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2014 Winter Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
Winter 2014 newsletter for the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Zeta Deuteron
Washington & Lee University
2014 Winter Newsletter Zeta Deuteron (Washington & Lee University)
Zeta Deuteron Chapter ‐ Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity ‐ Washington & Lee University
January 2014
Volume 2, Issue 1
By: Jordan Yost (2014) - Chapter President
The past year has been a time
of constant growth and change
for FIJI at Washington & Lee.
Greetings Brothers,
My name is Jordan Yost and I
am currently the president
of Zeta Deuteron at Wash“This past year has
ington and Lee. I am a senbeen a time of
ior journalism major from
constant growth and
Fairfax, VA, and am planchange for FIJI at
ning on teaching elemenWashington & Lee.”
tary school upon graduating
in May. I have previously
served as New Member Educa- Our winter term pledge class
tor, Scholarship Chair, and
of 15 marks a major step in the
right direction for our chapter.
relatively low recruitment
numbers, I believe this new
group of fine young men will
give Zeta Deuteron the numbers to truly make an impact
on campus and in the Lexington community.
With this success in mind,
Zeta Deuteron is more committed than ever to its recent
call-to-action to improve the
chapter following advice from
(Continued on page 2)
For questions regarding the
activities or state of the Zeta
Deuteron Chapter, please
contact our
Corresponding Secretary,
Michael Donnellan.
112 W Preston St
Lexington, VA 24450
After two consecutive years of
By: Lisa Tracy - House Director/House Mom
Our winter term is well underway, and it’s been an eventful
year, as Chapter President Jordan Yost’s letter will have told
you. I’d like to take the opportunity here to introduce myself
briefly, thank several very important people in our lives, and
just brag a little about our current band of brothers here at
Zeta Deuteron. This is my third
year as your chapter’s house
director/house mom, and it’s
been a joy and an adventure.
I’m a native of Lexington and a
journalist, author and editor by
trade. I have one child, a son
currently serving in the Marine
Corps. Retiring to Lexington
after a career at the Philadel-
phia Inquirer meant coming
home for me, and working at
FIJI has been the icing on the
I follow but could never replace
House Director Barbara Geddes, who retired in 2011 and is
now living outside of Atlanta. I
can only say it was and is a great
privilege to inherit the position
she defined and to serve the
house for which she did so
BROTHERS GATHER in front of the house in this 1940s
much. We are very fortunate to
photo. The picture came to us courtesy of Harris Oswalt
have Mark Muchmore
of Mobile, AL, a grandson of Guy Coleman Oswalt (1940).
(2004) and Brian Higgins
(2004) leading our House
times and some hard spots.
Adam Wagner have been
Corp. as president and treasVisits from Dana Hesse, chief
invaluable. We are also
urer. They’ve supported us
of Phi Gamma Delta’s Section
blessed to have the best
wholeheartedly through these
(Continued on page 4)
IX, and from Field Secretary
three years, through some great
\r\nW&L FIJI
Page 2
(Continued from page 1)
the International Headquarters. We have
been working tirelessly to ensure the
smooth implementation of the Pledge
Education Program that IHQ recommends. We believe that this program,
which emphasizes the values of Friendship, Knowledge, Service, Morality, and
Excellence, will both strengthen the
brotherhood of Zeta Deuteron and educate our new members on the rich traditions of our fraternity.
Zeta Deuteron’s philanthropic efforts
and academics have flourished this
year. In the first semester alone, our
chapter averaged over 20 hours of
community service per brother, accumulating a total of 674 hours of charitable volunteer work. Through their
work at Habitat for Humanity, local
soup kitchens, and several other fine
Marino Orlandi (2015), Grant Cokeley
local charities, the brothers of Zeta
(2016), Billy Fries (2016) and Matt
Deuteron have truly distinguished
Ziemer (2014) weigh Fiji’s 150-pound
themselves as an asset to the commufood donation at the Rockbridge Area
nity. On the academic front, our chapRelief Association.
ter attained a 3.42 GPA this past seopportunity to have led such an outmester, the second highest fraternity
standing group of young men. Graduaverage on campus. All told, fall term
was full of new developments and distin- ates, thank you for establishing the traditions we strive daily to uphold. And figuished accomplishments for Zeta Deunally, I would like to thank our House
teron. This semester brings with it new
Mother Lisa for her tireless efforts and
challenges and new opportunities for
constant benevolent presence.
our brothers to better themselves and
the surrounding community.
RARA Secretary Mary Bergen,
Pantry Manager Anna Bolling, and
Executive Director Mary B. Brown
with the Fiji team.
