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2015 Fall Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Fall 2015 newsletter for the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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DePauw University
2015 Fall Newsletter Lambda (DePauw University)
Continuing Lambda's Legacy
Campaign Update
Construction drawings are underway! Now
we need your contributions to fully fund
the effort and begin construction. We also
need volunteers to help us connect with the
entire brotherhood.
As you may know, Lambda has spent the
last several years reaching out to our Graduate
Brothers to garner input and support to thor
brothers about the campaign and solicit their
2015. Obviously, Rush is
support. Fortunately, several leading donors
have already made matching funds available to
further encourage brothers to give.
What's involved? Being a class agent
a crucial element in the
operations of every chap
ter, yet for Lambda this
" year'ii isdiffcfcht."
involves contacting brothers from your class
tage and supportive of our future brothers.
the renovation if they haven't yet heard
or era and inviting them to join in, pledging
Let them know about the campaign and
We have been progressing steadily toward
our dollar goal. Now is the time to signifi
cantly raise the level of participation within
the details. As Craig Stokely '67 reported,
"It was so much fun remembering our
each graduating class.
ing what has happened in our lives since
How can you help? We're looking for
more volunteers (class agents) to call their
classmates to encourage an additional pledge
of support. Our hope is that every graduate
will participate in the Continuing Lambda's
Legacy campaign, regardless of the level of
gift. Since no one knows a class better than his
Rush is a crucial area
of focus for our house in
from each class who will reach out to their
financial support for the capital campaign.
house and give it the extra care and attention
that it requires.
own members, we are looking for volunteers
oughly renovate 916 South College Avenue
and create a living, learning, and leadership
development environment worthy of our heri
The fact is. Lambda Chapter can't do it
without you. We need support from every
brother to sustain Lambda's legacy at DePauw.
Your financial support helps ensure that we
can continue to maintain our beloved chapter
The "Family Style"
times together on College Avenue and shar
In fact it was so much fun that I
decided to attend my first Pig Dinner since
we graduated!"
Hopefully these renewed contacts among
your brothers will generate some momentum
and maybe even some friendly competition as
classes and eras take pride in their contribu
tions to the future of Lambda.
If you are interested in serving as a class
agent, please call Doug Mitchell at (724) 3167,511 (email or Dorothy
Wysocki at (607) 533-9200. We'll provide you
with the support and assistance you'll need to
help in Continuing Lambda's Legacy.
After failing to meet
our quota last spring, the house was forced
to think long and hard about how we
are bringing in new members. How can a
house witli groundbreaking philanthropy,
respected and involved members of the com
munity, and a history spanning more than
150 years struggle to establish a dominant
Rush season? The answer is simple, we
weren't Rushing the right way. We were
trying to recruit friends instead of brothers.
We made the mistake of tliinking that
large events and a good reputation are
enough to bring in the top of the academic
community through our door. There is
so much more to it. In January, what
really counts is feeling like family. It's not
about our paintball trips, or our numerous
alumni, it comes down to the unforgettable
moments of friendship. Every Phi Gam
can remember the guy who brought them
to the house. We are trying to build those
authentic relationships.
While we still hold our trademark
'eVcnts,"as~vyHl"as" create'new" ones 'every
day, this year our focus has shifted to the
individual moments. The middle of the
week lunches, the birthday celebrations,
and the Sundaynights. On DePauw's cam
pus, this makes us an outlier, however, 1
believe it is working. Judging by the young
men who are spending their time here this
semester, 1 feel confident in saying the
potential new members feel the same way.
I look forward to introducing a new group
of Lambdas come January.
Kenneth Yager
Lambda Rush Chair
rins ts the pnijxised new new southward from the duung room e.\/>ansioii. ,4 new patio and land
scaping will dramatically upgrade our outdoor facilities, and a fireplace and casual study spiices will
make the dining room a central gathering point within the house.
FALL 2015
\r\nAMessage From Lambda's Board of Chapter Advisers
The Board of Chapter Advisers (EGA) for
Lambda has been riding a roller coaster over the
past 10 years, changing leadership a number of
times and even having periods without leadership.
