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2020 January Newsletter Chi Deuteron (Kansas State University)
January 2020 newsletter of the Chi Deuteron chapter at Kansas State University. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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Chi Deuteron
Kansas State University
2020 January Newsletter Chi Deuteron (Kansas State University)
Chapter Update
The undergraduate
chapter has made
tremendous strides
toward achieving
our 3-year goal. So
far, brothers have
taken on a new
purpose to drive Phi
Gamma Delta in a
positive direction.
Our fall class had 14
members and every
single new member
effective our new
8-week pledge education program has been this year.
The recruitment committee has been putting in a lot of
hard work, and we currently have 8 signed and 3 bids
outstanding. Almost reaching our goal of 10 for our
spring class. The chapter has also improved academically.
The chapter GPA is now 3.23, our best in several years. To
increase accountability, we implemented a scholarship
draft in which the brothers compete on GPA Excellence
teams for a monetary prize. This has encouraged all
brothers to improve their academic performance.
Blood Drive and participated in highway clean up for the
Bill Snyder portion of the road coming into Manhattan.
Brothers were able to give back to the community and
bond through these events. Our chapter also hosted the
FIJI run philanthropy where brothers ran to Dwight,
Kansas to visit Rod Morgan’s gravesite. Together, we
achieved our goal of $5,000 with help from our graduate
brothers, friends, and family. Another fun brotherhood
event was decorating the house with support from the
mothers of brothers in the house. We decorated the
house in preparation for the holiday tour philanthropy.
In October, we hosted fathers weekend thanks to the
hard work of the social committee. Through the support
of our graduate brothers and families, the brothers of the
Chi Deuteron Chapter are making tremendous progress
towards our goal of achieving the all-fraternity average
and filling the house. None of this would have been
possible without the commitment of our committees
and leadership, as well as the guidance from our Purple
Legionnaire, Chris Hupe. Our new Resident Advisor,
Greg Nelson, who is a graduate of the chapter, has also
positively impacted the chapter by being a liaison for
the undergraduate brothers and a great presence within
our various meetings. Overall, this has been a successful
year for Phi Gamma Delta. The future is very bright for
the Chi Deuteron Chapter!
We also had strong attendance at our community service Sincerely,
events. This year our chapter volunteered for the KSU Robbie Foley (2021)
\r\nHouse Corporation
In January of this year, the House Corporation
defined a strategy and a tactical platform to achieve
on-going, consistent greatness at Chi Deuteron.
Property Management
to consistently support the execution of the
I am pleased to report to you that due to the MFCHA,
PL, RA and BCA, designing and implementing sound
strategic plans, the HC and Chapter are cash-flow
positive this school year, the chapter membership is
growing, scholarship is improving and the property is
in better physical shape than it has been in years. Our
three-year strategy to create a repeatable operational
routine for long term success is ahead of plan.
The Mission of the Manhattan Fiji House Association
is to professionally, ethically and transparently manage
a safe, healthy, comfortable, properly maintained and
renovated, financially sound property in which the
undergraduate members of Chi Deuteron Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta may live while seeking to obtain a
college education at Kansas State University.
Finally, I would be remiss not to be thankful to the
brothers who contributed almost $60,000 this spring
and summer to give us the room to breathe during the
• Hire a property manager to supervise safety, early days of implementing this strategy.
security, code enforcement and repairs,
maintenance. We hired brother Jeff Fowler Mighty Proud to Be a Fiji!
(1992) of Wildcat Property Services.
Dave Schreck (1969), President
• Hire a resident advisor to provide a full-time,
consistent, responsible adult presence in the
chapter house. We hired Greg Nelson (1979).
• Hire a consultant to improve academics, rush
and culture strategies. We hired John Hatfield of
Brave Man Society.
• Contract with a professional food service
management company to provide safe, quality,
diverse meals to our members. We contracted
with Upper Crust Food Service, preferred by
International Headquarters.
• Ensure our undergraduate members are provided
with clear, straightforward By-Laws, policies
Terry Meyers & I with Bill Martin at his retirement
and rules. Furthermore, the MFCHA commits
celebration last June in Lexington.
\r\nResident Advisor Update
Greetings from the Chi Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta!
My wife, Margaret, and I look forward to meeting every one of you
in the coming months. As resident advisor, it is my role to help the
undergraduate chapter develop Phi Gamma Delta’s core values of
Friendship, Knowledge, Service, Morality, and Excellence, as well as to
act as the liaison between the undergraduates and their parents, House
Corporation, BCA, Purple Legionnaire and graduates at large.
Greg and Margaret Nelson
2017 brought deep concern for Mom Pickett’s declining health and
what to do if she was no longer able to serve. She had served Chi Deuteron for over 20 years and was respected and
loved by all – a true “mom away from home”. I had thought of taking on the role at some point, but when Mom
Pickett passed in January the option became very real. So, through some hard selling on my part, my wife agreed to
give it a go. Graduate leadership supported the idea, and we hammered out a plan to upgrade the apartment with
the addition of a kitchenette and fresh paint. With a leap of faith, we sold our home in Overland Park and donated,
dumped, sold, stored and crammed all of our earthly possessions into a 500 SF apartment at 1919 Hunting Ave.
