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1968 April Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
April 1968 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
1968 April Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
fraternity of phi gamma delta
APR 2 5 1968
Published by the Interfrateniity Council
Adelbert College
Case Western Reserve University
APRIL, 1968
Greek Week
Greek Week '68 offers the oppor
tunity for all Greeks at Case
Western Resei-ve University to en
joyable participation in all the
events of the week April 21 - 27.
This year the emphasis is on enjoy
able participation.
The role of Mr. and Miss Greek
will be expanded to enable them
to represent the entire Greek sys
tem in the proceedings of the
University's Inauguration ceremon
Mr. and
Miss Greek will of
ficially represent the Greeks at the
The Greeks and their Chariots
Inaugeral Convocation, Symposium,
and Ball. .Also, the thirteen candi
dates, carrying torches, will lead
their constituents down Rellflower
Wednesday night, .April 2.S, is the
fraternity Convocation. -As the
Fraternity Task Force Recommends
Separate Systems and New Housing
-After six
exhaustive months of
Commission by
theme of Greek Week '68 is FR.A- meetings, discussions, arguments, strongly supported and documented fraternity systems.
TERNITY and COMMUNITY, we dissenting opinions and minority the Contributions of Fraternity Life
Further, the Commission recom
reports, and writing and I'e-writing,
are presenting a prominent speaker
to the individual, university and mended "that the University rec
from each group: Barry 1). Siegel, the thirty page final re])ort of the community. It also investigated
ognize independent chapters of a
Fraternity Study Commission is
E.xecutive Secretary of Zeta Beta
other determinants of student iden
given fraternity in each college of
Tau; and the Honorable Carl B. completed and has been submitted tity besides fraternities, such as
the University." In otherwords, the
Stokes, Mayor of Cleveland. These
athletics, publications, student gov
two speakers will discuss the vari
ous aspects of fraternities in the
Singout this year has been par
mittee chaired by Dr. .Mai'k Cham
The Fraternity Study Commis
sion was chaired by I'rofessor Wil-
ticularly adapted to the emi)hasis i)Ui' .Meredith and consisted of six
of "enjoyable participation." Rath students, six faculty and admin
er than i-epeating the type of Sing istrators, and two alumni. The final
out that has occured in the past
two years, the Chairmen of the
Greek Week events decided to les
sen the restrictions so as to allow
it to become less formal and more
enjoyable. Consequently, Singout
will be held outside following the
torch parade.
As Inaugui-ation
simultaneously with Greek Week
repoi't is based upon the assumj)-
prerogative of suiiporting more
ernment, housing and curriculum, than one chaiiter within the Uni
in the concept of coordinate colleges versity be granted to and made by
within a multi-univei'sity.
the national organizations and their
The Commission stated that "the local alumni groufis. To be consist
jn'imary I'ole of the fraternity in ent with the first recommendation,
the coordinate college is educational the two systems would be limited
to drawing their membership from
in natiu-e. The fraternity is an in
tion and i-ecommendation "that un
tegral part of the system which de
dergraduate education at the Uni fines the total educational pi'ocess
versity will be directed through or exjjerience which takes place
separate and distinct, but coordin during the time ])eriod of the unate, undergraduate colleges."
dergi'aduateship . . . .A significant
The report itself dealt with three and major fraction of undergradu
central topics: 1) The Role of the ate c'sis for
Continued on Page 2
either .Adelbert and Cleveland Col
new Iraternity that the student's 'specific needs' choosing its members . . . fraterniand 'interests' can best
be served
Continued on
Page 5
\r\nPage 2
IFC and Fraternity
Scholarship: A Necessity
Greek Week Schedule
April 22-27, 1968
Monday, April 22
For a long while, we have claim
ed that a prime purpose of fraterni
ties is to promote superior intel
lectual achievement and growth. If
this is indeed a true premise, then
fraternity life should be an integral
part of the educational process.
Poor grades on the part of indi
viduals can cause their entire chap
attack on the pledges or even the
potential rushees and thereby at
tempt to prevent poor scholarship
from entering the chapter. This
summer the IFC plans to send out
special forms to all freshmen and
us'ng the returned information will
formulate Expectancy Tables con
taining scholarship and extracur
ter to be put on probation or their
ricular information on the poten
charter suspended. This in turn
tial rushees. This information will
causes the whole fraternity system
be distributed to the different
to suffer by imposing a detrimental
houses and will be extremely help
view on the faculty and potential
rushees. In contrast, an All-Frater-
n'.ty average which is higher than
the All-Men's average can only
serve to strengthen the fraternity
sys'jem's position with all those in
volved. It is necessary therefore,
that the IFC should have complete
co-operation from its members in
developing a strong and helpful
scholarship program.
