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2001 Fall Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Fall 2001 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is six pages in length.
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Kappa Deuteron
University of Georgia
2001 Fall Newsletter Kappa Deuteron (University of Georgia)
Rue For the Daece?
David Smith
As a chapter that is constantly
reinventing itself, the under
graduate brothers felt it appro
priate to reinvent our number
one philanthropy event, "Run
14,000,000 children a year. All
of the flmds we raise, will di
for the River."
rectly benefit Children's
Healthcare of Atlanta, formally
known as Scottish-Rite and Egleston Hospitals.
The chapter came up with sev
eral ideas to update the River
over $10,000, which would be
Brother .lohn Godbehere
suggested, "Why don't we Just
leave the ball in the car, it'll get
there a lot faster ya'll." This
created cheers from the physi
cally inept Brothers, but we de
cided to stick with running the
The chapter wants to raise
the largest donation from a stu
dent group. If we accomplish
our uoal, we will be one of the
on radio stations throughout
Georgia, and have been seen on
The Run, which occurs on the
morning before the GeorgiaGeorgia Tech football game,
has become a staple event for
the press. Students from rival
schools working together to
raise money for charity before
going to war in one of the
South's most bitter football ri
valries has become a very mar
ketable event. We expect even
more public interest as the
74 miles from Athens to At
funds we raise go to Children's
Healthcare of Atlanta.
Instead, the chapter chose a
new charity in which to donate
a game ball to the chapter. At
the funds we raise.
Mark Richt will be presenting
With over
7:00 A.M. on November 23,
2001, Kappa Deuteron will run
half of the chapter participating
in the University's Dance Mara
thon, the logical choice is the
largest student run philanthropy
top sponsors at UGA's Dance
UGA's Dance Marathon is the
the ball with our Gamma Tau
brothers from Athens to At
Last year alone, the
Marathon raised over 5150,000
for CMN.
We are in the process of con
tacting media outlets in Atlanta
and Athens to increase publicity
for the actual nin. In past years.
Phi (jamms have been featured
hospitals treat and assist over
on the cover of the
.lournal Constitution, featured
We welcome and encourage
any graduate brothers to partici
pate in the run. We will appre
ciate your support.
If you want more information
on how you can participate in
this worthy and fun cause, more
information is located on page
Tom Seward
Mason Florence
House Manger
I must admit, becoming houseman was a dream
come true. I get a room in O.Q. and I don't have to
do a thing. The house and apartments fix them
1 am honored and excited to update the parents and
graduate brothers on the great success the brothers of
the Kappa Deuteron have accomplished in the past
several months. After a prosperous "River Run," the
undergraduate brothers boasted a 3.17 GPA for the
Spring semester surpassing the all men's (2.90) and
all fraternity (2.96) GPA. The chapter also amassed
over 1,900 community service hours last spring and
accumulated many victories on the intramural fields.
selves. I have not lifted a finger since my election
as houseman and this place is spotless.
The apartments went ahead and painted their own
interior walls and shampooed its own carpets.
Then, amazingly a new carpet appeared in the
house. The house has very good taste in carpet if I
must say so myself, and 1 will. Then, a fresh coat of
paint materialized on the interior walls of the house.
I walked outside, and the roadway and porch had
Congratulations to the brothers of Kappa Deuteron
on their success at this past summer's FIJI Academy.
The Zerman Trophy, recognizing excellence in ex
been pressure cleaned. The lawn had even treated
tracurricular activities, was awarded to Kappa Deu
itself for clover and refertilized itself. Did I men
teron for the sixth straight year. The brothers of
tion that the kitchen floor stripped and refinished
Kappa Deuteron also received third place in the Che
ney Cup and the Brightman Trophy and Honorable
Mentions in the Baker Cup, Coon Plaque, Jordan
I also must admit that I am very humble. Several
others and myself sacrificed a large portion of our
summer to touch up this place. I enjoyed every sec
ond of the work because this place means so much
to all of us. I would like to thank the following peo
ple for their hard work in accomplishing the tasks
listed above: John Waters, Brock Morman, Jeff
Hamling, David Smith, Derrick Cooper, Ryan Ir
vine, and Scott Irvine.
Bowl, and Owen Cup.
On a more personal level, Tom Ludlam, whom I
seceded as president, was inducted into the Sphinx
Society this past spring. The Sphinx society is the
highest honorary at The University of Georgia. Our
Purple Legionnaire, Dr. .lere Morehead, received the
Josiah Meigs Outstanding Teaching Award. This
award is the highest honor the University bestows
The brotherhood is extremely grateful to the
House Corporation There unwavering support has
made my job a true pleasure.
upon a professor each year for contributions to stu
dent learning.
