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2020 February Newsletter Mu Pi (Virginia Commonwealth University)
February 2020 newsletter of the Mu Pi chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University. This newsletter is five pages in length.
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Mu Pi
Virginia Commonwealth University
2020 February Newsletter Mu Pi (Virginia Commonwealth University)
Phi Gamma Delta Mu Pi
February 2020
New Cabinet Overview
The new leaders of the
undergraduate chapter aim to
continue the great legacy of
the Mu Pi chapter.
Letter from the Section
Committee Head
Section Chief Francis
Thompson’s address to the
chapter. Including new
fraternity information.
Contact information for all new
committee heads Spring 2020.
Congratulations New
From left to right: Thomas Levine (Historian),
Deion Atkinson (Recording Sec.), David Ellis
(President), Desmond Glover (Treasurer), Tyler
Carneal (Corresponding Sec.)
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta
Mu Pi
Cabinet Members:
President, David Ellis ’21 HPEX, Nu Class
David Ellis starts his first semester as President of the Mu Pi chapter with the full support of his
chapter and goals to grow FIJI’s presence on campus. The chapter is extremely excited to have
David as their leader, and everyone is looking forward to seeing the great things this new
president has in store not only for FIJI but all of VCU Greek Life. David has done a great job of
leading our previous pledge class and now looks forward to leading all of us.
Treasurer, Desmond Glover ’21 Finance, Nu Class
With plenty of experience, Desmond looks to bring his knowledge from being treasurer of the
NAACP Undergraduate Organization to the Mu Pi chapter. His goal is to further our economic
prosperity as a chapter. With Desmond's experience and leadership, we look forward to growing
our chapter funds and opening a joint savings account, controlled by the Graduate Chapter and
Cabinet, for long-term chapter investments.
Recording Secretary, Deion Atkinson ’22 Mechanical Engineering, Nu Class
Everyone who knows Deion knows the leader he is. Someone who unselfishly gives himself to his
brothers without question and has the whole faith of the chapter. Deion is bringing his experience
gained at the Phi Gamma Delta Leadership Academy this past January and feels completely
confident to keep the chapter organized, up-to-date, and adamantly participating.
Corresponding Secretary, Tyler Carneal ’21 HPEX, Mu Class
Tyler starts his first semester on cabinet with the main focus of improving the broad aspects of
what his position entails. He looks to expand our philanthropy and continue to grow our image in
a positive light across the community. Tyler is an important part of this cabinet and will be crucial
in growing projects. The whole chapter is looking forward to his success.
Historian, Thomas Levine ’21 Music, Mu Class
As the only Dobson representative on the cabinet, Thomas “Tommy” Levine, is excited about
bringing the “Dobson Eats” mentality to the cabinet and the chapter. Tommy is looking forward to
expanding the chapter’s knowledge and understanding of the ritual. His aim is to further connect
us to the one thing that connects all of our brothers internationally.
February 2020
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta
Mu Pi
Letter from the Section Chief:
Greetings Brothers,
This past year we have experienced strong brotherhood in the chapter’s daily activity and reach
towards ‘Not For College Days Alone’. Two Pig Dinners within 2019. One in the Spring and the other
the Fall brought undergraduates and graduates together in sharing personal stories of what the
Fraternity means to each of us and sharpened our practice of upholding longtime Fraternity
Leadership continues to be strong not only in the cabinet, but also in the ranks of the
committees. This trend will allow the chapter to reach further goals and aspirations. The expectations
of the chapter can’t be accomplished without strong leadership and participation from every chapter
brother. Academy helped to emphasize the importance of Building Courageous Leaders in every
area of a chapter. I ask each of you to contribute in your own way by leading in your chapter,
academics, and community.
Reporting on recent structural changes, the chapter is moving out of Section X Central and into
Section X West. Other chapters will include Rho Chi at the University of Richmond and Delta
Deuteron at Hampton-Sydney College. As we progress further into the year, I’ll look for ways the
chapters can collaborate further. See below some details on the chapters.
