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2015 Fall Newsletter Chi Mu (University of Missouri)
Fall 2015 newsletter of the Chi Mu chapter at the University of Missouri. This newsletter is two pages.
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Chi Mu
University of Missouri
2015 Fall Newsletter Chi Mu (University of Missouri)
The Chi Mu Fiji
Fall 2015
“Not for college days alone”
Graduate Relations C hairman
My name is Luke Johns and I am the new
graduate relations chairman for the Chi Mu chapter
of Phi Gamma Delta. Through this next school year, I
recognize and appreciate the importance of maintaining
a strong relationship with the graduate chapter as we
continue to improve our standing with the University.
William Black did an outstanding job reconnecting the active chapter with the graduate
chapter and my goal is to continue the strong
relationship during my time in this position.
In this newsletter, we will inform you about
recent Chi Mu events, the success the chapter
has accomplished in campus activities as well as
relevant information pertaining to the chapter.
One of the mottos Chi Mu has is “not for college
days alone,” which is why I urge you to reach out to
me if at any time you are in Columbia and would
like to stop by the house, use an active brother for
assistance or anything of the sort. I may be reached
at 734-945-1476 or
Luke Johns
Graduate Relations
Chi Mu wins G.A.M.M.A.
I am proud to announce that Chi Mu placed first
in the 2015 Greeks Advocating Mature Management
Of Alcohol (Gamma) challenge during alcohol
awareness month. Performance was measured
by active brothers showing up to sanctioned
events such as the Gamma walk, Midnight Yoga,
lunch speakers and policemen presentations on
responsible consumption to name a few. Active
brother and Treasurer-elect Scott Peetz was the
primary person in charge of facilitating Gamma.
“Our chapter has had problems mismanaging
the use of alcohol which has gotten us into
trouble,” Peetz said. “They gladly provided us
the opportunities to raise awareness and make
the needed culture change around the house.”
Besides just putting teams together for the
Gamma Walk, we went out of our way to supply
the man-power to help put on the event, a notion
we were aware wasn’t required nor did it earn us
any additional points. The Wellness Resource
Center awards the Gamma winner 500 dollars. We
decided to donate the money back to them in an
effort to give them more opportunity to put on
Gamma type activities. Chi Mu had over 50 percent
of our members at each Gamma event throughout
the challenge. When the announcement was
made that Chi Mu won, guest speakers came
to one of our Monday chapter meeting to tell
us the news, saying we “won in a landslide.”
\r\nDad’s Weekend Success
Intramural Champions
During Labor Day weekend, Chi Mu continued
During the fall semester, Chi Mu fielded two
with the annual tradition of “Dad’s Weekend” where intramural football teams through Mizzou Rec Sports.
active brothers had their fathers in town for activities Both teams won the championship in their respective
put on my the chapter. The Fraternity funded activities leagues. It was the second year in a row that the Fiji A team
won the championship,
such as a welcome dinner at 505 Rollins Street, a
and the third year in a row
tailgate for the first 2015 Mizzou football game and
the Fiji B team made it to
skeet shooting at Prairie Grove Shotgun Sports. Chi
the championship, this
Mu plans on continuing the tradition of hosting Dad’s
time winning it in 2015.
Weekend in the fall and Mom’s Weekend in the spring.
intramurals is important
On Sept. 7, 2015, Chi Mu put on the first annual Fiji
campus recognition for
Island Week philanthropy that consisted of profit shares
the fraternity,” Fiji A
with local restaurants, late-night barbeque event and a
team participant Miles
purple princess pageant talent show. The week was capped
off with a sand volleyball double-elimination tournaMcAdams said. “We do
ment that consisted of 15 teams of 7 different sororities well in football specifically because Fiji has a lot of
competing, with Kappa Delta emerging victorious. The talented athletes that play well together as a team.”
philanthropy raised over 6,000 dollars, with all proWith the A team projected to graduate six seniors
ceeds going to the United Service Organizations (USO).
this spring, there will be opportunities for returning
“It’s important to establish and continue traditions active members to step up and participate on the A
within the Chi Mu chapter, especially when it comes team next fall. Upcoming intramural leagues in the
to philanthropy. It creates a positive image for Greek spring include football, volleyball and soccer. It is
chapters in this day and age,” Philanthropy Chairexpected Chi Mu will field teams in those leagues.
man Max Oldani said. “Philanthropy is what sets the
Greek Life community apart from other student organizations and the Chi Mu chapter is no exception.”
Fiji Island Week Philanthropy
A Note on Recruitment
With the Fall 2015 pledge class set, the Chi Mu
Chi Mu is working in conjunction with The Wellness
recruitment committee is looking for outstanding
Resource Center at MU for philanthropic events in the
gentleman whom they feel would be an excellent
spring. Late April-early May is the projected timeframe.
fit in our chapter. When recruiting, Chi Mu has a
special emphasis on recruiting members we think
fits the fraternity’s values of friendship, knowledge,
Spring Semester Classes Begin – Jan. 19, 2016
service, morality and excellence. Currently the
2016 Executive Board is sworn in – January 2016
committee consists of Ryan Edwards and Jimmy
and they are always open to recommendations
Spring Break – Mar. 26-Apr. 3.
that someone makes on behalf of someone.
Mom’s Weekend – Dates TBD
If you would like to refer someone whom
Pig Dinner – April 16, 2016
you think fits the fraternity’s values, Edwards and
Greek Week – Late April 2016
O’Reilly may be contacted at rdeb78@mail.missouri.
edu and respectively.
Spring Final Examinations – Begin May 9.
Future Chapter Events
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Fall 2015 newsletter of the Chi Mu chapter at the University of Missouri. This newsletter is two pages.