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2000 October Newsletter Epsilon (University of North Carolina)
October 2000 newsletter of the Epsilon chapter at the University of North Carolina. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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University of North Carolina
2000 October Newsletter Epsilon (University of North Carolina)
ffl|k ■
Epsilon of Phi Gamma Delta • The University of North Carolina
Chapel Hill, N.C.
October 2000
David H. Batten '79
Raleigh, N.C.
Renovation Chairmen
Robert W. Winston III '84
Raleigh, N.C.
James M. Earnhardt '86
Chapel Hill, N.C.
George 0. Venters Jr. '96
Raleigh, N.C.
Phillip Hornthal III '89
Elizabeth City, N.C.
Joseph 8. Hogan '90
Raleigh, N.C.
Finance Chairmen
By George Venters '96
am ver^' excited to see Vance Hall enter into its second lull year since the completion ol
I the renovation project. The undergraduate brothers have done an excellent job not
3 only in maintaining the physical condition ot the house but also m maintaining Phi
Gam's image as men ol character and abihtj'. It is very relreshing to see our guj's taking a
lead role in the community and making a conscious effort to be seen and respected. The3' are a
credit to our fraternity and to the Greek system as a whole.
The past four years have been very tedious; we have been rebuilding the house, making
sure the chapter does not become fragmented and making a seamless transition into the new era.
We have been overwhelmed by the support and interest of our alumni in the project and hope
that it will continue into the next millennium. The cooperation between the undergraduate
brothers and the House Corporation has been enjoyable, and one ol mutual respect. We leel that
this relationship will grow and evolve in a wa\'that will ensure that the traditions ol Epsilon
never wane.
The ongoing assistance of the graduate brothers is a must. It is essential that everyone
remember vour days at Vance Hall, the fond memories that will last forever, and do your part to
help the chapter. Financial contributions are always welcome and are greatly needed in order to
keep the house in good working order. The undergraduates are doing their part by increasing
their numbers and running the internal finances smoothly. As brothers, we all have a responsibil
ity to make sure that Vance Hall will remain strong for many to enjoy in the future.
I hope ever\^one will be around this fall for the football games, to see the house, to
reminisce with B.T. and to get to know the undergraduate brothers. I leel sure that it won t take
long to leel at home again at Vance Hall. Hope to see you soon. Perge!
November 11
Lawrence J. Caison Jr. '78
Raleigh, N.C.
Laurence B. Maddison III '92
Raleigh, N.C.
Fund-Raising Chairman
Julian R. Williamson '84
Raleigh, N.C.
This is a great opportunity to
come by and see the
renovated Vance Hall.
Harris Vaughan '94 has
volunteered his home to any
Phi Gam who needs a place
to stay during a UNC home
game. He can be reached at
\r\nOcTODER 2000
Aimtill Mooring
La Grange, N.G.
Jordan Ridgeway
New Bern, N.C.
Breck Gibbo
New Bern, N.C.
Tyler Hagan
New Bern, N.C.
Graham Farleoo
Merry Hill, N.C.
Hal Holton
Cresswell, N.C.
Camp Jenklfw
Fayetteville, N.C.
Brian Darch
Raleigh, N.C.
By Oliver Wheeler '01, Chapter President
'reetings from the Phi Gam house. I am pleased to report that things
kare better than ever for the undergraduates at Chapel Hill. This fall's
recently completed Rush was a huge success with eastern North
Carolina once again dominating the field. We have 12 pledges who will
surely prove to be valuable assets to Epsilon. Once again we have come
through with a pledge class of outstanding men.
The renovation of Vance Hall has helped to ensure that Epsilon will
continue to thrive for years to come. We all are grateful for the graduate
support that has allowed us to live in the nicest fraternity house on campus.
We hope that as many alumni as possible will come enjoy Vance Hall with
us this year for home football games or whenever you happen to be in
Chapel Hill.
