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2014 Winter Newsletter Delta (Bucknell University)
Winter 2014 newsletter of the Delta chapter at Bucknell University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Bucknell University
2014 Winter Newsletter Delta (Bucknell University)
The Deltan
Bucknell University ‐ Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity ‐ Winter 2014 Edition
By: David “Whitey” Berardinelli (1993) - Delta Association President
The over 130-year Fiji tradition at Bucknell continues and is moving ahead with
strength. Delta Chapter recently took a
pledge class of 32 young men including
a positive mix of football, lacrosse, baseball and soccer players as well as nonathletic associated student leaders. We
believe this is the biggest pledge class
since the institution of sophomore rush
in 1992 and the biggest period since
1991. That class escalates the total
brotherhood to over 75 members.
After some lean times, Delta Chapter has returned to its place as the
top fraternity at Bucknell.
“After some lean times,
Delta Chapter has returned
to its place as the top
fraternity at Bucknell.”
We are proud to remain the only
independently owned fraternity at
Bucknell. We are the only house able
to be fully financed by the strength of
its Brotherhood, including its alumni
support. We hope that all alumni adhere to the motto “not for college days
alone” and continue to contribute to
the House both by attending alumni
events and by contributing financially.
We must do both those things if Delta
Chapter is to continue to survive and
succeed. Looking forward to Pig Dinner in April!
By: Paul Adkins (2015) - Chapter President
After a successful beginning to the
year, the Delta house can officially say
that we are on top of the campus
power struggle. We are proud to announce that we gained a 32 person
pledge class to gain to our already
strong brotherhood. After increasing
our members to a recent high of 76, the
new cabinet has focused their attention
on furthering the house’s brotherhood,
which includes implementing the importance of the five core values of
friendship, knowledge, service, morality, and excellence.
The house is comprised of a diverse set
of students that includes athletes,
ROTC members, and IFC members.
Last spring, we finished as one of the
top fraternities on campus with a
house GPA of 3.34. Additionally, we
won two intramural championships
with undefeated seasons in both flag
football and softball.
The brothers of the Delta house
watched our brothers on the soccer
field finish the season with a 13-6-1
record. In particular, Jonathan
Grad (2015), played extremely well
and finished as the third leading
scorer; all while recovering from
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\r\nThe Deltan
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multiple calf surgeries. FIJI made
their fan presence noticed when we
won the Men’s Soccer Cheer-a-thon.
This contest awarded a monetary
prize to the loudest group of students at a particular game.
FIJI brothers made their impact on
the football field as well. The Bison’s season finished with a 6-5
record, which was highlighted by a
40-10 victory over #15 ranked Lehigh. Starting Linebacker, Lee
Marvel (2015), finished second on
the team in tackles with two forced
fumbles. The Delta house supported
the team by donating funds for pink
apparel in support of breast cancer
awareness month.
The Delta house has also continued to
hold our promise to give back to the
community. During the past year, we
were able to donate over $2,000 and
participate in many events on campus.
In particular, the Delta house supported
Alex Bradbury (2015) and the
Lacrosse team as they vowed to not
shave for the month of November in
“Our success in
academics, recruitment,
and athletics is just a
small part of what
makes us a tremendous
order to raise money for the Help The
Fight organization, which donates funds
for those diagnosed with breast cancer.
Looking forward, brothers are working
towards a spring philanthropy event
that entails a FIJI Island themed beach
volleyball tournament.
proud of the chapter and it’s direction.
Our success in academics, recruitment,
and athletics is just a small part of what
make us a tremendous chapter. We
hope to continue our traditions, while
creating a strong brotherhood dedicated to becoming well-developed
men. As a member of the Delta house,
I am extremely proud and fortunate
to call each member my brother and
am absolutely confident these relationships will carry on for life.
Lastly, I hope to see many alumni
return to the house, so we can continue to develop the alumni-brother
relationship. We are extremely grateful
for the opportunities and resources that
our alumni make available.
At an overall glance, I could not be more
Charity Basketball Tournament 2013
Thanksgiving 2013
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Samuel Davidson (2014)
Treasurer/ Vice-President
David Gross (2015)
Recording Secretary
Once again the Delta chapter is off to a
great start. In my three years with the
fraternity, we have continually improved
our brotherhood and this year is no different. The house is full of good, young
men who believe in the fraternity and are
willing to work to continually improve
our chapter. The Delta house tradition of
having strong leaders in student-athletes,
student government officials and IFC
board members continues. With over 70
members, the house holds a new life and
atmosphere that make us proud to be
FIJI’s. We have maintained very healthy
finances over the past year, and have
been able to donate well over $2,000 to
many charities. We continue to volunteer
with the Heiter Center for our annual
FIJI Field Day and we are looking to do
more work with them in the coming year.
