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2000 Spring Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
Spring 2000 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Xi Deuteron
Case Western Reserve University
2000 Spring Newsletter Xi Deuteron (Case Western Reserve University)
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The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
The Xi Deuteron Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
Case Western Reserve University ♦ Cleveland, Ohio
Spring-Fall 2000
Harry L. Davis, Jr. '37 Passes Ad Astra
Former Archon Treasurer Harry Lyman
Davis, Jr. '37 passed ad astra on September
14, 2000, at age 84. He was retired
Unlimited, Woods and Waters Club,
Rockwell Springs Trout Club and the
Cleveland Museum of Natural History
president of the Harry L. Davis Company
Trout Club. He was a lifelong member of
insurance firm, a business that he took over
the National Rifle Association.
from his father, who was governor of Ohio
Regardless of his business and other
interests, Harry always made time to serve
Phi Gamma Delta. He was Purple
Legionnaire for Xi Deuteron in 1940-41 and
and mayor of Cleveland.
Harry was born in Cleveland and
attended University School where he
captained the swim team, played football
and ran track. At Western Reserve
University he was active in both college and
Greek affairs. Adelbert College awarded
him the honor key for his many activities,
which included three varsity letters for
track and swimming and membership in
the glee club. Foil and Mace and the Marion
Society, of which he was vice president. He
served Xi Deuteron as rush chairman and
Corresponding Secretary and was a
delegate to the 1936 Ekklesia in Cleveland.
By 1952 he became a member of the Five
Ekklesiai Club.
After WRU Harry earned a master's
degree in business administration at
Harvard University. Following graduation
in 1939 he worked for the East Ohio Gas
Company until 1941 when he entered the
Navy supply corps, serving in Australia
and attaining the rank of lieutenant
commander. After the war he worked for
Harris-Seybold Company in New York City
before returning to Cleveland in 1949 to join
his father's company. While in NYC he
served as Chief of Section Vll from 1949-56,
when he became Chairman of the
Permanent Committee on Charters for the
ensuing two years. He was elected Archon
Councilor in 1958 and Archon Treasurer in
1960. He was particularly proud to have
authored a key report laying out a course of
action to expand tire Fraternity,
concentrating on the southern and western
portions of the United States.
In later years Harry served on Xi
Deuteron's Board of Chapter Advisors, on
the 1970 Cleveland Ekklesia Host
Committee, as President of the Cleveland
(Eta) Graduate Chapter in 1973 and as
General Chairman of Xi Deuteron's 100th
Anniversary Celebration in 1976. He was a
regular at the monthly graduate chapter
luncheons and at his Fiji poker club, and he
organized WRU Class of '37 luncheons.
In a 1985 Potpourri interview Harry said,
"Plan for the future. Each generation is
more outstanding. They have tougher
lived at the old Phi Gamma Delta Club.
challenges to meet, and the competition is
very tough. Young people are brighter and
will do a better job of leading in the future."
Hdrry was a hunting and fishing
enthusiast. He belonged to Ducks
Harry is survived by his wife Dorothy,
son Harry L. Ill and two grandchildren.
\r\nPage 2
Spring-Fall 2000
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Chapter President's
The spring 2000 semester started in the
right direction with a cabinet transition
retreat at the home of Mitch Wisniewski
'96 with Purple Legionnaire Chris Baker
'94. In this retreat we discussed the goals of
the upcoming semester and decided where
we wanted to be in regards to rush,
scholarship, and chapter morale.
From the retreat we went straight into
spring rush. Once rush had finished, we
pledged four new members, each uniquely
contributing to the house.
We have continued the alcohol-free
housing policy, presenting new challenges
in rush and the social atmosphere at the
house. We believe we adapted well by
having a rather successful rush and even
more successful non-alcoholic parties.
Xi Deuteron Directory
Xi Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
11317 Bellflower Road
Cleveland, OH 44106-3920
216-754-FlJl (3454)
Chapter Officers
Kevin Von Handorf '01, President
Ryan Lustig '01, Treasurer
Nick Tom '01, Recording Secretary
Dan Hopper '01, Corresponding Secretary
John Murphy '01, Historian
Chris Baker '94, Purple Legionnaire
Board of Chapter Advisors
Clay Barnard '69 (Miami)
Social chair Michael Castner '00 and the
Mike Castner '00
social committee worked very hard to
throw two quality parties, once again
showing our ability to lead the campus
Chris Gravius '96
Joe Collura '00
Bob Niebaum '69
Nick Plaxton '93 (Akron)
social scene.
