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1967 September Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
September 27, 1967, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.
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DePauw University
1967 September Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Vol. CXIII No. I
Phi Gamma Delta. DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana
September 27. 1967
Pig Dinner Highlights Old Gold Day
These men chose to pledge Phi Gamma Delta dur ing rush. They are (left
to r ight ) FIRST ROW: Tom Scaife. Jeff Lane. Joe Vosicky. Steve Jacobs.
David Baggerman, and Paul Gibson. SECOND ROW: Jim Sanford, Mike
Allee, Rog Fransen, Bob Shaykin, Bob Perry. G r eg Stauffer. THIRD ROW:
Bob Kir k, Rick Plai n, Wayne Martin, Steve Romohr. John Doan. FOURTH
ROW: Jeff Coleman, Graham G r een, Chris Maron, and Bob Smith.
As usual, the first week of the school
year at DePauw was formal rush
week. With a theme of diversity in
fraternal living, Lambda garnered 22
of the finest men going through rush.
The pledge class reflects diversity
with high-school star athletes, student
body presidents, National Honor S ociety members, and most important,
honor roll students. E ven geographically the class is wide-spread, ranging
from Athens, Greece, to T arzana, California .
T hree sophomores ph~dging are Jeff
Coleman, N ew Philadel phia, Ohio;
Thrasos Eftaxiadis, A thens, GrEece;
and Roger F ransen, S pringfield, Illinois. A mong the fresh men who went
Lambda chap ter of Phi Gamma
Delta will again hold its annu al N orris
P ig D inner in con junction with Old
G old D ay on S aturday, October 14.
D on M ighell, assistant D ean of M en
a t India n a S tate University, will be
th e sp ea k er.
F ollowing the DePauw-Ball S tate
football game, there will be a short
r eunion for all the alumni in the new
chap ter house. T his w ill continue until 6 p .m. w h en the Norris Pig D inner
will commence.
B esides Mighell, a
F iji from the University of T exas,
hon ored guests will include Hugh J.
B aker, past Archon P resident; J ohn
S cott , president of th e Board of Trustees of Phi Gamma D elta, and Louis
Binkley, present member of the Board
of Archons.
Other speakers will include Chuck
Jenkins, chapter president, who will
give a summary of last year and
plans for this coming year. Joe Carney will serve as master of ceremonies,
and will present several awards.
The chairman of this year's pig
dinner, Harry Dunwoody, stat~d,
"Plans have been made to make this
the best pig dinner ever. We hope
to see many graduate brothers on
October 14."
Fiji are M ike Allee, I ndianapolis, Indiana; David Baggerman, St. Louis,
Missouri; John D oan, Frankfort, Indiana; and Paul Gibson, Chapelqua,
New York.
Other pledges in c 1 u d e Graham
Green , H ouston, T 1exas; Steve J acobs,
Columbus, I ndiana; Bob Kirk, Columbus, Ohio; Jeff Lane, Sheridan, I ndiana; a n d Chris Maron, Tarzana, Californ ia.
Also pledging are Wayne
Martin, Reynolds, I ndiana; Bob Perry,
D ayton, Ohio; R ick Plain, Springfield,
Illinois; Steve Romohr, Worthington,
Ohio; and J im Sanford, Champaign,
(Continued on Page 4)
\r\nPage Two
September 27, 1967
Dear Brothers,
L ookin g back on the last year at
Lam bda, I see a fine year both in our
record on campus as well as across
Fijiland and in our house spirit, too.
A lot of enthusiasm and hard work
from the chapter earned us a second
place in the over-all intramural competition on campus. Once again we
lost to our perrenial rivals, the Sigma
Nu's by only a few points. Although
Fiji led the IM race from the basketball season on, our downfall came in
horseshoes when we failed to place!
If you know of any promising, young
"shoe throwers," please let us know!
Being the only house on campus
with an all-around good record, we
took great pride in our second place
finish in fraternity scholarship competition. Despite Lambda's record high
house average of 2.815 (far above the
all men's average of 2.620, we still
finished second by a few hundredths
of a point.
With many individual successes in
the house last year combined with our
record on campus, Lambda again has
a big challenge to better the previous
year's accomplishments . This is my
fourth year here, three of which we
have finished second in both scholarships and !M's.
Nevertheless, I'm
confident that the '67-'68 endeavor
will bring a first place in one if not
both of the major areas for fraternity
Even more rewarding to me than
our tangible assets are the intangible
assets that make a group of guys living together -a -frate.r-ni-t
Some call
it brotherhood; others think that is
a cliched term and don't call it anything. But the fact remains that a
certain untouchable and indescribable
atmosphere, feeling, or whatever, is
present at Lambda now and should
make this year a great success.