As the outgoing president at the end of
winter term, I would like to take this
opportunity to say thank you. Brothers
and recent graduates, you have truly
made the last four years an unforgettable
experience and I deeply appreciate the
Finally, this newsletter marks a renewed
effort on the part of our chapter to connect with Zeta Deuteron graduates,
which is a crucial part of any successful
chapter. The future is looking bright for
Zeta Deuteron, but we do not want to
forget our past.
W&L’s Fiji Chapter will be raising funds to create a New
Member Scholarship that will be given to a deserving
potential member with financial constraints. We believe that
a person’s character, not finances, should be the most
important prerequisite for joining our fraternity. With help
from our strong graduate base, we hope to provide the first
scholarship at the beginning of the 2014 school year. To learn
more about the scholarship or to contribute, please contact
Jordan Yost (2014) - President
Griffin Cook (2015) - Treasurer
Michael Donnellan (2015) - Corresponding Secretary
Tyler Kaelin (2016) - Recruitment Chairman
Bren Flanigan (2016) - Social Chairman
Grant Cokeley (2016) - Pledge Education Chairman
Marino Orlandi (2015) - Recording Secretary
Billy Fries (2016) - Philanthropy Chairman
The annual Pig Dinner is being reinstituted this year, with a tentative date of Saturday, May 3, during Alumni
Weekend, likely in the late afternoon. The date recalls Phi Gamma Delta’s official founding, May 1, 1848. It
will be a great occasion for brothers to get reacquainted with their house and each other. PLEASE RSVP by
email to by April 1 – we’re trying to get a head count.
\r\nPage 3
Our seniors are the outstanding group of
gentlemen you’d expect them to be. Before they get away from us and join the
graduate ranks, here’s a thumbnail sketch
of our 2014 brothers:
medical school. Track team, 100s and
200s. Part of last spring’s winning
ODAC champion 4x100 relay.
♦ Mac Keers: Economics major, from
♦ Jay Catlett: Accounting/Business
Administration major; hails from Richmond, VA; has ridden on the Travellers ♦
cycling team; will attend UVA in the
fall; working this summer with Ernst &
Young in Richmond.
♦ Phil Dishuck: Biology major, from
Tuscaloosa, AL. Member, the Alpha
Epsilon Delta premedical honor society, treasurer of Student Environmental Action League (SEAL). Three♦
year member of the swim team. Internships: 2013 computational biology research at W&L; 2012, research at the
Spanish National Cancer Research
Center in Madrid. Looking to do biology research or consulting.
♦ Mark Faubion: International Politics
and Spanish double major, with minor
in Latin American and Caribbean stud♦
ies, from Dallas, TX. Deans List, Honor
Roll, and Scholar Athlete. Two years on
swim team, sidelined by injury but
helps coach a Special Olympics team.
Working in the Generals Development
Initiative (GenDev) as director of international development, and with student group P4T (Preparing for Tomorrow), raising awareness of international issues. Teaches Spanish once
weekly at local elementary school.
♦ Will Fulwider: Chinese and History
double major, from Columbus, OH.
Editor, literary magazine Muse; Member, SEAL; staff member, Outing Club;
music director, WLUR. Plays folk guitar; choreographed for last spring’s
aerial dance troupe. Studied in China in
2012. Member of Omicron Delta
Kappa National Leadership Honor So♦
♦ Cole Glasgow: Religion major and
pre-med. From Dallas, TX, bound for
Statistical Mechanics 2013. Currently
working on a thesis in nanoparticle
self-assembly from his own research.
Looking to work in research and development.
Wilton, CT; member of the track team.
Will be working at Deutsche Bank post- ♦ Kevin Sullivan: Economics and Socigraduation.
ology double major, from Sandwich,
MA. Co-captain of the track team. AllAgustin Kim: Sociology major, from
Conference for the javelin throw, 2011,
Los Angeles, CA. Track team, 100s and
2012, 2013. Member of W&L student
200s, member of the ODAC champion
consulting and Generals Development
4X100 relay.
Initiative. Will be working for MidCap
H.T. Kotchinian: Biology major,
Financial in Washington, DC, after
from Lowell, MA. Three years on wresgraduation.
tling team, heading for graduate school
♦ Kane Thomas: Chinese and Politics
in dentistry, at Tufts or NYU.
double major, from Seattle, WA. CapJoe Morgan: Classics major, from
tain, cross-country team; co-captain,
Louisville, KY. Honors candidate, with
track team. RA 2012-13 and 2013-14.
thesis on patterns in the representation
Lead guitar, vocalist and composer for
of northern foreigners in Greek and
the alternative rock group Nudist BudRoman historiography from the second
dhist. Member of Men’s Glee Club and
century BCE through the second cenUniversity Singers, 2010-13. Recent
tury CE. Studied in Wales and Italy,
inductee of ODK Honor Society.