At the end of the semester, we finished
Rishad Shaikh '00
strong in intramurals, taking second in the
fraternity division. The rope pull team, led
Mitch Wisniewski '96
Chris Baker '94, ex-officio
by Ryan Lustig '01, Rishad Shaikh '00, and
John Mayer '03, took third place on a cold
The Xi Deuteron Building Association
competition day across Bellflower from the
Jim Griffith '54, Chairman
Pig Dinner, set up by Bob Niebaum '69,
was held at the University Club this year.
The keynote speaker was George Qua '52
Mike Magness '70, President
(Michigan). Good times were had by all,
with many memories shared. For the
Jim Merklin '85
morning after Pig Dinner, Matt VonDuhn
'89 set up the First Annual Fiji Pig Dinner
(See President's Report, page 4)
Bob Niebaum '69, Treasurer
Pat Carney '80
Chris Baker '94, ex-officio
Kevin Von Handorf '01, ex-officio
Ryan Lustig '01, ex-officio
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri is published for the graduates and friends of
The Xi Deuteron Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
at Case Western Reserve University. Address changes, news items and photographs are
always welcome and may be sent in the enclosed envelope or to Graduate Records Office,
Xi Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, P.O. Box 5846, Cleveland, Ohio 44101-0846.
\r\nSpring-Fall 2000
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Chris Taggart '01
Receives Roesch-
additional $10,000 to the fund. This had the
effect of doubling the stipends for the
annual awards to $400 each.
Faragher Scholarship
Ryan Lustig '01, Steve
Christopher E. Taggart '03 has been
named the 2000-01 recipient of the Paul B.
Roesch '29 - Burton P. Faragher '28
Scholarship. Chris is a sophomore history
Yannaras '02, CWRU
major from Denver, Colorado, who plans to
Phi Gam Scholars
Ryan J. Lustig '01 was named the 1999-
attend medical school. He has attained an
2000 CWRU Phi Gamma Delta Scholar. He
overall CPA of 3.53 and has received
is a management major from Bellbrook,
Dean's Honors. At CWRU Chris joined the
Ohio, was Chapter Treasurer cmd qualified
football team and later earned a varisty
with a 3.13 CPA. The amount of the award
was $2,150.
Steven G. Yannaras '02 has been named
letter in wrestling. He served the chapter
as social service chairman. He has a Fiji
grandfather, John M. Sayre '43 (Colorado).
by The Phi Gamma Delta Educational
the 2000-01 recipient. His GPA is 3.27. The
amount of this year's award is $2,270.
The awards are made possible by the
continuing generosity of graduate brothers
Foundation to a Xi Deuteron brother of
who donate to The Phi Gamma Delta
particular academic accomplishment and
promise. The award was made possible
Scholarship Fund at CWRU.
through the generosity of Emerson P.
Giving Something Back
The amount of this year's award is $2,400.
The Roesch-Faragher Award is presented
Roesch '34.
This year nearly $6,000 in scholarships
Aric Miksic '03,
Nick Tom '01 Are
Crawford Scholars
Aric V. Miksic '03 has been named a
2000-01 recipient of the Albert H. and Doris
F. Crawford Scholarship for most improved
grades in the spring 2000 semester.
Nicholas A. Tom '01 has been named the
2000-01 recipient of the Albert H. and Doris
P. Crawford Scholarship for participation in
will be awarded to Xi Deuteron
undergraduate brothers through the
generosity of our graduate members. Our
Chapter House Endowment Fund also
continues to grow.
Brothers may establish named
scholarship funds or contribute to Xi
Deuteron's Chapter Scholarship Fund
and/or Chapter House Endowment Fund
at The Phi Gamma Delta Educational
Foundation, Post Office Box 4599,
Lexington, Kentucky 40544-4599, (859) 255-
1848. Brothers may also aid the Chapter by
the chapter and on campus.
The Crawford Awards are presented by
contributing to the CWRU-Phi Gamma
The Phi Gamma Delta Educational
Gift Processing Office, 10900 Euclid
Foundation and were made possible
through the generosity of the late Albert H.
