauw and is freshman track coach.
Bob We lls to B arb Stoner on November 19. Bob is now at General
Electric in Research and D evelopment.
Tom Bosw ell and Cheryl Dillon on
December 24. Tom is now attending
the U.S. Navy Supply Corps school.
March 22, 1967
Kerry Moskop ---------------- Editor
Dick Marvin,
Bruce Menk _____ Assistant Editors
Chuck Jenkins, Doug Mitchell,
Bill Scaife, Dan Swift,
D a n Winters ________ Contributors
Doug Mitchell ________ Photographer
Published four times yearly by
Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
at D ePauw University for its Graduate Members and Friends.
Please send suggestion s, news, or
change of address to: Tiger Fi ji Editor; Phi Gamma D elta ; Greencastle,
India na 46135.
A talk by A stronaut Eugene Cernan
highlighted the lOl st Indiana State Day
held March 11 in Indianapolis. Cernan
spoke via t elephone from Houston and
narrated a film for the m embers of the
five Indiana Fiji chapters. In addition to Lambda, chapters from Purdue,
Hanover, Wabash and Indiana University were also represented. The day's
activities included intra-chapter competition in basketball, ping pong,
bridge and singing. During the afternoon the section convention was held.
It featured a talk by the Assistant Secretary of the National Fra ternity,
Steve Edwards, about the possibility
of expansion within Indiana.
Graduate Chapter again this year organized an excellent State Day.
Rush Recom m e ndations N eeded
Lambda is starting to work on rush
now. We would like to enlist your
help by your sending u s recommendations of any future D ePauwites who
could be an asset to Phi Gamma D elta.
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March 22, 1967, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages long.