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2019-2020 Winter Newsletter Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation
Winter 2019-2020 newsletter of the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation. This newsletter is four pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
00/00/2019 - 00/00/2020
2019-2020 Winter Newsletter Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation
'Not for College Days Alone'
Myfirst exposure to Pfi Gommo Delta was in tfie
summer of 1 984 as I attended thie freshman
orientation weekend at Jacksonville University in
Florida. I was from Pennsylvania and flying to Florida to visit a
prospective college was outside my comfort zone. Throughout
the weekend, which wos facilitated by upper classman, they
showed us the beautiful campus on the St. Johns River with its
2,600 students, located just 30 minutes from the beach, with
incredibly laid-back people and a drinking age of 1 8. I ask
you, what more could an immature high school senior ask for?
An upper classman running the orientation was David
Wheeler (1986). FHe was mature and full of knowledge and I
was intrigued by the purple FIJI letters emblazoned on his jersey.
Dave took us by the chapter and we met some of the guys.
Ffis involvement in that weekend directly affected my choice of
university and my future involvement in Phi Gamma Delta.
As a pledge, you hear that the fraternity is "not for college
JU, but the turnout by our graduates was impressive. I don't get
to see my brothers often, but when we do get a chance to get
together it's like old times. So, yes, it's "not for college
days alone," but most of us join for the college days. I've
days alone."
come to realize how many people hod direct influence over
my transition from immature college freshman to not-so-mature,
present-day graduate. One of those was Dr. Barry Barrett
(Missouri 1961) our faculty advisor and soft-spoken Dean of
Arts. When it was time for a "Zip Zam...Give Them FHell Phi
Gam" song, Barry was at the bottom of the pile with a booming
voice. He took a lot of heat from the university for us and went
out on a limb countless times to protect us from ourselves.
I played golf with Barry and several other brothers this spring
at our Pig Dinner outing. Phi Gamma Delta is now inactive at
Phi Gamma Delta and the universities that welcome us are
equally responsible for turning out well-educated, balanced
individuals. Support for both is crucial to our legacy. I have
chosen to contribute via an equity investment account. I will
contribute annually, purchasing stocks that I believe will support
the beneficiaries' long-term goals and have chosen the Phi
Gamma Delta Educational Foundation and Jacksonville University
as 50/50 beneficiaries at my death.
INSIDE: Help Students AcFiieve Their Dreams • Beneficiary Designations: A Simple Way to Give • A Simple Gift, a Significant Impact
\r\nHelp Students Ac
By the
■ 4ji>
Their Dreams
Consider Funding a Scholarship
You can change lives and help Phi Gamma Delta brothers achieve their
dreams. How? By establishing a scholarship or contributing to an
existing scholarship fund.
With the cost of a college education seeming to climb higher every year, the
dream of earning a degree can move out of reach for deserving students. A
scholarship can help ease the financial burden students face and put a degree
back within their reach.
Scholarships Awarded
A Flexible Way to Give
When you create a scholarship with a gift from your estate, you can tailor it
to meet your preferences. We will work with you to establish criteria for who
receives the gift, what qualifications must be met for a student to qualify and the
type of support you wont your scholarship to provide.
Some things to consider;
P40 I ,0/ o
• Will the scholarship support full- or part-time students?
Total Value of
• Does the student need to be on undergraduate or graduate student?
Scholarships Awarded
• Will it provide full or partial support to the recipient?
• Can it be used to purchase books, or will it cover tuition costs only?
• Will the scholarship be awarded based on merit or need?
You can also name your scholarship. This is a heartfelt way to honor a loved
one, or someone who hod a significant impact on your life.
The Impact of o Scholarship
when you give the gift of a scholarship, you:
• Put a quality education within reach of deserving students.
Hours of Community Service
• Reward students for their hard work and dedication.
• Can make a gift that honors someone important to you.