Avenue, Cleveland, OH 44106-7035.
Contributions to both the Foundation and
"Buzz" Crawford '24 and his wife Doris.
the University are tax-deductible and may
also be matched by employers.
Your gift today will live on indefinitely.
Mrs. Crawford passed away last year; and,
in a final act of generosity, bequeathed an
Delta Scholarship Fund through the CWRU
\r\nThe Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Page 4
Chapter President's Report
(continuedfront page 2)
Golf Outing at Pine Ridge Golf Course.
About thirty Phi Gams participated in the
golf outing this year.
We held Fiji Island at Mohican
Reservation this year for the second year in
a row. Brothers stayed in cabins and
camped in a nearby field.
Once grade reports were received by the
chapter, we learned that we beat the all
fraternity average (3.07) again this year
with a 3.09 grade point average.
The summer holiday was darkened by
the loss of one of our most recent graduate
brothers, James Chae '00. Brother Chae
died in a car crash near his home in
Durham, North Carolina. Over forty five
brothers made the trip to Durham for
Brother Chae's wake and funeral. Mr. Chae
invited us to a dinner at the Chae residence
Spring-Fall 2000
Tiger Woods Ties Xi
Deuteron Fiji's Record
Until Tiger Woods did it in 2000, the last
player to win back-to-back PGA
championships was Cleveland native and
Xi Deuteron brother Hermon Densmore
"Denny" Shute *27. One of the best players
in the world in the 1930s, he won the British
Open in 1933 in a playoff against Craig
Wood (the first player to lose all four
majors in playoffs).
In 1936 Denny won the PGA at
Pinehurst, N.C., beating Jimmy Thompson,
3 and 2, in the finals (the PGA was then a
match play event). The next year at
Pittsburgh Field Club Denny defeated Jug
McSpaden in 37 holes. Denny's quest for
three straight titles was ended in 1938 by
Jimmy Hines who beat him, 2 and 1, in the
quarterfinals at Shawnee Country Club in
before the wake. Although saddened by
Shawnee-on-Delaware, Pa. The match was
the loss of their son, the Chae family was
square until a dead stymie on the 30th hole.
Denny tried unsuccessfully to jump Mine's
ball and lost the hole. (Later removed from
the rules, the stymie rule allowed a player
to leave his ball in the path of his opponent
clearly grateful for the support lent by the
Xi Deuteron brothers as evidenced by Mr.
Chae's donation of $20,000 to start the
James Chae Memorial Scholarship Fund.
An additional $5,000 will be needed to
rather than mark the ball and remove it.
make the fund a permanent endowment
Opponents had to go around or over it.)
Denny also lost in the finals of the 1931
PGA and placed second in the 1941 U.S.
Open. He was a member of three U.S.
Ryder Cup teams in the 1930s with a 2-2-2
with the Phi Gamma Delta Educational
Kevin Von Handorf '01
Fiji Datebook
Friday, February 16, 2000
Cleveland Graduate Chapter Sweetheart
Dinner, Coast Guard Club
record. A reserved and humble man, he
never caught the attention of the public
even though he was an exemplary player.
He won the West Virginia and Ohio
amateurs, three Ohio Open titles and tour
events in Los Angeles, Texas and Miami.
He played little competitive golfafter
May 11-13, 2000
Xi Deuteron 125th Anniversary
World War 11, although he did win the 1950
Celebration (Saturday Pig Dinner)
Ohio Open and the 1956 Akron Open.
Denny was the pro at the Portage
Friday, October 26, 2000
Country Club in Akron from 1944-1972. He
Fall Smoker
died in 1974 at the age of 69. The Northern
Ohio PGA plays the Denny Shute Match
Saturday, October 27, 2000
CWRU Homecoming
Play Championship at Portage each fall.
\r\nSpring-Fall 2000
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
News of the Brethren
Walter Schuster '35 reports that he is
enjoying retirement at La Posada
Retirement Center in Green Valley,
Arizona. He is celebrating his 65th
wedding anniversary.
Grant Ricksecker '38 is retired and living
in Parma Heights, Ohio.
Bill Tresch '40 and wife Enid toured the
Upper Peninsula of Michigan including a
short stay at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac
Island. They reside in Mountain Lakes,
New Jersey.
Don Morrison '51 is retired and living in
Naples, Florida.