You will also be pleased to learn that B.T.'s health has improved so much
that he has been able to resume his duties in the kitchen this year after a oneyear hiatus. All of us are excited to have B.T. back to liven up dinner and tell
stories about the old days. As you can tell, things couldn't be better for
everyone at Vance Hall. We hope all of the graduates arc doing well, and we
want to see you all soon. Perge!
Mike Brown
Wilmington, N.C.
Vic Ogburn
Smithfleld, N.C.
Wil Gulp
High Point, N.C.
John Swope
Charlotte, N.C.
By David McGowan '01
'hroughout the past year, the brothers at Vance Hall have been
continuing to serve the Chapel Hill community as well as the
University community through periodic service projects.
Through the North Carolina Adopt-A-Highway program, we recently
adopted Old 86 Highway. Once every three months, per a signed contract,
we pick up trash along an assigned section of Old 86. In addition to AdoptA-Highway, some members are involved in a weekly tutoring program for
underprivileged elementary and middle school students. Two nights this
semester, brothers will spend a couple of hours at the lEC Homeless Shelter
cooking dinner.
'e are already looking
forward to rush in
As we welcome a new pledge class into the house this fall, the chapter
has decided that in addition to the existing requirements of pledgeship, these
men will be required to participate in one community service project per
spring 2001. If you
enow of any undergraduate
whom you would like to
responsibility to the community that will carry over once they become
nominate for consideration as a
brother of Phi Gamma Delta,
please contact Rush Chairman
Jeff Cooke at 919-933-7525.
month during this time. We believe that this will instill a sense of
As a whole, the Epsilon chapter is working to ensure that this fraternity
is viewed in the most positive light possible. By stressing the importance of
philanthropy and community service, the chapter will continue working
toward being the strongest chapter on this campus. Perge!
The Epsilon Owl
V—Phe following Phi Gams are currently
/•^tJ-ance Hall is still in need of funds to
participating in UNO Varsity Sports.
complete construction. If you have not
Golf Team;
been contacted and would like to make a
pledge, contact Julian Williamson '84 to
learn how you can help out. Everyone is
welcome to come bj' 108 West Cameron
Avenue to see the progress being made.
Walterboro, S.C.
Wilmington, N.C.,
Oliver Gray Wheeler IV '01
Business Administration
New Bern, N.G.
ou have any Phi Gam
memorabilia you would be willing to
lend or reproduce for the chapter, please
call Purple Legionnaire, Sam Simpson
Leam more about the
UNC fraternity system at
their Web site:
Christopher Menias Kelso '01
Business Administration
New Bern, N.G.
'90 at 336-282-3773.
Recording Secretary
Russell Grainger Mines '01
Business Administration
New Bern, N.G.
Corresponding Secretary
Julian Bernard White III '01
Business Administration
1999-2000 HONOR ROLL
11/3/99 to 8/31/00
John Bosley Maddison '01
James W. Keel Jr. 1936
John K. Ho\t Jr 1956
David W.JoNTier Jr 1972
E. Stuart Gregg Jr 1940
K. Frank McCain 1956
Richard W.Zollinger 1973
Paul V. Severin 1941
Robert H. Tate Jr 1956
Andrew H. Weathersbee 1974
Walter L. Parsley 1942
William C. Mehafrey Jr 1943
Fredric C. Byrum 1957
