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1967 May Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
May 19, 1967, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.
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DePauw University
1967 May Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Vol. CXII No. IV
Phi Gamma Delta, DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
May 19. 1967
Olson Dinner Highlights Alumni Day
and then became a professor, and later
assistant chancellor at Syracuse University, leaving in 1964 to take over
at Oklahoma City . He has also served
as delegate to the Methodist World
Conferen ce four times and has also
written on e book and con tributed to
two others.
"The active brothers feel very honored that Brother Olson has been
chosen to speak, and that is why we
have organized this dinner," commented Dick Marvin, graduate relations chairman, "but we will need
graduate support to make it a success.
I hope all our graduate brothers will
plan to be here May 27."
A banquet in honor of baccalaureate
speaker John F. Olson will highlight
Alumni Day, to be held this year on
Saturday, May 27. The dinner will be
held at the Countryside Inn, after a
reception for all the graduate brothers
at the new house.
Alumni Day is held by the University every year on the Saturday before
commencement, and this year there
is a full schedule of activities during
the day. At 4 p.m., our activities
will begin with a reception for all our
returning alumni in the new house,
giving many a chance to see the house
for the first time . At about 5:30 p.m.,
we will adjourn to the Inn for the
Lambda indeed feels very honored
to have one of its graduate brothers
chosen to be baccalaureate speaker.
Olson, a member of the class of 1941,
is now President of Oklahoma City
After graduating from
DePauw, Dr. Olson obtained his doctorate from Boston University in 1944,
Treasurers Follow
Diverse Careers
John Olson
Col. McKee Retires
As Faculty Advisor
Lt. Col. Knox B. McKee served as
our faculty adviser for the past two
years. Although he is not a Fiji, his
devotion to Lambda's well-being and
advancement would place him in the
ranks of any loyal m ember of Fijiland.
Many thought that since Col. McKee
had not b een an actual member of the
frat ernity he would be handicapped
in his advisory position . This was not
the case. On the contrary, he easily
brushed aside this isolation and quickly b ecame an additive force in forming the guidelines for our chapter's
Col. McKee used pressure when
pressure was needed . His efforts were
visually expressed in many practical
improvements to our physical plant.
More importantly, his efforts were reflected in the officers' attitude toward
the problems that needed solving.
We at Lambda are privileged to
have known the counsel of Col. McKee. We b est expressed our thanks
in the presentation of a plaque comm emorating him for "outstanding service and devotion to Lambda of Phi
Gamma Delta."
Although the past treasurers all
worked with money, they have followed the Fiji tradition by becoming
quite diversified in their occupations.
1916 graduate Bob Coleman has retired after serving as Director of
Broadcasting at Michigan State University. However, he has branched
out as Executive Secretary of the
Michigan Association of Broadcasters.
John Olson, class of '41, is now
President of Oklahoma City University. He is the author of "Our Religious Heritage." This spring he will
be the baccalaureate speaker here at
J . Stanford Smith, Phi Garn Treasurer in 1936, is now Vice President of
General Electric Co.
Uncle Sam has called two Fiji's to
the U.S. Navy Supply Corps in Athens,
duty. Tom Boswell, a '66 grad, is in
Georgia until June of this year. Dave
(Continued on Page 2)
David Jensen Elected
Student Body President
Dirks, Treasurer in 1963, is stationed
in Denver, Colorado in the Air Force
Accounting and Finance Center there.
Four of our past Fiji treasurers still
have the education "bug." Dick Weigel, Treasurer in 1958-59, is now the
Acting Director of the Oregon State
University Counseling Center. 1932
Grad Rupert K i 1 g o re directs and
teaches art at Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, Illinois. Another Fiji turned professor is George
Haimbaugh, Jr. He teaches law at
the University of South Carolina
School of Law.
Money seems to have appealed to
five Lambda Fiji's. John W. Hatcher, '6 1, is an accounting professor ~t
Purdue, and he also is a CPA there
in Lafayette, Indiana. Richard McGinnis, 1922 treasurer, is a retired
banker and lawyer in Indianapolis,
Indiana. 1930 grad "A-Ball" Johnston
(Archibald for short) is now handling
money as the Internal Auditor of
Scully-Jones Co. in Chicago. Richard
Jones is an Independent Insurance
agent for the Mattoon, Illinois area.
He was Treasurer in 1939 here at
Lambda Chapter.
Thomas Paxton,
class of 1943, remains in control of the
purse strings as Secretary-Treasurer
and salesman for Payton's, Inc.
Management appeals to three of our
past treasurers.
Dr. Paul "Pablo"
Julien, class of '51, is manager of
Advance Technology and Testing at
Jim Walter Research Corporation in
St. Petersburg, Florida. David Thor,
the 1955 Treasurer at Lambda is now
Market Research Manager of the Container Corporation of America. Joe
~opta has control of his own service
station in Vincennes Indiana.
