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1974 May Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
May 1974 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is four pages.
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Chi Iota
University of Illinois
1974 May Newsletter Chi Iota (University of Illinois)
Published by Chi iota Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
New Series Vol. XXXIX
President's Message
Looking toward other areas of the
appreciation to Nic Loiacono and his chapter, financially the house is in
cabinet foi the fine job they did in 1973 good shape as we have more brothers
living in this spring semester than in
and assure them the present ad
ministration will follow course of the past 3 or 4 years. Our University
relations have improved very much,
action similar to the one they set.
Initially I would like to express my
and we have initiated a
A rather large attitude change has
taken place at Chi Iota over the past
year and the effects of that change
where we invite campus officials to a
formal dinner on "Tuesday nights.
Rush is going well and we hope to take
now more than before, thinking in
terms of the fraternity, of "what's
a large pledge class during Formal
Rush (April 26-28). Athletically we
rank high in the IM point standings,
good for
and our social calendar is as full as
can now be seen. The brothers are
the house." This is
No. 3
merely a feeling voiced in chapter
and promptly forgotten, but one
evident in the conduct both in and
for Chi Iota and with the efforts of Don
outside the house, and in our thoughts
toward athletics, social events, and
Reno, Purple Legionaire, and the new
Board of Chapter Advisors, and
So, things are indeed "looking up"
general public relations. Fiji has
continued concern of the House Cor
always been among the top houses on
poration, 1974 will be a very good year
campus and with brothers thinking
for Phi Gamma Delta.
like this, will remain there for quite
James Breen Hickey Jr.
some time.
It started like the third act of
"Hair". The sun hidden in shadows of
winter for so long emerged and
spread its radiant warmth to earth.
The lustful masses in re.sponse began
to remove their lossely held garb and
started to romp thru the wilds free
from the restrictions of society.
Thus began another college fad.
Somewhat more sensationalized than
gold fish eating or panty raids,
streaking made its way to the
University of Illinois during the first
soared to the BO's. The latest fad
caught on so well at the Big U that the
University received the distinction of
being number 1 in the country for
streaking the week of March 3.
Enacting the first rituals and rites
of Spring, the guardians of the cult of
Priapus and Venus, first doffed their
duffs the night of March 3 right in
front of the chapter house. The 40 or
so streakers, a collection of ZBT, Phi
Delts, and Phi Psis, unsuccessfully
tried to lure the Phi Gamms out for a
quiet stroll at 2 in the morning on a
Monday night. The next night was
football game. While many Fijis
looked on dressed) Sammys were
trouncing ZBT until someone was
charged with illegal use of hands and
a free-for-all resulted.
Wednesday had the honor of being
the day when the Lone Ranger rode
again as someone streaking thru a
Chemistry lecture yelled HiHo Silver!
and left a silver bullet on the lecture
table. Thursday was somewhat more
of someone trying to outdo another ~
skateboards, flagpoles, wheel chairs,
and even parachutes. That night was
marked with the first injuries at-
Some things never change — such as A. B. Sawyer presiding at the Norris
Fig Dinner.
(continued on page 2)
May, 1974
The Illinois Fiji
Annual Pig Dinner Held
Published by Phi Gamma Delta
Chi lota's 77th annual Norris Pig
highest virtue and character of the
Association of Illinois and Chi Iota
Dinner was held March 9, 1974 at 401.
ideals of Phi Gamma Delta as viewed
Unfortunately attendance was low
due to a foulup in the mailing of the
announcements. The chapter wishes
to extend its apologies to those who
by the current pledge class. A.B.'s
intentions in starting this annual
presentation was to improve each
chapter member by providing a
received invitations too late to make
model to follow and also to get the
pledge class to think what really are
chapter of Phi Gamma Delta for its
members and friends. We welcome
all news from alumni. Send your news
and address changes to our Alumni
Relations Chairman, Box 2213, Sta. A,
Champaign, 61820.
Chairman of the Board ... Brenton H. Wadsworth
Owen H. Ackerman
Vice President
James C. Welch
Robert C. Johnston
Ward McDonald
Class of '74
James C. Welch
Dennis R. Fox
Thomas I. Homer
Robert C. Johnston
Ward McDonald
Class of '75
Brenton H. Wadsworth '52
Class of '76
John C. White '70
Daniel A. Damon '58
Clifton Fulton '44
Class of '77
James L. Russell '62
Owen Ackerman '59
Champ W. Davis. Jr. '63
plans to attend the dinner.