If you happen to be at the house this fall, I think
you will agree, this place looks great.
and things are busy as usual. However, there is still
time to enjoy the reasons 1 love Phi Gamma Delta.
"A fraternity, too, is of such a character that after
men have left college they delight to renew their
own youth by continued association with it and to
bring their richest experiences back to the younger
generation in part payment of the debt which they
feel they owe to the fraternity for what it gave them
in their formative years."
~ Newton D. Baker (Johns Hopkins 1892, Wash
ington and Lee 1894)
We are deep into the heart of the 2001 fall semester
Witnessing our already impressive pledge go beyond
all of my expectations is particularly exciting. Mo
rale is high within the brotherhood as it is a great
time to be a Kappa Deuteron. We are studying hard
to improve our academic life, and many brothers are
involved in other aspects of fraternity life in order to
maintain our dominance in hopes of returning the
Cheney Cup back to Kappa Deuteron. On behalf of
the chapter, 1 would like to thank you for all your
time and energy and I look forward to meeting and
working with you in the future.
Graduate Brothers,
I would like to begin by expressing how effi
cient our chapter is running this fall. There are
several aspects from this semester that I am
very proud to relate to my fellow Brothers.
First, the house is in the best condition it has
been in since 1994. Through your generous
support and the hard work of many undergradu
ates, No. 3 Cloverhurst remains the best looking
chapter house in Athens. The hard work and
support from both undergrads and grads shows
how much this chapter means to everyone. It
should be noted that many of the accomplish
ments around the house should be attributed to
our dedicated houseman, Tom Seward.
The fact that we are able to have such a nice
home to Kappa Deuteron.
With the great things occurring at Kappa Deu
teron, Em sure that all of you will make great
efforts to attend this years, 34 annual Pig
Dinner. The event will take place on April 20,
2002. While Pig Dinners nonnally fall on the
last weekend in March, this spring Easter falls
on that weekend. Last year, we had 160 gradu
ates and undergraduates attend. 1 am sure we
will surpass that number this spring. Once
again, 1 am organizing a golf outing the day of
Pig Dinner. This is a great way for the gradu
ates and undergraduates to make the most of
Pig Dinner weekend. Mark your calendars to
day and look forward to more infomiation in
Chapter house and apartments, inevitably as
the near future.
sists us in the rush process. Under the leader
ship of the rush chairs Charlie Ozbum and
Lastly, 1 would like to say that as a senior I
feel very comfortable about the direction the
Emory Patterson, the chapter completed a suc
cessful rush this past fall. Ryan Meisenheimer
and I are the Pledge Educators this semester,
and I can personally say that these young men
will be great leaders in the fraternity, campus,
chapter is headed. The current cabinet is doing
an excellent job and the future is very bright for
and community. It is an honor to be an integral
part of a pledge process that I believe molded
me into a gentleman and a strong Brother. The
pledges are anxious to contribute to the chapter
and are ready to bring the Cheney Cup back
Kappa Deuteron. 1 would like to thank all the
graduates for your support and contributions in
helping us reach new heights each semester.
Charlie Conboy
\r\nTwenty Four Young Men Begin Their Journey
Ryan Bradbum
(From Left to Right) Front Row: Elaine Capone, Doug Carter, Kevin Florence, Latham Saddler, Joe Arndt, Miles Garri
son, Kenny DeSart, Cameron Connah, Britt Boyles, Matt Moore, Andrew Pace
Back Row: Taylor Brown, Garrett Wreden, Brett Joiner, Ryan Castcix, Charlie Holdcrness, James Derrick, Kyle Rhodes,
Greg White, Lanee Neil, Colin Newberry, Jay Winters
Not Pictured: Jobi Youim & Luke Massec
The Zeta Tetraton pledge class
is pumping fresh purple blood
into the heart of Kappa Deuteron. A chapter that is always
alive and pumping has just got
ten better.
Eagle Scouts, several student
Our final candidate is Charles
body presidents, and a majority
Holderness, Jr.
His father.
Charles Holderness Sr.,
is a
members. Nine members of the
brother from our fellow chapter
class are legacies.
at UNC Chapel Hill.
There are three candidate for
The chapter is thankful tor the
The twenty-four young men of
the Zeta Tetraton pledge class
are quite an ensemble. They
come together at 3 Cloverhurst
FIJI Sires and Sons. Congratu
lations to Jim Boyles, the cur
rent House Corporation treas
urer, on his son, Britt, accepting
hard work of Charlie Ozbum
countless hours, Charlie
from seven different states.
our bid. Like his father, James
Emory helped the brothers com
Almost every sport is repre
sented by the class, from foot
Connah, and his grandfather,
Douglas Connah, Cameron Con
pile an exceptional pledge class.
