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1974 January Newsletter Lambda Omega (University of Western Ontario)
January 1974 newsletter of the Lambda Omega chapter at the University of Western Ontario. The newsletter is three pages in length.
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Lambda Omega
University of Western Ontario
1974 January Newsletter Lambda Omega (University of Western Ontario)
Lambda Omaga
London, Ontario
January 11, 1974
On November 30, 19731 seven of o\ir eight pledges wero initiated,
A great effort was put into the pledge program by all the pledges as
they successfully completed the objectives given them by Pledge Trai
ner Jim Turner, A Pledge Dinner was cooked and 30 ravenous Pijis wined
and dined. The Pledge Project encompassed the wallpapering and panel
ling of the front entrance hall and upstairs staircase. Following
this lead, the brothers pitched in and wallpapered and painted the
upstairs foyer, A red carpet was even laid! All in all, a great pledge
Rodger Froats Cooper- is working in Perth, Ontario for the law firm
of Willson and Willsoni he has just purchased a 100-acre farm,
Thomas James Smith - has opened up his own chiropractic clinic in
Hamilton! Did you know that Smitty's wife, Anne (nee Carter), was
the 1968 Fiji and I.F,C, Ball Queen?
Peter Douglas Macdonald - is living in London and working as a Project
Engineer for 3M Canada,
Douglas Comstock Mclntyre - is employed with Peat, Marwick and Mitchell,
Chartered Accountants in Ottawa1 Comstock will be the best man at
Jim Coles* wedding this Spring,
Kenneth Clifford Fidlin - has started working as a sports reporter
for the Ottawa JoumsLl on January 151 Ken formerly was employed
with the Kingston Whig-Standard,
Paul Harold Macklin - wishes to announce the opening of his law office
at 258 Division Street, Cobourg, Ontario,
Gordon Bryan Greenwood - says "Hello!" from the Merry-times 1 Gord is
looking for an articling position in Ottawa,
John Whitford Chandler - writes that he is in lovei presently enrol
led in the Honors Law program at Dalhousie,
John Capeletti - Penn State Fijit winner of the Heisman Trophy emble
matic of football excellence,
The Pig Dinner will be held on February 9# 197^ at the Ivsmhoe
Motel, Field Secretary Michael J. Stewart will be the guest speaker,
Bruce McLean wishes a prompt reply to the invitations so that all
the necessary arrangements may be made.
The Grass Skirt will be held on March 3p, 197^. Cutj^en a cocftnut and join the festivities!
Fraternally yours,
John G,S, Starsynski
On the strength of one link in the cable
Dependeth the might of the chains
Who knows when thou mayest be tested?
So live that thou bearest the strain,
—per Rev, J.W. Chandler
\r\nFIJI DIRECTORY - January 11, 197^
Anderson, William G,
Cameron, James D,
Ethier, Lowell H.
Good, Stephen C,
Grant, Ian S,
Habermell, Paul W,
Hudson, William A.J,
Keaveney, Patrick J.
Koss, Ted F.
Mason, David H.
McGill, W.J, Lawrie
McLean, A. Bruce
Nicholson, John R.
Stapleford, Robert H,
Starzynski, John G.S,
Stock, Michael
Turner, James E.A.
Whittier, R. Donald
627 Wellington St,
290 Steele St.
627 Wellington St,
270 Commissioners Rd,E,
1079 Richmond St,
627 Wellington St,
9^5 Huron St., Apt, hiIW
93 Huron St,
627 Wellington St,
401 St, George St,
37 Mayfair Dr,
278 Regent St,
115 Cherryhill Blvd., Apt, G5
627 Wellington St,
62 Bromleigh Ave,
627 Wellington St,
Atkinson, Donald R,
Begg, Ian M,
Biggs, Michael H,
50 Cambridge Ave,, #604,
Toronto, M4K 2L3
Dept, of Psychology, McMaster U,
Hamilton, L8S 4K1
c/o Interns' Residence,
London Psychiatric Hospital
Bralovich, Paul
Ext. 296
c/o 2130 Wesbrook Cres,,
Vamcouver, B.C.
Brett, Stephen W,
89 Queen St, E., #8,
Brisco, David W,
263 Maclaren St,, Apt, 1203»
Brown, Robert J,
Ottawa, K2P OMl
23 Walker Rd., Willowdale
Cairncross, J. Gregory
Campbell, R. Lynn
4ll Grosvenor St,, London
Chandler, John W,
Coles, James F,
Box 511» Chester, Nova Scotia
60 Cartier St,, Apt, 902,
Cooper, Rodger F.
Coulter, Murray L.
Day, Timothy R.
Desjardins, William F,
de Wolfe, William
Elgie, William H.
Fellman, Richard A.
