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1968 May Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
May 1968 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Indiana University
1968 May Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Zeta Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta Fratemity at Indiana University
SerVing on the I.U. Foundation.
Richard Dwight Handley, a jun‑
ior from La Porte, has been se‑
lected to fi11 the highest position
in the house. Dick plans to attend
medical school after next year and
he has been an outstanding stu‑
dent, being elected to Phi Eta
Prior to his election Dick pumped
PurPle for the house as Baker Cup
Chairman, Pig Dinner Chairman
and Inter‑Chapter Relations Chair‑
Serving his second year on the
Starting his second year on the
Cabinet, Dennis D. Smith from
BIoomington has past experience
as Recording Secretary. Like the
Union Board of Directors while
(Continued on Page 3)
Sigma, a freshmen men
tic honorary.
s Scholas‑
He is currently
冒wenty three golden links were
added to the Zeta Chapter chain
on March l when 1971タs fall class
ness; James Sharp Wilson IV, Who
hails from Gary and is on a pre‑
dent course of study; Thomas
was initiated into Phi Gamma
Carlyle Wilson IⅡ, from Evans‑
This year
Ville and studying business; and
s class, Which
scholastic average,
Thomas Laban Yoder, a BIoom‑
boasts several freshman athletes,
ington boy majoring in philosophy.
CamPuS leaders, and a strong de‑
Sire to keep Zeta on top at Indi‑
The forces that have been
greatest in my life have been God
and the Co11ege Fratemity that
moulded me.
‑ Thomas R. Marsha11
ana University.∴冒hese men will,
B「o†herhood F漢ows
no doubt, be a very positive addi葛
tion to the active chapter. The
A十Pig Dinner
upperclassmen and especially the
newly activated brothers were par‑
An unexpected snow might have
ticularly grateful that Purple Leg‑
held the attendance down but
ionnaire, Bi11 Jenkin, and Assist‑
nothing affected the enthusiasm of
ant Section Chief, Bill Mi11er were
the 97th Annual Norris Pig Dimer
On hand for the ceremony. The
held March
newly initiates include :
WOOd・ A memorable and relaxing
James Walter Brauer, Chicago
Heights, Illinois, majoring in busi‑
ness; Randall Edward Copeland,
a history major from Evansville;
Richard James DeCamp from In‑
23, 1968, at Beach‑
Weekend was spent by a11 with the
freshman leaming what all the
Older brothers already realize,
that this was more than just an
evening dinner but it was a week‑
end of renewed brotherhood.
dianapolis and on a pre‑dent
COurSe Of study; Frank Glenn Dun‑
Co‑Editors :
Michael J. Griffin,
Paul S. Mannweiler,
The weekend officially started
ten, Who is a business major from
With King Traub
LaGrange; John Carroll Eckert
remarks as toastmaster at the din̲
48, OPening
hailing from Madison and is a
ner. The tone of the evening was
business major; Douglas Ashley
SOOn Started with Thomas
Finlayson, a Pre‑med major from
Kelley being awarded the out‑
Fort Wayne; Thomas Allen Flem‑
Standing freshman award. John
ing, anOther pre‑med major from
FIoretta and Thomas OIsen were
Fort Wayne; Michael James Grif置
the next to be honored with the
fin, from Chesterton and majoring
Outstanding Senior Award. Bob
in joumalism; Robert Scott Jack‑
Long followed with the Wilkinson
SOn, Who hails from Indianapolis
Award Candidate recognition and
everyone wished him well in the
Thomas Hudson Kelley, an Indi‑
national competition that was in
anapolis boy on a pre‑med course;
James Maurice Lohman, a Pre‑
ended up the awards by being se‑
med major from Fort Wayne, and
Stephen William Lyman, a West
lected as the outstanding Al拙m一
Lafayette boy studying business.
AIso, Paul Steven Mannweiler,
Three reports were then made
to the brothers by Wm. C. Reed,
48, Darrell R. Parsons, ,26, and
from Indianapolis majoring in gov‑
emment; RandoIph Evan Price,
Who is on a pre‑med course of
Study and from Terre Haute;
David Arthur Reider, a LaPorte
boy on the pre‑med course of
Study; Mark Joseph Rogge, from
West Lafayette in business; Greg‑
Ory Thomas Schaumann, Who is
from Eaton, Ohio, and preparing
for medical study; James Lowell
Teter, a Pre‑med major from In‑
dianapolis; Carl Brad Vorhies, an‑
Other pre‑dent major from Indi‑
anapolis ; William Lahnam Walton,
an Indianapolis boy studying busi一
Richard D. Handley,
69, On the
activities of the Executive Board,
the House Corporation, and the
Chapter respectively.
Dr. Richard H. Crowder De‑
31) provided the main ad‑
dress of the evening. The Na‑
tional Historian and professor of
Literature at Purdue University
SPOke on brotherhood and how it
has survived the ages.
