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2001 Summer Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
Summer 2001 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is five pages in length.
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Mu Iota
University of Idaho
2001 Summer Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
The Gem State Fiji
Mu IOTA Chapter
The 81st annual Norris Pig Dinner, held on April 28th, was a great suc
cess. Will Omdorff ('03) organized the event, and it went off without a hitch.
Brothers from every decade back to the 40's attended the function. The annual
golf tournament unfortunately had to be canceled due to a downpour of heavy
rain all morning. Despite this, many graduates still gathered that morning to
reminisce at the house. A large group of both graduates and undergraduates was
also able to gather for lunch. At 5:00, everyone gathered back at the house to
take a group picture in front of the 600 University side. After this, everyone
proceeded back inside to the Pig Dinner. The dinner featured Master of Ceremo
nies Jim Hill (Arizona '61), who is also the Mu Iota chapter advisor, along with
keynote speaker John Sackett('65). Pigger was once again a huge success!!
Summer 2001
—Joe p. Harle ('42) & Paul
G. Morken ('39) caught up
with each other on March 13
in Austin, TX over dinner
with their wives. They en
joyed the pleasant evening,
renewing ties of their days
spent at the chapter house.
—Gary Reagan ('64) retired
from teaching two years ago.
Ke now spends his time on
both his farm in Fairfield and
in Payette with his wife, Con-
—The Mary McCarty Parents
Organization is planning a
work week at the chapter
house this summer. No defi
nite dates are currently set,
but parents will be contacted.
Any one else interested in
helping can contact Sunnie
Smith at(208) 764-2341.
We here at 600 U would like
to thank all the brothers who
have sent donations to help
publish the Gem State Fiji. It
is because of this financial
support that we are able to
publish four times a year.
Rigger/ spring Intramurals
Rush/ House Events/ Fiji Memories
Graduate update ('87-'90)
-- -S7'•1
The Gem State Fiji
"flji 'l"
ty.i -
More From Rigger
During the dinner, an
brothers attending this
dergraduate brothers were
given out. Special recog
nition was also given to
those who have helped
the house out in any way
this past year. Framed
year were:
certificates from the In
ternational Headquarters
were also given to those
being recognized as Fiji
Sires and Sons.
enrolled into the honor
Just a Few of the other
nual house awards for un
Bill Barnes ('44)
John Sackett ('65)
Ken Reagan ('68)
Bob Read ('71)
Reed Mahan ('92)
Darrin Milton ('93)
Derone Johnson ('94)
Jason Carter ('95)
Ryan Munson ('GO)
able order included:
Thor ('75) & Derek ('02)
Mike ('58 XT) & Peter ('03)
Ed ('76) & Mike ('03)
Above— Six Fiji Freshman take part in the Phi Delta Theta
Turtle Derby skits during Mom's Weekend. They came up
with a creative way to present the Fiji rabbit who had to race
Gary('64) & Nate ('03)
against the Phi Delt turtle.
Spring Intramurals
school year comes to a
close, the Phi Gams are
still very much active in
The softball
team made it all the way
to the semi-finals of the
playoffs and appeared to
be a major favorite for the
ever, they lost a heart-
a good one with the
quickball team winning
the championship, and
most teams going all the
way to the playoffs. The
competitive basketball
team played well, but fell
just short of the playoffs.
narrowly missed the play
well, coming in at fifth
Jon Nishikawa
also had a strong finish in
singles racquetball.
Overall, we have done
well and improved from
the last couple of years.
With strong finishes in
the last few events, we
expect to place in the top
offs. The 4 on 4 football
breaker, falling one game
five for overall points.
team played well, but had
short of the finals.
to deal with a few injuries
Next year we will have
many of the players and
athletes returning, and
with a strong rush this
Fiji teams playing in corec basketball made it to
the playoffs as well, both
giving very strong per
This semester has been
and ended with a .500 re
In doubles billiards ac
tion, Mark Jewell and
Mason Fuller performed
fall, should have the po
tential to finish even bet
-Rich Bearg ('03)
\r\nThe Gem State Fiji
Summer Rush
We were very lucky during Pigger to be awarded
may also be reached at the
following summer address:
some extra funds for nish.
Be assured that we will use
2917 E. Indian
Cr. Ave
it wisely to help bring some
Meridian, Id 83642
quality men to the house.
Or telephone (208) 288-
Every little bit helps out,
0420. Just ask for Aaron,
and we hope that we can
depend on our great alumni
support to continue helping
us in any way possible.
This year we would like to
summer and would like us
us know. Just mail the msh
functions talking with the
kids. If you are interested in
attending one of our rush
events feel free to contact
Thanks again for all of your
wonderful support.
to contact them, please let
Rushees Name:
If you know of anyone
going through rush this
see more alumni at Rush
Your Name;
Why would he make a good Fiji?
the above address or let us
know by phone or email.
