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1968 July Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
July 1968 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. The newsletter is 2 pages in length.
This was the first newsletter for the Rose Colony Core Group which proceeded Phi Gamma Delta.
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Rho Phi
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
1968 July Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
ule CORE
Official Publication of the Rose Colony Core Group
Vol. Tj No. sk
July 31, 1968
Two Pages
Aug. Meeting Coming
The August meeting will be held
on the Rose campus on Sat., Aug.
10. we will be meeting with
members of the T.H. grad. chap-
ter and other prominent grad.
members of Phi Gam. The meeting
will-commence with a luncheon in
the Union followed by a tour of
the campus and discussion with
the grad members. I believe the
dorms will be available for those
who don't want to drive back Sat
night. This will be a very in-
portant meeting, and all who can
should be in attendance.
August Campout
This summer we are going to hold our
first "really big" activity. It will
be neld on the weekend of Aug 23-25
at Lieber State Park near T.H. This
campout promises to be full of fun,
and girls! There is a big dance at
the park shelter every Sat night
and in the planning stages is a
boat or canoe race. The word from
Ed is that all we will need is our
own bedding, everything else is
provided, or bought. Ed and Dick
will bring two sleeping trailers,
and the cooking and cleaning up
will be done on a rotational basis
(so we can all kill each other
with our cooking). Of course,
liquid refreshment should only
rightly be furnished by the plan-
ner of the campout, right guys?
So zet out there and start buying,
ad. See you all at Lieber Park.
(RSVP, see Ed in T.H. at the Aug
Review of Indy
Our regular July meeting was held
at the Bonanza "Pit" on the west
side of Indianapolis on July 13.
With all but a few members there,
a@ great deal was accomplished
(especially by "fast acting" Jim
Lowes). It was decided that the
August campout, planned for the
weekend of Aug 10-11, would be
postponed in favor of a dinner
meeting with some of the Fiji grad
members. Various men were appoint-
ted to take care of the details of
the dinner, including food, lodging,
time scheduling, etc. °A formal
statement of our group's ideals
and goals is to be prepared for
presentation at this meeting.
Also discussed were new develop-
ments in the housing situation on
Rose's campus. A proposal from
Bill Brown was conveyed concerning
the setting up of "co-op" housing
next year, possibly with the core
group getting first choice of the
house. Also brought up was the
fact that the Lambda Chi's will be
interested in renting their old
house next year. Although Tri-
angle would have first choice
in this matter, the possibility
of us renting the house next year
appears plausible. (dow's that for
being non-commital?) All in all,
Indy proved to be enjoyable for all.
Notes. ..
(Better known as Space Fillers)
The dues for July are not rolling
in as expected...Only four have
paid so far...It's only $5, so let's
go guys!...Don't forget that the
Aug. dues must be in by Aug. 10. or
penalties will be imposed...Make
checks payable to George Butkovich.
What's everyone doing this summer?
Super Snoop reports: Gary Groff
is using his engineering training
to dig ditches for Marathon 0il
Pipelines...Bruce Williams is a
programming analyst for Mead
Johnson & Co...Steve Whitesell is
at Allison Div of GM sleeping...
George Butkovich used his two
years of working experience at
Inland Steel, his two years of
Rose education, and his influence
to land himself a position in one
summer course at PU extension...
Sid Stoffer is doing something
impressive for Aircraft Engine of
GE...Dick Newman is causing trouble
at Indianapolis Power and Light
and also compiling the group's
history, which was too long for
publication here (sorry about that
Dick! )...Althorf-Howard electrical
contractors of Evansville pays
Gary Gladish every week...Ed Dye
is doing some maintenance engineer-
ing (at the lowest level)...Greg
Montgomery can't wait for the steel
strike to come so he can be with
his girl 24 hours a day instead of
only 16...Jim Lowes is a lab asst.
at Procter & Gamble during the day
and works nights at the Bonanza
Restaurant in Indy...Dan Phelps
was with the Defense Dept. of the
US Gov't for a while...and Bob
Meyer 1s busy typing this #%$&*@¢!
More Notes...
This being a political year, our
star reporters have been busy and
have come up with these scoops:
Presidential candidate Harold
Stassen should become the Repub-
lican nominee on the thirteenth
pballot...George Wallace will
easily be elected to the pres-
idency this fall (that is, of
the Seelyville Junior KKK League.)
Page 2
Fun and Games Corner
Here's a little quote game sub-
mitted by Gary Gladish:
Identify the persons who first
uttered these famous sayings:
"Isn't that right?"
"Well, uh. . ."
"A tree where?"
"I am not an Edsel!"
"Alright, fellas, coll it."
"Are you with me?"
"Finally, a law in physics with my
name on it!"
Score yourself on the following
O-1 Didn't you go to class?
2-3 Went to class, but slept.
4-5 Went to class, wrote letters.
6-7 Probably got a 4.0 last quarter.
(See Gary for answers, no room here)
Notes. ..
On the sports scene, B.P.W. and a
few associate handily defeated
the IBM 50 360 in San Fran;cisco
last week by a score of 40-0...
Only one more win will assure our
Cruszders of a play-off berth in
the world championships to be held
in Mexico City later this summer.
They Said It, I Didn't Dept.
"By virtue of what he knows and his
professional application of that
Kmowledge, the engineer is a social
force. By reason of the enduring
effect of his work, the engineer
bears a social responsibility to
see that he does not, while solving
a technical problem, create a human
«-.Chas. F. Jones
President, Humble 0il
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July 1968 newsletter for the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. The newsletter is 2 pages in length.
This was the first newsletter for the Rose Colony Core Group which proceeded Phi Gamma Delta.