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2014 Winter Newsletter Chi Upsilon (University of Chicago)
Winter 2014 newsletter of the Chi Upsilon chapter at the University of Chicago. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Chi Upsilon
University of Chicago
2014 Winter Newsletter Chi Upsilon (University of Chicago)
The Chi Upsilon
University of Chicago ‐ Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity ‐ Winter 2014 Edition
On Saturday, October 19, after
the Maroons trounced the
Scotts of Macalester in a 26-7
win, celebration and cheer
poured over to the chapter
house. The brothers at Chi
Upsilon hosted the homecoming celebration by inviting
both graduate brothers and
their families and undergrads’
family members to the house
after the game to celebrate the
victory, eat good food, honor
distinguished guests, and
share stories of old and new.
It was a long, cold, and windy
victory, but over 225 brothers
and family members attended
the celebration. On arrival,
parents and graduate brothers
were welcomed with open
arms into their old rooms so
that they could reminisce
about “the good ol’ times” and
bathe in the nostalgia of their
college days. Parents, on the
other hand, were eager to satisfy their desire to compare the
house to the image they had
painted for themselves, based
on the stories they had pried
out of their boys. To the dismay of many undergrads,
while crossing paths, reminiscent graduate brothers more
than eagerly filled the void in
parents’ imaginations with
stories of the common occurrences, events, and activities of
their beloved Chi Upsilon
Grad Brothers Ted Repass
(1987) and Brandon Way
(1999) were both inducted
(Continued on page 2)
Despite efforts by both the
graduate board and the undergraduates in recent years, the
Chi Upsilon house remains in
serious need of repair. Last
years’ Chapter Treasurer
Richard Schmidt (2014),
created a policy: that the cost
of the materials for renovation
financed by the undergraduates would be subtracted from
that undergraduate’s rent. This
policy immediately spurred
massive amounts of undergraduate work put into the
beautiful, yet rapidly deteriorating, old house.
This policy was first meant to
give brothers living in the
house an incentive to renovate
their own
rooms. In the
2 years that
the program
has been in
place, an impressive 8 of
the 12 bedrooms in
house have
been renovated in some
major way.
But the undergrads seeing that
their house needed care if they
planned to live there in a quasicivilized manner in future years
put their own personal time and
initial capital into improving the
common areas of the house.
Things to Know
• The chapter finished the
fall 2013 semester with a
3.22 GPA.
• Chi Upsilon renewed the
Homecoming tradition
by inviting graduates
and parents to celebrate.
Plan now to attend next
• Use the enclosed giving
card and envel0pe to
support Chi Upsilon.
Donations are used to
offset the cost of graduate communications and
house maintenance.
Thank you!
undergrad maintenance and
repairs to the common living
area of the house include but
are not limited to:
Replacement of crumbling first
floor tile, patching of all holes
(Continued on page 2)
This newsletter was sent
electronically to those
brothers whom we have a
valid email address. If you
did not receive it, please
go to
to provide updated
contact information or
send a quick email to
and provide your name,
school, class year
and your preferred
email address.
Page 2
(Continued from page 1)
into the University of Chicago Athletics
Hall of Fame for their remarkable football
careers for the 'Roonies. Both Ted and
Brandon broke career records during
their time with the Maroons. Ted racked
up and astounding 521 career tackles and
a season high 147 in 1985. On the other
side of the ball Brandon became the Maroons career scoring leader in 1998 with
208 points.
Frank Brunner (1942) was given special distinction at the celebration for his
75 years of service to the fraternity. Frank
received the Diamond Owl, which is
given to a brother on the 75th anniversary of his initiation into the fraternity.
Over all the celebration was a huge success for all parties involved. Families got
to see the house and hear detailed stories
about the fraternity, graduate brothers
got to reminisce and share stories of Fiji
days of old, and undergraduates got
the opportunity to bond both with
their families and with graduate brothers through stories and shared experiences. When asked whether he thinks
this tradition will continue in years to
come, Current Chapter President
Bryan Tisdale (2015) stated, "I believe this is a wonderful opportunity
for the brothers, graduate or undergraduate, to remember and celebrate
their times here at the house while
Brandon Way (1999) (left) with his
bringing in and sharing those memofamily, including fraternity brother
ries with their loved ones. For that
Frank Brunner (1942) receiving his
Diamond Owl certificate for 75
years of service to the Fraternity.
reason, and the fact that the event was so
well received by all of the members and
their families, I couldn't imagine the
Homecoming Parent's Weekend not being perpetuated into the future for many
years to come."
Austin Way (2007, right).
(Continued from page 1)
in drywall, replacement of every cracked
window, repainting of the entire first
floor of the house, sanding and sealing
with polyurethane all the wood floors,
rebuilding of the wood rotted basement
stairs, replacement of broken lighting
fixtures throughout the house.
Besides the work the undergrads have
done on the house they have also financed the purchase of necessary appliances though the money they collected in
dues. The cabinet has in the last two years
purchased a new kitchen sink, new
washer and dryer (both used), and new
(used) furniture for the library.
The grad board is doing it’s part also
with the funds it has, just this fall financing the removal of asbestos in the basement, new fire extinguishers and fire
alarms throughout the house, and a new
back gate which was stolen over the
“Chi Upsilon needs a house
that brothers can gather
safely in to live, bond, and
create memories together.”