We had three weeks to “settle in” until mid-August when the active Fijis returned and we all welcomed a bright
new class of fourteen new members. My first objective was to match thirty names with their faces which turned out
to be much easier than I planned. So I checked the box on the first objective. Objective #2 was to get to know each
one of the actives and pledges on a personal level, and that continues each day. But I can report with confidence
that we have a group of young men of high character and great ability. The third objective was to help achieve Phi
Gamma Delta’s revered mission - “to unite men in enduring friendships, stimulate the pursuit of knowledge,
and build courageous leaders who serve the world with the best that is in them”. Our progress towards this
mission can be measured in two ways:
INSIDE of our walls, unity and self-sacrifice are creating a new sense of purpose at Chi Deuteron. It’s
something you can experience and feel when you are at 1919 Hunting.
OUTSIDE of our walls, our improvement in scholarship, campus involvement, community service,
intramurals and campus “buzz” about FIJI are strong indicators that something big is happening.
But our road ahead is not without challenges. College has changed since the ’70s. There is an unrelenting “noise
level” that threatens to derail our mission daily. The sheer amount of messaging, including social media, study group
chats, campus org chats, texts from professors (and resident advisors, PL’s & HC presidents), online assignments,
emails, etc, is daunting. Helping our members to stay focused on our mission and see it through will be one of my
most important roles.
Also, I found that “advising” is not the same as “leading”. Unlike corporate life, this is not my team to lead but
rather to help develop into leaders. To encourage and challenge daily and catch each member doing something
RIGHT is my job. It’s not the few big things but a thousand little ones that will get us to where we want to go at Chi
Deuteron. My greatest contribution might simply be to JUST BE THERE for the actives, pledges, graduates, and
parents. But I will need everyone’s help for the journey.
I will provide updates on more tangible results in the coming months and encourage everyone to visit Chi Deuteron
to experience the change for yourself!
Greg Nelson (1979), Resident Advisor
\r\nPurple Legionnaire Update
Fraternity, done right, is fun and life-enhancing. As
we enter year eight of a strategic effort to help our
undergraduates return to our roots and enjoy the
fruits of true FRATERNITY, I am happy to share many
milestones have been met, far too numerous to share in
the space Dave has allocated in this publication. Recent
surges of graduate understanding of the challenges
facing today’s collegiate students and unified support
have pushed us over the proverbial hump. Bold new
initiatives implemented over the past three years are now
bearing fruit in the areas of new member education and
brotherhood development. Additional new initiatives to
build better men at Chi Deuteron are being introduced
each semester.
Graduate brother engagement has been a key
component in the chapter’s rise. Broad support and
participation by members of HC, BCA, the Jim Kincaid
Foundation, those who have stepped up and provided
financial support, participated in work weekends or
joined the brothers for dinner and a chapter meeting,
are lighting the way and demonstrating brotherhood in
its truest form. I cannot overstate the benefit of Brother
Nelson (and his wife Margaret) living on the property
as resident advisor. Having a stable and engaged
adult who is also an initiated brother has enabled his
participation in chapter operations and accelerated our
progress toward reaching our goals. Our leadership
consultant, John Hatfield of Brave Man Society, has
been a tremendous resource and partner when there are
simply not enough hours in a week for me to provide
all the time that is needed. Lastly, our HC team under
the leadership of Brother Schreck has banded together
following a strategic plan providing clear objectives,
expectations, and accountability. No man is an island,
and by working together in concert with our chapter,
great things are happening. I look forward to future
semesters with great anticipation of the awards and
accolades this chapter will achieve as it continues a
meteoric rise at KSU and internationally.
My strategy as PL has been simple:
1. Supporting our members understanding of, and
efforts in daily life to exemplify the ideals and values
of Phi Gamma Delta.
2. Helping us recruit, pledge, and initiate men qualified
to be our brothers.
3. Creating an environment which assists each brother
in achieving the highest scholarship of which he is
4. Stimulating the moral, physical, and social
development of our brothers.
5. Providing an opportunity for brothers to develop Proud to be a Fiji!
their organizational and leadership skills within the Chris Hupe (1993), Purple Legionnaire
fraternity, on campus, and in the community.
6. Striving to maintain efficiency and continuity in
chapter operations with our chapter leaders to
achieve the above objectives.
Simply put, the fall semester of 2019 has been one
where the members of our chapter have explored
personal values and aspirations, built deep brotherhood
ties through shared experiences, pursued scholarship,
served the campus and greater community. The
objective performance measurements will validate the
work and success of our undergraduates and we can be
proud of FIJI at Kansas State.
Jill, Blaine & Chris Hupe
Questions? Contact: Dave Schreck at
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January 2020 newsletter of the Chi Deuteron chapter at Kansas State University. This newsletter is four pages in length.