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2000 Winter Newsletter Nu Omega (University of Oklahoma)
Winter 2000 newsletter of the Nu Omega chapter at the University of Oklahoma. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Nu Omega
University of Oklahoma
2000 Winter Newsletter Nu Omega (University of Oklahoma)
tfje Sooner Fiji
Pablisbsd by Mu Omega Cfjapfer of tfje
Fraternity of Pf)i Oamma Pelta at tf)e University of OHlaboma
WINTER 1999-2000
The fall of 1999 was an exciting
time for the men of Nu Omega Chap
ter of Phi Gamma Delta.
With the return of 60-plus mem
bers to fix up the house for rush, the
chapter was anxious to see if Phi Gam
could pull off a stellar rush for two
consecutive years, something seen
only rarely by a few chapters on the
University of Oklahoma campus. And,
with the enthusiasm of last year's
pledge class and the leadership of the
older members, we did just that!
With a cap of 58 pledges set by the
Interfraternity Council, Nu Omega
and Steve Wilkins, which 1 led, was
accessed. When we establish an ad
faced with the challenge ofraising our
own funds while recruiting men from
across the state. 1 would like to thank
the gi^aduates who made this year's
rush a success through their financial
Throughout the years, Nu Omega
Chapter has had unparalleled graduate
support. However, that support has
dwindled. The membership is going
to gi-eat lengths to revive lost relations
and sincerely hopes that you will take
advantage of every opportunity.
We have sent letters and e-mails
dress and connection, we will notify
Finally, we are working on having
a graduates weekend which will be
your chance to see how the house is
and have a good time doing it. Until
that is arranged, we want the first Pig
Dinner of the century to be a huge
success, and that can only happen if
you and your pledge brothers attend.
The rest of this newsletter will in
form you on the numerous positive
things taking place at 1200 S. College.
Again, we hope you are as excited as
managed to exceed that number by
trying to establish a graduate e-mail
we are about the chapter's current
signing 60 men who met the standard
database which will enable us to fre
quently update graduates on current
status and hope that you can be a part
of the upward rise of the Nu Omega
events and accomplishments.
set by Phi Gamma Delta.
However, this was not as easy as it
sounds. Due to a lack of funding, the
msh team of Joel Edge, Todd Emerson
Chapter Wins
McCarty Award
Website that is cuirently unable to be
Jack R. Durland Sr. '38 is retired.
In the past year, the men of Phi
Gamma Delta have worked hard to
an announcer on
on campus.
During the fall 1999 semester,there
were Fijis in executive positions for
Winter Welcome Week, College
Bowl, Spirit Council, The Big Event,
OU Student Association, Undergradu
ates of Communication Association,
Finance Club, Campus Activities
Cain's Coffee in Oklahoma City (sold
to Nestle Company, Vevey, Switzer
land, in I960).
"I was US State Department repre
WKY, which I ob
sentative to International Coffee
tained since I had
Association sessions in London,
just won the Na
England,from 1951-52. I was chair
tional Debating
man of the board of directors of
Championship of
National Coffee Association on Wall
Street in New Yorkfrom 1951-52.1 am
US. From
1942-46, 1 was a
currently a member of the World
special agent of
the FBI working with Mr. Hoover in
Presidents Association and a retired
Washington and in the offices at Chi
cago and Little Rock.
tion and Oklahoma Bar Association.
"From 1946-50, I was an attorney
Council, Young Democrats, Young
Republicans, Greek Core and OU
at law with the law firm of Embry,
Johnson, Crowe and Tolbert, which
law firm is now styled Crowe and
Dunlevy. Oklahoma City.
As a chapter, the men of Nu Omega
(Continued on page 2)
Graduate is a Retired Attorney
He brings us up-to-date, "Myfirst em
ployment was as
increase the stature of the Nu Omega
Chapter at the University of Okla
homa. Recently, Nu Omega Fijis
gained individual leadership positions
President Ryan Dlek
We have also created a Nu Omega
"From 1950-82, I was president of
member ofthe American Bar Associa
"I have always been proud of the
friends I made at the old (Fiji) house
in Norman."
Jack and his wife, June (Af), have
two children. Jack Jr. and Diane.
Contact Jack at 1620 Queenstown
Rd., Oklahoma City, OK 73116.
\r\nPage 2
Winter 1999-2000
Pledgeship Changes Very Successful
In the 1990s, pledgeship changed a
great deal. In an age of lawsuits and
The men who performed in this show
worked tirelessly for hours and, when
enhance our service so that some day
political correctness. Phi Gamma
the final competition arrived, the Fiji
pledge class did an excellent job of
representing the fraternity. For all who
derful organization. It is amazing to
conceive of48 individuals coming to
gether as one. Pledgeship has been a
fun, but even more importantly, an
educational, experience. Everyone
always talked about how joining the
right fraternity would be a life-chang
ing experience and I never believed
Delta members had to reinvent the
way Fiji history and cornerstones are
taught to the pledge class. I think what
they have developed is very success
ful. The first few months of being a
pledge have been very eventful, not
only for me personally, but also for
our university and chapter. We re
cently competed in a campus event.
University Sing. Twenty-five pledge
class members worked since August
on a one-act skit to be performed dur
ing Dads Weekend. We were teamed
with the women of Zeta Tan Alpha
and we were a very successful team.
There were numerous fraternity/soror
ity teams that auditioned to compete,
but only six made the final show. Phi
Gamma Delta was one ofthe final six!
were involved in this show,it was well
worth it.
