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1974 February Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
February 1974 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is four pages.
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Chi Iota
University of Illinois
1974 February Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
Published by Chi lota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. XXXIX
No. 2
House Corporation Report
The Phi Gamma Delta Association
of Illinois met February 2 at "401."
An enthusiastic group of new officers
was waiting to greet each board
next board meeting.
We are all aware that "Phi Gamma
Delta is not for college days alone."
This is a two-way obligation. All Fijis
and their families have a
member as we arrived.
The primary responsibility of the
House Corporation is the care and
maintenance of the physical structure
at "401." Being a new house, it is in
good condition and creates an at
mosphere which will give pride to any
Fiji. The Board welcomes suggestions
from all Brothers to help us discharge
our obligations effectively.
Due to a job transfer. Bob Braun,
'63, felt the necessity to resign as
home at
"401" when they return to campus for
Homecoming or any event. Also, the
undergraduate brothers look forward
to seeing graduate Fijis supporting
special events. We hope to have many
of you at Pig Dinner. In addition, plan
now to "get a group" to return for
Homecoming this fall. Pig Dinner and
Homecoming attendance have been
growing during the past three years,
O. H. Ackerman '59, President
predate Don's efforts to accomplish
this important achievement.
I want to express appreciation to
Wadsworth, '52, retiring
President, for the job he did in
organizing the House Corporation
mainly due to the hospitality found at
"401." Your House Corporation Board
members urge you to renew old
acquaintances by taking part in the
A report from the Warren G.
Buckley Fund Committee had been
accepted at the October board
body. In future years the Board will
meeting. Steps are being taken to
implement the report as approved.
the formation of a Board of Chapter
Advisors consisting of five Fiji
Owen H. Ackerman, '59
We hope to complete details con
Graduate Brothers. We know this will
President - Phi Gamma Delta
cerning the use of the funds at the
be an asset to the Chapter and ap-
Association of Illinois
Secretary of the Board. To fill the
vacancy. Bob Johnston, '60, was
nominated and elected as Secretary.
The Board is pleased to be informed
by Don Reno, Purple Legionnaire, of
Pig Dinner to Be Held NVarch 9
Chi lota's 77th annual Norris Pig
Dinner will be held Saturday, March 9
at the chapter house, following the
tradition set in 1893 at the University
of California by Frank Norris,
California '94 who orginated the
custom of honoring a pig.
Fulfilling Norris's vision of a
perennial festive dinner
alumni and undergraduates in
fraternal fellowship, this year's
by the pledge class.
A.B., well known as a revealer of
stories of the good old days, hails
from Louisville, Kentucky and by
attending this years dinner extends
his record of 63 consecutive dinners.
Once again A.B. will have the
privilege of kissing the snout as Gary
Kapral '77 will do the honors at the
opposite end.
The dinner which starts at
ISawyer plans to present the first
followed by a party allows Fijis old
and Fijis young to gather together
informally in good fellowship to relive
the past, to plan the future, and most
annual presentation of a Cup bearing
of all rededicate themselves to ideals
his name. The criterion for the award
of Phi Gamma Delta.
is undergraduate displaying most the
ideals of Phi Gamma Delta as judged
Tolan '76.
dinner features Albert B. Sawyer, Jr.
'10 as the main speaker. Known to
most as just A.B., graduate brother
Chairmen for the dinner is Terry
Board into an effective operating
benefit from Brent's devoted efforts,
which show quite obviously that he is
mighty proud to be a Fiji.
Canned Food Drive
In effort to offer valuable service to
the community, the undergraduate
chapter sponsored a canned food
drive December 8 in connection with
the Salvation Army Christmas Drive,
surpassing a planned goal of 5,000 by
nearly two thousand cans.
Under the direction and master
mind of Kent Sands '76 and John Snell
'76, the drive received considerable
attention from newspapers and
television giving Fijis much needed
publicity and acclaim in the Cham
paign - Urbana area.
Starting at 9:00 each class covered
a pre-assigned sector of Champaign
and collected cans until
evening. The '77 class edged out the
(Continued on page 3)
February, 1974
The Illinois Fiji
New Cabinet Officers Elected
Published by Phi Gamma Delta
Joliet, Glen Fllyn, and Decatur,
all news from alumni. Send your news
January 28 casting their ballots in
President. Jim, in the college of
commerce, has brother, Tom '76,
helping him on the cabinet. Tommy,
also a commerce student, will keep
track of minutes in his capacity as
and address changes to our Alumni
favor of coalition of which come from
recording secretary.
