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2000 Spring Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
Spring 2000 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Mu Iota
University of Idaho
2000 Spring Newsletter Mu Iota (University of Idaho)
received APR
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The Gem State Fiji
Mu Iota Chapter
Alcohol Free Housing
Spring 2000
Alcohol Free Housing Faces Mu Iota
We here at 600 U would
In the past few weeks Mu Iota has had to tackle the decision of Alcohol
free housing. Instead of shying away from responsibility, the brothers have
united to work with not only the University, but also the national fraternity to
make a statement about Alcohol Free Housing. Along with following all of the
University and National Policies Mu Iota has gone far and above by taking many
proactive steps to make the transition to alcohol free housing as painless as possi
ble. This year alone we invited a professional speaker to the house, Mr. Bill Divane of the U of I Counseling Center, to talk with the brothers about the physical
effects of alcohol. Mr. Divane also brought to our attention the ramifications in
volved in the misuse of alcohol legally and socially.
Mu Iota has also taken an active roll on campus, supporting the Universi
ties alcohol policies. Late last semester several of the brothers met with Chris
Wuthrich - Greek Advisor, and Bruce Pitman - Dean of Students (FIJI, Purdue)
to discuss the chapters progress towards alcohol free housing. During the discus
sion several issues were hammered out to aid Mu Iota in its transition. Some of
these included hosting more alcohol free functions, hosting off-campus functions,
and making sure the timeless values of Mu Iota were upheld in the process.
Finally the Chapter has also taken a stance nationally meeting with sev
eral other chapters across the nation to help The National Fraternity of PGD to
evaluate its needs and to create the best alcohol policy given its wide breadth of
chapters. Nationally PGD looks toward Mu Iota to help in these decisions in
combination with several of the other strong chapters. In the end it truly is the
goal of Mu Iota to make sure that the transition to alcohol free housing for our
chapter is the least painful process possible and ultimately we hope the chapter
will become stronger as the process continues.
—Ryan Munson '00
1ntramural_s/Hockey Night
like to thank all the
brothers who have sent
donations to help publish
the Gem State Fiji. It is
because of this financial
support that we are able
to publish four times a
—Wilbur D. Vincent
('38) is still playing golf
three times a week while
living in Banner Elk, NC
in the winter and in
Punta Gorda, FL in the
—Edward G. Davis ('42)
passed away October 25,
1999. Former editor of
the Gem State Fiji and
Gem of the Mountains
yearbook, Davis was
also one of the first B-26
pilots to see action over
Northern Afnca. Our
deepest condolences go
out to the Davis family.
What is new in your life?
If you want to share your
news with the rest of the
Rush Update/Graduate Update
Social Service
brothers, please return
the insert included with
your newsletter today.
The Gem State Fiji
Spring Season Intramurals
sports are off and run
ning for the new mil
The next "big point"
sport on the agenda is
singles and doubles bil
lennium. We are cur
liards. We expect to
rently in the middle of
have a strong showing
for this event coming
wrapped up with softball and new point
sports this year,
4-on-4 flag football,
and quickball. Softball
should prove to be a
from senior Nhan
fun and successful
semester. So far that en
Nguyen and freshman
sport for us also. With
thusiasm has not dwin
Dan Romano. Nhan
everyone from lasts
years team retuming
and a large group of
baseball players in the
freshmen class, Fijis
should be a top con
dled at all and everyone
is excited to keep things
going the way we have
tender. Quickball and
ous for Phi Gamma
Phi Gamm intramural
5-on-5 basketball with
playoffs beginning next
week. The Fijis are
looking to be a top con
tender for a large
amount of points in that
event. Our team is
competed in billiards
for us last year and
ended up taking sec
ond. Improving on that
standing would be a
great benefit for Phi
ward to.
Everybody returned
from Christmas break
with a new enthusiasm to
get things started on the
right foot for the spring
started them. The next
made up of very few
guys who actually
played high school bas
ketball, but our athleti
cism is keeping us in
the hunt for a good
Gamma Delta and our
4-on-4 football will be
Delta sports and our im
point standings heading
into the final quarter of
new to everyone so
provement on last year's
those are other exciting
showing in the play
the year.
overall finish.
—Troy Braga ('02)
things for Fiji intramu
ral sports to look for
That quarter will be
Hockey Night
On the evening of
Saturday, February 26,
2000,the brothers of
Mu Iota made the trip
to Spokane for what has
become an annual out
ing to attend a Spokane
Chiefs hockey game.
Spokane Arena. Al
though the game did
not prove to be very ex
citing(The Chiefs won
10-1), the night gave
the brothers a rare op
portunity to be together
in one place at the same
We had an outstanding
time. The men of600
showing this year, with
a total of 53 people at
tending the game. To
shown what brother
U have once again
hood is all about.
make the game even
more memorable, the
—Darin Melnyk ('01)
couple of months should
prove to be very prosper
PIG Dinner!
Remember to put this
important upcoming dates in your
(see insert for details)
Pigger 2000
April 15^^, 2000
600 University Avenue
house had seats re
served rink-side for a
sold-out game at the
\r\nSummer Rush Update
It seems like only
yesterday I was an
nouncing that it was
Kevin Shawver('02)
time for rush, but once
again the Phi Gamma
his upcoming task.
ties. Send your recom
mendations(good or
bad) care of Kevin
Shawver to the chapter
Brother Shawver is
house, email to
very prepared but like
always we need our
year should be no dif
ferent. Thank you all
for the support, and let
us once again fill the
chapter with quality
edu, or call the house at
young men.