Thus far, the Adelbert IFC has
made a
few strides in this direc
tion. Punitive measures have been
certain average. An IFC Scholar
8:30-10:30 P.M
arship should be an important (bui
by no means the only) considera
tion during i-ush if one wishes im
Adelbert IFC
Speaker: Sen. Eugene McCarthy
Adelbert Gym
Tuesday, April 23
8:30 P.M
Student Union
Wednesday, April 24
All Day
Student Union
8:00 P.M
pledge, it is essential that the chap
Exec. Secretary, ZBT
Mr. Carl B. Stokes,
Mayor, Cleveland
Amasa Stone Chapel
Thursday, April 25
7:30 P.M
Leutner Commons
functions and the IFC should make
Friday, April 26
9:00 P.M
Refreshments Served
Bellflower Court
Saturday, April 27
All Day
Continued from Page 1
within the fraternities. The first is
band, "The Papa's Bag," should
rffer enjoyable participation for
to extend help to the members.
This method is extremely limited, all.
however, for you cannot legislate
The Greek Games of Saturday
good scholarship or force members afternoon are another example of
to study. The desire and motivation
the emphasis on enjoyable participafon. Rather than making the
can be done in this case is to pro games similar to other competitive
vide the proper atmosphere and intramural events as in the past,
make available the necessary aids. the games will integrate both fra
Suggestions in this area are as fol ternity men and sorority women.
The water balloon war, beer chug,
must come
All that
1. Establish an IFC tutorial pro and chariot race are just a few of
gram in pi'oblem courses using the the games to be presented.
Greek Week '68 is the culmina
'M)rain power" within the fraternity
tion of a great deal of organization
Take careful advantage of and planning. Basically, Greek
seminars and facililies offered by Weeks have been designed by-
Fraternity Little League Games
Cutter Field
1:30 P.M
Greek Week 1968
the problem of poor scholarship
IFC-Interdorm Block Dance
Music by The PAPA'S BAG
available to the pledges every as
pect of their scholarship program.
ship Commission has been formed
The Adelbert IFC will be con
consisting of scholarship chairmen
sidering many of these points in the
from each house, making this com
mittee a more workable entity. To near future in hopes of strengthen
ing fraternity scholarship. It is a
add to this program, certain sug
gestions obtained form the Great necessity that everyone co-operate
in this program.
Lakes Interfraternity Conference
should prove very helpful.
There are two ways of attacking
Mr. and Miss Greek Winners
ter and the IFC continually stress
ODK Tapping and Convocation
Mr. BaiTy Siegel,
Voting for Mr. and Miss Greek
and their parents stressing the
strengths of fraternity scholarship
are greatly effective.
Candlelight Cafe
Mr. and Miss Greek Presentations
provement in this area. IFC Rush
Co-sponsored by University
Democrats for McCarthy and
ful in evaluation of rushees. Schol
enacted in the by-laws which deny take into consideration the pledge's
intramural or social privileges to study time when planning their
April, 1968
Greek Games and Chariot Race
Mather Field
Refreshments Served
IFC Expands Iniramural
This year the Intei-fratemity Council of Adelbert College of Case
Western Reserve University has instituted two unique programs
through its intramural chairmen. In one, the council petitioned and
obtained representation on the body governing intramural athletics.
Jeffrey Abend (Phi Sig) and Dennis Pittman (Delt) are the co-chair
men of the newly formed student committee on intramural athletics.
This committee will aid inti*amural director Jerry Harback in the
revision of the intramural rules and the actual administration of the
intramural athletics. Already the committee has obtained concessions
from the school administration as to the improvement of playing
The major public seiwice project of the IFC this year is the Frater
nity Little League. The purpose of the Fraternity Little League is to
the school on study habits and Greeks for Greeks. However, as provide personal, environmental, and athletic enjoyments which con
Inaugurat'on Week, Greek Week tribute to the emotional and intellectual growth and development of
Parents the pai'ticipants. Each of the ten fraternities will sponsoi- a team of
Have faculty academic ad
twelve boys taken from the Glenville Public School District and Holy
visors foi* each house.