Richard Reminger '53 has completely
retired from the courtroom and is pursuing
his second profession with vigor, that of a
landscape and seascape oil painter. He is
exhibiting widely—last year Munich;
Cleveland and Vero Beach, Florida, in 2000;
and London and Palm Beach in 2001.
Arthur Hood '54 is now living in San
Clemente, California.
Norm Ingrassia '62 is Executive General
Agent for Jefferson Pilot Financial in
Jon "Dune" Elliott '64 is a retired band
Bob Newcomer '43 is a retired dentist
director living in Charlotte, North Carolina.
living in Chesterland, Ohio.
Francis "Bud" Colgrove '44 is retired and
living in Wooster, Ohio.
Development Company, a hotel developer
in Coral Gables, Florida. He lives nearby in
Herbert "Putt" Putnam '44 of Shaker
Tim Aho '65 is President of Tea
Heights, Ohio, attended his 60th Lakewood
High School reunion. He has had knee
surgery and open heart surgery but feels
great, although his medical adventures
Roger Anderson '65 is an attorney in
WUIoughby Hills, Ohio.
have curtailed his travel schedule.
Westerville, Ohio.
beautiful Alaska fulfilled a lifelong
ambition. He is also closer to his daughter
and grandchildren.
Daniel Lansell '47, a retired clergyman,
has recently moved to The Renaissance in
Olmsted Township, Ohio.
Eveready Battery Company after 24 years.
Mike Magness '70 was elected to the
Loren Loebell '45 is retired and living in
Allan Kortz '48 is a retired surgeon living
Ron Keffer '68 is Principal of Homer
High School in Homer, Alaska. Moving to
Bob Niebaum '69 retired from the
Board of Directors the CWRU
in Englewood, Colorado.
John Mannino '48 is a retired pharmacist
living in Mentor, Ohio.
Bill Benagh '49 retired in 1989 after
Undergraduate Alumni Association.
selling his company. He is working
School District. His office runs the
Paul "Sweeve" Cevasco '72 was
promoted to Director of Business Affairs for
the Brecksville-Broadview Heights, Ohio,
extremely hard playing tennis twice a week
transportation, food service and custodial
and golf twice a week ("somebody has to do
it") and traveling overseas. He and his wife
Billie are enjoying their 14 grandchildren
and maintenance departments as well as
managing all capital and building projects.
He opines that fraternity means sleeping in
and are watching some of them go offto
the same unheated room with about 25
college. Bill sends his best to everyone.
Bob Reed '50, New Castle, Pennsylvania,
other "big swinging d**ks," listening to the
practices dentistry with his non-Fiji son.
Bob's father and other son both became
Fijis. Bob and Ted Castele '51 tried to get
Fijis to attend a 50 year reunion in
Cleveland last year "with limited success."
dulcet sounds of snoring and throwing
up —and loving it!
Mitch Henn '72 reports that the family
survived building a new house to better
accommodate his son in his wheel chair or
(See News of the Brethren, page 6)
\r\nPage 6
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Spring-Fall 2000
News of the Brethren
(continuedfrom page 5)
Jim McDougal '87 teaches at Trinity
Pawling School in Pawling, New York.
walking with his crutches or walker.
Jeffrey drives with hand controls and takes
some classes at the local community
Jim Gavacs '73 almost ran down George
their son Adam into the world in
Tim South '87 and wife Beth welcomed
September 1999, joining daughter Sarah,
then 4. Tim thanks Matt Von Ehihn '88 for
setting up the graduate golf outing after Pig
Dinner. Tim had a great time with Steve
Yanok *72 when George walked in front of
Zervas '85, Drew Binder '88 and Mike
Jim's car in Westerville, Ohio. They hadn't
seen each other for 20 years. Jim says Fred
Ricart '73 is still the same old guy—easy to
Jones '86. He looks forward to seeing more
grads at Pig Dinner and golf in 2001.
talk to; a real friend. Jim reminds us that
developer analyst for Alltel. He now lives
we all graduate and make our own paths in
in Avon, Ohio.
the world; but when you meet a brother
Fete Moritz '90 is a client server
Rob Henderson '91 is a technical
again, even after 20 or 30 years, it's like you
just saw him yesterday.
