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2000 Winter Newsletter Alpha Upsilon (Auburn University)
Winter 2000 newsletter of the Alpha Upsilon chapter at Auburn University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Alpha Upsilon
Auburn University
2000 Winter Newsletter Alpha Upsilon (Auburn University)
War Eagle Fiji A
Published by Alpha Upsiloh Chapter of the
Fraterxity of Phi Gamma Delta at Auburn University
WINTER 2000-01
Dear graduate brothers of Phi
dorm bathroom ceiling literally fell in.
Gamma Delta.
The continued maintenance and
How many of you have spent
college days in the grand ol" Fiji
overall concern for the safety and
dorm? Do you remember the
treacherous climb to get in your bunk
bed each night? What about the chill
on your feet as you stepped into the
bathrooms on a cold .lanuary
morning? How many of you lived in a
help to make this happen. A new dorm
will give the fraternity a safer, more
efficient building to live in for many
liability has convinced the House
Corporation that the time has come to
years to come. We want to add suite-
replace this part of Fiji lore.
Plans are being made now to
rebuild the old dorm, beginning in
■lune 2001. We will need all of your
bathroom experience, as well as help
style bathrooms (instead of locker
room) to the dorm for a more private
keep the wear to a minimum for future
(Continued on page 3)
single room, which is no bigger than
most closets? What about the icicles
that formed due to the overworked
air-conditioner, even though it was
100 degrees outside?
Finally, the wear and tear, bumps
and bruises, cuts and scrapes have
taken their toll on our beloved
concrete bunker house, which is nearly
isr - or rf-i
40 years old. Last year, the bottom
A proposed sketch of the new Fiji dorm.
Chapter Given Exception to Alcohol-Free Policy
Last summer at the 152nd Ekklesia.
International Headquarters voted to
implement alcohol-free housing for all
chapters of the Fraternity of Phi
Gamma Delta. This policy will
eliminate alcohol from all Fiji chapter
houses beginning in the fall of 2001 .
chapter must hold, during
the yeai preceding the year for which
the exemption is sought, and each year
during the exemption period, a
tion 19.34 of the bylaws and affirming
that alcohol has not been and will not
be provided to any pledge by any
graduate or undergraduate member.
chaptei seminar, retreat, or workshop
The statement must be filed with the
Chapters are granted a chance to
pledges) at that time, is present,
obtain a two-year exception to
alcohol-free housing if they meet fi\ c
addressing alcohol education and
executive director of the fraternity by
March I of the year preceding the first
of the two years for which the exemp
at which at least 80 percent of the
chapter s membership (including any
aw areness.
strict requirements set forth b\
Those requirements are:
I . The chapter must attain, for the
graduate trusteeship for any violation
of the risk management policy or
under any other disciplinary action of
academic year preceding the First of
the Board of Conduct, archons. or host
the two years for which the exemption
is sought, a chapter grade point
institution at the time of application.
4. The chapter must provide a state
ment signed by the chapter's Purple
Legionnaire, unless the position is
average for each term within such
academic year equal to or higher than
either the all-fraternity average or
all-men's average of each such term at
its host institution.
3. The chapter cannot be under
vacant, the chapter president and the
pledge educator that the chapter's
pledge program complies with Sec
tion is sought, as well as each March 1
during each year of an exemption.
Also, the chapter must complete a
Pledge Education Questionnaire
during a field secretary visit each year.
5. The chapter's account with
international Headquarters must be
current by July I of the year preceding
the first of the two years for wJiich the
exemption is sought, as well as during
each year of any exemption.
For purposes of this qualification,
"current" shall mean paid within 30
(Continued on page 2)
\r\nPage 2
Winter 2000-01
FijiPledges 31for the Fall of2000
rush parties this summer, including a
Thanks to a positive reputation
around campus and the efforts of many
brothers to actively recruit, the
fraternity was able to successfully
complete the fall 2000 rush season
with 31 fine young men having
pledged our fraternity.
nearly as fortunate if it were not for
and amended the pledge program to
the efforts of Rush Chairman Adam
correlate with the new semester
Current Pledge Trainer David Harper
has done a fine Job in implementing
the program.
Alpha Upsilon hopes to again have
the highest pledge retention rate and
highest pledge class grade point
average at Auburn University, as we
did last year, and we are already
looking forward to winter rush and
expect to pledge another group of fine
north Georgia, a barbecue at Walker
Renneker's house in Birmingham and
the lake party at Ryan Roddam's place
Of course, we would not have been
and President Chad Thrasher rewrote
Harris. We owe him for planning good
system Auburn has established.
young men.
(Continuedfrom page I)
days of the invoice date. A "current
account'' shall mean:
• Payment of all pledge and
initiation fees and submission of
related forms.