Graduate brother's as
(208)885-7051. We
sistance. If you know
anyone who is going to
be a potential rushee
please let us know what
you think about the
had such great response
Delta recruitment drive
is heating up as the
spring brings us nice
weather and potential
rushees. The men at
600 U. have had a mar
velous year and 2000's
prospective rush class
seems to be shaping up
very nicely.
This year I am hand
ing the Rush duties to
and he is very excited
and motivated about
Things are going well
with updating the
Graduate Brothers da
tabase and collecting
email addresses. I have
about 65 Graduate
email addresses and
have sent out two up
dates on the house, in
-P.J. McDaniel('02)
with rush from our
Graduate Brothers last
year and that makes the
work so much easier.
young man as soon as
Rush at 600 U. has
possible so we can start
the recruitment process
had several fabulous
before other fraterni
and with Brother
Graduate Update
Shawver at the lead this
campus-topping years,
feedback from the
The brick drive con
mately 300 bricks left.
brothers organizing
their pledge classes, es
pecially the class of'75
which is returning for
their 25"^ anniversary. I
am getting good feed
back for having a golf
University Avenue in
the Spring of2000 with
replica half-moon style
tournament earlier in
bricks that once
Phi Gamma Delta
tinues at Mu Iota. We
If interested in reserv
are moving forward
with plans to remodel
ing your personalized
brick, please send $50
along with your name
and class year to:
the entrance at 600
cluding status on the
the day so if you want
adomed the entrance.
600 University Ave.
football tickets and
me to get you on the
Moscow,ID 83843
brick project. Anyone
list, drop me an email.
For only $50, these
bricks will be specially
The house looks great
made in Seattle with
Or contact Jim Hill at
eluded in the list and
from all the renovations
your name and class
get regular updates ineluding just write to
so come back and re
year engraved in the
live some of the memo
ries. We all look for
brick. Take this oppor
that wants to be in-
Will Omdorff at
ward to seeing you
Pigger attendance is
looking great this year.
I have gotten solid
there April 15'M
—Will Omdorff('02)
tunity to have your
name inscribed in Mu
Iota history forever.
There are approxi
\r\nThe Gem
Non-Profit Org.
State Fiji
Permit #193
Phi Gamma Delta
600 University Aye.
Box 3037
Moscow,ID 83843
PGD Intemational Headquarters
1201 Red Mile Rd.
Lexington,, Ky 40544
Social service con
tinues to play a central
role at 600 University.
Over Spring Break,
various Fijis will re
turn to their former
high schools to help
improve the image of
the Greek system.
Each week, Fijis are
greeted on the playgroimd with such
cheers as "Yea! The
big kids are back!"
Many brothers were
quite surprised to dis
cover that after retum-
ing to McDonald
Also planned for this
spring is a children's
school a second or
On a personal note, I
know from experience
that this type of serv
ice makes a positive
difference for children
and benefits us in the
long run when these
children grow up to
become potential
provision of positive
male role models
played a major role in
my decision to become
a Fiji. Furthermore, it
most definitely in
spired me in suggest
ing and developing our
current volunteer pro
gram. So thank you.
third time, many chil
rushees. In 1986,1
was a first grader at
Easter Egg Hunt with
dren remembered them
McDonald Elemen
Alpha Gamma Delta
and greeted them by
tary, and played on a
sorority. However,the
name. Brothers have
Parks & Rec. Soccer
social service project
and Vayonis; you are
perfect examples of
how our time spent
especially enjoyed this
project; after all, what
team coached by Mike
here can make a differ
DiLorenzo and Nick
ence later on.
could be a more enter
Vayonis, both brothers,
living at old 600.
There is no doubt in
my mind that their
—Justin Horn ('02)
many brothers have
found most rewarding
is our volunteer pro
gram at McDonald
Elementary school.
taining afternoon than
one spent playing with
grade school children?
Brothers DiLorenzo
-Justin Horn '02, So-
Keeping you and your classmates informed
Please write legibly
Please be sure to check out Phi Gamma
Delta on the Internet! On the World Wide
Web, point your browser to:
If you would like to reach us by email,
contact Will Omdorff:
□ Check here if new address
Personal News or Message to Anyone:
Engagement/Marriage/Births, Etc.
Omd5371 @uidaho. edu
Please send correspondence to:
600 University Ave.
Moscow, ID 83843
If possible, send us a photo
and a personal biography so
we can highlight you in our
Alumni Spotlight
New Job/Promotions/Awards/Honors/
Achievements/Transfer/Retirement, Etc.:
Thanks for replying to the Gem State Fiji!
Any and all support is appreciated. We
always look forward to hearing from our
valuable alumni.
—^Brian W. Post, current
GSF Editor. or (208) 885-7051
Please Help Support the Gem State Fiji
Without your generous contributions, the regular publication of this newsletter
would not be possible.
To help, my check is enclosed: I
blOO [^IsO UD$25 [ZZbther_
Please make checks payable to the Gem State Fiji
\r\nPig DiNiittr 2000
The first Nonis Pig Dinner ofthe Millennium will be
held at 600 University this spring. A great time to see
the house, meet the brothers and talk ofcollege days!
• Saturday April 15, 2000
GolfScramble tees off8:00 a.m.
Dinner begins 5:30 p.m.
Master of Ceremonies- Tony Robinson '94
Keynote Speaker- Clyde Culp '41
We love to see as many Graduate Brothers at these
events as possible...come join in the glory ofPhi
Gamma Delta and show that being a Fiji is not for
college days alone.
Forinformation or comments please contact Will Omdorffat(208)885-4258 or
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Spring 2000 newsletter of the Mu Iota chapter at the University of Idaho. The newsletter is six pages in length.