The house looks forward to continuing to
improve and become more active on
FIJI has made great strides in the past
four years to regain our respective place
in the Bucknell community. This semester, after receiving the most new
members of any fraternity on campus,
there is no doubt we have returned to
the glory that we have enjoyed in the
past. Personally, this past year and a
half has been very rewarding. Living in
Gray Stone has allowed me to form
strong ties with my brothers. Our
brothers have taken great joy and pleasure in educating the new members and
teaching them the values and traditions
of FIJI. The sophomore class has already contributed much to FIJI. They
have helped plan events, are excelling
on the sports fields, and have taken
great interest in the upkeep of the
house. In fact, they just completed a
new multipurpose table for the living
room. If any alumni have any questions
about the Delta Chapter please feel free
to contact me at
Luke Vreeland (2015)
Corresponding Secretary
This past semester has been an exciting
one. While we were able to watch our
brothers lead successful football and soccer teams, we also proudly welcomed 32
new pledges into the fraternity. With
such a successful recruiting effort, FIJI
has once again solidified its presence on
campus. Having already taken up many
leadership roles, the new pledges will
surely contribute to our chapter and
hopefully perpetuate such positivity. Watching them unite into a cohesive
group of young FIJIs has been an extremely rewarding experience. Finally,
we successfully hosted our annual Parents Weekend event and are looking forward to similar gatherings in the coming
Andrew Coe (2015)
Chapter Historian
It’s incredible that it has already been
over a year since I decided to pledge
FIJI and I can sincerely say that it has
been the most rewarding decision I’ve
made at Bucknell. I rushed FIJI in August ‘12 and the ways I’ve seen the Delta
Chapter grow since then cannot be overlooked. At that time, our senior class
was fairly small at only sixteen brothers.
Our newest pledge class of 32 is not only
the largest on campus, but also consists
of campus leaders, premier athletes, and
well-rounded young men. Our pledges
rushed Delta Chapter because they understand that it’s a growing organization
with unbelievable potential. For the first
time since I rushed, I can say that every
time I walk into the house, I see groups
of brothers playing pool, relaxing in the
bison head room, and reading in the study
rooms. As the historian, besides teaching
our pledges national and local rituals, I
have stressed the importance of spending
time as a chapter at the house. If any
alumni remember notable traditions or
rituals that may be overlooked in the Purple Pilgrim, please email me personally at We are always
open to suggestions. Perge!
Marcus Dunlap (2016)
Pledge Class President
This years’ pledge class represents a diverse group of Bucknell sophomore students from hockey players to baseball
players, environmental club activists to
avid bird hunters. We are an outgoing
group of young men who have already
begun to establish a campus-wide reputation as respectable gentlemen and hardworking student-athletes, who know how
to have a good time come Friday afternoon. We have spent the past eight weeks
strengthening our friendships with each
other and older brothers through trips,
tailgates, intramural sports games and
spending time around the house. Several
weeks ago a group of twelve pledges, myself included, drove an hour south down
route 15 to an outfitters where we were
given 5 canoes and pushed off the banks of
the mighty Susquehanna. With not much
more than hot dogs, sleeping-bags, and
some refreshments, we embarked on a
fifteen-mile overnight camping/canoeing
trip on which we covered about eight miles
each day and cooked dinner over the fire
at night. This is one of many adventures
pledges have taken with each other and
older brothers to strengthen our rapidly
growing life-long bonds of friendship...the
sweetest influence. As a group, we look
forward to continuing the Phi Gam traditions of giving back to the community and
maintaining an exceptional reputation as
well-rounded, but rowdy young men.
\r\nNonprofit Org
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
US Postage Paid
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
Save the Date
Delta Chapter
Pig Dinner
Saturday, April 12
I am pleased to make a contribution to the Delta Chapter of : $1,000 $500 $250 $100 $50 $25 Other ________
Donations can be made on-line at, by phone at (859) 255-1848
ext. 136, or send checks payable to Phi Gamma Delta to: Bucknell/Delta Chapter Donations, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY
40544 and include this form. Please make checks payable to Delta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Winter 2014 newsletter of the Delta chapter at Bucknell University. The newsletter is four pages in length.