Mu Pi Chapter; established at Virginia Commonwealth University in 2014
Rho Chi Chapter; established at University of Richmond in 1890, Re-chartered in 2018
Delta Deuteron Chapter; Established at Hampden-Sydney in 1870, Re-chartered in 1967
In closing, I want to highlight the hard work the chapter has done in ushering in the new pledge class.
I encourage all brothers to help these new pledges to learn our traditions, join our brotherhood,
achieve academic success, and reach towards living our values to one day become a brother of our
Francis Thompson (Virginia Tech / Rho Alpha '00)
Section Chief for Phi Gamma Delta, Section X West
1311 Dance Street
Richmond, VA 23220
C: 804-943-7677
February 2020
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta
Mu Pi
Committee Heads
Pledge Education: Jp Seibold (Nu Class, Finance, 2022)
Brotherhood: Peyton Volman (Mu Class, Psychology, 2021)
Philanthropy: Rohan Repala (Nu Class, Computer Science and Financial Technology, 2022)
Sports: Khafi Hidayat (Nu Class, Fashion Design 2022)
Huge Fundraising: Patrick Williams (Lambda Class, Finance, 2021)
Service: Augusto Gonzales (Nu Class, HPEX, 2022)
Personal Relations: Austin Mills (Omicron Class, Mechanical and Nuclear engineering, 2021)
Scholarship: Josh Smith (Omicron Class, Business Finance, 2023)
Social: Usamah Nelson (Nu Class Finance, 2022)
Recruitment: Gregg Barengolts (Omicron Class, Business Management, 2022)
J Board: Cameron Glass (Nu Class, Marketing, 2021)
Jobs: Michael Portillo (Lambda Class, Finance, 2021)
Awards: Phi Do (Mu Class, HPEX, 2021)
February 2020
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta
Editors Notes:
As the semester begins, thus does my term as the Mu Pi
Graduate Relations chair. The graduate relations
committee has made it a goal this semester to release this
newsletter monthly to the graduate base. As the chapter
grows I hope the letter will continue to grow with it, and
provide key insight into the monthly activities of our
chapter. We decided to keep this letter concise and simple
for the first edition, but I look forward to providing you all
more news about Mu Pi as we progress into the semester.
This newsletter will be a vital source of
communication between our undergraduate chapter and
the graduate base. Please text or call me at 804-898-9088
or via email at with advice, comments,
concerns, or remarks regarding the newsletter in the
Also, we are looking forward to having more graduate
events this semester. We are planning events not only in
Richmond, but we would like to have an event in the D.C.
area as well! If you can help us plan this or would like your
opinion heard on the matter do not hesitate to reach out!
I'd also like to invite any grads to join us at our weekly
grad-relations meeting at Tobacco Company power hour,
Thursday 8-9 pm (when the weather gets nicer the meeting
will move to VMFA happy hour). The first round for all
grads that come to the meeting is on me, and I hope to see
you all soon!
Lastly, I’d like to shout out all the graduate brothers that
have been around the past couple of weeks. Huge shout
out to Jacob Camacho, Steph Espiritu, and Devin
Zimmerman for coming around and helping the
Mu Pi
Cumba’s Column:
“Give sice get sice”
What do FIJI’s mean when
they’re talking about sice? I
believe this is a motto taken
seriously by all brothers and
stands for what it means to
represent Mu Pi. As my third
year being part of the chapter,
I’ve seen lots of changes but
sicing your brothers is one that’s
stayed the same. The brotherly
bond of giving back has been
something engraved within the
chapter and a tradition that will
be carried on for many years to
come. Made popular by the
graduate brother Martin Klünder
Eta class, a sice can be as
simple as a swipe into Shafer or
as deep as sicing your brothers
Sushi King, or even giving your
brothers a ride home to Nova. All
of our brothers sice daily, which
inherently leads to all of our
brothers being siced daily. This
is what makes our chapter better
than anyone else’s as we always
have our brothers’ backs through
thick and thin. As always, I love
all my brothers and I’m proud to
be a FIJI!
Anthony Cumba ’21
Lambda class
Andrew Nunn ‘21
Lambda Class
February 2020
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February 2020 newsletter of the Mu Pi chapter at Virginia Commonwealth University. This newsletter is five pages in length.