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2000 Spring Newsletter Upsilon Alpha (University of Arizona)
Spring 2000 newsletter of the Upsilon Alpha chapter at the University of Arizona. The newsletter is eight pages in length.
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Upsilon Alpha
University of Arizona
2000 Spring Newsletter Upsilon Alpha (University of Arizona)
The Campanula
A Publication of the Upsilon Alpha Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
University of Arizona•Spring 2000
The Future is Now
Hello,graduate brothers and friends ofUpsilon Alpha.
We are making good progress in our new house campaign
As of April 20,2000,we have commitments from 120
alumni for $1.57 million. Our goal is to raise $3.0 million.
but many of you probably don't realize the urgent nature We have already reached 52.3% of our goal from less
of our situation with the Chapter House. Although our than 8.6% of our alumni. At this rate, if only 35% ofour
prospects for the capital fund campaign remain bright, alumni commit, we can meet our goal.
progress has been slow. As of mid-April, we have not
When you think about giving, think back to what Phi
raised enough cash and pledges to go forward with our Gamma Delta gave you ~ and notjust during your college
plans and are now over a
years-lifelong friendships
month behind on our
and in many cases the
foundation for business
It is time now for deeds
success. Giving something
back now will provide the
not words. It is a watershed
period. We need to retain
same opportunities for
our momentum and move
growth and development to
Upsilon Alpha into the next
century. To date, 133
future FIJIs. Whether it be
to call 1,200 specific
by lump sum or multi-year
pledge,the house needs the
help of all Upsilon Alpha
classmates. A volunteer
brothers have volunteered
may have contacted you
already, or may do so soon. Please give his call or letter
your careful consideration.
You may or may not have received a campaign
brochure and pledge form from a volunteer. Since our
needs are urgent and because our volunteer-donor
matching process has been fairly random,please do not
wait to be contacted. We need more volunteers and have
over 1,800 potential donors.If you are willing to call some
of your brothers or need a campaign brochure and a pledge
form, please call Stephen Combs, our campaign
consultant, at Fraternity Management Group (our
campaign advisors) 1-800-228-7326 ext.23 ore-mail him
at: Let's kick this campaign into
high gear and top 100% by the end of the year.
opportunity for tax-deductible gifts in support ofthe Phi
Gamma Delta Education Foundation Arizona CHEF.The
Foundation can provide grant money for any part of the
construction costs that are related to educational spaces,
for example,library, study rooms and computer rooms.
No gift is too large nor is any too small. The most
important thing is tojoin the campaign.By participating,
you assure that Phi Gamma Delta will shine at the
University of Arizona,now and in the future.
If you have any questions, comments or concerns
regarding our campaign and/or the undergraduate chapter,
please feel free to contact Stephen Combs or Mike
Johnson '83 at 520-570-7651 or e-mail johnsonm®
The new house campaign, pages 4-5 - Alumni news, pages 6-7 - and more!
\r\nThe CampaAilla
Page 2
Spring 2000
Purple Legionnaire's Report
The Campanula
Published by Upsilon Alpha of The
Fraternity ofPhi Gamma Delta,
Dear Brothers,
established 1931 in Tucson,
These are exciting times at Upsilon Alpha! We are continuing to make
progress toward our goal of building a new Chapter House for present and
Campanula to The Ratemity ofPhi future FIJI'S to enjoy. The new Chapter House will continue to be a source of
Gamma Delta,doFMG 744N.Stone,
pride for all Arizona FIJI'S and the envy of the Greek community.Our goal can
Tucson,AZ 85719 or call
only be achieved through the hard work and dedication of both our graduate
Steve Combs at520-622-0125 ex 23
undergraduate brothers. Given the legacy of our great chapter,I know that
we will achieve our goal.
As we progress toward raising the necessary money in order to finance the
Officers and Select Conunittee
construction ofthe new Chapter House,we have begun the process of reviewing
the architectural and engineering aspects of the project. We have requested
and subsequently received a project proposal from the lead architect. Several
Scott Hunter'01
graduate brothers involved with the building corporation, and others in real
estate, are reviewing the proposal and will provide input and guidance in the
Ryan Louis'01
very near future. However, we can not proceed with the final architectural
Recording Secretary:
and engineering plans until we have raised at least 2.0-2.5 million dollars. Right
Paul Shepard'03
now, we have received 1.5 million in pledges.