However, for the past three to four years, leader
ship has stabilized and the presence of Lambda's
EGA has become markedly more consistent in its
role of advising chapter operations. Through sev
eral long conversations between Matt Welch '11
and me four years ago, we developed a strategic
plan to reinvigorate Lambda's graduate presence
and develop a team of leaders to help keep the
retreat for the newly elected cabinet officers and
the outgoing cabinet, to pass along the "nuts
and bolts" to the new leaders, the experiences
the outgoing officers encountered as members
of the leadership team for the fraternity, transfer
important records, and reflect on the importance
The chapter established a strategic vision for
approaching recruitment this year.
The recent success of the EGA has been
largely due to its members. As the president of
EGA, I can say that we have taken on several
of strong leadershipand the roles of effective lead
ers. On Pig Dinner weekend, we meet with the
cabinet about their progress, with the incoming
new members who are young and eager to help
out. Our vice president is Kevin Milne '11, who
has been instrumental in helping the chapter
with its budget this past year. Other members
new members to let them know who we are and
include Matt Gecil '12, Andrew Porter '10, Leif
get to know them, and with the outgoing seniors
Anderson '15, Dan Hickey '15, Aaron Gotway
to hear their reflections on their time in the house,
'05, Willie Brooks '13, Timothy Brooks '14, and
get their opinions on the current status of the
Will Galderwood '14. The purple legionnaire is
Orlando Ramirez '13.
graduate relations, philanthropy and service, risk
house, and help them with their transition to life
as a graduate.
EGA also had the pleasure of attending the
chaptet's beginning of the year retreat alongside
a presence from the house corporation. At the
retreat, the chapter strategically planned out what
management, educational programming, social
its goals were for the semester and established its
chapter depends on it. If you would like to
and brotherhood, finance, and ritual. They hold
quarterly meetings and maintain regular contact
schedule for the year. In addition, the EGA pro
vided the chapter with a seminar on recruitment.
Ghapter Advisers or would like to inquire about
with the undergraduates they advise.
EGA also conducts on-campus educational
Graduate Brothers Will Galderwood '14 and
involvement in EGA, feel free to contact me at
Orlando Ramirez '13 provided useful informa
chapter strong.
For those of you who have been removed
from the fraternity for a while, the role of the
EGA is to provide consistent graduate sup
port, advising chapter operations. A board of
10 graduates advises members in recruitment,
programming during the year to assist the chapter
tion such as brand awareness and successful
with several areas of its growth. EGA holds a
communication with potential new members.
Building on our recent success, EGA con
tinually strives to remain a strong presence at
the chapter through involved graduates. We
are constantly looking for new faces to get
involved with the group, as the health of the
learn more about Lambda's current Board of
Garth Anderson '09, EGA President
The l.amhda C.haliter posing with the members of Kiijjpa Alfihii Theta during their joint phiLinthropy, "Ikirk-ITQ."
Chapter Presidents Summarizes FIJI'S Fall Semester
As I write this address, officer
elections are swiftly approaching.
"Most Outstanding New Member
Education" (Indiana State Day
By the time this issue of Tiger FIJI is
published, my fellow cabinet mem
bers and I will have passed along
the reins of leadership to a new
undergraduate cabinet. I could not
2015), I have no doubt that our
be more confident that these men
only to recruitment, but also to
philanthropy and scholarship. Our
two annual fall philanthropies have been
resounding successes; FIJI Theta Eark-BQue, which supported the Putnam Gounty
Humane Society, and Pumpkin Bash,
which supported the Wounded Warrior
Foundation. In the spring semester. Lambda
had an average house GPA of 3.28 and
average pledge class GPA of 3.22, well
above the all-fraternity average and the
will continue to promote the values
and programs that have made Lambda so
successful over the past year.
As I wrote in
my previous address,
Lambda pledged and initiated 11 upstand
ing new members in the spring. I am excited
to announce that Lambda has expanded
yet again, pledging three new members
through informal fall recruitment. With
the "Most Outstanding Recruitment" and
KjF:r fi
newest pledge class will fill out
nicely during formal recruitment in
the spring semester.
Lambda remains committed not
all-men's average. And three brothers were
inducted into Phi Beta Kappa.