Chuck Jenkins
Of the seven hundred graduate questionnaires sent out in January, two
hundred have been returned.
would like to increase this 29 % return
to 100%. Please fill out your selfmailing questionnaire and send it to
Lambda . This information will be
used for future Tiger Fiji features and
fr more accurate files .
Chapter President Chuck Jenkins offers congratulations to Editors Dick
Marvin (lefi) and Bruce Menk for the Coon Plaque.
Gams A.ctive
In Fall Sports
After a third-place finish in the
Snavely Cup competition, an award
based on the number of varsity lettermen and frosh numeral winners, the
Phi Garns seem onto an even better
record this year with an impressive
list of participants- ill fall sports.
Starting with football, many fighting F ijis are representing the Old
Gold on the gridiron. For the third
year, Coach Tommy Mont is alternating Dan Breckenridge and Eric Lortz
as qu arterback.
Breckenridge, key
player in D ePauw's comeback victory
over Wabash, holds a helmetfull of
Bengel passing records. Lortz, also a
good passer, exhibits tremendous ability as a runner. Bill Scaife, starter on
last year's fine defensive club, returns this season at his middle linebacker spot. Junior Warren Onken
looks to have a good chance at offensive tackle as does sophomore Bob
Frank Lowery, another
sophomore, looks like a good bet to
break in at linebacker, and Jerry
Hoffman, huge tackle, has already won
a berth on defense. Chris Maron, Bob
Kirk, and John D oan are playing
At the recent Fiji Academy , held
August 28-30, Lambda chapter was
honored with the award of the Owen
L. Coon Plaque for the b est chapter
publication. President Chuck Jenkins
accepted for the chapter.
The plaque was donated by Owen
L. Coon, a 1915 graduate of Northwestern. According to the Purple Pilgrim. "the Coon P laque is awarded to
that chapter whose publications are
adjudged most distinctive, newsworthy, and journalistically superior."
This is the first win for Lambda chapt er in this competition. Editors for
last year'S' Tiger Fiji were Kerry Mos~op , D ick Marvin, and Bruce Menk.
President Jenkins stated, "We were
su rprised, but at the same time, honored at the presentation of the Coon
Plaqu e. We certainly hope to keep it."
freshman football.
The Tigers are rebuilding this year
in cross country, and key building
blocks are Fiji freshmen Steve Romohr
and Wayne Martin. In soccer, Doug
Smith, a regular from last year has
been chosen as captain .
\r\nSe ptember 27, 1967
Page Three
Delegates Find Academy
A Broadening Experience
By Mike Scalzo
The T enth Fiji Academy was held
August 28-30 at Indiana University.
Attending from Lambda chapter were
President Chuck Jenkins, Treasurer
Mark Fraser, Dan Winters and myself.
19 14
C. M. (Mike) Ogle has been appointed
to the Governor's Council for Economic Development by Governor Dan
Moore of North Carolina.
he has been a n ewspaper publisher
Ogle lives in Hendersonville where
for many years.
John F. Olson was the baccalaureate
speaker at DePauw this year and also
received an honorary degree. While
he was here in Greencastle, he was
guest of honor at a banquet given by
Lambda Chapter as part of the Alumni Day Program. S everal of Olson's
classmates returned, including Irving
Lacy, A lbert Rosencran z. and Gilbert
McCleary .
An awardS' dinner was held on Monday night to award chapters such
distinguished awards as the Owen
Cup, Jordan Bowl, Baker Cup, Condon
Cup, and Coon Plaque. Lambda was
fortunate enough to win the last
After registration was completed,
the Academy was convened by Executive Secretary W i 11 i am Zer man.
Brother Zerman welcomed the delegates and introduced Archon President
Danner Lee Mahood and the afternoon's main speaker, Hugh J . Baker.
During the three days of instruction,
delegates heard lectures concerning
graduate relations, pledge education,
public relations, rush, and scholarship.
After each lecture, there followed a
discussion session in which opinions
were expressed and ideas advanced
to help each chapter improve in these
Perhaps the highlight of the Academy was the Model Norris Pig Dinner.
Believe me, we picked up some n ew
ideas which will be u sed in our Pig
Dinner on October 14. The dinner
itself was followed by an enligh tening
and inspired speech by Danner Lee
Mahood. He spoke about the importance of maintaining high scholarship
and good conduct across the nation
while g e n t 1 y r epremanding those
chapters who seemed to ignore these
invaluable attributes. For his effort,
Archon President Mahood received a
standing ovation.
E ach day there was a "bonus period" in which the delegates: could join
one or more discu ssion sessions in such
areas as the committee system, chapter
adminitration, finances, and leadership and organizational bchniques.