John M. Winesette 1974
W. Victor Venters 111958
Ellis T. Alexander 1975
Jack W. Noneman 1944
Jack H. Spain Jr. 1960
Marvan J. Carver 111 1975
DeWitt R. AusUn Jr. 1945
Wayne B. Venters 1960
Fairfax C. Re\Tiolds 1975
Theodore E. Haigler Jr 1946
W. Ward iMarslender 1962
Howard J. Lamade Jr 1946
James B. Sloan 1962
Billy G. Worsham II 1975
J. Dixon Fleming Jr 1976
Lawrence M.Johnson 1947
J. Darby Wood 1962
Robert P. Hortman 1976
Thomas B. Lathrop 1947
Terty O. Noiris 1947
Norman S. Goode 111 1963
James B. Sessoms 1976
Eugene E. Record Jr. 1963
Herbert R. Clark 1977
William A. Creech 1948
E. Hcuvie Hill Jr. 1964
Emmett E. McDan 1977
William R. Martin Jr. 1948
William P. Hobson 1964
Kevin A. Shwedo 1978
Ernest C. McLean Jr 1948
Rusty Hodges Jr 1964
David H. Batten 1979
Alatthew M. Hodgson 1949
I-aurence B. Maddison Jr. 1965 Edward V. Hickman 1979
Lev-ns T. Nunnelee I! 1949
William A. Crump 1950
Dudley G. Pearson 1965
Hany E. Bethea 1966
J. Dwight Hudson 1966
John H. ColFman 1981
F. Rockwell Poisson 1950
John D. Titchener Jr 1966
J. Lawrence Jarema 1982
John Webb 1950
Charles P. V51kins 1966
Heniy M. Kidd 1983
Lloyd B. Hedrick 1951
David M. Kiser 1967
Hairison H. Williamson Jr 1984
F. King Marshbum 1952
John H. Home Jr 1968
Kevin S. Mertens 1985
William G. Ouarles 1952
Averette M. Lamm 1968
Alfred W.GritHn 111 1987
Hariy G. Walker Jr 1949
High Point, N.G.
Blair D.Shwedo 1979
Business Administration
Raleigh, N.G.
Congratulations to
Honor Court Members
Ben Brosseait '05
Mathias Linden'01
DavidAlcGowan '01
Greek Judicial Board
ToniDarden '05
B. Robert Williamson Jr. 1979
E. Lewis Biyan 1953
Robert T. Wnght Jr 1968
Brannon L. Gilliam 1989
Joseph H. Nelson 1953
Clwles P. Gaskins Jr 1969
John Robert Mattocks 1995
William D. Smith 1953
John B. Beall 1970
Michael Painter 1995
Rowland Bumstan Jr. 1954
Russell M. Carter 1971
George C. Venters Jr. 1996
Andrew H. Patterson 1954
Ted N. Gi-iflin 1971
Paul C. McCoy 1998
Kenneth F. /\nderson Jr \9Sb
Scott H. Richardson 1971
Hugh B. Banvlck Jr. 1955
John T. Stanley 1971
Spring 2000 Dean's List
Wood GMs '01
Christopher Kebo '01
Michael Bradley AdeLamh '01
Julian White '01
John Maddison '01
"Beaufort is still a great place to live,"
writes E. Lewis Bryan '53 (P.O. Box 410,
October 2000
"I enjoyed the open house, " notes
Averette M.Lamm '68 (P.O. Box 1369,
N. Gee Smith III '84 (214 Airdale Rd.,
Rosemont, PA 19010) welcomed the
Wilson, NC 27894)."It was great to see
so many brothers and especially the
arrival of a son. Gee IV, in September
"The golf is good and the weather is good.
Ciome and visit. Tonia and I are still in the
new house. "
the new year in Hilton Head, S.C., with a
large group, including John Cox '85,
Will Cox '84, Emmett Montgomery '82
and Curtis Hathaway '84.
183 N. Shore Rd., Beaufort, NC 28516).
phone book and still married to each other
after 47 years."
R. Bryant Hare III '53 enjoys reading
The Epdilon Owl. Brothers can drop him a
line at 4325 Gorman Dr., Lynchburg,
Ronald W.Miller '68 (737 Edgehill Rd.,
Charlotte, NC 28207) reports that his
brother. Rich '68, is a lawyer with
Eidwards & Angell, has four children and
is living in Palm Beach, Fla.
VA 24503.
Gene F. Lyon '54 (1723 Windingridge
Dr., Richmond, VA 23233; is active as a
member of the Sons of Confederate
Veterans, Sons of the American Revolution
and Virginia Historical Society.
