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1974 January Newsletter Upsilon Sigma (Utah State University)
January 1974 newsletter of the Upsilon Sigma chapter at Utah State University. This newsletter is one page in length.
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Upsilon Sigma
Utah State University
1974 January Newsletter Upsilon Sigma (Utah State University)
Utah State University
636 E. Fifth Street, North
Logan, Utah 84321
January 15,
Dear Brothers,
The new Administrators of the Chapter for the coming year are: Bruce W.
Donnachie ('75), President; Richard L. Wight ('75), Treasurer; Joe F. Gardner
('75), Recording Secretary; Richard The!in ('77), Corresponding Secretary;
and Richard K. Taylor ('75), Historian.
Our hopes and dreams of a successful
year are with these, our new officers.
New initiates into the Chapter this year are: Kenneth J. Hammerle ('77),
John Dietz ('76), David W. Whipple ('77), and Richard Thel in ('77).
The Christmas party for the Head Start chi ldren turned out to be a great
success. Approximately 35 chi ldren from the Logan area came down to help the
Brothers and the Alpha Chi Omega's decorate our Christmas tree. The chi ldren
were given stockings fi l led with candy and fed a hot dog dinner. There was a
surprise visit from Santa Claus (Rich Taylor).
Our next party for the chi ldren
wi l l be at Easter, and wi l l include an egg hunt.
White Owl Club
The White Owl Club was started a few years ago by Upsi lon Sigma Chapter.
Donations to the Club are $100.00. Those who donate wi l l have their names put
on a bronze plaque and placed on the cabinet housing our White Owl. Donations
can be given in $5, $10, and $25 amounts or the entire sum at once. The money
wi ll help to pay off our national bi ll and/or be put in a special account to
buy a house.
Birthday Party
The party brought graduates and Brothers from al l over Cache Valley together
to celebrate our sixth birthday party. We were honored by the presence of our
Advisor, Pete Hawkins, who is a professor on campus. Ceremonies were conducted
by Bobby Hammerle and Joe "Stubby" Dietz. It was a fine Upsi lon Sigma party.
Let us know what you're doing and if you plan on paying us a visit, so that
we can plan ahead.
Section Convention
This year, Upsi lon Sigma wi l l host the annual Section Convention at Utah
State. Joe Dietz is this year's Chairman, and he promises it wi 11 be motivating
and a lot of funJ
Activities wi l l start Friday, February 1 with a ski trip. Plan to attend
the Convention, and show the others that Upsi lon Sigma is No. 1.
Next issue:
1) Section Convention, 2) Black Diamond, 3) Rush, k) Pig Dinner.
Bruce^-A(A. Donnachie
Graduate Relations
Plan to visit your Chapterl
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January 1974 newsletter of the Upsilon Sigma chapter at Utah State University. This newsletter is one page in length.