First Steps
You can change a life with a gift that establishes, or
contributes to, a scholarship. To get started, contact Ben
Robinson at(859) 255-1848 xl33 or
\r\nBeneficiary Designations:
A Simple Way to Give
Abeneficiary doesn't hove to be o person—it con
Delta Educational Foundation during your lifetime and
be on organization wfiose mission you want to
continue long after your lifetime. When you
name us as the beneficiary to receive the balance of
your account after your lifetime.
name the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation as a
beneficiary of your retirement plan assets, life insurance
policy or donor advised fund, you can make a big
impact on our future.
And you can do it simply by filling out a form.
You can name the Foundation as beneficiary of many
different types of accounts, including;
• Retirement plan assets. When left to loved ones,
these assets are subject to income tax. When left to
4 Steps to the Gift of a Lifetime
1] Contact your administrator to request a
change-of-beneficiary form, or download a copy
from their website.
us however, they pass tax-free, allowing us to put 100
percent of your gift to work supporting our mission to
2] Fill out the form listing the Phi Gamma Delta
unite men in enduring friendships, stimulate the pursuit of
knowledge end build courageous leaders who serve the
percentage you'd like us to receive, on the form.
3] Return the form to your administrator. (Be sure to
keep a copy for yourself as well.)
4] Let us know about your gifti It would be our
world with the best that is in them.
• Life insurance policy. Perhaps your children are now
grown and you have a life insurance policy you no
Educational Foundation, and the amount or
honor to thank you.
longer need. Consider naming the Foundation as
beneficiary. This gift allows you to moke a substantial
donation at a relatively low cost.
• Donor advised funds. If you have a donor advised
fund, you can recommend grants to the Phi Gamma
T|Q ^ Beneficiary designations con be updated
I I r eat any time to meet your changing needs.
Make sure you review your beneficiaries regularly to
ensure they go where you want them to.
\r\nA Simple Gift, a
Significant Impact
Your wil is one of the most important documents you con own. It dictates
Words to Give By
To leave o gift in your will, fiere is suggested
wording to shore with your ottorney:
"I live and bequeath unto Phi Gamma
Delta Educational Foundation, Inc., the
sum of $
percentage of
my estate (or specific securities or other
property). Said Foundation is a nonprofit
501 (c) 3 corporation (Federal ID number
is 52-6036185), organized under the
laws of the commonwealth of Kentucky,
with administrative offices at 1 201 Red
Mile Road, PC Box 4599, Lexington, KY
40544-4599. This gift is unrestricted for
general Foundation purposes."
how your assets and possessions will be divided after your lifetime. It
ensures your loved ones ore financially protected should something
happen to you. It provides peace of mind for your family.
A will also is the first step in creating your legacy.
Use Your Will to Give
In addition to coring for loved ones, you con also use your will to extend your
support of the organizations you care about most. This gift is simple to make—all
it takes is one sentence. You can also update your wishes as life changes to
ensure your wil l meets your needs. Plus, a gift in your will doesn't require you to
port with assets today, but it allows you to make a big impact on our work.
To moke this gift:
1. Use the supplied language under "Words to Give By" or return the
enclosed reply cord to request sample language to use to moke your gift.
2. Make an appointment with your estate planning attorney to create your will.
If you already have a will, your attorney can draft a codicil to odd your gift
to the existing document.
3. Notify us of your intention. It would be our honor to thank you, and your
generosity may even inspire others to follow in your footsteps. (Wishes of
anonymity will be honored, of course.)
Create Your Legacy
When you include the Foundation in your will,
you create a legacy of giving and ensure we can
continue our work well into the future. Contact Ben Robinson
at (859) 255-1848 xl33 or to get started.
Phi Ga mma Delta Educational Foundation
Ben Robinson • Executive Director • P.O. Box 4599
Lexington, KY 40544-4599
(859) 255-1848 xl 33
Before making any financial decisions,
consult with your legal and tax
advisors. If you are considering a gift
to the Phi Gamma Delta Educational
Foundation, please let us know to
ensure that your gift can be used
according to your wishes.
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Winter 2019-2020 newsletter of the Phi Gamma Delta Educational Foundation. This newsletter is four pages in length.
2019 - 2020