But, most importantly. Lambda continues to
foster genuine friendships. This address marks
not only the approaching end of my term as
president, but also the approaching end of my
time at DePauw. In the spring, I will graduate.
("It's about time!" Orlando will remark.) And
what I will miss most about DePauw is not the
parties nor the classes nor even our next-door
neighbors, but rather the men 1 have come to
call my brothers, the men of FIJI.
These men are the reason I am proud to
be a FIJI. Without a doubt, I am proud of
Lambda's recent successes and look forward
to even greater ones in the years to come.
William Johnson ' 15
\r\nRequiem for a Super-Senior
I'm in a bit of an unusu
al situation as a fifth year
at DePauw. I get to spend
another year with lim
ited responsibilities, avoid
ing the real world, with a
fairly easy schedule rela
my list of best friends.
My senior year (and this current year) I spent
in a single with the door open often, owed only
in part to the fact that it couldn't latch com
pletely shut. My brothers enter and leave at their
leisure, and I wouldn't have it any other way.
Sunday morning meals are my favorite part of
tive to previous semesters.
the week because of the brothers with whom
I have managed to avoid classes on Mondays,
Wednesdays, and Fridays as much as any
I get to spend them. These memories keep me
going on my roughest days.
However, in the midst of my final (please,
please, please let it be my last) year, these
memories' silver lining have taken on a bluish
hue. These friends whom I have made, who
convinced me to join FIJI or who joined FIJI with
school of music student could hope to and
outside of my senior project, the only course I
need in order to graduate is ballroom dancing.
Believe me when I tell you, all of this is every
bit as wonderful as it sounds. A consequence of
my .schedule (or lack thereof) is that I spend a
lot of my time alone. While not inherently a bad
thing, this means that 1have ample opportunity
to reflect on my five years here at DePauw and
my four years at FIJI in particular. The outcome
is not an entirely happy one.
Let me rea.ssure you, dear reader, that I have
had a wonderful time at FIJI. During my sopho
me, have left. And while I cherish the memories
we've made together, I also lament their end. Put
simply, I miss my friends.
class. There are new men now who walk these
halls. And these men, the men whom I helped to
His sarcastic, dry wit brought me many laughs
have new friends to make new memories. And
and his fanatic obsession with Joss Whedon
added someone new to the fandom. In my junior
that, dear reader, is what matters.
The undergraduate brothers were engaged
world and do good.
Xavicr Comacho: During the summer of
20LS, I interned as the videographer and com
munications coordinator for DePauw's Hubbard
Oenter for Student Engagement. The Hubbard
CCenter connects students on campus with intern
ships and off-campus opportunities around the
world. The videography portion of my internship
required me to organize, conduct, and edit inter
views with small business owners, faculty, staff,
and other students working on and around cam
pus. As a communications coordinator, I man
aged social media accounts such as the Hubbard
Outer's blog. Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube.
My favorite portion of the internship was work
ing with my boss, who happened to be a PhiGam
brotherfrom Lambda Chapteras well and gradu
ated from DePauw in 2006, It was great building
my professional experience along with strengthen
ing the brotherhood bond.
Lobsang Tashi '17: 1 interned at Viacom
Media—MTV & Logo—this summer. I worked
with the ids (iPhone) applications department
handling Viacom-owned iPhone apps such as
(iomedy CVntral, MTV, and Bellator! My pri
of philanthropy
have been extremely
productive in not only
raising monetary goals,
but also raising awareness for the cultural
climate at DePauw. Last spring, FIJI
co-sponsored a basketball tournament
Josh Levine '16
A Trio of FIJI Summer Spotlights
in a variety of research experiences and intern
ships over the summer. Here is but a small
sampling of the many ways FIJIs go out into the
reading this, FIJI did not end with my pledge
then-senior who acted as my mentor and friend.
year, 1 lived with three brothers who easily top
The Jast mo semes-
Worry not, dear reader, I will not end on
such a melancholy note. Luckily for everyone
recruit, are not only quality gentlemen, but good
friends as well. Yes, I miss my friends. But I also
more year I had the good fortune to room with a
features of the apps, upgrading and updating
the codes, and helping on Q&A sessions. I
learned a lot from the experience, and it's some
thing I want to pursue.
