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1974 February Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
February 1974 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
1974 February Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Xi Deuteron
The brothers at Xi Deuteron are planning a party for
Saturday, March 30 at our fraternity house. This is a special
occasion because we are having it for all our graduate brothers
who can attend. Our pui*pose is to create closer ties between
the undergraduate and graduate FIJIS. We have four new actives
and plan to have quite a few pledges this semester so there
will be many new brothers to meet. This party also offers a
f'ood opportunity for old acquaintances"to be rekindled. There are
also meeting minutes, scrap books, and other mementos of your
days at the house. An attitude adjustment hour including
cocktails and hors d'oeuvres will begin at 8:00 P.M. and later
an entertainment group will preform for us in the Carriage House.
All in all it proves to be a very enjoyable evening. Oh, by
the way,,your wives and dates are welcome (please bring one or
the other but not both).
A future event will be the annual Norris Pig Dinner which will
bo held on Hay 2, 197^ at the Cleveland Athletic Club. All the
tnder-'raduates of the Xi Deuteron Chapter will be there and would
like to see as many grads as possible, so keep your calendar open,
"•'ore information will follow in later publications on the Norris
Pi : Dinner mentioned above.
Xi Deuteron is confident that 197^ will be a year of prosperity
and serve as a strong foundation for all our chapters continued
success. Our goals this year are to win both the Condon Cup
for the most improved chapter and the Brightman Award for the
best Graduate Relations. Both of these ©"bjectives can be reached
if we get total participation from all our members.
Xi Deuteron has added several new committies and programs
that previously were nonexistant. Brother Ted Kazantzis is
actively investigating several possibilities for a Social Service
project which is an area that has been neglected the past few years.
Vihile Chris Partis is busily preparing Post Initiation Training
pro'-ram for the whole chapter. Hopefully, we can arrange a date for
Ritualist Bud Mangels to help the entire chapter in learning what
Phi Gamma Delta is really all about. Also Xi Deuteron is now
having two formal meetings per month instead of one which we feel
will increase our Brotherhood.
Scott Maslow is chairing the
Scholorship and File Committee which we believe can be instrumental
in elevating our house accume to the high levels we enjoyed in the
past. These new additions are just a few of the reasons why Xi
Deuteron looks to the future with optomism.
The Brothers are proud that our FIJI house is in the best
physicaT condition of any Reserve Frateinity. This can be attributed
to the "Purple Spirt". The Carrisige House still functions as the
prirr^e location for our social events. March 30"''^ we have a Graduate
Party planned and will be using the "land mark" on Bellflower Court
that night,
Xi Deuteron extends a open invitation to all Graduate Brothers
to drop in anytime you are in the immediate area.
VJe would be most
happy to see you again.
The second semester of this school year finds the Xi Deuteron
brothers continuing in the Fiji tradition of campus participation.
Our three varsity football players were feted at the annual fall
sports banquet. Sophomore Dennis Mullen earned his first letter,
having sat out his freshnan year because of knee surgery. Lee Prazer,
senior co-captain, earned his third letter while being named to
the "Outstanding Athletes of America" for 1973. Randy Romick, playing
as a junior, was the recipient of the coveted John H. Anderson Award
as "the undergraduate who contributes the most to the football
program", and will probably be named captain of the 197^ Spartain
Football Team.
In spring sports, Case-Reserve will be featuring two Fijis on the
-^If team. - Larry Starkey, as a junior, is a two-time letter winner and
tmce All-Conference PAC, and will be captain of this years squad.
Playing a strong back-up man will be Brian Gresham, who looks to be
goin • for All Conference also.
Intraraurally, the Fiji basketball team is living up to expectations,
sportin-"' a 6-0 undefeated regular season slate and owning top seed in
the tournament. We are looking to go all the way through the work of
regulars Jon Diller, Randy Romick, John Christakis, Lee Prazer, and Stan
Jonas plus a strong back-up bench. 'We are planning to make a strong
showing in wrestling and also in Li softball, retuiming the whole team
from last year.
Scholastically, several of the brothers deserve singling out; Mike Ferrell and Rick Pekarek. Both have been accepted to
medical schools, and in addition to scholarship, both have excelled in
service to the school. Hike was recently named the recipient of the
Ifirtland Prize for "excellence in undergraduate teaching", while Rick
has been doing extensive volunteer work at Hanna Pavilion of University
Hospitals. These brothers have set commendable records for all the
other brothers to follow.
Other Fijis deserved to be mentioned for extra-curricular work. Jon
Diller, in addition to his many duties as president, has become a sports
\r\nwitarand .fraternity correspondent for The Observer, the student news
paper. Ken Remfry, on the other hand, has become extensively involved
in jimior politics as a campus Young Republican, holding down in addition
the offices of State Vice-Chairman and Midwest Secretary of the YRs,
Brother Dave Dingle has also been named to be one of this years coeditors of Case-Reserves Yearbook.