Fidlin, Kenneth, C,
Firth, Stephen G,
Good, Paul R»
Greenwood, Gordon B,
Groves, Douglas M,
46 Leacrest Rd., Apt, 2,
Toronto, M4G 6I8
R.R.#4, Perth
c/O 324 Emery St, E,, London
6030 Woodsworth St.,
North Bumaby, British Columbia
41 Spadina Rd,, #5, Toronto
4 Grandstand Place, #609, Toronto
c/o 34 Oak Park Ores,, Sault Ste, Marie
1605 Broadmoor, Mississauga
257 Lisgar Ave,, Ottawa
372 McEwan St,, Windsor
255 Glenlake Ave., #1604, Toronto
1378 Edward St., Halifax, N.S.
899 Clonsilla St., #607,
( ? )422-4123
Hockin, Peter B.C.
494 Tecumseh Ave,, E., Apt, 412,
Isaac, George N.
Linden, M. Kevin
Longworth, Richard E,
64 Elm Dr., Mississauga
141 Davisville Ave,, #1012,
Toronto, M4S 1G7
50 Cambridge Ave,, #604,
Macdonald, Peter D,
Macklin, Paul H,
McCulloch, Robert E,
McFadgen, D. Neil
McKinnon, John W,
M4K 2L3
550 Ridout St., # 14, London
R.R.#4, Cobourg, K9A 4J7
94 Springdale, Toronto
c/o Europe
40 Alexander St,, #406, Toronto
\r\nMclntyre, Douglas C,
2652 Regina St,, Ottawa,
McRae, David L.
25 Rambler St., #911, Brampton
9^5 Huron St., Apt,710W,
K2B 6X8
Mees, Barry J,
Munroe, C. Raymond
Neal, Thomas
N5Y 4V5
499 Days Rd,, Kingston
K7M 3R6
c/o 10 Mayfair Dr., London
Parsons, Philip C,
Gowanstown, Ont,
Parsons, Thomas F,
365 Kenmore PI,, London
Pritchard, W, Wayne
39 Doncaster Ave,, London
Renaud, Paul A,
Ritchie, L. Bruce
Robson, John P,
1334 Ellrose Ave,, Windsor
11 Dudley Ores,, London
1494 LePage Ave,, #4,
Smith, Thomas J»
Ottawa, KIZ 809
Box 1192, Kemptville
271 Mohawk Rd,,W,,
Hamilton, L9C 1W2
Smeenk, Franciscus C.T.T.
Soehner, John F,
876 Hellmuth Ave,, London N6A 3T8
Sekolah Menengah Sulaiman,
Bentong Pahang, Malaysia
1168 Ritson Rd, S,, Oshawa
191 St, George St,, #910,
Toronto, M5R 2M6
17 Mossford Gt,, Islington
Rogers, Barry P.
Starzynski, Richard H.J.
Stewart, Alan W,
Stewart, Barry L,
M9B 5T3
Sttoddart, Gregory L,
1366 West 12th Ave,, #311,
Vancouver 9, B,C,
Stolfa, Thomas A.J.
l406-200 Balliol St,, Toronto,
M4S 106
Storie, Robert C,
c/o 262 Picadilly St,, London
Szego, William A,
10 Abermarle Ave,, Toronto M4K 1H7
(4l6) 46l—6o42
Thrall, Brent H,
von Lewinski, Karl A.P.
Vernon, James D,
Whitehead, Peter D,
Wilson, Dennis C,
Woods, Michael G,
60 Oartier St,, Apt, 902, Ottawa
1616 Ouellette Ave,, #120, Windsor
63B High St,, London
116 Braemore St,, Toronto
570 Henry St,, Woodstock
41 Spadina Rd,, #5, Toronto
I78A Tecumseh St,, London
50 Stephanie St,, #2506, Toronto
Wright, Craig A,
Young, James M,
Dear Grads,
The above list contains only those names and addresses of Brothers
who returned their Information Sheets or whose addresses could be checked.
There are still a number of Brothers whose addresses and phone numbers
are unknown to me, so I could not put their names on the Directory, I will
list below those Brothers whose addresses and phone numbers I an missing,
I would greatly appreciate it if you know the information a^out any of the
names on the list if you could drop me a line so that I could contact the
Brother, Thanx,
_1. John E, Bassingthwaite
John Starzynski
12, Peter W, McMullen
2, R, Ian Bradley
13, John F, Mills
3o John 0, Oampbell
14, Donovan W. Pavey
4o William P Oorbet
15, Ronald A, Pearson
5, Michael D, Orellin
160 B, Robert Puhach
6, Richard M, Greene,
17, William A.Scarrow
7,David R,B, Hamilton
18, Gavin G, Scott
8, Ohris J,F, Harrop
19, Donald F, Thorn
9, James M, Higgins
20, Robert G, Ward
10, Bruce L, Love
21, David A, Warren
11, William G, Lovell
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January 1974 newsletter of the Lambda Omega chapter at the University of Western Ontario. The newsletter is three pages in length.