Weekend, and .May Day Weekend
1. Publish an I EC Scholarship
.Maiuial to aid ('ha|)'or scholai'ship
ai-e simultaneously occuring this Rosary School. The games will be played weekly on Saturday mornings
yeai-, the Greek system is opening between Api-il 13 and May 25 between 10:00 A.M. and 1:00 P.M. This
the events of its calendar to any
project is undei* the co-sponsorship of the Campus Volunteer Board of
one who wishes to pai'ticipate.
Sponsei- a lerture serif's.
b. ( ent l alize fiatc nit v
The sf'coiHl and i)y far the juost
to direct
IVter B. Norbert
(ieneral Chairman
Mathei- College. This has been a year of change in the IFC's inti-amural program and next year we hope to expand by adding new piojects.
Jeff Abend
Intramural Chaiiman
\r\nApril, 1968
Page 3
We're Only No. 7.,
So Try Harder
In .May of this year, Lou Dugovics will finally step down from
used and misunderstood phrase. It
has been misused by dissidents and
militants who inadvertently are
killing this student movement; a
good, healthy student movement.
What is student power? Ed
his i)ost as IFC jiresident, and a
completely new administration will
take over. .My message to the new
officers is, "Good Luck, you'll need
Not that IMr. Dugovics was an
Schwartz, President of the U. S.
all inspiring force, or an omniscient
"Zeus" — true, he did an outstand
ing job as president, but the fact
(NSA) has explained student power
thusly: "Student power is our slo
gan — the slogan of middle class
students trying to take control (the
emphasis is mine), take personal
responsibility for decisions which
remains that too often he ran a
one man show. It wasn't because
he wanted it that way but unfor
tunately it was the only way pos
affect our lives. . . He who must
Our IFC i)rogrcssed well under
obey a rule should make it." He
Lou's reign; well enough appar
ently to be runner-ui) in the Na
tional Intel-fraternity Conference's
mean that students should 'run the
university.' . . Students should run
their own
institutions —
Ironman .\ward for small college
IFC's. Yet there surely must be a
government . . . campus press, so
cial rules, dormitory life — every
thing which students, and only stu
second jilace. We have the pro
grams and policies, but we lack the
big difference between first and
emphasis is mine.) Finally he says,
"Students and faculty should share
i-esponsibility for curricula develop
Power has become its own end in
versity rules or their ability to
mobilize large demonstrations. On
campus after campus across the
wi'itten about the changing concept
and chaos. What they perform
they call demonstrating: petitions,
must be called in to restore order?
change—like it or not.
active chapter exercises direct con
training among fraternity chapters.
trol over the pledge class, (2)
But has this new concejit really
physical force, as well as picketing.
caught on yet — and will it suc
Are you, as a student, proud of
ceed? It hasn't really caught on in
these students and their actions,
most places, though the number of
when police or the National Guard
cha|)ters believing in it is gi-owing.
of the
Newsletter Committee;
could tell you about the petty and
In its practical application of
of pledge education as conti'asted
the old training program, (I) the
to what has been known as pledge
nation small minorities of students
I could personally exjiound on
the woes of being the sole member
childish arguments that go on at
IFC meetings, and the lack of co
•Much has been said and written,
very fact of survival may dictate a operation; or I could direct you to
and much moi'e will be said and
their defacto disobedience of uni
bad medicine.
(Condensed from an article by Geoi'ge W. Spasyk, which
originally appeared in The Commimicalor, a publication of
the Southeastern Interfi'aternity Conference.)
Students argue
their cases for freedom in terms of
"don't want to got involved. For
them, responsibility and work are
Pledge Education An
impractical Ideal?
sions affecting the entire univer
greeks on this campus are like so
many witnesses to accidents - they
ment. Students, faculty, adminis
tration should participate in deci
Is This Pledge Education?
powei'. This is student iri'esponsi-
bility and immaturity which cre
Intramurals, social functions, rush
activities, are all highly competi
active, (3) the pledge class is treat tive. Without forms of co-oiieration
ed, |)unished, and rewarded as a between the houses, (supi)osedly a
hazing and harassment
basic function of the IFC) we could
literally tear each other apart.