In ending, mention should be made that Xi Deuteron as a whole
has set a goal of expanding social services to the University and the
comnnmity at large. Presently we are in the planning stages, and hope
that through good work we can spread the name of Phi Gamma Delta
even farther.
On February 29,197^ a new cabinet was installed at the Xi Deuteron
Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Jonathan Diller
(Class of '75)
was elected as chapter president.
Brother Diller has participated in the '72 Ekkelsia, at San Fransisco,
attended the Fiji .A.cademy at Lexington, and was IFG representative last
year. With these credentials. Brother Diller has the qualifications
to be an excellent leader of our chapter.
Brian Gresham
(Class of '76)
was elected as our treasure.
He is
majoring in accounting and has been a catalyst in attaining a feeling
of true brotherhood within our fraternity. Brian is also active in
intremurals and plans to play golf for the University this Spring.
Doug Coxe (Class of '75) has been elected as Recording Secretary
and is majorinF^ in Chemistry, Dougs future plans include attending
medical school, and he has also been active in the planning of major
house functions.
John Cliristakis (Glass of '75 ) is the new Corresponding
Secretary, and it 'iclll be his responsibility to communicate with our
International Headquarters on official business, and trith other chapters
of the fratemty. John is active in sntramurals, is a member of the Rush
Committee, and was pledge trainer last semester.
Chris Partis ( Class of '76 ) was elected as our Historian.
Brother Partis is chairman of the Rush Committee.
He is an excellent
or -anize?" and is always concerned with the success and planning of functions.
Not only is this year's cabinet cabinet outstandingly qualified for
the job they must do, but also are an enthusiastic group whose major
efforts be directed toward the continuing success and progress
of the undergraduate chapter' of Phi Gamma Delta.
Lee J. Sm-alloreed, Jr. '^1 was a minister and co-director of the
Negro College Fund Drive for the United Church of Christ in New York
City, The brothers were all saddened to hear of his passing away in
April,1972 and we express our sincerest condolences to his family.
\r\n- 4r
illSG IL. Mapes, Jr. '49 is now an attorney for the Exxon Company.
A fomer president of the, fraternity, he abtadned ids degree of Juris
Doctor from the Horhtwestem University Law Schooland now resides with
his family in Corpus Christi, Texas.
Reed. '50 has the interesting job of being a dentist
and an Episcopal minister in New Castle, Pennsylvania were he lives with
his wife and four cldldren.
Paul Jacob Carr. '58 is also a dentist. A former treasurer and
recordinp: secretary of the chapter, he married Dorothy Pratter, a Mather
Colle^'e graduate in June of I96O and is now practicing in Salem, Oregon,
Donald Oeorge Greiner, '60 is a dentist and assistant professor at
the University of Connecticut School of Dental Medicine. Active in sports,
I.F.C., and Greek week activities at the chapter; " Grains" got Ids
de-ree from Ohio State University and now resides with his wife in
Donald Francis Tuzin. '67 is a social antropologist at the
University of California; San Diego. A former varsity swimmer, and
president of the chapter, he also attended college at the University
of London and the Australian National University.
David E. Sn-dn, '68 is the assistant principal at Uehrle High
School in Columbus, Ohio. There, he teaches j-unior and senior levels
social studies and as the athletic-director, coaches football, wrestling,
and track. He is now working toward aM.A. degree in education and
administration at Ohio State University. He is married and hastwo
children and resides in Columbus.
Peter Eall. '72 works at the Central Shenandoah Planning Distict
Copimision as a crindnal justice planner. He obtained his Master's in
Public Administration at the University of Pittsburgh and now lives
xdt'h his wife in Virginia.
Our beloved Fiji house on Bellflower is in need of furniture
that our graduate brothers could possibly donate, '/e could use chairs;
couches, small tables, lamps, etc. If you have anything that we might
possibly be able to use, give us a call at 229-5851.
than appreciative.
I'le would be more
Anyone who plans on attending the Graduate-Undergraduate Party
on Saturday March30, 197^ at the fraternity house located at 1131?
Bellflower Road, please fill out the following information and return
to or call the Social Chaiman at our Fiji House. This is so we mayhave some idea on how many to plan on for the party.
The POT PCURRI which is the official publication of the Xi Deuteron
Chapter was prepared and edited by Larry Starkey.
Special thanks goes
to all the brothers who T^Irote articles and otherwise helped make this
publication of the POT POURRI possible.
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Xi Deuteron Chapter
11317 Bellflower Road
Cleveland, Ohio
\r\nI* >.'
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February 1974 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is six pages in length.