Relations Chairman, Box 2213, Sta. A,
Champaign, 61820.
those three towns.
Decatur rules with three officers
Association of Illinois and Chi Iota
those three towns will run the un
chapter of Phi Gamma Delta for its
dergraduate chapter next year as the
chapter elected new cabinet officers
members and friends. We welcome
hailing from there. John Snell '76, a
Chairman of the Board ... Brenton H. Wadsworth '52
Owen H. Ackerman '59
Vice President
James C. Welch '42
Robert C. Johnston '60
Ward McDonald '64
Class of "74
James C. Welch '42
Dennis R. Fox '61
Thomas I. Homer "69
Robert C. Johnston '60
Ward McDonald '64
Brenton H. Wadsworth '52
John C. White '70
Daniel A. Damon '58
Clifton Fulton '44
James L. Russell '62
Owen Ackerman '59
Robert L. Braun '63
Class of '75
Class of '76
Class of '77
Recording Secretary:
Tom Hickey '76
Tom Ward '76
Corresponding Secretary:
Dave Fletcher '76
Glen Ellyn
Glen Ellyn
Kent Sands '76
Doug Shroyer '77
John Snell '76
Pledge Trainer:
Construction, begun last year,
continues on
Building at the University of Illinois.
The multi-million dollars center is to
function as a one year basic Medical
School allowing students a chance to
study in Champaign for a year before
going to 3 years of med-school in
scholar, Kent Sands '76, is now in
charge of rush duties along with
fellow Decaturite Doug Shroyer '77,
as his co-rush chairmen.
Joliet ties Glen Fllyn with both
towns having two members on the
cabinet. Jim Hickey '75 is the new
Phi Gamma Delta January 27 after
completing pledge training necessary
to mold them into Fiji caliber men.
Doug Shroyer of Decatur leads the
list of the Class of 1977 by being
from Moline claimed the highest
grade average with a 4.7 in tough
engineering but was closely followed
by John Savela. John hails from
Chicago Hts. and was a key member
in the Fiji hockey team success.
Glen Fllyn adds another Fiji to its
ranks with commerce student Dick
Day. Bloomington claims three new
initiates Steve Yount, Paul Havens,
and Greg Shepard. "Shep" runs track
for the varsity team and is counted
The lone new cabinet member
outside of this trio of Illinois towns is
Terry Tolan of Springfield who will
tackle on the job as pledge trainer.
on heavily to carry the team in the
Clinton give us two 77's, Dave
Riggert, known as "Bandman"
because he plays in the Marching
mini, and Doug Glasson, commerce
student. Dan Lorence, engineering
student and house manager, and Mike
Curran, commerce whiz, come from(
Gary Kapral, another commerce
student, lives in Chicago. Merle
Burrkett, pledge basketball star, is an
agriculture student from the capital
city, Springfield. Traveling only a few
streets to live in the chapter house is
Champaign's Bill Amacker. Steve
Dohl, Aviation student from Lansing
rounds out the class.
- -
structure will accommodate over 5
times that number.
Built as an extension of Morrill
hard being a pre-med student.
15 Men Pledge Phi Gamma Delta
either Chicago, Peoria, or Rockford.
Previously, they were required to
spend two years on the basic science
program here beforegoingelsewhere.
At present, 18 students are enrolled in
the experimental program at the U of
I, but when completed in 1974 the new
elected co-rush chairman. Steve Scott
Co-Rush Chairmen:
Terry Tolan
Fifteen men entered the ranks of
Jim Hickey '75
Glen Ellyn's two members are a
diverse pair. Tom Ward '76, will
balance the books in the coming year
as treasurer. While Tom has it fairly
easy in commerce, fellow villager
Dave Fletcher
corresponding secretary, is worked
.-y- •
Building is located on the corner of
Matthews and Oregon Streets. The
new concept in medical schooling was
designed to meet Illinois' ever in
creasing need for more medical
personnel. They can now turn out a
greater number of pre-med students
from this campus at a much faster
New Medical Science Building goes up on campus.
' sai
\r\nFebruary, 1974
Winter Sports
Mindful of a chance to move up in
the IM fraternity team standings with
a good winter season, the Phi Gamm
athletes have picked up many points
by taking playoff spots in basketball,
table tennis, and ice hockey.