1999. A few months later, he celebrated
Beth and Julian R. Williamson '84 (2305
White Oak Rd., Raleigh, NC 27608)
announce the birth of their first child and
Attorney Robert T. Wright Jr.'68 (200
S. Biscayne Blvd., Ste. 3100, Miami, FL
33131; enjoyed a visit
from Hugh fiagleton '66 in April when
Hugh was in town on a lecture tour for
the FDIC. The two brothers managed to
squeeze in nine holes of golf and dinner. It
was the first they'd been together in over
daughter, Serpell, on February 29 of this
year. Serpell was less than three hours old
when she made her first television
appearance as Raleigh's first "leap day "
baby of 2000.
John W.Lowe '86 (3352 Alleghany Dr.,
Raleigh, NC 27609; jwmlowe@ is a senior vice president at
In May of this year, Andrew H.
Patterson '54 (14 Birchbrook Rd.,
30 years.
Bronxville, NY 10708) retired from the
Benjamin G. Afford '73 (711 Cove Hbr.,
New Bern, NC 28562) was appointed a
Walter, was born in September 1999.
Superior Court judge by the governor this
past November and sworn in the
following month.
Robert L. Eidwards Jr.'89 (2815
practice of orthopaedic surgery. He
continues to serve as president of the
Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Go.
and as a clinical professor of orthopaedic
surgery at the Columbia College of
Physicians and Surgeons."The new house
looks fabulous. Congratulations!"
Lawyer Henry G. Foy '64 is a partner in
Frink Foy and Yount (P.O. Box 10485,
Southport, NC 28461). Last fall, he
enjoyed the open house and seeing
brothers of his era. He's looking forward
to the ne.xt such event.
First Citizens Bank. His second child,
R. Stevens Gravely '74 (462 Holly Clen
Rd., Pittsboro, NC 27312), a long-termcare insurance agent and senior specialist
with C.E. Capital Assurance, attended the
Leading Producers' Conference in both
Hampton Ave., Charlotte, NC 28207; is
a vice president at Bank of America
Capital Investors, a venture capital group.
He and Leigh welcomed the arrival of
their second child and son, Jake, this
past Januaiy.
1999 and 2000.
Since publication of our last issue, we
This past January, J. Ed Peele '77 (155
Hillside Rd., Southern Pines, NC 28387)
have learned of the death of
lOHos-IT ,
and his family joined John Hawkins '77
Raymond A. Jordan '44
Correspondence for E. Harvie Hill Jr.
and his clan for a vacation in Steamboat
'64 can be sent to a new address: 4830D
Springs, Colo.
Main St., PMB #12, Shallotte, NC 28470; He is in solo practice
as a pediatric dentist. Some of Harvie s
favorite memories from undergraduate
days relate to the dining room."We had
Henry M. Kidd '83 (613 Clen Eklen Dr.,
Raleigh, NC276I2; thedeco3'kidd@, a plumbing contractor, is the
owner of Kidd Brothers Plumbing Inc. Fie
e.xcellent meals. From 1960-64 we had
went to the Carolina/Duke basketball
three meals a day and sometimes a good
game with Buckley Strandberg '82,
John Marriott '82, Jim Lilley '85 and
food fight.'
Benjamin W.Trueblood '45
W.Scott K. Booker '83.
Phi Gamma Delta mourns their
passing and extends condolences to
their families and friends.
Brad Herring '86. While on a return trip
Hugh E. Eagleton '66 (7702 Radnor Rd.,
Bethesda, AIL)2081 7; heagleton@
Jones Jr.'82, John Lyon '83 and Julian writes that he. Bill Shell '67 and
Williamson '84 in Hilton Head.
from Palm Beach, Fla., "Flank " sawReid
Harry Curkin '69 gave David Bickel '67
a surprise party for his 60th birthday.
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October 2000 newsletter of the Epsilon chapter at the University of North Carolina. This newsletter is four pages in length.