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1968 October Newsletter Epsilon Lambda (Michigan State University)
October 1968 newsletter of the Epsilon Lambda chapter at Michigan State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Epsilon Lambda
Michigan State University
1968 October Newsletter Epsilon Lambda (Michigan State University)
Published by Epsilon Lambda Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Vol. IX, No. 1
October 1968
'Writing Is a Personal Stimulator'
— Bill Doerner
Journalism is a profession
where you normally spend a lot
of time on the bottom. Leg-work,
speeches, obituaries, police news
By Mike Wagoner
(Editor's Note: This is Purple
Power year at MSU—our tenth
year on campus. Bill Doerner
(63) was one of the most im
portant men in getting E. L. off
to a strong start. Bill was presi
dent (62-63) and Phi Gamma
Delta's Wilkinson Award Win
ner (1963). Now a contributing
editor at TIME in
Bill Doerner, Epsilon Lambda's
1963 Vlilkinson Award V/inner.
What's Up?
The Purple Garter!
the garter and dancing till mid
Epsilon Lambda's fourth an
nual Purple Garter Party will be
held Oct. 19 following the Home
coming football game against
The price is $12 per couple.
The garter party will begin at
8 p.m. at Dine's in Lansing. A
prime rib dinner will be served,
followed by the presentation of
And, just to get our alumni in
the spirit, Bob Waters is having
a pre-party for all alumni at 6
p.m., 453 Kensington, East Lan
sing. BYG.
and the rest of the not-so-glam
Not so Bill Doerner.
From summer job to full time
job to assistant city editor to
Time. In just five years.
One day in the sixth grade an
irrascible librarian accused Bill
of cheating on a book report.
"You started out with an in
verted sentence, and sixth grad
ers do not write that way."
Well, after thumbing through
the book's introduction and dust
jacket summary, she was forced
to admit that the sentence must
have been authored by Bill.
"Ever since that day I have
loved fiddling around with words
and writing. It has become a per
sonal stimulator. I have grown
to associate serious thinking
with long bouts at the type
writer," Bill said.
"After a year in graduate
school, I made the mistake of
getting into a summer job that
was so good I just couldn't go
(jee Uoerner page 4}
\r\nPresident's Point of View
Dear Brother,
This is our tenth year on cam
pus as a chapter in Phi Gamma
Delta. The purple banner is
known across the campus and
Fiji is known to all.
So, we're planning to devote
more space to you, but we need
year as Epsilon Lambda sets its
sights on high scholarship ath
letics, community service and
graduate activities. That's YOU,
aof its grads re
graduate activities!
Epsilon Lambda of Phi Gam
ma Delta was happy to see many
turn to its func
tions last year.
Each function
brings an ever
increasing num
ber back.
Bob Justin
We have planned a new fea
ture-interviews of graduate
brothers in each issue. And, the
only way we have of getting a
lead for a good interview is
through the questionnaires.
Your co-operation is needed here.
If you have any comments or
suggestions, write our editor.
If we all work together, at the
next Fiji Academy, we'll bring
home the Coon Plaque for the
saw over 30 per
cent of the chap
ter's alumni in
mark your calendars now and
plan to join in the fun.
The 120th
Let's make it 100 per cent this
ENTIRE chapter.
Important dates for your cal-
able to attend in previous years,
Ekklesia closed
without Epsilon Lambda receiv
ing even an honorable mention
for the Coon Plaque. (Plaque is
given for the best chapter pub
lication.) The reason advanced
to us was that we failed to de
vote enough news to graduates.
One way is to answer the Fiji
Feedback Questionnaire and re
turn it to us. We had 20 per
spring's softball
game and picnic
For those who have been un
your help.
cent returns on our last one.
Michigan State is back on the
'first term freshmen eligible'
rush system.
Last spring the IFC passed
the proposal to eliminate de
ferred rush. A concentrated ef
fort was made by all fraternities
to interest summer orientation
students in the Greek system.
Open Rush was extended from
two days to four to accommodate
the increase in rushees fall term.
Each freshman must visit five
fraternities during rush and
have a card stamped by each
At the end of rush each house
must submit a bid list to IFC,
who will in turn match bids with
Purple Garter,
Oct. 19.
rushee preferences.
It is for this reason, the new
Pig Dinner (big, ten-year cele
bration at the new house. A
must to attend), Feb. 23.
Grad Picnic (3rd annual softball
game, grads two wins, undergrads none), first weekend in
rush system, and the early home
coming date, that the Spartan
Fiji moved its deadline up, not
permitting us time to wait for
official pledging.
Therefore, we were forced to
omit the usual story on new
pledges. Watch for a detailed
report in the January edition of
the Spartan Fiji.