• Payment of liability insurance
skeet shoot at Josh YoussePs farm in
on Lake Martin.
Past Pledge Trainer David Gordon
Meet Our Fall 2000 Pledges
Jack Atkins
John Blaiock
Chris Camp
Preston Carlson
Miller Chalk
international Business
Nashville, TN
Duluth. GA
Marietta, GA
Industrial Engineering
Idight Management
Electrical Engineering
En\ ironmental Science
® No existing note payable to the
Ellis Curtis
Also, the chapter desiring the
exception must be current and remain
current with any chapter or ritual loan.
Any late payment of either a chapter
or ritual loan during the time of an
exemption will cause the chapter to
lose the exemption.
Jason Dees
Paul Dreher
Alpha Upsilon Chapter is proud to
be one of only 18 chapters, out of
more than 150 Phi Gamma Delta
chapters nationally, that qualified for
an extension, which will last until the
last day of the 154th Ekklesia.
Furthermore, Alpha Upsilon played
an important role, with assistance
from the Kappa Deuteron Chapter at
the University of Georgia, in writing
the final bill that was passed, enabling
a possible yearly extension.
Several brothers represented us
well at the biennial convention in San
Antonio, including Alex Carothers,
Lam berth.
Said Brother Carothers, "I really
enjoyed meeting all the Fijis from
schools around the country. I am
especially proud of our chapter's
representation at Ekklesia, as we were
instrumental in lobbying for an
extension to the alcohol-free policy."
Barrett Fisher
Memphis, TN
Eiberal Arts
Jonathan Hardin
Nashville, TN
Jamie Hargather
Rosvvell, GA
Daniel Harper
Norcross, GA
Russell Harris
Brown Johnson
Jordan Jones
Germantown, TN
Pre-Physical Therapy
Jake LeSourd
Hunter McCord
Chattanooga, TN
Chattanooga, TN
Liberal Arts
Scott Meadows
Jonathan Moore
Memphis, TN
Building Science
Chemical Engineering
Kyle Omastiak
Brett Pennington
Knoxville, TN
Liberal Arts
Tim Piersant
Chase Russ
Ricky Shuman
Danny Summers
Jonathan Tang
Jim Teel
Kevin Turner
Brandan Waters
Cory Williams
Andy York
Chattanooga, TN
Marietta, GA
Eiberal Arts
Graphic Design
Veterinary Medicine
Building Science
Nashville, TN
Marietta, GA
Liberal Arts
Marietta, GA
Chattanooga, TN
Memphis, TN
Building Science
\r\nWinter 2000-01
Alpha Upsilon Chapter Officers
Chad Thrasher
Marietta, GA
Clav Hamblen
Nashville, TN
Recording Secretary
Ryan Piersant
Chattanooga, TN
Corresponding Secretary
.losh Youssef
Atlanta, GA
Jake Levee
Mandeville, LA
House Manaaer
Luke Williamson
Fort Worth, TX
Matt Powell
As mis the ccise hist
Physical Education
. Historv
Adam Lovelady
our lioiisciiioDi is still Gladys Siiiall and our food managetnent is still done by Luther Ford.
t sol^ cain e Fo dto^East
Our Outstanding Accomplishments
Here are Just a lew of(he outstanding accomplishments
• Alpha Upsilon was the recipient oF the Superior
Academic Achievement Award For exceeding the
all-tneiTs averaae For the 39th consecutive vear.
again,four ofthe 12 Plainsman were brothers ofPhi
Gamma Delta (1-r):
(I-r): Chad Thrasher, Alex Carothei
Burton Gooch and Brad Hawley.
(Continued from page I)
Phi Gamma Delta New Dorm
generations oFFijis. We are also look
ing at a bottom floor chapter/social
room to provide the guys an adequate
Facility For meetings and indoor social
Functions. This will save the current
dining Facility From much over-use.
Graduate brothers are encouraged
to help contribute to the cause oF
building the new dorm. If you are
Amount You are Willing to Pledge*:
interested in helping in any way,
please call Brother Josh YousseF. the
*Donations are tax deductible if checks are made payable to the Phi
head oF Fund-raising, at (334) 501-
Gamma Delta Educational Foundation.
4524 or President Chad Thrasher at
The House Corporation
Mail \ our check and this completed Form to: Phi Gatnma Delta, attn: Dortn
Fundraising Project, 275 S. College St., Auburn. AL 36830. Please do not
send to Newsletter Program Headquarters. Thanks!