Please mail this information to one of the Rush Chairmen or . We
—Aaron Papero & Matt
House Events
—On March 10th, undergraduate brothers of Mu
For myself, my best experience while living at 600
U for 4 years (1933-37) was
end. 1 passed along to her
some photos of the house,
along with one of our
—April 24th was the chapter's biannual Faculty Din
having Chuck Collins as a
pledge brother and great
friend. Chuck was totally
blind, but knew the piano as
well as anyone. We would
have nightly sings by his
side at the piano before din-
pledge class lined up on the
sidewalk in front of the
house. She acknowledged
my gift at the concert and
thanked me by name. My
wife, son, and grandson,
attending the concert with
ers made the trek and en-
joyed watching the great
hockey game.
every department of the university attended. Malcolm
—April 6th and 7th was
Mother's Weekend at the U
of 1. We had an excellent
tumout this year, not by just
mothers, but by whole families. After watching "Turtle
Derby" skits Saturday
morning, everyone enjoyed
also attended the event. It
was a great chance for students and professors to mingle with each other, giving
both the opportunity to talk
with each other outside of
the normal class room environment.
Faculty from almost
Renfrew and his wife Carol
chapter house. That night
the Mary McCarty Parents
Fiji Memories'37
ering with almost of the
families attending,
lota traveled North to wateh
the Spokane Chiefs hockey
game. In all, over 30 broth-
send via email to
ner. He was even the one
me, were very impressed
who tuned the piano.
that I knew such a celeb-
attended classes without a
dog as aide, but walked the
campus with a friend or
—Doug Guy ('37)
brother at his side. After all
of this, he graduated with
honors from the U of 1, and
had a successful career as a
talk show host, etc.
ful dinner at the Hilltop
daughter, Judy Collins, is
still very active and 1 at
Restaurant in Pullman. The
evening capped off with a
in Orono, ME a year ago
very enjoyable social gath-
during Thanksgiving week-
Organization held a wonder
tended one of her concerts
! !
\r\nThe Gem
Non-Profit Org.
State Fiji
Permit #193
Phi Gamma Delta
600 University AvE.
Box 3037
Moscow,ID 83843
POD International Headquarters
1201 Red Mile Rd.
Lexington,, Ky 40544
Aosoft-a!.e Aa. 2.0
Graduate News
Graduate Brothers C87-'90)& Children
Rich Steckier '87 - son Peter is 2 months old.
Tim McKinley *88 - has two daughters: Mary, who is 4, and
another daughter bom last July .
Todd Armstrong *88 - has a son, Blair, who is almost 2.
We would like to send a special thanks to Eric DeBord for
providing a great share of this information and the idea. We
are always glad to know what you want to see in the Gem
State Fiji. We apologize if any of the information stated is
Dave Ward *88 - has a son, Ryan, age 8, and a daughter,
Olivia, bom last July.
Scott Ferguson '88 - has two sons, one about 4 months old.
Steve Peila *88 - has two kids.
Bryan Dingel *88- has a daughter, Aleksei, who is 6, and a
son, Jackson, who is 18 months.
Brendan Armstrong *89 - daughter Payton tumed 3 in Feb.
Ryan Clayeux *89 - daughter Riley will be 3 in May.
Eric DeBord *89 - son Kian is 6 months old.
Mike Dingel *90- has a son, Jake, almost 4, and daughter,
Audrey, almost 2.
Steve McCallie *90 - has a daughter who is almost one.
Matt Dilorenzo *90 - has one son and one daughter.
Kelsey Alrdrich *90 - son Cade was bom April 23^«^ 2001!!!
Bob Larson *90 - has a daughter, Sophie who is almost 2
Once again we feel that our alumni database maybe starting
to become somewhat out of date. Please help us keep you
informed. If you know of someone who has moved recently,
or is not receiving a Gem State Fiji, let us know. If you
would just like to confirm that you are still at your same ad
dress, it would greatly help. Please send the following infor
mation to the house at PO Box 3037 Moscow, ID 83843 or
years old.
Name, Address, Class, Phone*, email*. Degree*, wife's
name*, any additional information
Kevin Kleinkopf *90 -has a son, Casey, who will tum 4 in
July, and one daughter, Katelyn, who is 3 months old.
* optional
Help keep your classmates and brothers informed
□ Check here if new address
Thank you for replying to the Gem State
Fiji! Any and all support is appreciated.
We always look forward to hearing form
our valuable alumni. We gladly appreciate
any suggestions for the Newsletter. After
all, it is for you—^the graduate brothers!
—Nate Reagan, '03
current GSF Editor.
Personal News or Messages to Anyone:
reag8286@, or (208) 885-7051
Be sure to check out our NEW updated
WEB PAGE. Point your browser to:
http://www.uidaho. edu/greek/fii i
ED If you would like to be included in our
email updates please contact Will Omdorff;
Favorite Memories or Experiences:
or Nate Reagan
Send correspondence to:
PO Box 3037
Moscow, ID 83843
(208) 885-7051
Please continue on back if need
Please Help Support the Gem State Fiji
Without your generous contributions, the regular publication of this newsletter would not
be possible. Thanks to all those who have contributed in the past.
To help, my check is enclosed: | | $75 | | $50 [ [ $25 | | Other_
Please make check payable to the Gem State Fiji
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Summer 2001 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is five pages in length.