Even though the dinner was of‑
ficia11y cIosed the festivities con一
(Continued on Page 3)
(Continued from Page 2)
tinued on through the night. A
film of footba11 highlights from
丁eam Ready
9‑1 Hoosiers was shown
to the delight of a11 the football
fans in the audience, followed by
For Li††看e 500
a film showing the Fijis sweeping
to their 1967 win in the Little 500.
It, is∴SPringtime again and all
Brotherhood reached its all time
the Fiji,s minds are tuming to‑
Peak as it flowed, Surged, and
Ward one thing. No, nOt rOmanCe,
gushed through out the Downtown
but the Little
Motor Inn at the mixer.
Were traded, jokes were told and
When practice began the first of
drinks were drunk as good times
Were had by all. Many graduate
look too bright for coaches Craig
brothers were quoted as saying
Finlayson and Fritz Steck. They
that they had not信felt,, so well
February, however, things didn
discovered that they did not have
for several days.
SJJ迫亘g臆QonlIn坦錐二王Q± I.U.臆塾ng二me臆エideL止ack」上皿」紙上yeaIk‑恥r音盤蛾e‑園部缶o {ou士d‑m毅re‑ it「坤
championship team.
There was a lot of enthusiasm
and after a big tumout the team
WaS down to six riders by the end
(Continued from Page l)
Weather was still cold, the team
Others on this year
WOrked out in the house, running
Denny has consistently been
Stairwells and riding the stationery
Placed on the Dean,s list and has
been active in Union Board pro‑
The week before qualification
the track was∴CIosed because of
bad weather and things were look‑
ing bad for the bike team. How‑
ever they came through brilliantly
in the clutch to post a 2:26.65 for
the seventh position on the inside
Of he third row in the fastest field
Which has ever qualified for the
Little 500. The first fifteen teams
Which qualified for this year
s race
all beat the time set by last year
POle winner.
 ̄A壬ter qualifications the b罷e
s Zeta Cabinet
jects, along with serving on I.U.
Denny has served
the house as intramural chairman
and as Kitchen Steward. His ma̲
further his educa七ion in I.U.,s
M.B.A. program after graduation.
The only sophomore on the cab‑
inet is John Robert Hayes from
ShelbyvilIe. John has done much
during his two years at I.U. start‑
ing out his freshman year as Presi‑
dent of his class. He has worked
On many COmmittees and steering
to work on their distance riding
COmmittees including Student Re‑
Cruiting, Union Board, and Fresh‑
CO‑Chairman of freshman camp, a
and on heir endurance.
Both of
man Camp. In the house John has
member of the Student‑Faculty
these qualities were improved im‑
been the Chairman of the Faculty
Conduct Committee, I.U. Founda‑
mensely during Spring Vacation
Relations Committee and worked
tion, and IFC policy committee.
When the bike team traveled to
On Public relations and I.U. Sing.
During this time the
He is majoring in Zoo工ogy and
team worked out usually six hours
Plans to attend medical school af‑
ter his junior year.
team went back out on the roads
Robert Åden Long
He also contributed greatly to Phi
Gamma Delta by being social
chairman of the house first semes̲
a day on the beach and on the
ter and president, SeCOnd.
roads. They came back in tip‑tOP
Corresponding Secretary
AIong with serving as president
Of I.U. Foundation, in his senior
Shape and ready to go. Already,
Peter Rodger Skayfish, a junior
from East Chicago, Will serve as
year Bob became a member of
Blue Key, WaS On the Steering
Bill Erdel and Clarke Randall, and
freshman Mark Rogge have proved
Committee for the leadership con‑
themselves to be one of the gut‑
ference, and was a student su‑
tiest teams the Phi Gams have
ing a member of Phi Eta Sigma
Preme COurt justice.
ever produced, but now they are
and AIpha Eta Delta, a Pre‑medi‑
Cal honorary. As public relations
Bob hopes to enrll in the SchooI
Of Law at I.U. next year.
junior Ted Bindley, SOPhmores
ready to prove that they are one
Of the best teams, also.
the new corresponding secretary.
On campus Pete works on I.U.
Foundation, and YMCA while be‑
(Continued on Page 4)
\r\n功i Gam Aんmni Aγ0αnd物e (カ棚nt砂
A partner in a general insur‑
Dr. Robert Keith Rhamy,
ance‑real estate business, The
was appointed Professor and
realtor and agriculturalist, is the
Branter Agency is Richmond, Ed‑
chairman of the Division of Urol‑
president of the John S. McGimis
ward S. Branter IIl, ,56, is also
ogy at the Vanderbilt University
Realty Co. in Columbus. John also
secretary‑treaSurer Of Branter De‑
Medical Center.