Malcolm Steele '16: For the past two sum
mers, I have had the pleasure of working at
Jameson Camp. Jameson Camp is a nonprofit
organization diat impacts the lives of young
people through its award-winning, camp experi
ence designed to develop self-respect and confi
dence, as well as respect for others and the world
around us. Over the course of this past summer
I held a position as tlie director of cabin life and
camp experience. Under this title much of my
responsibilities included supervising and support
ing general staff in daily task and consulting with
the supervisory team on performances of staff, in
addition to conducting behavior management on
children who are engaging in difficult behavior.
with Kappa Alpha Psi. This was the
first event that IFC and multi-cultural
communities began to work together,
which resulted in $300 in support
of the Wounded Warrior Foundation.
Later that semester FIJI supported
many lectures and events of the multi
cultural community in efforts to pro
mote a friendlier campus climate.
This fall we have had two big phi
lanthropy events. The first event was
our third-annual Bark-B-Que that we
co-sponsor with Kappa Alpha Theta
to raise money for the local Putnam
County Humane Society. This year we
had more than 200 people come out to
enjoy the nice weather, have^ a burger
and hot dog, and jump on our velcro-
walL The humane society brought dogs
to the event and many students and
staff members brought their dogs to
join in the festive cookout. We ended
up raising $700 for the local humane
society. The second event was our
Pumpkin Bash, where we hosted a com
petition between fraternities and soror
ities. The teams of five competed in
pumpkin carving, pumpkin throwing,
apple bobbing, and costume contests in
efforts to win the candy prize. We also
raised $50 to get to pie our house mom,
Maria. The money that raised for this
event will also go toward the Wounded
Warrior Foundation.
Skyler Major '17
mary tasks included helping my supervisors and
co-workers on debugging sessions, extending
FALL 2015
Richard Savage '48 is still playing golf and
bowling at age 89. He sends his best to Brenton
Wadsworth '51 and his pledge class members
A1 Stocking '51 and George Spradling '51.
Richard pledged late because he spent three
years in the Navy. Reconnect with him at 3
Vultee Dr., Florham Park, NJ 07932.
Glenn C. Hannah '52 has been on the board
of directors of the Methodist Hospitals of
Merrillville and Gary, Indiana, for the past
40 years. He was chairman of the board
from 1982 to 1986. (479 Scarborough Rd.,
Valparaiso, IN 46385)
Gene Gephart '53 retired as a high school prin
cipal due to failing eyesight. He has been com
pletely blind for 10 years and lives in assisted
living. Keep in touch with him at 620 W. 44th
the future." Send congratulations to P.O. Box
4690, Horseshoe Bay, TX 786S7.
Philip "Jim" Knapp '63 reports, "I attended a
mini-reunion in Arizona hosted by Joe Hirtzcr
'63 and Bill Graham '62. It was a two-night
get-together plus attendance at spring train
ing games to watch Brewers and Dogers. In
addition to myself, Joe, and Bill, Roger Haring
'63 came from California; Jim Force '61 from
Wisconsin; and Brad Chase (Colorado College
'63), and Tod Dawson '62 joined us. Looking
forward to doing it again in Florida in 2016 ...
late March/early April." Stay in touch with Jim
by writing to 8140 Township Line Rd., Apt.
2418, Indianapolis, IN 46260; or by sending
email to
St., Ashtabula, OH 44004.
David W. Gilbert '65 moved to Chelsea, MI
in 2015. He renovated a cozy home that's
Richard Knapp '56 and his wife, Ann (Delta
Gamma '57), are still going strong together—
married August 10, 1957. Drop him a line at
his new address: 350 W. Schaumburg Rd., Apt.
A201, Schaumburg, IL 60194.
walkabie to town. They love it there. In addi
tion to occasional forays to Texas, Arizona,
and elsewhere for consulting jobs, David is an
advocate for the Peacejam Foundation, inspir
ing youth through the lives and work of Nobel
Peace Laureates. He also plans to help expand
Charles Huizenga '59 reports, "Judy and 1 now
spend winter at Vasari Golf Club in Bonita
Springs, Florida. We play contract bridge,
golf, and have a great deal of fun with friends
and family. Come on down and say 'hello':!"