Barry Frystowsky '76 was pictured in the
supervisor for Citgo Petroleum in
Cleveland Plain Dealer in a story on
He recently moved from London, England,
to Hamburg, Germany. Dan was married
July 1, 2000, in Germany and is very happy.
Rob Henderson '91 was best man. They
pediatricians probing for symptoms of
violence threatening the young. He
practices in Nutley, New Jersey. [Barry's
photos in old Xi Deuteron composites have
made him a popular icon among recent
chapter house residents.]
John Saganich '79 was elected a partner
Dan Vaughn '91 is an oil trader for BP.
taught the German guests to gator to
Andy "Jake" Jaworski '94 is a software
engineer for Level (3) Communications. He
of the Cleveland law firm Vorys, Sater,
lives in Broomfield, Colorado.
Seymour and Pease, LLP. He is a member
of the group specializing in general
Doug Nordstrom '94 is a design engineer
with Swagelock Companies in Solon, Ohio.
He lives in Shaker Heights.
Tim Caggiano '97 enjoyed a visit last
summer from Andy Horrigan '99, Oliver
corporate and securities law, with an
emphasis on transactional representation.
John's experience is in mergers and
acquisitions, public and private debt and
equity financing, venture capital
investments, private investment
partnerships and executive compensation.
Ted Thoma '82 now lives in Euclid, Ohio.
Joe Shehan '85 and his family relocated
to the Denver, Colorado, area where he is a
teacher in the Jefferson County Schools. He
is working on his Colorado principal's
license. Joe says that the mountains are as
great as they were in New Mexico. The
Shehans celebrated Y2K eve at the home of
Craig Wedge '87 and his family.
Steve "Z-man" Zervas '85 is a mobile
account manager for Parker Harmifin in
Youngstown, Ohio.
Cullis '99, Curtis Kadohama '99 and Harris
Strokoff 'GO. Their visit was one stop of
many on a five week long summer road
trip across the United States.
Duane Bolick '99 is a third year medical
student at CWRU. He completed Army
Officer Basic Course during summer 2000.
Matt "Cavendish" "Tigger" Wallin '99 is
a Staff Geotechnical Engineer for URS
Greiner Woodward Clyde in Oakland,
California. He completed his M.S. in Civil
Engineering at CWRU.
Joe Colliua '00 is a product development
engineer with Clark-Reliance Corporation
in Strongsville, Ohio. He lives in
Middleburg Heights.
\r\nSpring-Fall 2000
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
Brothers Pass Ad Astra
Carl D. Paulsen '33, Anchorage, Alaska,
June 11, 2000, at the age of 88. His son
David noted that Carl always enjoyed his
association with Phi Gamma Delta.
Harry L. Davis, Jr. '37, Chagrin Falls,
Ohio, September 14, 2000. jsee page Ij
William S. Fenton '38, Louisville, Ohio,
September 29,1999. A graduate of
Louisville High School and Western
Reserve University, he was a retired teacher
from Osnaburg Local Schools. He formerly
owned Fenton's IGA in Fairhope. Bill was a
longtime member of the Fairhope United
Methodist Church, the Fairhope and
Louisville Lions Clubs, and bowled in a
league in Eastbury. He is survived by his
wife Malinda, daughters Patricia Fenton
Brininger and Kathy Fenton Platt and four
Page 7
James "Jimmy" J. Chae 'GO, Durham,
North Carolina, June 25,2000, at age 22,
from injuries received in an automobile
accident. He graduated from the North
Carolina School of Science and Math in
1996. He is survived by his parents, Kun
and Nancy Chae, and his sister Brenda.
Memorial gifts may be made to the James J.
Chae Scholarship Fund at the Phi Gamma
Delta Educational Foundation (see page 3).
The 1848 Society
The 1848Society is created for young
graduates of Phi Gamma Delta, up to age
40, who care about their local chapter and
the Fraternity. Through the Society, you
will have the opportunity to benefit your
chapter and members through various
practice in 1995, Jack and his wife
continued living in Lakewood, taking daily
giving options.
You have the choice of designating one
half of your gift for your chapter's specific
purposes, such as Chapter House
Endowment Fund (CHEF), Chapter
Scholarship Fund or house corporation.
The Foundation will use the remaining half
to fund educational opportunities that will
walks until he fell at home in 1999.
benefit all members.