Corresponding Secretary:
I would like to extend a special thank you to Karl Filer '52 for graciously
Steve Rawls'02
a reception at his corporate office in Phoenix on March 31. Many
Phoenix and Tucson area graduate brothers were present to socialize, listen to
Joe Newberty'02
a presentation regarding the building project and the fund raising effort, and to
Michael Morton'02
enjoy delicious food and drink. In the future we hope to have similar receptions
House Manager:
both in Tucson and Phoenix. Announcements will be mailed to all graduate
Arizona.Please direct all newsfor
Brendon Miller'02
brothers well in advance of the event and events.
Rush Chairman:
Brett Blasiar'00
Pledge Educator:
UpsOon Alpha Housiig Corporation
Danny Montgomery'74
John Benjamin'85
Greg Gibson'76
Purple Legionnaire:
Michael Johnson'83
Board of Chapter Advisors:
Scott Gibson'78
Financial Advisors:
Tom Moore'60
Why notlet your brothers
know what you are doing?
This summer,along with the five undergraduate cabinet members,I will be
attending the 152"'' Ekklesia in San Antonio, Texas. I would encourage any
graduate brothers who are interested in attending the Ekklesia and celebrating
Phi Gamma Delta to do so. It is a fraternal experience that is both worthwhile
and rewarding. Not very many organizations can claim to have been in existence
for 152 years. It is a real testament to the beliefs and ideals of Phi Gamma
Delta which have enabled the fraternity to grow and flourish for such a long
period of time. Ekklesia registration forms can be obtained by contacting Will
Kinzel, the Director of Programs at headquarters in Lexington at (859) 2551848(email:,or by logging on to
I know that for many of you, your faith in the chapter has been shaken. I
want all graduate brothers to know that the undergraduate leadership is
committed to restoring your faith in Upsilon Alpha. Our chapter has been the
leader among fraternities at the University of Arizona since the Zeta Delt
days, and a leader within our fraternity since 1931. It is my duty to make sure
that the legacy of Upsilon Alpha never dies.
Drop US a line at:
Upsilon Alpha Chapter of Phi Gamma
c/o FMG (Fraternity Management Group)
Purple Legionnaire
744 North Stone Avenue
Tucson, AZ 85705
Mike Johnson'83
\r\nSpring 2000
The Campanula
0Harvard Hil '58 was born and
Page 3
Alumni Profile
is now part of Trans-America.
raised in Phoenix, Arizona. He
Brother Hill has since moved on to form, with other
attended West Phoenix High were
he set his sights on becoming a
colleagues, his own venture capitalist firm: Houston
Partners. The group invests in international and domestic
markets focusing on information technology and medical
assets. Harvard has worked with the group for 15 years.
Wildcat. Brother Hill was drawn
to the University of Arizona
because of their strong Finance
and Economics depai'tments. In
addition, most of his friends were
Harvard Hill '58
• *
also attending, or were planning to
attend, the U. of A, making his choice that much easier.
Brother Hill participated in rush and decided on FIJI
because he felt the fraternity offered an ideal balance of
academic, social, and athletic goals. In addition. Harvard
was drawn to the fraternity's "legacy of quality
characteristics," plus he found the guys very friendly and
As an undergraduate Brother Hill kept very active.
Every year he would participate with the fraternity in
Harvard and his wife Jan have been married since
1957. Together they have three children. Scott, who was
a Kappa Sigma at Baylor University, and Jim; both work
with Harvard at Houston Partners. His daughter Kelli
attended the University of Arizona and received a degree
in Art History. Harvard and Jan also have three
grandchildren. In his spare time Brother Hill runs
marathons and has taken part in many triathalons. He
enjoys staying active and loves playing tennis, golf, and
doing a little hunting.
Brother Hill's days as a FIJI will always remain special.