Wilbur Clippinge;i s an - attorney
for Shrode and Clippinger in Evansville, Indiana . Gordon Chanstain, class
of '59, is now an Episcopal Priest at
St. Andrew's Church here in Greencastle. I guess none of the Methodist
background rubbed off! Newspape,r
publisher Claude Ogle heads up, the
Times-News Printing Co. , Inc. in Hendersonville, North Carolina.
Of the seven hundred graduate questionnaires sent out in January, two
hundred have been returned.
would like to increase this 29 % return
to 100 % . Please fill out your selfmailing questionnaire and send it to
Lambda. This information will be
used for future Tiger Fiji features and
for more accurate files.
May 19, 1967
Lambda Fiji Dave Jensen has been
elected student body president for the
1967-68 school year. Dave won the
highest student government position
in a closely contested race during the
wee k of March 18.
At the present time, Dave is a junior and a history major. In addition
to winning the student body presidency, Dave has also been tapped as
a member of Gold~ and was
awarded the Wo~rial Award
as DePauw's most outstanding junior.
Dave_ is als.o a memher_of Ehl _Eta
Sigma, a Rector scholar, and vice
president of student court.
Within Lambda" chapt~r Dave has
been president of his pledge class and
corresponding secretary of the house.
Dear Brothers,
During the last month, a new addition has been made to our new house
library. A new trophy case, donated
by Robert Gibson, class of '42, has
been completed and is now being
filled with the various trophies that
the house now holds. The case has
plenty of room, so we hope to add
more trophies in the near future, including the IM trophy.
This support is typical of the response ~e ~e~e1ve :from our graduateS.
Several mdividuals have asked recently on the procedure for giving to
Lambda through DePauw's Design for
a Decade. On the pledge card, under
item 3, just state that you wish your
donation to go to _the Phi Gamrr_ia
Delta ~und. In this way, you will
be helpmg both DePauw and Lambda.
The year is rapidly drawing to a
close. On May 6, Fiji Isle was held.
Unfortunately, Greencastle had one of
its spring monsoons, but everyone had
a very good time. As we now prepare for finals, we are looking forward to Alumni Day May 27, and our
dinner for John Olson. We surely
hope to see you there.
Charles Jenkins
F erge!
Phi Ga,m Strong
In Spring Sports
Coming from indoors to the cinders,
the Fiji's are still holding down important positions on the track team.
Steve Norris, the best trackster at
DePauw for several years, will clo·s e
out his varsity career as a middle
distance and relay runner. We have
a fitting replacement for him in the
form of Dan Spear. Dan is only a
sophomore, yet threatens to follow
right in Steve's footsteps. Doug Smith
is still the team's best pole-vaulter
as a junior. Our freshmen look very
promising, with Scott Norris in the
sprints, Bob Kleinops throwing the
shot, and Dave Norris who has thrown
the discus 155' in practice.
In tennis we are represented by
Jim Dietz, from Lacrosse, Wisconsin.
He has been practicing hard, and looks
like he will help the Tigers.
We are especially proud of our baseball players. The leading hitter on
the freshman team last year, Barry
Krause, is starting at 3rd base . He
is playing errorless ball, and hit well
for extra bases, including a home run.
Playing 1st base, and right field is
Don Lovelace. To no one's surprise,
Don leads the team in hitting with a
.348 batting average, which gives him
a shot at the league batting title. On
(Continued on Page 4)
May 19. 1967
en as on e of the candidates for the
seven DePauw alu mni director's positions available for 1967-68.
Robert E. Grimes is now a system
analyst with Citizens Gas and Coke
Utility and he and his wife are living
in Indianapolis.
Lawrence Ratcliffe is working for
the Grief Bros. Cooperage Corp. as
assistant to the director of lahnr .-n
Rev. Lester Clarence Poor, age 94, a
retired Methodist minister, died in
January, 1967. He served churches
in Oregon from 1907 until his retirement in 1938.
'1 9
Contributions to Lambda can be
made through.... the offices
of DePauw
under the Ford Foundation's "Design
for the Decade" program. These donations can be sent to the University
with the specification that they are
to be used by Phi Gamma Delta. Such
a donation remains tax deductable and
still applies to the University's part
of the Ford Foundation Fund.
Intramural Lead
Taken by Fiiis
Fijis have finally taken over the
top position in intramurals due to excellent performances in volleyball,
badminton and softball.
Lead by
coach Steve Norris, the volleyball
team gained first place league honors
·by winning every match and losing
only one game during the season.
However, Fiji was defeated in the
semi-finals but still managed a third
place finish which clinched the overall IM lead for the first time.
In badminton, Phi Garn was the
runaway winner, with Greg Keller,
Dan Swift, and Mike Hickman taking
the three singles titles. The team of
Hickman and Mike Dixson took second place in the doubles competition.
Fiji's softball team has already
clinched a first place tie in their
league as well as a playoff berth,
having lost only one game. The team
has been led by the hitting of freshman Larry Downs as well as the outstanding play of Mike Hickman and
Craig Johnson and the pitching of
Mike Dixson.