But nevertheless the dinner was a
very rewarding experience for those
who did make it. This success can be
to the heart warming
message delivered by Albert B.
Sawyer '10, head speaker. A.B.'s
presentation of his silver "Sawyer"
cup which he personally hand crafted.
The cup is given to the chapter
the ideals of the fraternity.
The recipient of the first award was
Carmen Governale '74 of Joliet.
Next year's Pig Dinner will be held
March 1 in commeration of the class
of 1928 50th year of membership. 20
alums of 1928 are expected to come
and celebrate the 50th anniversary of
their initiation. So start making plans
and come and join them.
member who had demonstrated the
Buckley Memorial Fund Report
Jim Hickey '75
Recording Secretary:
Tom Hickey 76
Tom Ward '76
Glen Ellyn
Corresponding Secretary:
Dave Fletcher '76
Glen Ellyn
Co-Rush Chairmen:
Kent Sands '76
Doug Shroyer '77
John Snell '76
Pledge Trainer:
Terry Tolan '76
As reported in the November, 1973,
Illinois Fiji, Brother Warren B.
Buckley bequeathed the Phi Gamma
Delta Association of Illinois ap
proximately $100,000. Under the
leadership of Robert C. Johnston, '60,
a committee developed a proposed
amendment to the association by
laws to permit the administration and
investment of these funds.
The Buckley Investment Com
mittee consists of three members who
(continued from page 1)
will serve six-year staggered terms.
tributed to the sport when a car
rushed down 6th street, ramming thru
the countless people watching a pair
The appointees to this committee are
of girls streak from the House of Chin.
Corliss D. Anderson, '26, Milton C.
Haas, '26, and Walter C. Leek, '34.
These Brothers have graciously
accepted the appointment and
responsibility for investing the funds
to maintain security and achieve the
adequate security.
Five voting members have been
appointed to the Buckley Projects
Committee including James C.
Welch, '42, and Robert C. Johnston,
'60, representing the House Cor
poration. H.P. "Bud" Larson, '40, is
an appointed member at large.
Thomas W. Johnston, '58, has been
appointed as a representative of the
David Kinley Foundation and James
B. Hickey, Jr. '75, is the un
dergraduate representative.
(continued on page 3)
But Friday was the night when the
action really started. 1200 people
jammed the Quad to watch the 600
people parade in the hearld "Greek
Streak" at midnight. Led by a girl
riding a horse, and resembling Lady
Godiva, the streakers sported a
lengthy trot thru Campus Town then
went to Fraternity Park where Chi
Psis sponsored a party with the
proceeds going to MS.
Muggs McDerrmit '77, the lone
representative of Fijis to participate
in the Greek Streak told of his historic
streak, "It was a lot of fun. The first
mile seemed like the finish of Ken
tucky Derby with all those people out
there cheering and screaming."
On Saturday March 9 the return of
Artic-like winds forced the Streakers
A. B. Sawyer presents Carmen Governale '74 the first annual Sawyer Cup for
being the most outstanding Fiji.
\r\nMay, 1974
Buckley Fund
Chi lota Alumni News
(Continued from page 1)
Ex officio members of the com
mittee are the Purple Legionnaire,
Don Reno, and the chapter treasurer,
Tom Ward, '76.
responsible for recommending
projects for which the income from
the Buckley Fund is to he expended.
The committee must he satisfied that
any money spent is designed to do at
least one of the following: 1) promote
high scholarship, 2) develop strong
chapter leadership, 3) promote better
chapter attitude, 4) attract the
highest type member into the
chapter, and 5) enhance general
chapter reputation.
generosity, the House Corporation is
in a position to provide significant
assistance to the undergraduate
chapter in addition to the normal
maintenance and repair of the house
for which wg arc responsible.
Initially, we have authorized expense
money for the house officers to visit
William J. Carniichael '42, is senior
vice president of Sales Management
Magazine. He is a member of the
University Club of Chicago, Sales
Marketing Executives Club and has
been active in the BOy Scouts for 25
years. Bill and his wife, Doreen, have
been married for 28 years and have a
are encouraging the undergraduate
Retired Brother John McCullough
Foster '25, is now in a nursing home.
FIJI son who is a senior at Colorado
He resides at 310 W. 49th St. in Kansas
State University. They reside at 3221
Hartzell in Evanston, IL.
City, Missouri.