I'ride, understanding, and partici
pation are as essential lor a stiong
with the aims of higher education,
obedient and subservient, (6) the
and the old-fashioned training pro
ates a climate of fear and distrust.
ed within our fraternity system.
are genei-ally used to control
pledges, (5) each pledge is condi
be corollary to and not in conflict
tioned to be a "pei'fect [iledge,"
We know it must succeed since the
ultimate role of Fraternities must
superficial means are often used to
Mr. Dugovics himself who would
spill out a few bitters on this topic
if you pressed him. A much higher
level of co-operation is sorely need
fraternity system as it is lor a
grams are not geared to provide pledge is subjected to as much hu specific chapter. It should not be,
Nothing is gained by violence.
miliation, degi'adation, and un and it need not be that the next
'his kind of direction.
Violence and injustice are only re
pleasantness as possible so that president must do as much as Ml.
I'erhaps the giT-atest obstacle in
ciprocated by violence and injus
initiation is looked forward to as Dugovics did for our IFC it only
tice. The blackmail of unfounded, what amounts to a 18(1 an escape from his status as a moi'e greeks would 1ind an interest
degree turn in our thinking on this
or documented
subject is "tradition." Hut we I'e-
tional demands, threats of demon
strations covered by national news
media, etc. only incense opposition.
N(]thing will be gained but youi'
own degi'adalion and loss of self-
b:^ eliminated and leplaced. It would
I'erpi ct.
education of our members (and, un
nienibei- that ti'adition can change,
be far better that this tradition be
is destiaiction, de
In contrast, under a program of fraternity system.
The solution to this problem can
pledge education, ( 1) em|)hasis is
placed on developing each individ
only be on an individual basis. 1
ual to the maximum of his ability, was once told when 1 was pledging,
(2) pledges are treated, punished, if I didn't like the way were
and rewarded individually, (•'!) su- within the chapter, and 'or it 1
ti'adition. ! fortunately. some of our alumni),
|)erficial methods of separation be- didn't care to do anvthin.g lor the
but if this doesn't come about with
ideals, chai-acter and the positive 1
Continued on Page 4
\(iluntaj'il.\', through
in what is happenin.g in (heir own
in a reasonable period of time, the
Continue(d on Page 4
Continued on Page 4
\r\nPage 4
April, 1968
Pledge Education An
Babblings From The Oracle -
Impractical Ideal?
Thunderbolts From Zeus
Continued from Page 3
tween actives and pledges are not
.used, (4) the pledge is gradually
In three weeks, elections of new Irawn in as a part of the whole
Hark! Once again the harbinger of plague and pestilence, the
stoic sage of Mt. Olympus ominously returns to the forum. But, rejoice,
chapter; there is no opportunity for
horizontal divisions to appear, (5)
(Hoo-ray!) Sometimes IFC Officers for next year will take
place. Whoever the winners, give
called Pops, Mush Mouth, Old Man,
your new officers your fullest co
SOB, MF, yes even Zeus, but sticks members of the Great Lakes Interfraternity Conference (GLIFC). operation and support. Be proud
and stones . . . etc.
We moved into an IFC central of of your fraternity system. We've
for it is the last time the Oracle will speak
IPs been traditional at this time
of the year for the outgoing presi
dent to deliver what has been call
ed a ''State of the System" address.
But gazing into my mystical vapors
while seated upon the tripod of
Delphi, or is the seat of Delsi Tis
sues, I saw Hank and Gene bliss
fully sleeping through my address,
and therefore have decided to break
fice and established an IFC File.
been named the Number Two Small
We adopted a graphic symbol which
appears on all letterheads, envel
opes and publications of the fra
ternity system. In the area of serv
ice we can point to the Bellflower
Court Project, Toys-for-Tots, and
the newly formed Fraternity Little
League. We began research com
missions in scholarship, finances,
deferred rush, and co-op buying.
We are producing our own slide
tradition, as has been the norm for
my two administrations, and not
speak at the Greek Week Convoca show to be shown at rush convoca
tions at local high schools. We have
passed several resolutions which
Oh, by the way, don't miss the have voiced our deeper concern in
Greek Week Concert this yeai', total campus involvement. Because
featuring that fabulous new "song of our demonstrated, resonsible and
and dance" group "Ricky J and the mature self-government our auton
Don'ts." They'll be singing some of omy and authority was extended to
their smash hit recordings: "Money, include social regulations. Our In
Give Us Money," "Don't Make Us tramural Committee has succeeded
Over," "Never on Tuesday," "Me in winning concessions from the
and My Shadows," and "Liar, Liar.'* Administration, and we will soon
The new group consists of members see an Intramural World Series of
formerly with "Jay and the Ameri several local IFC's hosted here by
cans" and "The Strawberry Alarm the Adelbert IFC. We have affili
Clock." The Concert will be held at
;L()() A.m. in the basement John of
Mather Main. All are urged not to
Seriously, the past two years
have been years of change and, re
all forms of hazing and harassment
are eliminated, (6) the pledge is
taught to understand the value and
concurrent responsibilities of initi
try ation.