He loved participating in the homecoming float
preparations and going to the UA-ASU football games
would also make the annual bicycle trip to ASU. While in
college, Harvard spent three years working in the
fraternity's kitchen and one year with a veterinarian
hospital. He served the fraternity as Recording Secretary,
and always looked forward to The Friday night dinners at
El Charro. Brother Hill says his time as a FIJI was a very
positive experience and a significant event in his life. The
fraternity helped him leam how to associate with others
and build relationships. His FIJI experience also instilled
Rush Coordinator, and Social Chair and loved organizing
in him the value of communication .This asset has led
several intramurals, his favorite was flag football. Haiwai'd
and partaking in the dinner exchanges with the various
him to continued success in both his personal and
professional lives.(8 Green Bay Cir, Houston,TX,77024,
Harvard graduated in 1958 with a double major in
Finance and Economics. After graduation he joined the
H:7I3-222-8600, W:713-222-8600, F:7I3-222-8932,
Army and in his first year of service moved seven times
throughout the country. He served in the army for fourand-a-half years, his last three years were spent just
rmtn. i .
outside of Frankfurt on the German border. After his
military service Brother Hill came back to Phoenix where
he took up a position with Dean Witter, working there for
seven years before transferring to California as Dean
Witter's Southern California Vice President.
maintaining his position at Dean Witter, Harvard found
time to obtain his MBA (1973) from Pepperdine
Brother Hill left Dean Witter to move to Houston and
become President of Rotan Mosle. Inc., a regional
investment banking firm. During his five year tenure the
firm experienced a per year return of close to 100%. His
success did not go unnoticed, in June of 1983 Criterion
Group, an asset management firm, offered Harvard the
position of President of Criterion Investments, Inc.. At
that time. Criterion managed over $12 billion in assets and
Scott Hunter '01 lunches with a UAPD officer at the
house. The new University of Arizona Police station
is now located across the street fom the house.
\r\nPage 4
The Campanula
Spring 2000
Your Campaign Questions Answered
The process ofrebuilding a house is tremendously you will avoid having to pay any capital-gains tax,
complex and itis expected our alumni,actives,and
parents do not have the time to pay attention to the
regardless of whether or not your gift is tax-deductible.
myriads ofdetails.For example,solving the problem of
Are my gifts tax deductible?
where the men ofFUI will live during construction has
Gifts made to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational
been taken care of,but all ofour members may notknow Foundation will be 100% tax-deductible.However,only
the answer.
20-30% ofthe project can be funded from foundation
grants. Therefore the majority ofthe funds must come
along in our major gift campaign.The total number of from the Building Corporation.Weencourage you to give
major gifts over $5,000,is 44 as compared to our goal most,or all,of your gift to Phi Gamma Delta Building
of67,an astonishing66%completion rate given the short Corporation,which is nottax-deductible.Having said that,
time the campaign has
you may split your gift any
been running.Others have
way you choose.
inquired about the
percentage of alumni
How much will the
volunteering to raise funds
project cost?
Sleeping for 50-60 in suite style bedroom/bathrooms,fiill
for our chapter and the
The most recent
library, high speed hitemet access. Faculty Fellow office.
answer is an amazing
estimate is about three
ResidentAdvisor suite,fully sprinkleied,ADA compliant,
eleven percent(11%).
million dollars, which
Some alumni have wanted to know how far we are
If you have any
questions you'd like
answered either in this
newsletter or in person,
please feel free to call
Steve at 520-622-0125.
Where will the chapter
19,0(X)square feet and much more.
New kitchen equipment and furniture for individual
rooms,conunon rooms,and the courtyard.
Corrent Oebt
Payoff the current debt we have on our facility.
Campaign Expenses
Alumni communications,events and campaign costs.
go during coiistruction?
includes a debt of about
three hundred thousand
dollars on the current
fraternity house and three
hundred and fifty thousand
dollars in campaign
expenses. The projected
expenses and a brief
description of their use
shown in the table to the
During the year the
chapter will need to be out
ofthe house,we have arranged for our members to live
in apartments from January 2001 to August/Sept2001. Can you give me an executive summary of how
Based on what we discovered in the FeasibiUty Study,it
the campaign is going?
is reasonable that our minimum goal of$3.0 million can
Here is"the picture"as ofApril 20,2000.The number
be achieved in time to start construction by January of gifts possible(brothers, parents,friends)is 1,398.