Kappa Deuteron will keep on
ball to lacrosse. There are three
nah is adornins the white star.
shining bright.
and Emory Patterson, this years
Rush Coordinators.
\r\n'Not For CoMege Days Alone'
Joe Fleming, BCA President
David Hanna ('86), being chairman and president of Atlanta-based CompuCredit(NASDAQ; CCRT),
understandably has his hands full. Furthennore, it is remarkable to note that at the same time he was build
ing this company, which he started in August of 1996, Flanna also took on the additional responsibility as
President of the Kappa Deuteron Board of Chapter Advisors. David's older brother, Frank Hanna ("83),
who also serves on the CompuCredit Board of Directors, is also a Wilkinson Award winner from the
Kappa Deuteron chapter.
David, 37, married the fonuer Kim Mason, also a University of Georgia graduate, a member ofZeta Tau
Alpha sorority and sister of Kappa Deuteron graduate Keith Mason ('82). Keith's other sister. Kay, mar
ried Judge Tim Hamil ('82), another Kappa Deuteron alumnus.
David is but one example of the many successfiil Kappa Deuteron graduates whose actions make the
motto "not for college days alone" tme to its meaning. Though a relatively young chapter, with fewer than
1,000 living graduates, the close involvement of graduate bothers has been a key factor in Phi Gamma
Delta's success at the University of Georgia.
The undergraduate members have made it a priority to foster even stronger ties to their graduate prede
cessors. For their efforts, Kappa Deuteron was recognized last summer when it awarded the Georgia Fijis
third place in the Brightman Trophy competition for excellence in graduate relations.
In the last few years, individual Kappa Deuteron Fijis also have been recognized by the International Fra
ternity for their exceptional service to the chapter as winners of the Coulter Cup, Brother Bob Cheeley
('79) winning in 1994 and Brother Bill Bracewell ('68 Fac) in 1997. And on top of that. Professor .lere
Morehead ('88 Fac) was presented the Durrance Award in 1996 for recognition as the "Puiple 1 egionnaire" in the United States and Canada.
To better fulfill its role as "advisors" to the undergraduate chapter, at its December 2000 meeting, the
BCA divided itself up into committees. In addition to Hanna as chairman of the Finance Committee, Ken
Murphy is leading the BCA's Pledge Education Committee, Brian Nixon is chainnan of the Rush Commit
tee, Bill Bracewell is heading the Ritual Committee, Bob Cheeley, who also is president of the Kappa Deu
teron House Corporation, chairs the Risk Management Committee, and Bruce Schneider is handling the
Communications Committee. Schneider has been working closely with the cuiTent chapter to advise them
on a redesign of the chapter web site.
Help Phi Gamma Delta Support The Children s Miracle Network.
All donations are tax deductible!
Individuals donating over $100
will appear on the Chapter T-Shirt
Make checks payable to:
"The Children's Miracle Network"
Mail to:
ATTN:Scott Irvine
Kappa Deuteron
3 Cloverhurst Ct
Athens, GA 30605
Miraclew Network®
helping kid'j
\r\nThe Editors of the FIJIUGA are interested in cre
ating an editorial section for graduate brothers.
If you are interested in writing an editorial,
We hope you have enjoyed a little update from 3
Cloverhurst Ct. Although we have yet to graduate,
we enjoy reminiscing about our time here; from the
incredibly stupid things we have said and done to the
please contact Ryan Bradbum at
The Editors are also looking for better printing
capabilities for the FIJIUGA. If you have any
extreme tribulations we have endured with our broth
mail address listed above.
ers. It is rare to find a community of people who can
live together, eat together, party together, and wor
ship together for several years and love every second
The web-masters in training want to thank
of it.
Brother Bruce Schneider for all his work on the
Yet, our paths become distant sometimes. Take a
moment to reflect upon the times you have had with
your brothers. I am sure your paths will intersect
information or contacts, please contact the e-
chapter web site. His creativity and exceptional
knowledge far surpassed any of our expecta
tions. He selflessly took time away from his
web-design business to help us start an impres
sive web site. If you have any questions about
Brother Schneider's work, he can be contacted at
(770)823-3012 or
Ryan Bradburn & Alan Jenkins
The Fraternity' of
U.S. I'OSTACrl-;
Kappa Deuteron Chapter
i'i:rmh no. 122
No. 3 Cloverhurst Court
x\thens, Georgia 30605
SiA-^anne Cox
,, ,
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Fall 2001 newsletter of the Kappa Deuteron chapter at the University of Georgia. This newsletter is six pages in length.