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2003 Spring Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Spring 2003 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is six pages in length.
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Kappa Deuteron
University of Georgia
2003 Spring Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
0.SfuBlicatian of.the JCappa Qteutewn Ghaptai of fHi Qamma!De£ia
History reveals that every great organization, to stay at the top, utilizes times of prosperity not to rest,
but to build for an even brighter future. Riding high as a perennial Cheney Cup chapter with a flourishing un
dergraduate brotherhood and a growing graduate base. Kappa Deuteron finds itself in a positive position to lay
a "foundation for the future." In that spirit, at the 35" Pig Dinner, House Corporation Chairman Bob Cheeley
unveiled plans for the construction of a brand new, state of the art chapter Residence Hall that will ensure our
chapter's housing future for decades to come. In conjunction with that announcement, a unanimous gathering
at Pig Dinner authorized the House Corporation to begin a threeyear fundraising campaign that is as ambitious
as the values on which we were founded. This effort will be chaired by Cale Conley ('91), who spearheaded
the efforts to construct the new chapter house in 1992-94, along with the hands-on efforts of Charlie Conboy
('00), who is just coming off his stint as the chapter's first field secretary.
The goal of this capital campaign is to raise at least $750,000 over a threeyear period, working
closely with the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation to see that a significant portion of that sum can be
raised for education-related purposes that are tax-deductible to contributors. In the coming weeks and months,
you will receive more information about this campaign from Cale, Charlie and others from each era of our his
tory, but please begin now to plan to be a part of giving to Kappa Deuteron's "foundation for the future."
In announcing this fundraising effort and its lofty goal, two questions have predominated: 1) Why do
we need to do this now, and 2)Can we really do this?
In response to the first inquiry, many of you recall that the initial refurbishing of the 55 year old apart
ments in 1992(now over a decade ago!) was done on a shoestring budget designed to get us through a period
where the old apartments had become uninhabitable. We were able to survive, and are still barely doing so,
but revised Athens-Clark County fire regulations that go in effect in 2005 will require us to retrofit the apart
ments with sprinklers at significant cost. Rather than spend some $135,000 just to conduct that retrofitting and
still be left with a building that is simply not built to withstand the "long haul," we have taken a forward
looking view that now is a time to tear down the aging apartments altogether and replace them with a new
structure that meshes architecturally with the resilient new chapter house and which will last for generations.
That is why now is the time.
As for the "can" question, this chapter was built on finding a way to success and now, more than ever,
we are in a position to accomplish our lofty goals. In the decade that has passed since we raised over $300,000
for the renovation to the old apartments and the cbhstruction of the new chapter house, our chapter has grown
significantly in its number of graduates (a growth of some 33%): Moreover, the ideals that made our brothers
a "cut above" in college have translated in the "real world" and today, we have exponentially more financially
successful brothers than we did ten years ago. Given those two interwoven changes in the landscape- more
brothers than ever and more successful brothers than ever— we believe that more than doubling our fundraising
effort of a decade ago is well within our grasp, particularly given that we will be able to make some percentage
of the contributions tax-deductible in this effort. Tp get there, however, will take all of us again working to
gether for a common good and expressing to the chapter in hard, cold financial contributions a repayment for
the warm memories, lasting friendships and valuable contribution to our individual character development that
we each were given by our association with Kappa Deuteron.
When the call to help build our "foundation for the future" comes to you, please answer the call- bo|j
in recognition of our past, and faith in our future.
Joseph T. Fleming(85)
Brothers, Phi Gamma Delta's Kappa
Deuteron Chapter owes a major congratula
tions to Brother Latham Saddler, the Univer
Duo(David Watson and Steve Nail), Roger
Strauss will always be the first Phi Gam to sit
atop SGA. With a bag over his head and sev
sity's newly elected Student Government As eral secret service agents by his side, the Un
sociation President. Latham and his Alpha
known Candidate swept through the 1978
SGA election with his promises to add a bag
Omicron Pi running mate, Ginny Barton,
were successful as the only Greeks in a four- pipe section to the Redcoat Band and to place
ticket race.