The fraternity system has con
I've been proud to work for you and stantly been subject to criticism.
can sincerely say I'm mighty proud The present age, however, alive
to be a Greek!
with dramatic change and progress
Louis Dugovics
in the educational environment, has
Harder! We can be Number One!
President, Adelbert IFC
brought the most violent criticism
the fraternity world has faced to
date. Such conditions, however, con
trary to the cries of the critics,
should stimulate a strength and
greatness the fraterity system has
never known. Under the j)ressure
of mass education, the need for
Blackmail 1968
Continued from Page 3
aims and goals of responsible stu
dents and their elected leaders.
Student power has not come to small organizations of higher prin
ciples and purpose has never been
greater. Fraternities can stimulate
common sense and purpose. On this
campus, as in every institution of
higher learning — there exists a
"silent center" of responsible stu
dents who do not participate in
the growth and development of the
may well be forgotten by the edu
cational institution.
But the fraternity system must
face the facts. Much criticism lev
campus, it is the "silent center" of ied against fraternities is valid.
nearly 1400 Greeks. They respect Chai'ges of social irresponsibility,
the rights of other students to dis archaic and childish hazing prac
ated and joined with the Mather sent on the campus, but they reject tices, the loss of individualism and
and Adelbert Interdoimis in parent force and violent methods as in sound social values, disrespect for
ing the Student Sei*vices Commit compatible with the freedom of the academic excellence and cultural
tee. Of course we can't overlook university and the rights of all activities, too often, unfortunately,
are true.
our two IFC "Nights-at-Leos" and students.
Pledge education is one of the
our Greek Weeks. Finally, in the
So fraternities, for too long the
answers to the specific charges
area of increased communication
unjust target of attack, now begin
levied by the critics. Constructive
and alumni relations we now pub
to look different. Compare the dem
and mature pledge education will
lish this newsletter, THE TORCH.
sponding to the challenges of those
changes. They have been productive
onstration of fraternities to those
and rewarding years. We began
not only stimulat(» responsii)le in
These are but a few of the accom
with tlie Scholarship Sanction Bill;
)ther demonstrations. The demon
dividuals working through their
plishments of YOUR IFC during
stration of the fraternity is silent
then revised, simplified rush rules;
fraternity to c()ntril)iite positively
the past two years.
and inward, for EVERY fraternity
a drastic revision in the format of
t ) the educational environment; it
We must not stop here. We must has taught her members to uphold
the IFC Rush Book; re-writing of
will also develop responsiide ac
the IF'C* Constitution and By-laws; continue to evaluate our programs and exhalt their university, learn
tive membei's and leaders equipped
ing, ideals, right conduct and en
a complete revision of the .Judicial
to deal with the |)rol)lems of
time, people and educational ob during, noble values.
Branch of the IFC with the ad
chapter operations and promot(»
dition of appellate powers; the
I urge every Greek to remain achievement.
Fraternity Exchange Program grams are now being planned and
no longer. Let your respon
(FItKP); the establishment of a
Pledge Class Scholarship Ti'ophy lishing of a GREEK DIRECTORY, sible voices ring lour and clear. We
and an outstanding Chaptei* Social
Service Award; the President's Ad-
oppose violence! Let everyone know
visoi'y Council (P.AC) and the ad
the establishment of an IFC Rush
dition of non-voting
ing School, Tutoring Program, Co
phnlge repi-esentatives on Council. op Buying Program, an IFC* Lec
We also held two retreats on pledg ture Sei'ies and the compiling of
ing and rushing. We began the Expectancy Tables on Incoming
Pledge Education Evaluation Com Fi'eshmen. 1*hese |)rograms must
mittee (PEEC) and saw the pub rec(M've \()ur support. By experi
lishing of the lEC .Model Pledge menting with these and future new
programs we have nothing to lose
If we
lespond to change by defeating
i-ush campaign and ha\( seen the these nfwv progi'ams, frateimities
f "system-rush." ha\e nothing to lose but their fufaint
We were foundej':
and are charter
We're Only No. 2,
So Try Harder
what fraternities stand for! I urge
Greeks to
Continued from Page 3
disassociate them
chajde., then 1 should "get out."