2012-13. Looking ahead: possible grad
♦ Jordan Yost: Journalism and Educaschool, teaching.
tion double major, from Fairfax, VA.
Dillon Myers: Business AdministraChapter President, 2013-14; Zeta Deution and Chinese double major, from
teron officer, 2011-14. Dean’s List (5X)
Foxboro, MA. Honors candidate.
and Honor Roll. Recipient of the Carter
Placed 11th nationally in the decathlon
Glass Jr., the Charles Poellnitz Johnsin 2012; in ODAC championships 2013,
ton, and the Josiah P. Rowe Jr. scholarhad three second-place finishes in long
ships. Member, wrestling team, 2010jump, high jump and 400H and placed
2011; track team, 2012-2014. Academic
first in the 4x400. NCAA Academic AllAll-conference track and wrestling
American in 2012 and 2013. Business
teams. Currently student teaching full
manager of the Ring Tum Phi, executime. Plans to teach elementary school
tive director of student consulting, expost-graduation.
ecutive board member of Generals De♦ Matt Ziemer: Sociology and Ecovelopment Initiative. Internship 2013
nomics double major, from Charlotte,
with financial technology startup
NC. Honors thesis on race bias in NFL
Dwolla in Silicon Valley.
draftee evaluations. Member, rugby
Jonathan Sells: Japanese and Interteam. Philanthropic
national Politics double major, from
activities have inTampa, FL. Track team long jump.
cluded initiating FIJI
Spring semester 2012 in Japan, studyinvolvement with the
ing language and culture.
nonprofit CommuBrian Simpson: Physics major, from
nity Table and helpTucson, AZ. Active in on-campus physing lead FIJIs fall
ics research since 2011-12, with results
2013 RARA food
of one study published in Journal of
\r\nNonprofit Org
Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
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Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
A VIEW FROM THE HOUSE continued...
(Continued from page 1)
chef on campus. Dave Cobb (W&L ’87)
hails from the Chicago area, trained at the
Cooking and Hospitality Institute of Chicago, a Cordon Bleu affiliate, and is in his
fourth year with us. When the brothers
describe him as our secret recruitment
advantage, they’re not kidding. His daily
meals and party fare are legendary campus
These three years have seen so many stellar accomplishments by the gentlemen of
FIJI that I’ll only be able to mention a few
of the most recent. However, in newsletters to come, we will feature current brothers and graduates, and we hope you’ll send
us your news. A website is also in the
works – we’ll hope to have it up by spring
term. Jordan told you about our fall GPA
–and this from a group of guys for whom
double majors are common! And besides
great academic skills, our brothers are
outstanding in sports, extracurricular
activities, and community service. You’ve
seen the news on Page 1 of our support
for the local food pantry, which is much
needed in this county. Most recently, our
Fijis spent a cleanup day at Boxerwood,
the local nature center, which offers environmental classes for every child in the
county, regardless of income. They’ve
also supported Community Table, a nonprofit serving affordable meals – just to
name a few of their philanthropic activities.
Our brothers can be found on the crosscountry and track teams, with Fiji
seniors Kane Thomas (2014) and
Kevin Sullivan (2014) as track cocaptains; on the swim team, and on the
wrestling mats and the rugby field.
Among extracurricular activities, FIJI can
claim the editor of the literary magazine;
the business manager of the Ring Tum
Phi; musicians who perform in the uni-
versity’s choral groups and wind ensemble, as well as in an alt rock group that’s
won the campus-wide open mike contest
two years running; members of the Outing Club; and an enterprising group of
seniors who participate in the Generals
Development Initiative, a campus microfinance group.
As these formidable Fijis go forward,
they are following in your footsteps. Part
of our wish in sending out this newsletter is that you will come back to see us –
for the Pig Dinner on Alumni Weekend
in May, Homecoming in the fall, or
whenever you can. I also hope that you’ll
think of supporting your chapter, remembering the value of the place that
was your home away from home when
you were here. Please be a presence in
our lives – email, text, call or mail us –
send news, come visit, and we will welcome you with open arms!
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Winter 2014 newsletter for the Zeta Deuteron chapter at Washington & Lee University. The newsletter is four pages in length.