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2015 December Newsletter Beta (University of Pennsylvania)
December 2015 newsletter of the Beta chapter at the University of Pennsylvania. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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University of Pennsylvania
2015 December Newsletter Beta (University of Pennsylvania)
Phi Gamma Delta - Beta Chapter - University of Pennsylvania
Ye Quaker Fiji Newsletter
December 2015
Letter from the House Corp President
Hello Brothers,
Our Graduate Board, comprised of Gary Giegerich
(1985), Tim Jannetta (1990), Jon Strauss (2010), Ed
McGinley (1950), Jack Porter (1955), and me, convened this fall for our directors meeting. We are pleased
to report that the undergraduate house is in excellent
condition and the brotherhood is stronger than ever.
Some new furnishings have gone a long way to improving the quality of life in the common areas. On the
horizon is a lighting project to make the chapter/living
room a more usable space.
This semester, the undergrads started a partial catered
meal plan and are in the midst of surveying their group
to determine a desire to expand the meal plan and bring
it in house. If approved, the kitchen will need significant
renovation to bring it up to current code and functionality. Stay tuned.
The Board has decided to part ways with our existing
alumni service, Affinity Connection, and we have contracted with the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma
Delta to provide Beta Chapter alumni communications.
The primary reason for the change is a proposal for sim-
ilar communication services at half the cost. We will be
switching over management of the website
to the International Fraternity as well to manage. We
have asked the International Fraternity to make sure that
any solicitation sent on behalf of the Beta Chapter be
clear and distinct from the annual solicitation that comes
for the International Fraternity support.
In addition to your annual support of our Fraternity,
please consider a legacy gift that can ensure our fraternity’s future of excellence and tradition. You can make a
bequest by including Phi Gamma Delta Beta Chapter at
The University of Penn in your long term plans. Simply
name the Beta Chapter as a beneficiary of your will, living trust, retirement plans or life insurance policy. Your
gift can provide extraordinary opportunities that can
affect our future. For additional questions or information please contact me at or
Terry Spahr (1988)
House Corp. President
Alumni Spotlight - Peter O’Malley (1959)
Peter O’Malley (1959), president of the Los Angeles Dodgers from 1970-1998, received
the “Order of the Rising Sun,
Gold Rays with Neck Ribbon”
from the government of Japan,
conferred by Emperor Akihito
in April. The order, the highest
for a citizen not from Japan, is
in recognition of the O’Malley’s 60-year contributions in
developing friendly relations through baseball between
Japan and the U.S. He has made approximately 85 trips
to Japan. His historic 1995 signing of Japanese-born
pitcher Hideo Nomo pioneered the way for more
than 50 players from Japan to follow in Major League
Baseball through last season. Today, O’Malley manages
world-famous Historic Dodgertown – Vero Beach, Florida, the year-round, multi-sport, multi-gender training and
conference center.
In This Issue:
Fall 2015 Chapter Report
Ad Astra
Support the Beta Annual Fund
\r\nYe Quaker Fiji Newsletter
President Fall 2015 Chapter Report
By: Ryan Anderson (2016) - Chapter President
SEPTEMBER 29, 2015
OCTOBER 12, 2015
Recruiting Info Session: In line with this year’s more
aggressive on-campus recruitment schedule, we had
an internal information session for interested younger
brothers on how to succeed in the networking and
interviewing process. It was great to finally be a part
of a core FIJI tradition that has helped generations of
brothers succeed in unprecedented ways and to be part
of the cohort passing on our experience to the next
generation. The seniors have been free and willing to
give advice, which the sophomores and juniors on the
hunt for a job have been happy to take.
pFIJI Gentleman’s Scholarship: Last Monday
evening, we held a reception for our annual FIJI Gentleman’s Scholarship Awards. This has been a tradition
going back certainly further than I have been around,
and it has been a focal point of our academic committee in the fall semester. Scholarship chairs Connor
Swords (2017) and Daniel Moreno (2018) spent the
entire week prior organizing interviews between brothers and male freshmen applicants, who discussed many
of the themes and values so critical to us - excellence,
leadership, knowledge. The three awards were given to
men most deserving, whose stories of getting to Penn
moved both the chairs and the fraternity at large with
their dedication to embodying values so near to our
pPapal Visit: Several brothers waited with thousands
of people downtown Philadelphia to see Pope Francis.
The brothers attended the World Meeting of Families
and Mass led by the Pope.