doggy bags in the
Latham managed
Snelling dining
to win the elec
hall. However,
tion by capturing
an unprecedented
the crowning
61% of the bal
Brother Strauss'
achievement of
lots cast, ensuring
campaign must
that no run-off
have been his na
would take place.
tionally televised
appearance on
managed to get
Good Morning
elected as a mem
ber of the
While Latham
R.E.A.L. Party
(Reaching Every
did not sport a
paper bag over
one with Authen
Latham Saddler and running mate Ginny Barton
tic Leadership)
with enormous support from the chapter as
well as the Greek community in general. Nu
merous brothers spent several hours a day
campaigning for Latham during election
week in addition to sending out numerous
emails and writing articles to help sway the
vote. Along with Latham, Brothers Miles
Garrison, Kyle Rhodes, and Joby Young
were all elected to the SGA Senate.
his head, he was
elected on his
ideas for online teacher evaluations, a UGA
1101 one-hour class that would educate
freshman in adapting to the collegiate and
Athenian lifestyle, and a non-alcoholic tail
gate between students and the football team
to take place the day before the Dawgs jour
ney to Jacksonville to face the Gators. The
sophomore from Charlotte, North Carolina
set his goals high and accomplished them
Of course Latham is not the only
with true persistence. Latham's achieve
rKappa Deuteron to hold the SGA Presidency. ments are a definite sign that the brotherhood,
While many graduates remember the cam
is continuing its upward march and thatit j v
paigns of David "Chicken" Little and Ima
will prosper for years to come.
Over the course of the past year, the eighteen men and women who make up the ex
ecutive committee for UGA's Dance Marathon, have been working diligently to prepare for
Dance Marathon weekend in February, 2003. Enduring two meetings a week and countless
hours on their own. they, along with hundreds of committee members sacrificed a lot of their
time to raise money "For the Kids". Many of our undergraduate fraternity brother's were
among these men who took an active leadership role in prepai'ing for this year's Marathon,
including two serving on the executive committee.
Each year Dance Marathon sup
ports the Children's Miracle Network of
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta. With
the money raised over the past eight
years. Dance Marathon has been able to
provide healthcare for many children,
who without the Marathon's support
would not be able to afford this care. In
the past, the money that has been raised
was used to purchase buses, and support
the yearly Summer Rehab Games that al
low the kids to compete in different field
day activities. This year's money will go
toward the building of a new activity
room within the hospital.
For two years now, the under
graduate brothers of Kappa Deuteron
FIJI brothers show their support for Children's Miracle
Network through their contributions, hardwork, and spir
ited dedication.
have pledged to support this wonderful cause and will continue to in the future. By getting
actively involved in the preparation for Dance Marathon and by asking friends and family to
help support our philanthropy, we have been able to raise over $25,000 in only two years.
But it hasn't been solely our friends and family that have made this possible. The support
that we received from many of you has made the greatest impact on our philanthropic ef
forts, and for that we are forever grateful.
In the end. Dance Marathon was able to raise $173,765.20, and Kappa Deuteron was
formally recognized as a corporate sponsor for raising over $10,000. As a brotherhood, we
want to thank each of you for your continued support and we anticipate an even better year
of fundraising in 2003.
Ryan h vine
Recording Secretary '04
By Dan Ludlum '04
Marathon. While the involve
great time.
We are proud to say that
ment and hard work of the un
at the recent Greek Awards Ban
with the annual UGA Dance
2003 began with a cer
tain sweetness that made the
return to the reality of classes
and responsibilities in Athens
dergraduate brotherhood was
quet, Kappa Deuteron showed
amazing, their work would have that it not only competes for the
been useless had it not been for
the graduate brotherhood's sup
lenge than in years past. At the port of our philanthropy. Run
for the Kids. The next showing
same time, I cannot think of a
better campus or chap
and elsewhere more of a chal
Academic Trophy year after
year, but we continue to bring it
home to hang in the parlor.