Number of gifts/pledges made to date totals 120.The
total amount pledged to date is $1,570,228.52.The total
Will you accept marketable securities as
amount collected to date is $420,900.77.
To make this project happen we need your gifts of
Isn't this a small percentage?
cash or marketable securities. Your gift mav be paid
No,for the short time the campaign has been mnning
over a flve-vear period. Our lawyers and tax experts it is rather high. As a side note,PBS receives only about
have developed a financing plan to help you maximize 20% ofthe total non-credit card pledges people make
your contribution in manner comfortable with your during the year.
desires and income. We encourage transfers ofstock as
\r\nThe Campanula
Spring 2000
Page 5
Pledges To Date
Recent Donors
In addition to those commitments listed below, we have additional verbal
of Major Gifts
pledges totaling approximately $250,000 for a total of about $1.75 million
Schulyer Linlnger'44
or about 60% of the total funds needed to rebuild.
Hamilton McRae'60
Lloyd Wiborg '61
Charles Townsdin '63
Fred Owings '64
Clinton Churchill '65
George P. Heldler, Jr.'65
Michael FItz-Gerald '71
Danny Montgomery'74
Jeffrey Patch '77
Curtis J. Dunshee '82
Robert Murray'84
Fred Gutter, Jr.'80
If you have any questions please feel free to call or write.
Campaign Stats
♦ One hundred and thirty-three(133)alumni
volunteers are calling the nearly 1,200 alumni
who have yet to donate.
♦ 5% ofour alumni have already helped us meet
50% of our goal.
♦ 84 alumni have made a contribution of$1,000 or
Major Gift Breakdown
Our new house campaign is raising the capital
needed to completely rebuild our Chapter House
and we ai'e counting on many major donation to
make this happen.
The chait below shows major gift levels, goals and
number ofgifts received.
♦ Over 300 of you have promised to make a gift
according to our alumni survey. We know Fiji's
can do better! Please mail us your pledge form.
♦ Only 30% of most fraternity alumni donate to
new housing campaigns. You know the Upsilon
Alpha Chapter men are better than average, we
know contributions from the Upsilon Alpha
chapter contributions will significantly surpass the
# Goal
# Received
Make a Difference!
Your contributions can be made on any level, such as
IPIease call Steven Combs at 800-228-7326 ext. 23.
those listed above, and are essential to our 100%
success. If you are in a position to help, please call
Steven Combs at 800-228-7326 ext. 23.
\r\nThe Campanula
Page 6
Spring 2000
Alumni Updates
News of your brothers from around the world
Charles M. Rucker '56 After graduation Brother
Rucker went to Columbia Medical School and received
his MD. He then spent almost 30 years as a
Cardiovascular Surgeon.Charles and his wife Alexandra
have been married for nearly 35 years. Together they
have three kids: Michael,Kathiyn,and Creed(currently
a U of A medical student). In his spare time Charles
that"FIJI really helped me to learn how to work with
other people." Brother Orchard was"one of the three
midgets" Runt,Runt Runt,and Runt Runt Runt.He notes
thatjust the mere mention ofthe subject should evoke
some wonderful memories from his fratemity brothers.
Brother Orchard and Jo have three handsome sons
Scott,Pat,and Kent.(HC 30 N Wood 3800,Ten Sleep,
WY, 82442-9801,
likes to hunt, fish, and carve
wood. Brother Rucker will
always remember the friends he f
made, especially his fellow
pledge class members,and says
there is one thing he will NEVER
forget,"The cook Frank Henry
and his lousy Friday nightfish! - served with what was quite
possibly the worse tartar sauce
in history." (4927 E Calle
graduated with a degree
Business. Brother Bell and
his wife Bettye have two
children Mike and Michelle
and four grandchildren.
\ ! William is the President and
\J Director of Bank One. In
Ventura,Phoenix, AZ,850184460, H:602-468-1368,
, ..