OWnS and manages farm land in
velopment, Inc., aS Well as secre‑
three children Laura, Victoria, and
four received his M.D. degree in
1952 from the Indiana University
School of Medicine. He served as
an instructor at the Medical Cen‑
ter and worked his way up to As‑
sociate Professor of UroIogy in
Amy, at
tary ‑ treaSurer Of Pedco, Inc. Ed
enjoys golf and resides with his
wife, the former Cynthia Bash, a
Sigma Kappa at I.U,,
59, and their
S. 17th St., Rich‑
Alumni Relations Chairman, be‑
longed to Falcon Club, Union and
Young Republicans, and partici‑
Pated in intramurals. At present
Ed is active in the Richmond Jay‑
cees, Richmond Board of Realtors,
Richmond Independent Insurance
Agents, Masons) Scottish Rite)
brother, Richard L., is also a Zeta
graduate brother.
This father of
before taking on his new
POSt at Vanderbilt.
Dennis Davenport
director for the Institution for
Social Research at the University
of Michigan. His job consists of
surveying individual organization,
and he is working towards his
Ph.D. in Organizational Psychol‑
Ogy, Which he expects to receive
next year. While at I.U. 〃Angles
Brother Rhamy is∴∴Currently
in Indianapolis. Barbara McGin‑
nis Terry, an I.U. Delta Gamma,
pital. He is a member of AIpha
Omega AIpha honorary, Consul‑
tant to the National Institute of
Health, Consultant in UroIogy to
the National Foundation, and
is married and resides in F量orida.
listed in Who,s Who in America
and Who,s Who in American Edu‑
Mary E11en McGinnis Young, a
s College graduate, is
married and lives in St. Louis.
The youngest McGinnis, Jim, 21,
is a music major at the Universi七y
Of Miami and one of the top sing‑
ers in The Hurrincanes.
Among the many, many PrOfes‑
sional societies of which he is a
member are American Co11ege of
Surgeons, Cartagena Academy of
Medicine, Intemational Congress
of NephroIogy, American Nuclear
Society, Sigma Zi Scientific Hon‑
Orary, American Fertility Society,
and Board of Directors of the
American Cancer Society. Brother
John is the former Vice‑Chairman
of the Indiana Real Estate Com‑
mission, Vice Presiden七of the In‑
diana Real Estate Association,
President of the Columbus Park
Board, Board of Realtors and
Plan Commission. Mr. McGinnis,s
father, the late Henry J. McGin‑
nis was a Zeta Fiji, Class of
While at I.U., John was a member
Of the Glee Club, Jordan River,
and pledge trainer.
WilIiam Hewson Wrig庇う
Charles Frederick Benzel,
is the President, Director, and
a frce‑lance producer‑Writer for
Vice̲President of a finance firm
motion pictures and television, aS
in Wilmington Delaware, and
well as a collector of art and Pre‑
chairman and editor of the Hoo‑
Vice̲President‑Director of Rock‑
land Corp. He is a member of
Sier Fiji, he has worked diligently
Wall St. Club, Wilmington Coun‑
for the house. Pete plans to go to
try Club, and University Club.
Charlie enjoys golf and swimming,
The new house recording secre‑
and while at I.U. was active in
track, basketba11, Arons, and Un‑
tary is Gilmore Smith Haynie, Jr.
ion Board, aS Well as President and
from Fort Wayne. Gil has put in
Treasurer of Zeta.
many hours unselfishly for Zeta.
Wife, Janet, an I.U. Delta Gamma,
He has served as Chairman of Lit‑
27, reSide at 4004 Kennett Pike,
Recording Secretary
B. McGinnis, a Zeta Fiji, (
Vanderbilt University Hospital
and the Nashville General Hos‑
medical school upon graduation.
35), have four children,
OWnS a film production business
Rhamy has also published quite
(Continued from Page 3)
and his wife, Marian, a Tri‑Delt
from the University of Pennsyl‑
Chief of UroIogic Surgery at the
Phi Eta Sigma, and Psi Chi, aS
Sea fishing and swimming. John
three of whom are married. John
was a member of Phi Beta Kappa,
well as YMCA. At presenthe re‑
sides at 904 S. Forest, Ann Arbor,
M ichigan.
Realtors̲Indiana Real Estate As‑
SOCiation. He enjoys sailing, deep‑
Vania (
is currently the assistant projec七
BarthoIomew County, and is a
member of the Columbus Board of
He and his
Columbian Artifacts.
Bi11, Who
WaS initiated into Zeta in 1921,
makes his current home with his
Wife, the former Wiltrud Greta
Wellensiek from Buende, Ger‑
many, at 12921 Evanston St., Los
Angeles Califomia. Bill was born
in Lawrenceburg, Ind., and is a
member of Producers Guild of
ica, and American Civil Liberties
and of Social Committee
Greenville Delaware. The Benzels
While also serving on the Rush
have two sons, Charles Jr., and
America, Writers Guild of Amer‑
Committee. A marketing major,
Gil plans to attend Law School
John E. Two brothers, Edward J.
after graduation.
and William H. are also Zeta Fiji
Besides writing screen‑
Plays and teleplays, he s also the
author of many short stories.
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May 1968 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.