James Force '61 is planning another spring
training trip for next year with Brother Jim
Knapp '63. Get in touch with him by writing to
Carlisle K. Parker Jr.'53
April 15, 2015
Dom W. Younger '64
September 3, 2015
Wayne D. Martin '71
June 22, 2015
Clifford E. Simon III '73
March 14, 2015
Jason R. Surber '93
March 27, 2015
Classic Auto Group as a car concierge, help
ing people lease or buy the car for them.
Contact Paul at
John Axelberg '83 married Taylor Lewis on
March 13, and they combined households
into a large, historic "project" a week
later, which will keep them busy for the
next few years. His daughter, Emily (17),
is a senior this fall at The Taft School.
On July 29, General Sheet Metal Works
the reach of Rock Steady Boxing, a therapy
held a groundbreaking ceremony for a new
program for Parkinson's Disease sufferers. He
200,000 square-foot headquarters facility
in South Bend. John's company will be 100
enjoyed his DePauw 50th Reunion in June,
too! Reach David at 658 Flanders St., Chelsea,
years old in 2022, at which point he thinks
MI 48118.
he will deserve to retire! Reconnect with
"Great to be back in 2015 for my first Pig
John by writing to 1403 E. Jefferson Blvd.,
South Bend, IN 46617; or by sending email
Dinner since I graduated in 1967," reports
Craig R. Stokely '67. "Thanks to Kit Lortz,
I didn't have to kiss the pig. I'm impressed
Tim Bochm '84 recently moved to Houston,
Texas, so he's getting comfortable with being a
515 Franklin St., Wausau, W1 54403.
with the brothers and excited about our house
upgrade and celebration as the 1967 brothers
will have an extra special 50th class Reunion in
"After 48 years in the automobile business, the
2017! I'm now serving on the board of direc
last 25 with Lexus, retirement is a pleasure,"
tors of the Amercian Brain Tumor Association
sary this year! Connect with Tim by writing to
2518A Westgate Dr., Houston, TX 77019.
writes John Kendall '63. "Three children, eight
grandchildren, and a little golf is what makes
It so pleasant. Also impressed with the building
plan and fundraising as Lambda gets ready for
( and board of governors of
Shaker Village of Pleasant Hill, Kentucky
(" Catch up with
Craig at P.O. Box 93, Wayne, IL 60184;
from teaching in
and moved to
Colorado. He will
again at Greeley
be teaching
West High
producer for ABC's The Bachelor, The
Bachelorette, and The Bachelor in Paradise.
He s been with the franchise for seven years
now. Steve also has more than 300 comedy
videos online that can be viewed at www., including a comedy fea
ture film that he wrote and directed called
Shock Therapy TV ... The Movie] Connect
with him by sending postal mail to 3839 Los
School. Contact him at his new
Feliz Blvd., #307, Los Angeles, CA 90027; or
by sending email to
Paul Qua '82 attended
the Rotary International
Australia, last June and cur
Steve Wright '95 is currently a senior story
address 1703 Whitehall Dr.,
7A, Longmont, CO 80504.
P/edge f./iiss. The lidkers Dozen.
Texan. He and his wife, Maura (Pi Phi '84), are
looking forward to their 30th wedding anniver
Andrew Kehr '09 successfully defended
his doctoral dissertation and received a
doctorate in the biological sciences from
Carnegie Mellon University. He is currently
working as a postdoctoral fellow at the
rently serves the Rotary C.lub
National Institutes of Health in Bethesda,
of Clceland as president. He
Maryland. Send congratulations to him at
is married and lives in Shaker
5515 Mckinley St., Bethesda, MD 20817;
Heights, Ohio, and works for
ts published regularly by Lambda (Chapter of Phi Camma Delta. News and photos should
be sent to Alumni Records (Office, Lambda Chapter, Phi Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 40.167,
Indianapolis, IN 46240-0.167.
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Fall 2015 newsletter for the Lambda chapter at DePauw University. The newsletter is four pages in length.