selves fi'om the small minority who Expanding this a little and direct-
aie planning to railroad a demon-
morning, t!iink it appropiiale to sa\ if you
April 27th in front of SevfM'ance are unsatisfied or don't care about
Hall at the Inauguration of Presi your own fra ernity system, either
dent Robert Morse. They call it get out, or e\en better, do some
Confrontation '68. I call it BLACK- | thing
MAIL '68.
about it! To Just sit there and
:1o nothing is the worst possible
choice. Have a little desire for par
Louis Dugovics
President, Adelbert IFC ticipation, and the Ii'onman Award
could lightly he ours.
Steve Heath
Editor, IFC Newsletter
\r\nApril, 1968
Page 5
3) the north side of Murray Road
Road (across the street from the
Present Case Fraternity Complex)
and 4) the existing residences (pri
vately owned or now owned by
CWRU or UCDF) on Magnolia
Drive, north of the present Adel
bert and Mather dormitory- com
plexes. These houses to be fratern
ity owned, maintained, furnished
and remodeled by the addition of
new fireproof sleeping wings. Al
because of government financing
of construction, whereas altemative
four would allow independent fra
ternity ownership of housing.
In conclusion, the Commission
- -!
lishment of "methods of coopera
tion between the two existing sys
tems . . . " Finally it was the
unanimous opinion of the Commis
sion, because fraternities have
demonstrated mature, responsible
self-govemment, that the fratern
ities, either individually or collec
tively through the respective
interfraternity councils should par
Amazons At War
Varsity Athletics - - This past month, the problem of
poor varsity athletic participation or a varsity event. It seems that
came to a head when the athletic the university sometimes acts as if
department of Adelbert College at- they were not aware of the exist
t(mipted to impose new restrictions ence of varsity athletics. If this is
on the intranun-al proffram. In the true, then they could easily solve
propos(>d rule, wdiich is already in this problem, either do away with
effect at Case, any athlete who the all varsity athletics and make this
coachiiifT staff feels is competent a concentrated scholastic campus,
to participate in a varsity sport, or recopnize, support and cooperate
would not he permitted to play that with the athletes who are ftiving'
intramural sport. Due to the larR'e their time to participate for this
approved a recommendation estab
lishing a permanent Fraternity
Study Commission and the estab
thing about it, will there be no need ticipate fully in cooperation with
for such things as proposals to the college administrations in for
pressure students to participate in mulating, implementing and enforc
ing all policy decisions affecting
varsity athletics.
the organization and regulation of
Tim Meehan
IFC Executive Assistant
fraternity affairs.
In summary it was added that
fraternities serve functions or pur
Fraternity Task Force
poses which are unique and that
Continued from Page 1
"fraternity living provides oppor
ties should, under no circumstances,
tunities not available to any sig
be subject to the assignment of
nificant extent in any other kind of
members by anyone."
amount of disapproval voiced by collefi'e.
Concerning fraternity housing,
Probably the greatest bai'i'iers to
students and the IFC, the rule pro
posal was dropped. Rut what must R'ood athletic teams besides schol the Commission recommended that
be done to K'et better varsity t(>ams astic difficulties ar(> money and the University honor its commit
at "Resei've"? Quite a bit must be facilities. Since we are members of ment to provide housing for the
done, Imt thei'e isn't a I'ule under the PAC, we are not permitted to four Case fraternities not yet on
the sun that can force a student to jrive financial aid to outstanding: "the Hill." Because "the majority
H'o (JUt and sacrifice valuable study athh tes, outside of loans or Krants- of .\delbert fraternities are living
time to pi'actice and participate on in-aid. Just what advantages do we in antiquated houses which are in
a varsity team. To quote an old but have as a member of the PAC? need of repair, cramped and haz
appi'opriate saying, "You can lead And what does an athlete think ardous . . . " and because "the cost
a horse to water but you can't when he comes here and finds we of maintenance and uncertainty of
don't even have a football field? present location tenure make a ren
make him drink."
