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2014 Winter Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
Winter 2014 newsletter for the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Rho Alpha
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
2014 Winter Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University)
R ho A lpha R eport
The Rho Alpha Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta at Virginia Tech - Winter 2014
By: Brac Webb (2005)
I want to simply say
‘Thank you’. This
newsletter has a bittersweet feel to it as it will
be the last one during
my tenure as Graduate
Association President.
The last three and a
half years serving our
Chapter as a graduate
brother has been a
wonderful time and
has allotted me many
memories. I have enjoyed working with our entire
future. Thank you all for a
board member for further
board of directors who have
wonderful experience and for
information. We may even be
also held their positions for
being dedicated to our Chapable to get you involved in
the last three and a half years
things before Pig Dinner!
and who I’d like to
thank for their hard
This year we were able
“Your donations allowed us
work and dedication.
to quadruple our numto
It has been great
ber of 1972 Club memundergraduates desperately
working with all of
bers. Your donations
the undergraduates,
allowed us to fund
needed in order to carry-on
many of whom are
equipment that the unthe proud traditions of
now graduates, to
dergraduates desperour fraternity.”
make our on-campus
ately needed in order to
Chapter even better.
carry-on the proud traFurthermore, I have enjoyed
ditions of our fraternity. We
getting to know and work
also plan to make a fair numAs always, I encourage everywith long standing graduate
ber of repairs to our Chapter
one to come to Pig Dinner and
brothers, who have offered to
house’s floors and staircase in
attend the Saturday morning
help out with the various dayaddition to replacing a no
meeting. This year will be
to-day as well as the longlonger functioning dryer.
especially important, as electerm strategic planning tasks
tions will be taking place. If
It has been an exciting and
of the Graduate Association.
you are interested in running
productive year for the underIt has been a pleasure workfor a position on the Board of
ing with everyone to better
Directors, please contact ei(Continued on page 2)
position our Chapter for the
ther myself or any current
Register Now
Rho Alpha Pig Dinner
April 5, 2014
See enclosed
invitation for details.
Things to Know
♦ During 2013, the number
of 1972 Club members
(donors of at least $19.72 a
month) quadrupled! Signup at www.phigam.org/
♦ Rho Alpha had its most
successful Football Run yet,
raising a total of
$31,001.84 for the V
♦ The Graduate Association
will hold Board of Director
elections at Pig Dinner. If
you are interested in running, contact any Director
listed on the back page.
\r\nRho Alpha Report
Page 2
Undergraduate Chapter Officers
Parker Bartlett – President – Parker pledged in the spring of 2012 and is a proud member of the Gamma Phi pledge class. He
is currently a junior majoring in both Accounting and Finance, planning to complete his undergraduate degree by 2015 and receive his Masters in Accounting the following year. Parker was previously the external social chair of the fraternity and currently
works as a Campus Ambassador for Northwestern Mutual. He played football for Midlothian High School in Richmond, VA, and
stays active by playing intramural and interfratenal sports.
Alex Cavanagh – Treasurer – Alex pledged in the fall of 2011 with the Gamma Upsilon pledge class. He is currently a senior,
dual majoring in accounting and finance, planning to graduate in the spring of 2015 with 150 credit hours so that he is eligible to
take the CPA exam. Alex has been on the IFC for two years and has held the Assistant Director of Finance and Director of Finance
position. Alex is currently serving on the Student Budget Board Committee as the Greek representative and enjoys helping other
student organizations grow. Alex played competitive soccer with the D.C. United Youth Academy team throughout high school
and has continued to play soccer in college with the Virginia Tech Club Soccer team. Upon graduation Alex would like to work for
an accounting or finance company in either the Southern or Western part of the United States.
Connor Beecher – Recording Secretary – Connor pledged in the fall of 2011 with the Gamma Upsilon pledge class. He is
currently a junior majoring in Finance and plans to graduate in the spring of 2015. In the past Connor held the positions of Recruitment Chair and Brotherhood Chair. Connor played competitive golf during high school and was a member of his school’s
team. After college, he hopes to apply his creative skills working for an advertising agency.
Bryan Sanders – Corresponding Secretary – Bryan pledged in the fall of 2011 with the Gamma Upsilon pledge class. He is
currently a junior majoring in Finance and plans to graduate in May of 2015. Bryan has been involved in multiple chair positions
in the past, most notably rush chair and J-board member, and is also an active participant on the new white star scholarship committee. Bryan played competitive tennis growing up and throughout high school, but has been sidelined for the past year due to a
bad shoulder. His new found love in life is golf.
Adil Dittmer – Historian – Adil pledged in the fall of 2011 with the Gamma Upsilon pledge class. He is currently a senior majoring in Political Science and minoring in Psychology and Business Leadership with plans to graduate in December of 2014. Previously, Adil held the Chapter's Philanthropy Chair and Diamond Bowl Chair. Adil is also currently serving as President of the
IFC. Adil played football and basketball all through high school and continues to stay active by officiating high school basketball
throughout the New River Valley region.
Graduate Board of Directors listed on back page...
Rho Alpha Update continued...
undergraduate average of 3.141 and the all
men’s average of 3.058. We very much appregraduates. The previous Cabinet, who ciate all of the Undergraduates’ hard work in
valuing scholarship.
just stepped down at the end of the
calendar year, made excellent imThe undergraduates are not only excelling in
provements in our Chapter’s attitude
toward scholarship. As a result, many grades, but also giving. Our Chapter had its
most successful Football Run yet, raising a
members’ personal GPAs improved
total of $31,001.84 for the V Foundation. The
and we moved up in the Universities’
event total was $52,401.64, which is also a
grade rankings. In the last academic
record. We are all very proud of these achievereport published by the school, we
finished third, out of twenty-eight IFC ments, and to top it off these guys are having
fun along the way. I believe that our brotherrecognized fraternities, in grades.
hood is as strong as it has ever been and it
Our Chapter’s average GPA was
shows with our recruitment numbers. Our
3.249, one of the few above the all
(Continued from page 1)
closed rush events usually total around
50 prospective members. After careful
considerations, around 20-30 bids are
handed out a semester with most, if not
all, being accepted.