Bob Justin
Mom McLeod Inherits
45 Phi Gam 'Sons'
"I have three daughters but
no sons. Now, I've moved into
a house with 45 young men. It's
going to be quite a transition."
These are the words of Epsilon
Lambda's new housemother, Mrs.
Official Publication
of Epsilon Lambda
Chapter of
Scotland, this is Mom's first ex
perience as a housemother. She
has been in the United States
ten years and had previously re
sided in Battle Creek.
Our Fiji Rose, Mom McLeod,
and one of her new sons, Dick
Her three daughters are Mrs.
Sheila Teft of British Columbia,
Anderson (70).
Editor .—Mike Wagoner
Reporter —.Rick Oilman
Mrs. Wanda Scott, a school
teacher, of Sarnia and Maureen,
Phi Gamma Delta
a junior at Western Michigan
Gary Lonik
Mom's interests are quite ar
tistic in nature. She enjoys cer-
amics, pottery and painting. In
Battle Creek she was active in
the YWCA. Mom attends the
First Presbyterian Church.
Her attitude in a capsule —
"Oh, I'm eager to join in any
thing you do."
Where and What's New
Mort Rahimi (62) is back at
MSU, only on the other side of
the fence. After receiving his
Ph.D in computer science at the
University of Iowa, Mort has
returned to MSU as an assistant
professor of computer science.
Mort and his wife, Carol, now
have a 10 month old daughter,
6074 Harkson Drive
East Lansing, Mich. 48823
1st Lt. in the Army, Rick
Lorentzen (65) dropped us a
ing, research and development
Jim Sipe (68) and Barb Gun
nel) exchanged nuptial vows in
Pittsburgh in late June. Jim and
Barb are now living in Spartan
Village while Jim pursues his
master's in chemistry.
Another Pennsylvania wed
ding saw Lee McFadden (68)
Fall term has come to MSU
riage in McKeesport, Pa. in Au
with another season of IM sports.
Coach Chuck Cousino (70) said
the E. L. football team is begin
ning to roll, despite an early sea
son injury to super-star Dick
'Turkey' Anderson (70), who cut
gust. Lee is going to law school
at Pitt.
Bill Carlson (68) and Gretchen
promoted to 1st Lt. in January
and is stationed in Heidelberg,
Westphall were joined in wed
lock in an August wedding. The
Germany. Rick requests that
Carlsons are living in
anyone travelling in Eui'ope to
Ledge where she is teaching, and
Bill is enrolled in grad school at
be sure to stop at Heidelberg.
"It's centrally located—near all
the action."
Central Finance & Account
Smith round out the list of sum
ing Oflice Europe
Gary Gazzeny (69) and Cheryl
mer marriages. The couple is
residing in University Village
Bill Spang (63) became en-
until Gary graduates this spring.
gag-ed over the summer to Patrica Rriggs of Lakewood, Ohio.
wife, Loll, have moved to Nu-
Bill and Pat will be married Feb
angola. Pa. In September John
ruary 15 at 5:.')() i).m. at St.
Lukes Church in Lakewood. All
brothers welcome! Bill is an as
began as an instructor of busi
ness at Luwerne County Com
munity College.
Bob Eldridge (66) received his
master's degree from MSU last
sociate with the Butcher Hurd
Realty in Cleveland.
John McCracken (66) and his
27024 Lake Road
spring and is now working for
Bay Village, Ohio 44140
Dow Chemical in Midland. The
Don Neebes (65) became the
youngest supervisor on Oct. 1 in
the ilichigan district in the firm
Eldridges are expecting their
first child this spring.
Jim Hendricks (67) and Bob
Schnedler (67) are both work
ing for an urban planning firm
of Ernst & Ernst. Don and his
wife, Martha, are moving to De
troit from Saginaw.
2000 Buhl Bldg.
535 Griswold St.
Detroit, Mich.
Phil Napolatino (67) and Vi
Grimshaw were married in Au
gust after Phil received his mas
ter's from Western Michigan
By Gary Lonik
and Pam Martin united in mar
line. Rick, a past president, was
APO 0040.3 NY
in Novi, Mich.
Mike Dettmer (68) and Ward
Lamphere (68) are both enrolled
in Wayne State's Law School.
Charlie Kurry (67) and Fred
Hagen (68) are both in boot
camp in the Army at Ft. Knox,
University. He is employed by
Studying hard for his CPA is
Dow Chemical in Midland in the
Herb Sperry (67). Herb is em
his big toe.