The first place you must look to I hope that we eventually will have ovation decision extremely unwise"
find the answer is with the athletic a completed varsity and intramural the Commission recommended the
department and the university. A athletic complex. Maybe when there construction of separate fraternity
coach who expects to have a suc are ample facilities for athletic housing units, residential in char
cessful team at this school must events and they ai'e situated con
acter, with adequate parking facili
college living environment."
Louis Dugovics
President, Adelbert IFC
Your 1968
Greek Week Committee
General Chairman
Pete Nobert
Dick Larrabee
Cary Shapoff
Rog Waller
Greek Games
realize^ that the scholastic burden
on most of the athletes is p'l'eat.
veniently so that students can at
tend them, that alonp' with the im
Bill Marshall
a renewed student interest and sup
Street Dance
ties at the earliest possible date.
.A target date of 1 January lihil) for
and that pi'actice time must be as provement of the teams will come groundbreaking and occupancy in
September 1970 was recommended
as feasible and possible. Four alter
riers of scholastics, the university native locations for housing were
sible. Too often, useful time is
wasted in lonp' and fruitless prac
port for the teams. With the bai'-
tice sessions. The coaches are not
and financial conditions, it's awful
the only I'eason. Foremost, the ly hard for an athlete to feel a
athletes who participate in varsity desire to play in an empty g'ym or
acres bounded by .Mistletoe. East
sports can attest to the fact that in an empty stadium. Everyone in
present .\delbert 1 & II dorm comfilexes; 2) the Messier Road .Area
bounded by F'ord Di'ive, Messier
university is
very uncoopera
volved is in Some way I'esponsible
tive when they encounter a sched foi- this pi'oblem, and not until we
ule conflict due to practice sessions all realize it and start doing some
1 15th
Rd.. East 115th and Euclid .Avenue;
Jim Moore
Tim Meehan
Mr. and Miss Greek
Bill Elin
Larry Goldman
Dave Becker
Steve Meath
\r\nPage 6
April, 1968
Spring Rush I968
This year's Spring Rush was an
important undertaking for the Fra
ternity System. With the increas
ing scholastic difficulties brought
about by federation, and the stu
dent concern over the war in Asia,
Fall Rush was not as successful as
The ten houses in the IFC acquired
over 80 new members, with most
of the smaller houses gaining a
good number of new members.
With the results of the rush period
tabulated, the overall total of men
in the fraternity system of Adelbert College of Case Western Reseiwe numbers over 530 strong,
it usually has been in the past few
years. The Spring Rush was set up
to present the fraternity system
more on the informal and personal which is almost 50% of the men in
level, with more emphasis on the Adelbert College.
actual values and advantages of
As for the future, the Fraternity
frateiTiity life than on trying to
Systems will find that the next
present an idealistic or "showy"
few years will be difficult. Until
much needed new fraternity hous
This Spring Rush was the IFC's ing is acquired, there will be-
first attempt at experimenting with many problems in obtaining the
"wet rush," or to be specific, allow highest quality manpower that the
ing 3.2'/c beer to be sei-ved at msh Fraternity System has and seeks
functions. It was thought that since each year. This Spring's experi
most houses have beer or ether ment with "wet rush" was very,
such refreshments at most of their successful, but we feel that it in
parties or social functions, that it volves too much expense and too
would give the rushees a more many problems to apply it to the
at how fraternities
are after rush, and make it a more
natural and relaxed atmosphere
for the fraternity men and i-ushees.
I can happily say that due to good
inter-house co-operation and plan
ning, there were no problems en
larger and moi-e complex Fall
Rush. With this year's Spring
Rush, many houses have realized
that an honest and personal con
tact with i-ushees is the best way
to meet and acquire new members
personality and each member is a that there is a house for him and
nash periods seem to present a distinct and unique part of it, shar that his addition to the house will
ing in the friendship and activities be mutually rewarding.
To get down to the actual issue, stereotyped picture of the fraterni
the Spring Rush period was the ties, which is far from the truth. that fraternal brotherhood entails.
Tim Meehan
most profitable one in many years. Each house has its own individual The incoming freshman will find
Spring Rush Chairman
for their own house. Too often the
countered with this new venture.
Any comments or suggestions? Please feel free to write
them down in the space below, and send them to Steve Heath,
Interfraternity Council, Adelbert College, Case Western Re
serve University, Cleveland, Ohio 44106.
Interfraternity Council
Adelbert College
Case Westei n Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
A ht .
rl w.
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April 1968 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is six pages in length.