Recognizing rush and pledgeship as the only ways to
ensure the constant pro
ter environment to be
gress and continued ex
cellence that engenders
gin my term as Presi
dent. While many of
us were ringing in the
every aspect of Kappa
New Year in New Or
Deuteron, we followed
leans, a truly notice
last fall's outstanding
able change occurred
in the Bulldog Na
class with an exceptional
spring pledge class con
tion's attitude when
the UGA football team
sisting of six extraordi
nary men. Coming off
regained its ability to
of their recent initiation
succeed on a national
level. Here at the Che
ney Cup-holding
Kappa Deuteron Chap
ter of Phi Gamma
Delta, we have been
Corresponding Secretary James Derrick ('05),
Recording Secretary Ryan Irvine('04), President Dan
Ludlum ('04), Treasurer Jonathan Roberts('04),
Houseman Joby Young ('05), and Historian Colin
Newberiy('05)(not pictured), make up the
2003 Cabinet.
the chapter is looking
forward to the many
ways our newest mem
bers can contribute.
As the spring term
comes to a close, the fall
waiting patiently for
the guys in Sanford Stadium to
of a strong and selfless brother
just around the corner. We look
match our own international
hood came with brother Latham
forward to welcoming you all
football season seems
back to 3 Cloverhurst Court for
successes. But, with the Cheney Saddler's campaign for SGA
Cup sitting in Officers' Quarters President. Nearly every brother tailgates at each home game. In
the mean time, continue to visit
comes the responsibility to find assisted in one way or another
ways to continue to improve
upon the past year and distance
our chapter from the competi
making his landslide victory
the renovated website to which
possible. March 8'^ marked a
brother Miles Garrison has put
in countless hours. Thank you
again for your constant and tre
mendous support that makes -
Kappa Deuteron milestone as
we held the 35"^ annual Norris
As each early February Pig Dinner. The graduate atten
now ma,rks, many of the tireless dance was outstanding and I
efforts of brothers were realized believe all in attendance had a
everything possible.
\r\nPHI G AM N
Congratulations to
Brother Kary Nordholz who mar
Congratulations "'^ ^
Brother Jack Rives
(1974), now Major General Jack
ried Katie Girardeau of Gainesville, Rives, is Deputy of the Advocate
to Brother Jeffery Brumbelow on
his marriage to Deanna Smith of
GA in April this year.
Buford in December of 2002.
General for the U.S. Airforce in
Washington D.C. He assists in pro
Brother Brumbelow is currently
Congratulations to Brother fessional oversight of more than
teaching Special Education at Ken1,300 judge advocates, 300 civilian nesaw Mountain High School in
David Quinn who was named
President and Chief Executive Offi attorneys, 1,000 enlisted paralegals, Cobb County
cer of Menlo Worldwide Expeditel. and 600 civilians assigned world
Brother Quinn's company provides wide. Brother Rives also provides
Congratulations to Brother
legal advice to the Air Staff and
door-to-door air and ground emer
Brian Shaker who married Lind
gency shipment services including commanders at all levels. Our
say Baker of Columbus, GA in Sep
the use of dedicated air charters
thoughts and prayers are with
tember of 2002. Brother Shaker
worldwide. He is now headquar
Brother Rives during these trying
times our country is facing.
owns Cotton Creek Land and Tim
tered in Overland Park, Kansas.
ber in Macon, GA.
-•- ■ a a 3
1,^^! rf'p
As our new Graduate Relations chair, I
have spent the last four montlis upgrading the
Kappa Deuteron web site. There are two areas to
IPbi ChstxanoLsi,3Delt»
We come
which I have given special attention with the intent
of Increasing graduate communication: the Broth
ers Only section and the News Section.
In the Brothers Only section, you will
fi nd many useful tools. You may view the entire
graduate database, join the graduate listserve,
browse resumes, and even submit names for rush.
Please check your information in our database, and
help us keep these records up-to-date. This section
is password protected, and Bill Bracewell holds
your key to full access.
To help us keep in touch with each other,
the News section will provide headlines about
Kappa Deuteron announcements and events.
atfefnity of Mii (Vsomts Oaits
Pej! vus
icrw: rr^V'S
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Spring 2003 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is six pages in length.