Brothers at Chapter House Thanksgiving
his spare time. Brother Bell
tries to keep up with the
grandchildren and spends a
little time
on the,golfcourse.
Peter A.Mayer'56 graduated
Dinner 1982-83
One ox the Wciys nc
to keep in his golfing skills
with a degree in Civil
Engineering. Throughout his career Peter has worked honed is a yeaiJy reunion with a group ofFIJI brothers
all over the country including a considerable amount of at the Kissing Camel's Golf Course in Colorado
time as a traffic engineer for the State of Arizona. For Springs.There they play afew rounds ofgolfand catch
the last ten years. Brother Mayer operated his own up on old times. Brother Bell enjoys hunting quail and
business: Mayer & Associates. Peter has been married fishing. He wUl always remember the high quality ofthe
to Joanne for 11 years and has six children. In his spare
time Peter enjoys golfmg and volunteering atthe Arizona
Cancer Center. His FIJI days taught him how to get
along with others and the value of honesty and integrity
in relationships. He will never forget his pledging
experience and stays in contact with afew of his pledge
brothers.(6320 N Camino Arco,Tucson, AZ,857183809, W:520-299-0332, F:520-520-7270)
J.Kent Orchard'58 graduated with a with a degree in
Agriculture and took over managing hisfamily's extensive
cattle ranch shortly after finishing college. Now retired.
Brother Orchard and his wife Jo tour the United States
to show their Draft Horses. When asked about the
fraternity's influence on his life. Brother Orchard said
brothers he befriended during his time at Arizona and
remembers them as some ofthe brightest, hard working
people with whom he has ever associated.(2501 Grand
Blvd. NW,Oklahoma City, OK,73116, H:405-8428392, W:405-231-6232, e:William_M_Bell@
Mel Jenks'63 graduated with a degree in Business
Administration. After graduation Brother Jenksjoined
the United States Army retiring as a Colonel in 1990.
During his 27 year enlistment. Brother Jenks learned
discipline and a strong work ethic. He traveled the world
and visited almost every continent. Currently, Brother
Jenks is a financial consultantfor Solomon Smith Barney.
Mel and his wife Regina have two children, each of
\r\nThe Campanula
Spring 2000
whom followed in their father's footsteps andjoined the
military. In addition to consulting Brother Jenks enjoys
playing golf, reading, and maintaining a strict fitness
routine. He says that the most rewarding part of the
FIJI experience was developing many lifelong friends
and a strong sense of loyalty to his brothers. Brother
Jenks loves to return to the University of Arizona for
homecoming and enjoys talking to his never-to-beforgotten brothers about the days they spent in FIJI.
his pledgeship and the fraternity's strong brotherhood
prepai'ed him for life's trials and tribulations. One of his
more vivid memories revolves around the night he fell
offthe roof ofthe house,"Ifthat memory does not stick
with you I don'tknow ofone that would."(2671 Cranlyn
Rd, Shaker Heights, OH, 44122, H;216-765-5865,
arec ived his Master's in
W:440-325-2002, F:216-765-5879, e-mail:
(5755 E Finisteira, Tucson, AZ,
85750-1006, W:520-745-
Electrical Engineering. Brother
Barkenbush is the Director of
Jon Nigbor'82 graduated with
a degree in MIS. After
Facility Services for the St.Louis
Children's Hospital and the
hospital's recent expansions kept
him rather busy. Mark and his
wife, Julie, have one daughter,
Emily. In his very restricted
spare time. Brother Barkenbush
enjoys woodworking and
graduation,Jon started his own
company called Consumer Care
which specializes in car-safety
kits which they sell to
companies. The business is veiy
successFil and has been "holding
down its market shai-e." Brother
Nigbor's rather time consuming
hobby is bicycle racing and his
vacationing with the family. For
the past ten summers the
Barkenbush's family travel to the
j Atlantic coast ofNorth Carolina
sponsors are Safeway Food Co.