Challenges still persist. The banister of
the main stairway is missing 27 spindles
and needs to be straightened, a shower
leaks freely, random portions of the ceil-
ings are caving in, the wiring is not up to
safety codes, there are two unusable
showers, the basement has moisture
which needs repair.
The physical house, however, is in no
way a reflection of the chapter. In recent
years we have boasted a record number
of brothers despite the practice of increasingly intense selectiveness in who is
given bids to pledge the fraternity. Chapter participation and the brothers’ cohesiveness are at recent highs but for
brotherhood to continue grow and
thrive, Chi Upsilon needs a house that
brothers can gather safely in to live,
bond, and create memories together.
\r\nPage 3
• John Saada (1956) - is retired from
Ernst & Young and lives in Chagrin
Falls. He and Delores winter in Hilton
Head. He can be reached at
• Bill Johnson (1958) - is retired
from the Georgia State University
Office of Information Technology. He
and Denise live in Atlanta and can be
reached at
• Dr. Phil Shaw (1963) - has retired
from Sybase as a programmer. He is
in Las Vegas and can be reached at
• Dr. James A. Stankiewicz (1970) is head of the ENT (Ear, Nose, and
Throat) Department at Loyola University in Maywood and was again named
one of the top doctors by Chicago
• Alex Pound (1985) - is Vice President at Wilshire Associates in New
York City.
• Ted A. Repass (1987) - U of C
Atheletic Hall of Fame member is Divisional Vice President for Prudential
Financial in Indianapolis.
• John C. Hayek (1990) - is Associate
Vice Chancellor and Chief of Staff for
Academic Affairs at the University of
Texas System.
• Morgan W. Wright (1997) - is Director, Management and Operations
Loan Programs office in the United
States Department of Energy.
• Paul L. Santucci (2001) - is an Options Trader at Christopher Street
Capital, specializing in foreign exchange.
• Captain Timothy J. Kuhn (2002) is Senior Defense Counsel for the
United States Marines.
• Mark S. Benigno (2004) - is Head
Trader at Volant Trading in New York
• Michael J. Serio (2008) - is Vice
President at Sterne Agee in New York
• Captain Mark Cowett (2009) - is
pursuing an MBA at Yale University,
after four years in the United States
• David M. Murphy (2011) - is an
energy trader at Louis Dreyfus Commodities. His brother entered University of Chicago in September.
• Brandon W. Meckelberg (2013) is in Marquette University Dental
School. His younger sister was just
admitted to the U of C class of 2018.
served the Fraternity as Purple Legionnaire. His regular correspondence and
great sense of humor will be truly
• John R. Stanek (1958) - after fighting cancer for many years “Jack” passed
away May 25, 2013 of prostate cancer.
Like Charlie, Jack was a native of the
south side of Chicago. He was a varsity
swimmer at the U of C. He started a
global survey company, Internal Survey
Research, and built it into a multimillion dollar firm that he sold several
years before his death. He was a great
storyteller and served many times as
master of ceremonies at the Pig Dinner.
Jack was a major supporter of the chapter’s capital campaigns and the Midway
Education Foundation. He also employed many brothers at his firm and
has contributed generously to the University and other worthwhile organizations. Although now gone, we’ll continue telling “Stanek Stories” for a long
In 2013, two long-term supportive
brothers passed away.
• Charles Wright (1957) - received
his BA at Knox College and completed his PhD at University of Chicago. He passed away October 2013.
After starting his career teaching
college, the C.I.A. employed him.
Charlie was assigned to scrutinize
the publications of the “Eastern
Block” during the Cold War and
assess shifts in policy and personnel
to help determine future trends. He
Ted Repass (1987) with his family
With a chapter GPA of 3.22, the house continues to prove it belongs in the rigorous academic
setting that the University provides. The chapter’s GPA continues to be far above the all Phi Gam
average GPA of 3.05.
Although the university does not publish all-college, all-men’s, or all-fraternity GPAs the houses
academic excellence can be quantitatively measured by observing that 43 out of the 70 current
brothers hold GPAs at or above the dean’s list requirement of 3.25.
\r\nNonprofit Org
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
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Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
The Chapter is continuing their efforts to recruit well-rounded pledges with various backgrounds and strengths. Our current pledge
class finds its origins primarily through relations to brothers in the classroom. All five men are well on their ways to becoming valued and contributing members of the Chapter and we all look forward to the completion of their process. In a few weeks a new
spring class projected at 20+ brothers will be given their bids.
Colin Patrick Varn - Annapolis, Maryland, Annapolis High
Daniel John Varn - Annapolis, Maryland, Annapolis High
Erik Nathaniel Brewer - Sleepy Holow, IL, Dundee-Crown High School
Liam Thomas Ward, Jr. - Chester, NJ, Oratory Preparatory High School
Benjamin Marc Shenwick - Scarsdale, NY, S.A.R. High School
The Norris Pig Dinner is scheduled for Saturday, June 7, 2014. Please save this date on
your calendar, and be on the lookout for upcoming information regarding the “Sing.”
This year 70+ undergraduate brothers will be in attendance.
We look forward to having a full roster of support, with the intent of winning this years’ competition.
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Winter 2014 newsletter of the Chi Upsilon chapter at the University of Chicago. The newsletter is four pages in length.