Crossley '46, is an anesthesiologist in
Las Vegas. In his spare time "Cap"
enjoys bridge and is a member of the
American Contract Bridge League
Clergyman Robert Given Kesel '50,
serves the Media United Presbyterian
Church in Media, Pa: His hobbies are
Softball, golf, photography and
squash and he is the chairman of the
Committee on Ecumenical Relations
and a life master. This father of nine
of the Philadelphia Presbytery.
children has a FIJI legacy in his son
David and resides at 2487 Emerald
Robert and his wife, Dolores, reside
at 30 E. Baltimore Avenue in Media,
Avenue in Las Vegas.
Retail clothier H. Peter Larson, Jr.
Manufacturing Company is David F".
Cunningham. Dave reports seeing
Ted Himes, Fred Ballantine, Neil
'40, was formerly a Newspaper
Editor, He is past president of the
Quinn and Chuck Brown. He and his
Chamber of Commerce, Service Club
and moderator and Deacon of The
wife, Joan, reside along R.R. 3 Penny
Federated Church; Past Commander
the Phi Gamma Delta National Road in Harrington, IL.
IHeadquarters at Lexington, Ken
tucky. This is an item which is highly
Recently, Ralph Gordon Dunlop '39,
recommended by the Executive
Secretary of the fraternity. Also, by
providing an expense allowance, we
is now doing consulting work in
religion in higher education and some
writing. Ralph and his wife, Mary
Helen reside at 2420 Sedgefield Drive
in Chapel Hill, N.C.
retired from his position at Nor
thwestern University as University
Chaplain and Associate Professor. He
If you have not already sent in
your 197:5- 74 Voluntary .\lumni
Supporting Membership dues —
please do so. This is our last
chapter to have at least four Brothers
in attendance at the Ekklesia in
Atlanta, Georgia, this summer.
Those Brothers who have been
active in the House Corporation in
past years can appreciate the value of
Continuing where we left off with
a gift of this amount and the- income
the canned food drive last semester,
Fiji's social service projects are
which will be available to the House
Corporation. Last fall, you were in
formed in the Illinois Fiji of the gift
received from a bequest from Arthur
Abbott, '12. We have recently been
Country Club. A barbershop singer,
"Bud", plays golf and follows college
and pro sports. He reports: "We have
four children. Pete a graduate of
Beach, California. These gifts, and
carry out thru-out the house to help
others which the Association would
alleviate social tensions.
hope to receive in the future from
other generous Brothers, will he used
On April 5,6,7 the brothers spon
sored a couple in the National Dance
to enhance conditions at Chi Iota
of the American Legion and a
member of the Ford County Board,
VFW, Rotary Club and Lakeview
Murray '76, Kent Sands '76, and Mike
Gow '75 helped out with coaching
unprivileged kids' basketball on the
received through the will of Orin W.
Bradshaw, '10, who died in Long
Chapter and produce more Brothers
your convenience.
going well. For 10 weeks Don Mac-,
north side of Champaign. This type of
effort certainly helps butter blackwhite relations and hopefully it will
informed of a gift which will he
A reply envelope is enclosed for
Marathon for MS. Kent Sands lasted a
Cornell was All-East and Ivy League
halfback and played two years with
the Redskins and part of one season
with the New York Giants before a
knee injury forced his retirement.
Judy is a graduate of Illinois, Theta
'68. Kitty is a graduate of Southern
Illinois and teaches in
the Unity
school system and Bobby, 13 is at
tending Paxton junior high. The
52 hour ordeal with Ponderosa Anny
Larsons reside at 343 W. Center Street
in Paxton, IL.
Owen H. Ackerman,
Higgins of Delta Gamma. The house
raised $4,000 for MS. These types of
projects are just part of the deter
mined effort of the brothers to win the
Phi Gamma Delta
Association of Illinois
social service to the community.
who will also he mighty proud to he
) Fijis.
Baker Cup for chapter with the best
Robert L. Page '71, is a law student
at the University of Illinois. He and
his wife, Karen, reside at 201 Country
Fair Drive No. 8 in Champaign, IL.
\r\nMay, 1974
Fiji Brother — Outstanding Athiete
Trying to gain more points in the
spring IM season to push the House
standing near the top, the Phi Gam
spring athletes forecast a bright
In point 12" Softball things look
really optimistic says Captain Kent
Sancte '76.
We have nearly every
starter returning from last year and
where we lost people from graduation
we have some top notch rookies."
In the opening game, March 27 the
squad scored four in the bottom of the
seventh to turn a 7-4 decefit into a 8-7
win. Scott McKay '74 was the winning
pitcher over Phi Sigs who were
Once again a Fiji athlete has been
achievement. Alan Gaynor '76,
varsity swimmer, received the
George Huff memorial award during
the Ohio State basketball game, Feb.