I hope that all our graduate brothers can
find time to make it back to Blacksburg
to meet our undergraduate members
and reunite with graduate brothers
young and old. It is always fun to come
back for sporting events and especially
Pig Dinner! Thank you all for being a
part of our Chapter and brotherhood.
\r\nPage 3
Graduate Brothers, we very much appreciate your continued support of our Chapter. We have a wonderful brotherhood and are
so fortunate to have devoted members such as you. As you are no doubt aware, funding the scholarships, house improvements,
and future expansion of our Chapter is an ongoing task. Any support you can give to help ensure our Chapter’s continued success
is much appreciated. We appreciate you taking the time to read the following overview of our giving options.
Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation for Rho Alpha
The Phi Gamma Delta International Headquarters provides a chapter restricted scholarship fund for Rho Alpha. As this is an educational foundation, donations are tax deductible and allow for corporate matching. Interest gained may be used to award scholarships each year. Currently, we award $2,000 in scholarships from this fund. The first, chosen by a committee of Graduate
Brothers, is a $1,000 scholarship awarded to an Undergraduate Brother that demonstrates high marks of scholastic achievement
through his studies at Virginia Tech and valuable contributions and strong leadership in the Chapter. This scholarship demonstrates our commitment that, as a Brother, your focuses should be on your studies and then your Chapter, above all else. Two
$500 scholarships, selected by a committee consisting of Undergraduate and Graduate Brothers, are awarded to prospective
members interested in joining the Chapter. These prospective members do not have to join the Fraternity to receive the scholarship. Rather, the goal of these scholarships is to demonstrate our value of education to the undergraduate student body in hopes
of attracting the very best to join our brotherhood. To make a gift to the fund, please visit: https://www.phigam.org/MakeAGift
For designation, select Other and enter as follows: VA Tech CHEF.
Rho Alpha’s 1972 Club
The 1972 Club is a donation fund managed by the Rho Alpha Graduate Association Board of Directors. The Rho Alpha Graduate
Association consists of graduates, from Virginia Tech and elsewhere, who live the mantra that Phi Gamma Delta is “not for college
days alone”. The association’s Board consists of six of its members elected by the association itself. The Board runs graduate
events, advises the undergraduates alongside the International Headquarters, and shapes the long-term vision of the Chapter.
The 1972 Club gets its name from the Chapter’s charter date of 1972. We ask members to donate at least $19.72 a month, but any
gift amount is appreciated. Donations to the 1972 Club fund improvements and repairs to the Rho Alpha Chapter house, help pay
off large expenses for the undergraduates, such as insurance payments, and fund studies for future expansion, such as a feasibility
study for a capital campaign that would raise money for a new Chapter house. To make a gift to this fund, please visit: https://
Graduate Facebook Page - http://www.facebook.com/rhoalphagraduateassociation
Twitter - @VTFIJI
Undergraduate Website - www.vtfiji.com
Football Run Website - www.fijirunacrossvirginia.com
Graduate Website - www.vtfijigrads.com
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
Nonprofit Org
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Graduate Board of Directors
President – Brac Webb – Gamma Deuteron (2005) – As an undergraduate, Brac served on cabinet as Recording Secretary. He graduated in 2005 with a BS in electrical engineering and in 2006 with an MS in electrical engineering. As a graduate
brother, Brac has served on the G.A. Board as Secretary (06‐08), Treasurer (08‐10), and President (10‐ present). He currently
lives in the DC area.
Vice President Development – John Tabb, III –Beta Chi (2004) – As an undergraduate, John served on Cabinet as
President. He graduated in 2004 with a BS in finance and in 2005 with an MS in construction management. As a graduate
brother, John has served as V.P. Development since 2006. John and his wife Jessica reside in Charleston, SC.
Vice President Advisory – Ross Millikan – Gamma Theta (2009) – As an undergraduate, Ross served on cabinet as
President. He graduated in 2009 with a BS in civil engineering. As a graduate brother, Ross has served as V.P. Advisory since
2008. Ross lives in Richmond, VA.
Vice President House – Matthew Lewis – Gamma Iota (2008) – Matt graduated in 2008 with a BS in mechanical engineering. As a graduate brother, Matt has served as V.P. House since 2008. Matt resides in Lynchburg, VA.
Secretary – Phil Talarico – Gamma Zeta (2008) – As an undergraduate, Phil served on cabinet as President. He graduated
in 2008 with a BS in marketing. As a graduate brother, Phil has served as Secretary since 2008. He resides in the DC area.
Treasurer – Jonathon Edge – Gamma Zeta (2008) – As an undergraduate, Jon served on cabinet as Treasurer. He graduated in 2008 with a BS in finance. As a graduate brother, Jon has served as the Treasurer since 2008. He lives in the DC area.
I am pleased to make a contribution to Rho Alpha of : $1,000 $500 $250 $100 $50 $25 Other ________
I would like my donation to be used in the following area: _______________________________________________
Donations can be made on-line at www.phigam.org/VATechDonations, by phone at (859) 255-1848 ext 136 or send
checks payable to Phi Gamma Delta - Rho Alpha to: Virginia Tech/Rho Alpha Donations, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40544
and include this form.
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Winter 2014 newsletter for the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.