The academy was well-organized
and Indiana provided excellent facilities. The great brotherhood and stimulating exchange of ideas made the
Academy an exciting and broadening
Ralph Riecker is with the municipal
bond section of the Continental IllinoiS' Bank and Trust Company.
Brother Vern Dahlstrom writes to inform that he and his wife, Marty, are
parents again, another girl. They still
live in Dayton, Ohio.
Contributions to Lambda can be
made throu gh the offices of D ePauw
under the Ford Foundation's "Design
for the D ecade" program. These don ations can be sent to the University
with the specification that they are
to be u sed by Phi Gamma Delta. Such
a donation remains tax deductable and
still applies to the University's part
of the Ford Foundation Fund.
Guest-of -honor John Olson tells a story at the banquet on A lumni Day to
classmates from 194 1.
\r\nPage, Four
Don Mighell Named
Pig Dinner Speaker
The DePauw Fiji's will welcome
Donald R. Mighell as their speaker for
the Norris Pig Dinner on October 14.
Don Mighell is a Phi Garn from Texas
(56) who is p,r esently Assistant Dean
of Men at Indiana State University.
Now president of the Terre Haute
Graduate Chapter, Don is serving in
the United States Naval Reserve as a
Lt. Commander and was a former
Assistant to the Dean of Men, at the
University of Texas, 1960-64.
This past summer, Don spoke at the
Old Gold Day
Features Game,
Ramsey lewis Trio
Besides Lambda's Pig Dinner, DeFauw has also planned many events
for returning graduates on Old Gold
Day, October 14.
Kicking off the day after registration will be the traditional Old Gold
Day Chapel. This year's speaker is
Alvin Rockwell ('29), San Francisco
attorney and DePauw trustee, President William Kerstetter will offer a
few remarks and Miss DePauw, Leota
Didier, will provide musical entertainment.
After a short luncheon, featuring
Coach Tom Mont, football takes cent er stage as the fighting Tigers, square
off against Ball State. Halftime entertainment will include the crowning
Phi Gamma Delta
916 S. College
Greencastle, Indiana 46135
Return Requested
Fiji Academy in Bloomington, Indiana
on Pledge Training. Don recognizes
the tremendous advantages fraternity
life has to offer an individual by
helping developing his leadership and
scholarship. He says "The experience
of participating in a fraternity is one
which will make changes in your life
as profound and meaningful as your
whole college experience."
Illinois. Rounding out the class of
1971 are Tom Scaife, Glen Ellyn, Illinois ; Bob Shaykin, Oak Pax k , Illinois~ ;
Bill Smith, Columbus, Ohio; Greg
Stauffer, Kansas City, Missouri; and
Joe Vosicky, Hinsdale, Illinois.
of the Old Go,l d Day Queen and the
introduction of a new march written
by DePauw alumni Vivien Bard and
Horace Westman.
Following the game, Fiji alums can
adjourn to the chapter house where
an open house will be in progress.
This will continue until the Pig Dinner
commences at 6 p.m. The dinner will
adjourn in plenty of time for the
brothers to make the premieT attraction of the night, the Ramsey Lewis
Trio concert in Bowman Gym. This
well-known group has received many
accolades, including a Grammy Award,
Golden Microphone, and five gold records.
Old Gold Day has much to offer to
everyone. Lambda hopes to see many
of her alumni then.
September 27, 1967
Editor --- - ------------- Dick Marvin
Assistant Editor ____ Rudy Hokanson
Contributors ____ Mike Scalzo, Chuck
Jenkins, Bruce Menk, Bill Scaife
Photographer ____ __ __ Doug Mitchell
No. 1
Published four times yearly by
Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
at DePauw University for its Gradua,t e Members and Friends.
Please send suggestions', news, or
change of address to: Tiger Fiji Editor; Phi Gamma Delta; Greencastle,
Indiana 46135.
Intramurals Take Shape
Earlv At Lambda
Though classes have just started,
intramurals are already well underway at DePauw. Last year, Lambda
finished second in intramural competition, and with the hope of getting
a better start this year, think that this
could be the year for first.
Coach Bill Stoner has been rounding his footballers into shape, and
hopes to start the year out with a
good start in football. Quarterback
Pete Valessares will be pitching to
such sure-handed receivers as Dan
Winters and Mike Hickman. Stoner
says his defensive secondary is also
in good shape.
With the return of Chuck Jenkins,
medalist of last year's tournament,
Fiji hopes for intramural golf are high.
Besides Jenkins, Bill Stoner and Dave
Jensen are returning veterans.
tennis, upperclassmen and several
sharp pledges should combine to form
a strong team.
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September 27, 1967, newsletter of the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. This newsletter is four pages.