The Huff award, received by only 15
other Illinois athletes, is given to a
letter winner with a 4.0 grade point for
4 consecutive semesters. Duffy, an
Organizational & Administration
Commerce student, compiled a
composite 4.6 average to qualify for
the award plus the distinction of being
scholastically best in his class for the
last two semesters.
Niles North swim team for four years,
"I had a tough time in the state finals,
though. I only got 11th in the free
Besides the free medley, Duffy
swims the breast stroke which he took
9th in the Big Ten finals with a 2:15
time in the 200 yard match. "Next
year I think I can do better. I hope I
can reach my taper earlier in the
season. It's hard to keep going from
especially because I'm not on
scholarship. I wish the minor sports
would get more aid."
After college Duffy plans to con
tinue swimming in competitive clubs
second in IMs last year. Banging out
the winning blow was Larry Hampton
season because of the routinizing I
'77. Sands ripped three hits and David
Fletcher lashed two driving in three
have with swimming while all the free
time I have off-season keeps me from
Duffy has just been initiated into
a set routine and I don't do as well"
Omicron Delta Kappa, an honorary
Besides point Softball the house has
entered two other 12" teams plus a
16" game and 3 co-rec teams.
said the scholar-athlete.
"Actually I do better in school in
Duffy, who has been swimming
"I wish there was a
similar swim
ming program as there is for track."
Besides receiving the Huff award,
men's fraternity for outstanding
extra-curricular activities.
since he was eleven starred on the
Other than softball Phi Gamms are
competing in intramural rugby and
The rugby team with 1-1 mark
behind the brilliant play of Kevin
Waters and captain Dick Day '77. The
brothers downed Phi Kappa Psi 10-4
for the one win.
In bowling the house has posted a
perfect 1-0 record so far. The Pinmen
led by high scorer John Weissert '76
beat Forbes 2W. Other bowlers are
Mike Gow '75, Greg Mosetik '76, Rick
Erickson '75, and Steve Dole '75.
So things look real good at the
spring season opening. Hopefully
good fortune will continue and Phi
Gamma Delta will end up IM
Chi Iota is rapidly readying itself
for Formal Rush April 26,27 and 28.
Co-Rush Chairman Doug Shroyer '77
and Kent Sands '77 are conducting an
intensive rush school for the freshmen
class so we'll be sure to turn out a
great class of 1978.
Our goal for formal rush is 20 which
would really be super. Informally we
have pledged only one this semester.
Social Life
We're No. 1
"It was the best Easter present I
ever had," gleamed one happy un-
Once again Fijis have proven their
ability to hold the number one spot in
the social life on campus. The fourth
annual New Orleans party was held
Trustees have decided to cancel a 13
March 28. Each brother put in five
dollars and gambled for a chance to
win a weekend trip to New Orleans for
two. The lucky winner gets an all
Instrumental in the plans to halt the
propsed tuition hike was Governor
Dan Walker who said, "I am sick of
students and parents being forced to
pay more for tuition when the base of
moeny. Despite claims of fraud, party
education is not raised at the same
chairman A1 "Aipperhead" Field was
time. I am glad the University of
the lucky winner.
The annual 15 kegger party was held
on April 5 and was a great success.
Eight sororities and Betas and Delts
along with us partook in downing 15
kegs. Everyone there had a great
Illinois students were concerned
enough to try to fight the hike by an
extensive petition campaign." The
decefit of the Illinois budget will be
made up by dropping into reserve
funds previously unavailable.
But as usual the good comes with
Overshadowing these parties is the bad - Student fees covering health
none other than the infamous Fiji service will increase 23 percent. The
Island which will be held May 4. Once free pharmacy instituted last year
again a pool will be held out in front of has cost more than expected,
the house and any unsuspecting co-ed
might expect to enjoy a pleasant dip
necessitating an increase.
in it. The brothers and their dates are
potential Fiji material high senior are
much appreciated.
Recommendations concerning any
percent increase in the tuition next
expense paid trip including free plane
fare and lodging plus $200 spending
getting jacked to dress up as island
men and go crazy again this year.
All in all the Islander caps another
great year socially for the Phi
defensive back, pledged last March.
dergrad as Fijis returned from break
hearing that the University of Illinois
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May 1974 newsletter of the Chi Iota chapter at the University of Illinois. This newsletter is four pages.