After capturing the UI Fraternity
Blue League title in December,
the point basketball team earned a
playoff bearth in the Fraternity Blue
point league. Co-captains Mike Gow
'75 and Roy Robinson '75 displayed
outstanding rebounding and shooting
ability to lead the hoopsters to the
playoffs. Also expecting a spot in post
season action is the pledge team
currently sporting a 3-1 slate.
Basketball enthusiasm certainly is
high this year in the house because
the house has
entered four other
teams besides the point and pledge
teams. There is a team representing
each class in the B-league. All classes
got off to a good start by winning their
opening contests.
The Phi Gamm icemen although
hampered by a small squad of eight
surprised everyone this season, es
Chi lota Alumni News
Engineer James A. Bauer '65, is
now district engineering manager for
Illinois Bell. He is president of the
Wheeling - Buffalo Grove United
Fund this year. Jim and his wife, Jill,
reside at 242 Downing Road in Buffalo
Company. His first wife, Frances
Howard, Alpha Phi, Illinois '30 died of
Theta) reside at 59449 Keria Trail in
South Bend, IN.
"Harp" and his wife. Pearl (DePauw,
January of 1973 to Barbara Robinson
Seville and moved to Largo, Florida
on 9-7-73. During the month of Oc
tober, the Browns's were in Hawaii
attending the birth of a grandson to
Barbara, making a total of 11 grand
children between them. Dale's par
ticular interests lie in tennis, golf and
Clifton D. Fulton '50, is an associate
professor at Northern Illinois
University. He and his wife, Martha
live at 804Somonauk in Sycamore, IL.
Although his work as an insurance
agent for the Country Companies in
Princeton, IL, keeps him very busy.
children. The Brown's current ad
dress is 10218 Monarch Drive in
time to be active in his local Masonic
Largo, Florida.
Lodge. He and his wife make their
Dean Richard Gansehow, finds the
home along RR No. 1 in Sheffield, IL.
minute left
personnel services at the National
captain Dave Fletcher scored on cen
tering pass from Jim Kosmerl '75.
The tie gave the team an overall rec
Accelerator Laboratory in Batavia,
Illinois. Dick and his wife, Nancy
Jean (U. of I.) are living at 25526
Williams Rd. in Warrenville, Illinois.
playoff spot. This fine winter showing
has enabled the house to gain consid
erable position in the IM standings.
superintendent for the Sears Roebuck
lock. Behind 2-1 with a
the table tennis team also nabbed a
Agents National Association. He lives
with his wife, Eleanor at 3763 N.
Harvard Avenue in Peoria, IL.
Putting his BS degree in business
administration to good use, Clifford
Gordon Dunphy '20 is a self-employed
Retired Brother Dale E. Brown '29,
Diversity is the name of the game
for Richard A. Corrigan, Jr. '53 who is
both a physicist and director of
Following the precedent set by the
Fiji hard courters and shinny men,
Grove, IL.
pecially with their tie against 3rd
ranked powerhouse Hola Hole. The
squad played without a goalie in that
game but still managed a 2-2 dead
ord of 2-1-1 enabling Fijis a spot in the
upper division Round Robin tourney.
for his own firm, enjoys golf at the
Peoria Country Club and is also a
The class of '38 had a mini reunion
recently when Ned T. Davis and Russ
Lammering got together in Peoria.
Ned, a manufacturer's representative
If you have not already sent in
your 1973 - 74 Voluntary Alumni
Supporting Membership dues —
please do so.
A reply envelope is enclosed for
your convenience.
Food Drive
(Continued from page 1)
sophomores ('76) by 200 hundred cans
with a total of 2500 to take the house
honors for the most cans gathered.
The 74's came in third as the '75's
finished last.
Major Wertz, director of the
Salvation Army Christmas drive,
said, "I thank God for such fine young
men. They took a whole day of their
time, surely needed to study for finals
coming up, and helped out the needy
of the town. Phi Gamma Delta
ust certainly have high ideals and
produce fine men."
The chapter hopes to make this an
annual event and hopes to extend the
drive to other fraternities.
Brothers proudly display the cans gleaned during the food drive.
\r\nFebruary, 1974
Golf Tourney
Two Win Athletic Awards
On September 14 the first annual
Meadowbrook Country Club in
Racine, Wisconsin. This Fiji event
was organized, promoted and con
ducted by Brothers John Stevenson
and Ted Himes from the class of '50.
Many brothers from the Chicago area
attended and played to surprising
scores. Dave Cunningham '50 was low
gross winner with a 114. What else
could anyone expect from Stevenson
and Himes? And yes, the first place
prize was a slightly used navy blue
sweater belonging to? What will
POOR John wear the rest of his life.