Graduate Brothers on Campus: As the professional recruiting season seems to have been moved up a
few months, we’ve had the joy of seeing some of our
favorite graduate brothers around campus. Last week,
Mike Friedson (2014) and Landy Liu (2015) came
with a us to dinner at Tap House, where we fell right
back into sharing great food and telling better stories. Also, Ted Schlein (1986) visited the house with
his family. He spoke with a few of the brothers and
checked out the renovations.
Page 2
ZTA and Breast Cancer Awareness: As is tradition,
this week, sisters from Zeta Tau Alpha came by to
decorate the chapter house windows with pink Christmas lights for their philanthropic activities this month.
The lights, taking up the entire front bay windows,
form the iconic pink ribbons that mark the worldwide
fight against breast cancer. Theirs is an enduring and
well-known effort, and we had a good conversation
about how to plan such successful events. Looking
forward to seeing all they do this year!
\r\nDecember 2015
NOVEMBER 9, 2015
Chapter House Renovations: In this continuing story, our hardworking Ben Feis (2016) has added a few
more pieces to our chapter house. A beautiful wrought
iron chandelier has replaced the old track lighting in
the second floor lounge, and a new door has filled the
entryway to the first floor kitchen. I’ve never seen the
place look as good as it does these days, and it’s making all of our lives better daily. Many thanks to Beth
and Sam at Facilities for helping make this happen!
Fijis in the Wharton Council: Wharton Council, one
of the business school’s premier student groups, has
long had a strong Fiji representation. Mario Del Cueto (2017), a man with more energy than several others
combined, is heading up their school wide game of
Assassins, Hostile Takeover, and has gotten basically
the entire fraternity signed up. Fabian Toro (2016),
Jorge Barriga (2016) and I spent a great afternoon
the other week in Lehman Quad at one of the group’s
informal Social Hour events.
pHaunted Chapter House: The Friday before
Halloween, we hosted our annual philanthropic event,
Haunted House, which former Chapter President Jeff
Grimes (2015) inaugurated several years ago. Brothers
transformed the chapter house into a Gothic manor.
We invited children from the James Finnegan Playground After-School Program in Southwest Philadelphia to come to the Haunted House to play games,
decorate masks, and many other Halloween related
activities. The women of Alpha Phi Sorority assisted
with the event.
Homecoming: Our graduate brother relations have only increased in strength in the years since our recolonization,
and this past weekend’s success is testament to that. We’ve long had a very close relationship with the recently graduated classes, and have been working hard to reform the bonds with older classes. Graduate brothers from all years
came through the house on Saturday, and at a reception, at a restaurant later that night, the crowd was a mix of graduates of all years. For me, knowing that graduating next May will do nothing to alter the strength of our brotherhood
makes me proud to be a FIJI and reaffirms the central dictum that FIJI is “Not For College Days Alone”.
Ad Astra (2014-2015)
Beta Chapter was notified of the following deaths. These brothers will be greatly missed
and we extend our deepest sympathies to their families.
Joseph J. Connolly (1962)
Theodore H. Rehmeyer (1956)
William A. Hanger (1940)
Herbert B. Weaver, Jr. (1950)
H. Donald Harvey, Jr. (1958)
John L. Whalen (1966)
Frank K. Mayers (1945)
Kenneth B. Whitehurst (1945)
Gerald J. Quinn, USNR (1947)
Page 3
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
Beta at University of Pennsylvania
PO Box 4599
Lexington, KY 40544
Nonprofit Org
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Lexington, KY
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Ye Quaker Fiji Newsletter - December 2015 - Beta Chapter at University of Pennsylvania
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
Brothers, please send us your news for the “Alumni Update” for our next newsletter!
Send stories to Erica Carlson, Director of Communication, by email:
or by mail: Erica Carlson, Phi Gamma Delta, PO Box 4599, Lexington, KY 40544-4599.
Contribute to the Beta Chapter Annual Fund
Gifts to the annual fund are not tax deductible.
Donations can be made:
1. Online:
2. Mail checks payable to Phi Gamma Delta - Beta
Annual Fund to: Beta Chapter Donations, PO Box 4599,
Lexington, KY 40544-4599, and include this form.
Name ____________________________ Year _________
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I want to give a monthly donations (credit card only) of:
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Credit Card (circle type): Visa
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This gift is:
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December 2015 newsletter of the Beta chapter at the University of Pennsylvania. The newsletter is four pages in length.