Practices have been hot and
heavy with plenty of competi
tion for key positions (cheer
leader, waterboy, calisthentic
This year with our fine en
thusiasm and support, Epsilon
Lambda will be fraternity
E. L.'s fine bowling team, the
Fiji Five, has been going through
its rugged practice sessions with
heavy roadwork and intensive
weight training. It promises to
be one of the best squads ever
fielded on the lanes in chapter
Epsilon Lambda also wishes
to praise its two varsity athletes,
Cal Fox (70), starting right line
backer for the Spartans, and
Denny Vass (71), the Arnold
Palmer of Forest Akers.
Cal, wearing No. 50 for the
Green and White, was cited by
Duffy for his defensive play
against Baylor. Cal was second
in individual tackles in the con
Go, State, Go
(Home Games in Caps)
packaging development depart
ployed by a Detroit accounting
:t. 12
± 19
Midland, Mich. 48640
Mike Henry (68) is doing med
ical research with a company out
Oct. 26
Pfc. Ed 'Rock' McKibbon (67)
is now serving in Vienam and be
came the proud father of a 7 lb.
15 oz. son in August.
of Buffalo, N. Y.
Congratulations to Rob Breese
(68). Bob was initiated as a
graduate member in Phi Gamma
Ohio State
Nov. 16
Chip Lalk (65) is a I'anking
member of Dow Corning packag
Delta September 28. He is living
Nov. 23
in Farminirton.
2 Sias Court
\r\nGrand Bahama Ekklesia
'Just out of Sight'
(continued from p. 1)
The job was a general assign
ment reporter for the St. Louis
Globe-Democrat. And,one of the
continuing stories in a large city
is its race problems.
The Beginning
About a
before the
Harlem outbreak, St. Louis had
a racial disturbance that Bill was
covering. Later to be known as
"The Beginning."
"It started out in the usual
way—a family fight. By the
time I dashed in about 400 people
were milling around the streets,
shouting, fighting and throwing
The police finally contained it
and retreated to the station with
mild-mannered reporter Bill
Doerner in the back seat of the
squad car.
No sooner than they had got
ten inside, did the crowd re-form
outside, tossing rocks through
windows and wrecking cars.
They literally kept the St. Louis
police under siege for an hour.
"The Ekklesia was just out of
That's all Jim Beckley (68)
could say after returning from
the Bahamas. "I just couldn't
tell you how much fun I had."
Jim was E. L's only graduate
who was able to attend. The trip
was "a final vacation" for Jim,
who reported to the Army, Oct.
10-at Ft. Dix, N. J.
Epsilon Lambda's official dele
gation was Bob Justin (69), Bill
Polhamus (70) and Mike Wagon
er (70).
"Not for College Days Alone"
was the theme at the Ekklesia
and for which I was to be an
"So there was Intrepid Re
porter Doerner, inside an em
battled police station in the heart
of St. Louis' ghetto district, the
lifeline of riot information, his
rewrite man screaming hoarsely
for facts, there he was shouting
his pants size to John Robert
dictate the facts to the rewrite
Three years later Bill (now an
assistant city editor) moved to
the quiet confines of Time writ
ing foreign news for the World
man back at the Globe, when the
Meanwhile, Bill was trying to
burly, Irish desk sergeant hand
ed Bill a note to call home.
"My mother, who had abso
lutely no idea where I was, told
That's where I contacted him
for this story.
"It was as if someone had
could order me a dress suit for
pentrated the clean plexiglass
shield of Time's often annonymous journalism and wanted to
recognize me," he said.
I though about writing a novel,
A Day in the Life of ... Bill
his wedding, then four weeks off
me that Brother Bob Waters was
anxiously trying to get me from
East Lansing."
"Brother Waters' urgent busi
ness, it turned out, involved get
ting my vital statistics so he
334 East Michigan Avenue
East Lansing, Michigan 48823
as far as friendships go. Aside
from meeting all the Archons
and national officers, the MSU
Fijis met John Sheppard (Pitt,
44), Lee McFadden's (68) God
John had met ten Epsilon
Lambda Fijis when they jour
neyed to McKeesport, Pa. for
Lee's wedding in August.
John and his wife invited the
E. L. delegates along with
brothers from half a dozen other
chapters to a little before dinner
cocktail party in his hotel suite.
According to our delegates,
that was one
of their
memorable experiences.
Epsilon Lambda received a
certificate of academic achieve
ment at the 120th Grand Baha
ma Ekklesia.
"Epsilon Lambda has distin
guished itself in scholarship by
having exceeded the All Men's
Average of its fostering institu
tion for the academic year 196667."
This marks the third such
award E.L. has won.
The second presentation of the
Reardon-Lau scholarship wards
will be made at the Purple Garter
party. Two $25 savings bonds
will go to the brothers with the
highest gpa and the most im
proved based on spring term
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October 1968 newsletter of the Epsilon Lambda chapter at Michigan State University. The newsletter is four pages in length.