Lois S t u c k y Brinkley has been
named as one of the two new Archon
councilors. He has attended 14 Ekklesiai since his first in 1916 and has
served on several Ekklesiai committees as well as several per manent
Bernard Kilgore is continuing as a
member of the board of trustees of
Phi Gamma Delta. He is also chairman of the board of Dow Jones' & Co.
William G. Jones has been chosen
as an area Chairman for DePauw's
Design for a Decade program.
addition, Brothers Robert W. Fribley
('35), Charles M. Beardsley ('42) Richard H . Crowder ('31), and James li'
Thornburg ('33) have also been Sf>lected as area chairmen.
J . Stanford Smith has been named
vice president and general manager
of the Information Systems division
of General ElectricCo., which develops,
manufactures, and markets GE's computers and information-handling systems. Prior to assuming his new position, he was GE's vice president for
marketing and public relations.
Albert C. Rosencranz has been chos-
Fiji hurler Mike Dixson bears down to pitch Phi Garn into the softball finals.
Humorous Incidents Recalled
On Graduate Questionnaires
May 19. 1967
Editors ___ Dick Marvin, Bruce Menk
Contributors ________ Chuck Jenkins,
Doug Mitchell, Dan Winters,
Bill Scaife
Photographer ________ Doug Mitchell
Published four times yearly by
Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
at DePauw University for its Graduate Members and Friends.
Please send suggestions, news, or
change of address to: Tiger Fiji Editor; Phi Gamma D elta; Greencastle,
Indiana 46135.
The information blanks sent out balloons. In the chaos that followed,
during January have harvested not shoes flew and fellows screamed from
only much factual information, but fear that the "skull" was about to
also many brothers have related very get them.
The classes of the early 1960's rehumorous incidents from their college
days. We thought that you might turned a wealth of stories. Richard
Weigel says he was duped (along with
be inter1?sted in a few of them.
Bob Sielken ('66) recalls Jim Gould others) into going down to the Putand Carol Farmer walking out of the nam County Jail to bail out Don
"Castle" at about 10:45 p.m. and pass- Goodwillie - while all the time Don
ing Dean Wright in the foyer. Dean was in the kitchen. Also, Bill MorriWright recovered from shock enough son relates when,.some. of. the brothers -SPRING SPORTS
to ask who it was, and received the released pigeons in the dining room the freshman level, we have Mike
reply from one of the brothers "Would during date night or when they blew Scalzo as the starting center fielder,
- UP a weather bal~---Hl -he liv·i·n
you believe his mother?"
Pat Grady as-a --pitcher, second- base-From the class of 1935, Bill Brittain room, completely filling the room. man Tom Bowman, and a surprise at
Another favorite joke was letting a
relates a dorm prank on J. Stanford
3rd base, Steve Pop~.
Steve leads
Smith, who ran screaming, according pig loose in the.Theta "parlor, which the team in fielding, and carries a
to Brother Brittain, all the way from caused quite a mess, both on the rugs
.428 B.A.
the Phi Garn dorm to the Theta house and Mrs. Perkin's disposition.
"Hell Week" also provided many
in his pajamas when he thought a
and were guided by the confident
memories for the graduates. In 1933
rope in his bed was a snake.
direc,t ions of "Limey" Limestall, whose
The dorms have always been a pop- Bill Coffin was given five minutes to
father was a railroad man, so he knew
ular place for jokes. Tom Burgum write his own epitaphs. His follows:
the roadbed. Needless to say, they
('64) remembers when he and Denny
went the wrong way.
Marek as pledges captured pidgeons "Legs", God gave him stilts instead
With Fiji Isle just concluded here
,i n East Colle.g e and at midnight re- of pegs. One day a hound mistook
leased them in the dorm where some him for a tree, and poor Will died of at the house, one of the pranks wa's
sophomores and seniors were sleeping. water on the knee." Brother Coffin applicable. In 1955, the resourceful
He doesn't tell what happened after recalls this won the prize - 10 swats. decorations committee found a new
In 1926, , the freshmen had another plant for use at Fiji Isle - poison
job for "Hell Week." At midnight, iVY.
Bob Koss ('38) tells about the time
Many could not choose one incident.
he and a few others haunted the dorm. they were sent out in the country to
The local movie had a spook show photograph certain parts of a cow. Bob Wells ('66) said in answer to the
question if he remembered any humstarting at 1 a.m. on Saturday morn- While they were finding a model, a
ing. After the show, the management harrassed lady called the police and orous episodes replied, "That's like
gave each person a balloon that had a several of their number were guests asking Webster's Dictionary how many
words it can spell." But perhaps many
skull painted on it in luminous paint. of Putnam County in the jail.
Ralph Riecker ('54) relates an inci- of us will be like Dick Kranstover
After dipping their hand in the Coke
('46), and remember our grades as
cooler, they went up to the dorm and dent that happened on a pledge class
rubbed their cold hands upon the hike on some railroad tracks. They the most humorous incidents in our
"sleeping beauties" and __released the were trying__Jo _return to_ Greencastle,-CO.llege days
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Chapter Mailing Service
1757 N Street N.W.
Washington. D.C. 20036
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May 19, 1967, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.