Plans are underway for next year's
event which should be even bigger
and better. In charge of site location
is Huck Hindsley '50 with Ralph Getz
'49 organizing the games and awards.
Winner Cunningham becomes chief of
invitations with Brent Wadsworth '52
calling the program. Obviously, they
must be in hopes of improving their
horrible games if the field is going to
be enlarged for next year. Certainly
someone can contest such ridiculous
Next year's event will be held
Friday September 13,1974. Mark your
calendars - you may be one of the
lucky ones selected for this new and
exciting event.
Two Fijis recently won awards for
their athletic prowness. Mike Gow '75,
the national leader in interceptions
this past football season with 11,
surprised no one when he was placed
on the All Big 10 team and Loren
Mears '77 received the Roscoe Eades
Award for outstanding achievement
and dedication in athletics given by
Sterling High School.
Gow, a shoe-in for All-Fiji honors
and a strong candidate for AllAmerican acclaim, related, "Being
made all Big 10 makes no difference
in my attitude and outlook for 1974. I
am real optimistic about next season.
With a increase in speed maybe I'll be
faced with an interesting choice
between the NFL or WFL."
Chi Iota Chapter has learned
recently of the death of these
Brother Harry Lewis Farar '10
died of a heart attack. He was a
native of Quincy, Illinois and
president of the Coast Counties
Gas and Electric Company. He
had retired in 1954 after being
identified with the public utilities
for a half a century. His widow,
Marian and son, Richard survive.
John S. Jones, Jr., '48, of Northbrook leaves surviving his widow
Ellen and children Jo Ann, Barry
and Martin. Contributions may be
made in his name to the Grove
tuition hike for the fall semester.
This 13 percent increase in tuition
costs boosts the tuition rate to $308 per
semester, high in the Big Ten. Ac
cording to University sources teacher
pay increases, state fund cuts, and
general inflation are responsible for
this increase. Hopefully health in
surance costs will not increase but the
UGSA is leading a protest against
this tuition increase with a massive
petition campaign, which Fijis
participated in. Governor Walker, if
he appropriates more money to
higher education this spring, will
avert this dreaded hike.
The $60 tuition increase is matched
by a similar $60 hike in the chapter
house bill. These two increases could
cancel a few Florida trips this spring
and mean a few more work hours this
Since graduation in 1916 Alfred
owner and operator of Drummond
passing of Richard Wagner '26
and Dayton Ward.
The mini Fiji and
alumni projects are financed
solely by alumni contributions.
Their success rests on your
"Winter Reflections", the theme of
the Christmas formal, was considered
who attended
December 15.
Sponsored by the class of 1976, the
dance was organized by co-chairmen
Terry Ormsbee and Don MacMurrayi
with the aid of Dave Fletcher, dinner"
chairmen, Terry Tolan supplying
dates with favors, and Thomas
Hickey masterminding the pre-party.
The festivities started to roll at 5
p.m. with a pre-party at the Cham
paign Hilton. Three connecting rooms
served until seven. Everyone then
headed back to the house which was
elegantly decorated to have dinner
at 7:30. Santa Claus, (Mike MeDermmott, '77) paraded through the house
and many couples had pictures taken
with him. At nine the Smoke Signal
Band began to play, and the dining
room was filled with "boogeeing"
Fijis and their lovely dates until
"Winter Reflections" was a perfect
ending for a successful first semester
at Chi Iota.
found his home on the range. He is the
tremendous dedication and loyalty to
the fraternity.
a booming success by the 55 couples
40 East Old Mill Road in Lake
Illinois Fijis are going to have to
reach deeper in the wallet next fall as
the University of Illinois Board of
Trustees recently announced a $60
Eades award February 1 from
Sterling principal William Yemm.
Yemm said, "Loren gave all he had
for Sterling and did certainly achieve
excellence by earning 13 letters." The
chapter which recently pledged Loren
Winter Reflections
School for Exceptional Children,
Tuition Hike
University is not promising anything.
Chapter Eternal
Attending Illinois on a
scholarship, Loren accepted the|
grandsons, one granddaughter; 4
nieces and 6 nephews. To date, one of
his grandsons has continued the FIJI
University. "Jack" married his
second bride, the former Feren Boles'
successful cattle
(U. of Missouri) at Camp Stoneman,
Oklahoma. In addition to his ranching
chores, he is having fun educating 5
California during World War H. The
Ranches, a
Tishomingo Street in Madill.
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February 1974 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is four pages.