and Saturn Motors. Jon's FIJI
where they rent a beach house
memories remain vivid,especially
^^ and
spend time
in the company•'
Bob Raglan
Ragland cutting down
ling Intramural
of a tew other families. His time
nets after
after wli
the night when he came back to
his bed and found it filled with
Title 1981-1982
1 31-1982
about ten gallons of chocolate
pudding. Despite the pranks. Brother Nigbor says that
the fraternity helped him learn how to get along with
others, "Living with a 100 guys will make you mature
fast." Jon encourages his brothers to "give him a call
and come visit him in beautiful Portland." (PO box
15052, Portland, OR,97293-92, H:503-720-6431,
as an undergrad was a
"wonderful experience," and his
favorite memories center on the nights when the brothers
would go dinnk boy tipping on the sleeping porch. FUI
gave him good insight into what it takes to be a leader
and how to set goals. (17146 Hillcrest Meadow Dr,
Chesterfield, MO, 63005-1333, H:636-519-8892,
W:3I4-454-2288, F:314-454-5454, e-mail:
Louis Giesler '84 graduated with a degree in
Accounting. Brother Giesler is Vice President ofTrans
America Holdings and says business is booming. Louis
is married to Cynthia and spends most of his free time
running his children, now six and four years old,to swim
meets. He keeps in touch with many of his brothers and
occasionally meets up with them, making it back to
Tucson about twice a year. Brother Giesler had a "very
positive fraternity experience." In general, he says that
Your experiences are important to
us and to your brothers
Ifyou have news for the update
caii or write us at The Campanula do FMG,744 N Stone, Tiicson,
AZ 85719. Call 520-622-0125 or
800-228-7326 ex 23,ask for Steve Combs.
Dut you jcjat
The Upsilon Alpha chapter and alumni of FIJI would like to thank Karl Filer '52 for hosting a reception at the
Filer Media offices on March 31st. The event,designed to update members on our housing campaign, was a tremendous
success with many of our alumni and undergraduate brothers in attendance. Thank you also to those who attended
the event!(see list below) Your continued support of the Fiji Chapter is appricated.
Bob L. Bayless '38
James Pederson '65
Jonathan VanNess '81
M. Keith Holben '86
Bill O'Brien '49
Peter Rathwell '65
Wally Hale '82
Douglas Finical '87
Thomas D. Fridena '50
Kenneth Spiegel '66
Bruce Hart '82
Chris Harrison '87
Peter E. Howell '50
Thomas Grove '67
R. Kelly McKone '82
Thomas Louer '87
John Shannon '88
Willis B. Tolley '50
Ray Griswold '51
Clarence Pendergast '51
Bruce 0. Thoeny '51
David R. Ewing '53
Lowell M. Berry '56
Steven Reid '67
Matthew Curran '83
James Petty '70
Paul Dean Douglas '83
Jeff Albin '89
Michael Fitz-Gerald '71
Mike Johnson '83
James Romanoski '89
David Rousseau '83
Deron Webb '89
Tom Schmitt '83
Peter Scardello '90
Charles M. Rucker '56
Gary W. Harper '71
Jeffrey Derickson '72
Harry Lodge '73
John R. Jennings '75
Greg Gibson '76
Fred Sutler Sr.'58
Mark Holohan '77
John Mulchay '59
Jeffrey Patch '77
J. Wendell Garrett '56
Kenneth Finke '63
Scott Gibson '78
James Sakrison '63
Fred Sutter Jr.'80
Louis 'Buzz' Sands '63
John Regester '81
The mailing service for this publication was the
Beacon Foundation, a nonprofit organization
offering sheltered employment, vocational
training and supportive services to adults with
developmental disabilities.
Alan Hall '84
Dan McKone '91
John A. Hink '84
Patrick Sutter '92
George Jackson '84
David Montijo '84
John Benjamin '85
John Corpstein '85
Timothy Schmitt '85
Dwayne Douglas '86
Brett Polachek '96
Rob Bassett '97
Daniel Mercer '97
John Finnegan '00
Note to Parents:If your son is still attending the University
of Arizona,this newsletter is intended for you.If he is no
longer in school,please send us his permanent address.
Phi Gamma Delta
Upsilon Alpha Chapter
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Spring 2000 newsletter of the Upsilon Alpha chapter at the University of Arizona. The newsletter is eight pages in length.