Following surgery in Lakewood he
recuperated at Heather Hill Hospital, then
moved in with his son Dr. Douglas Owens
in Chesterland, Ohio, where Jack's wife
The Foundation will recognize 1848
Society members with 1848 lapel
pins unlike any other recognition pin in the
Fraternity. The Foundation will also
continues to reside.
recognize members in The Phi Gamma Delta
magazine as well as in Foundation
Dr. Mart L. Helfrich '43, Bucyrus, Ohio,
February 15, 2000.
Jack Evan Owens '43, Lakewood, Ohio,
January 11, 2000. After retiring from his
Randolph K. Fussehnan '48, Chagrin
Falls, Ohio, July 12, 2000. His wife survives
publications. In addition, house
corporations will hang plaques in each
chapter house recognizing members who
have achieved the $1,848 in total giving.
Kenneth H. Wood, Jr. '49, Northfield,
Illinois, August 30,1999. It was reported
that he left us in true Fiji style. He died
instantly on the 15th hole of the Winnetka
Golf Club while telling a joke!
Paul R. Bolin '50, Uniontown, Ohio, May
25, 2000.
Robert G. Bensen, Sr. '51, Naples,
In an effort to increase communications
with brothers, the Foundation will provide
information via The Insider, a newsletter for
1848 Society members which will include
advance notice of events, group travel
plans, and news regarding Phi Gamma
Florida, September 1999. His wife Lois
survives him.
Members of the 1848 Society pledge to
contribute as little as $10 per month until
(See 1848 Society, page 8)
Tony Selfridge '56, Englewood, Florida,
June 8, 2000.
The Xi Deuteron Potpourri
1848 Society
(continuedfrom page 7)
reaching $1,848 over as many as 15 years.
The payment must be deducted from a
checking account or charged to a credit
As a benefit of membership, the
Foundation will offer and coordinate
exclusive travel package invitations only to
1848 Society members. Trips may include a
weekend in Las Vegas, New Orleeins for
Mardi Gras, golfing in Palm Springs, skiing
in Vail, hunting in South Dakota, or
snowmobiling in Jackson Hole, Wyoming.
"This is an ideal way for me to give back
to Phi Gamma Delta. The nice part is with
it set up as an automatic deduction, I don't
even have to think about it. It just happens,
and I like knowing that monthly I'm
helping out," said Josh Holly *97
Interested brothers should e-mail Brian
Spring-Fall 2000
built duplex housing or dorm. The latter
would have little or no fraternity
"The solution is exceedingly elusive, for
the University has not formulated its
attitude or policy toward the situation. In
the immediate future, only one fact is
concrete; our chapter will need a solution
for housing by 1970, since the present
location will ^en be the construction site of
a new building complex."
Xi Deuteron Potpourri, April 1965
2000-01 Potpourri
Donor Honor Roll
(through December 18, 2000)
Walter Schuster '35
Robert Edmonds '37
Howard Eaton '39
Bill Tresch '40
Bud Colgrove '44
Herb Putman '44
Lew HoIImeyer '45 (Purdue, Knox)
Hensley [], the
Loren Loebell '45
Foundation's Director of Graduate
Daniel Lansell '47
Relations. Brothers may also write or call
the Foundation (see page 3.)
John Mannino '48
Bill Benagh '49
Harlan Todd '50
35 Years Ago
"Within the next five years, Xi Deuteron
Bruce Jackson '52
Richard Reminger '53
Don Greiner '60
will have to solve a different housing
Peter Kinney '60
problem. Presently, the chapter and eight
David Forbes-Watkins '61
other national fraternities are located in
Norm Ingrassia '62
older buildings. These will give way to
Tim Aho '65
new buildings, roads and walk-ways of an
expanding, modern campus."
"It is the hope of the chapter to build a
new house of our own design. The InterFraternity Council has been working on the
housing problem as the voice for the
undergraduate chapters. Combined I.F.C.University administration committees have
Gerald Lublin '66
made various suggestions, ranging from
off-campus housing in converted homes
(like the present housing), to University
Bob Niebaum '69
Paul Cevasco '72
Mitch Henn '72
Steve Zervas '85
Doug Taylor '86
Jon Schindler '89
Rob Henderson '91
Paul Doman '92
Joe Collura '99
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Spring 2000 newsletter for the Xi Deuteron chapter at Case Western Reserve University. The newsletter is eight pages in length.