\r\nPage 4
Winter 2000-01
Alpha Upsilon Chapter Graduate News
Lee Sentell '67 writes, "I have been
elected to the Alabama Tourism Hall
J. Donald Craft '66 writes, "Any
body interested in a reunion of the
ofFame. I was director of marketing
for the USSpace & Rocket Center and
Space Campfor 10 years. I currently
anywhere? Drop me an e-mail at"
am Huntsville's tourism director. I
Don is retired. He and his wife,
charter members—at Auburn or
reside at 514 Oak St. N.E., Decatur,
Emily (UA-FIuntsville), an educa
AL 35601. My e-mail address is
tional administrator, have three sons.
Lee, Joe and Jim. Don is active in the"
Glen C. Bannister Jr. '64 is a
psychologist in private practice. He
and his wife, Lynda (Huntingdon/
AU), have two daughters, Millinee
and Katherine.
Glen's interests include songwriting, fishing and AU sports. He can
be reached at 2546 Winchester Rd.,
Montgomery, AL 36106.
First United Methodist Church. He
De Stuarda, San Jose, CA 951 18.
adds, "Being a Fiji at Auburn really
developed my social skills and
reaffirmed my values in life. Those
were happy, fulfilling times as we
struggled to get the chapter started."
Don enjoys golf. Get in touch with
Tom E. Lewis '66 shares, "1 sold my
him via regular mai l at 101 1
Appalachee Dr. S.E., Huntsville, AL
Steve D. Sheffield '68 wrote to us in
June, "I recently made captain at
American Airlines, flying MDSOs out
ofSan Francisco."
Congratulate Steve at 1592 Calle
dental practice after 30 years and am
attending Pacific School of Religion
in Bekeley, working tOM'cird my
Master of Divinity degree and
Unitarian Universalist Minister."
Tom enjoys biking, running and
A. Jeffrey Collier '83 is financial
consultant and vice president of
Merrill Lynch. He and his wife,
Valerie(AOEI), have two sons. Wade,
10, and Ross, 7.
26, and Marissa, 13. Catch up with
Club of Hoover and serves on the
board of directors for the Biotech
Association of Alabama and the
CA 95521.
Jeff is past president of Kiwanis
Alabama Information Technology
Michael J. Stanford '94 is a doctor,
doing his family practice residency at
Bayfront Medical Center.
Touch base with Mike at his new
address,4527 Huntington St. N.E., St.
Petersburg, FL 33703, or via e-mail at
manager for Micro Flo. He and his
wife, Marie (Delaware Valley), a
landscape designer, have two children,
Anne, 16, and Andy, 14.
Reminisce with Bob, who enjoys
golf and hunting, at 5344 Loch PI..
Lakeland, FL 33813.
mountain climbing. He has four
children, Tom, 34, Nate, 32, Winter,
Tom at 1718 Blakeslee Ave., Arcata,
Robert J. Braddock '74 is business
Association. Fie is a member of
Riverchase Methodist Church. His
Address Update
David W. Evans '90
6209 Nealwood Ln.
Charlotte, NC 28277
Help Us Keep
You in Touch
With every issue of War Eagle Fiji,
communication with our graduates
interests include golf, exercise and
improves. Former classmates are
collecting small-scale reproductions
of antique, classic automobiles.
communicating with one another
again, and many of you have been to
Jeff writes, "Some of my very best
fi'iends for life were brothers 1 met
visit the house and meet members of
sity for members and friends.
Take a minute now to update
your former classmates on your life
since graduation.
Graduate news items, photo
Jeffrey W. Huntley '89 tells broth
ers, "I acquired another company in
October 1999. Running two businesses
is definitely keeping me busy, along
with the three boys. My new company,
graphs and change of address
Innovative Plastics, Inc., does custom
the active chapter. We believe the
newsletter we publish has a lot to do
with this renewed interest. Thank you
to all the graduates who have
contributed to the newsletter program.
In order to continue the program,
we need all of our graduates to iielp.
Voluntary contributions from you pay
for publication of the newsletter.
Please help us so we can keep you upto-date on the active chapter here at
Auburn University and in touch with
notices should be sent to Alpha
injection molding. If anyone needs
plastic parts of manufacturing, give
your former classmates. We need the
participation of all of our graduates to
me a call—War Eagle!"
continue, so mail your contribution
and personal information today! We
also welcome your suggestions for
future issues of War Eagle Fiji.
while in thefixiternity."
War Eagle Fiji is published by
the brothers of the Fraternity of Phi
Gamma Delta at Auburn Univer
Upsilon of Phi Gamma Delta, do
Newsletter Program Headquarters,
P.O. Box 731 1, Macon, GA 3 1209731 1 .
Renew your friendship with Jeff at
201 1 Water Edge Dr., Birmingham,
AL 35244.
Alpha Upsilon Fijis can also write
to Jeffrey at 178 Inwood Trl.,
Madison, AL 35758.
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Winter 2000 newsletter of the Alpha Upsilon chapter at Auburn University. The newsletter is four pages in length.