The next big project undertaken by
our pledge class was chapter house
improvement. We decided to rebuild
the deck in the courtyard. This was a
colossal task. The evening before, we
we will become members of this won
them—now I do!
Pledge Class President Alex Yaffe
had a brotherhood event and we rose
early to start work on our endeavor.
Fifty men were hammering and carry
ing boards from 8 a.m. until almost 6
p.m., but in the end, our efforts ended
with a new, sturdy deck that will be
around for many years and be utilized
by the men of Phi Gamma Delta.
The Nu Omega Chapter pledges are
striving to advance our knowledge and
Graduate News
Chris J. Chase '92 is a national sales
training manager at AutoNation USA.
Catch up with Chris at his new ad
dress, 1600 S.E. 15th St. #414, Fort
Lauderdale, FL33316.
Jerry G. Shelton '75 is president of
Devonshire Homes. He is a two-term
(Continuedfrom page I)
have labored diligently to uphold the
Fiji name in the community and on
campus. In the community, we have
set up an incredible philanthropic
lineup, including taking kids from the
J.D. McCarty Center to local parks
and baseball games numerous times,
hosting a Halloween Carnival for Kids
and taking part in the Big Brothers
We are also plarming to hold a
Valentine's Day blood drive and vol
tificate for exceeding the all-men's
average at our fostering institution.
We also were privileged to receive the
John Templeton McCarty Award for
Chapter Proficiency. If you come by
the OU Fiji house, make sure to check
out the awards hanging proudly on the
Nu Omega is enthusiastic about our
stellar performance. We can only in
city councilman and mayor. Jerry
wrote to us in May, "/ have three
children (Holly, Amber and J.G.). The
oldest, Holly, is currently a Pi Phi at
His wife, Pam (OSU), is an educa
tor. Renew Fiji bonds with Jerry at
400 Castle Rock Rd., Yukon, OK
crease our stature with your help. An
Chad Vesper '91 works in software
e-mail database has been set up to in
form you of OU Phi Gam successes.
Please send your e-mail addresses to
sales for Parametric Technology. He
sends this news, "We had our second
Gam house to witness our excellence
in action.
child, Kate, on Januaiy 5, 1999."
This former chapter president and
his wife, Susie (KA0), also have a
son. Jack, 2. Chad enjoys golf and
resides at 1906 Huntington Ave.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73116.
sity Sing, Homecoming, Delta
^ The Sooner Fiji is published b)^
Burton C. Wood '47 is senior staff
Gamma Anchorsplash, Greek Week
the brothers ofthe Fraternity of Phi
vice president of legislation for Mort
Gamma Delta at the University of
gage Bankers Association of America.
He lives at 3031 Cambridge PI. N.W.,
unteer for Habitat for Humanity.
Our performance on campus has
been nothing less than extraordinary.
We have been one of the top contend
ers in all campus activities, including
intramurals. Sooner Scandals, Univer
and much more.
Because ofthis strong platform, we
are looking forward to applying for
the President's Trophy, the award
given to the best fraternity and soror
ity by OU President David Boren.
The Phi Gamma Delta National
Headquarters commended us for our
achievements by awarding us a cer We can also give
you information concerning other Fiji
graduates. Come by the Oklahoma
Oklahoma for
Washington, DC 20007.
Graduate news,photographs and
change ofaddress notices should be
William H.Dysart'51 is retired from
sent to Nu Omega of Phi Gamma
Delta, c/o Newsletter Program
Headquarters, P.O. Box 410708,
Kansas City, MO 64141-0708.
the investment business. He has six
children and 12 grandchildren. Let Bill
hear from you at 8633 E. 61st St. #5,
Tulsa, OK 74133.
\r\nWinter 1999-2000
Page 3
More Nu Omega Graduate News
William Rea Jr.'52 is a retired viee
president of Merrill Lynch. He wrote
to us in May, "1 am a member ofRo
tary and am most active in building
work with Habitatfor Humanity.
You can correspond with Doug at
310 Longwoods Ln., Houston, TX
historian in 1991. I'm pleased to re
port that you 've improved it by 1000
"I have lunch with Tulsa and
Steve G. Thomas '67 is president of
Landnet Systems,Inc. Reminisce with
Muskogee Phi Gam brothers several
times a year. I seiwe as trustee of a
charitable foundation set up by a
him at 6249 N. 78th St., Estate 2,
Scottsdale, AZ 85250, or via e-mail at
former chapter president of Nu
Omega. We granted 10$10,000 schol
arships last week in Bartlesville, OK,
funded by Brother Robert Trippet '39."
Bill and his wife, Nancy (KA0), a
DAR regent, have a son, James(Mi
ami of Ohio). Drop Brother Rea a note
R. Joseph Crowder '50 is an insur
ance agent at Stevens-Dell & Associ
ates, Inc. Send him a letter at 510
Shadow Ridge Dr., Little Rock, AR
72211, or via e-mail at jerowder@
at 3214 S. Florence Ave., Tulsa, OK
74105, or via e-mail at bigredtul@
David G. Hammons '91 wrote to us
in May, "I am now working as a child
support enforcement officer in the
DA 's office in Shawnee. I have a new
baby boy (Patrick) and a 3-year-old
David is vice president of the
C.Blake Vogler'89 writes, "My wife,
Sara (Texas Lutheran), and I live
north of Dallas, in Richardson with
our two dogs, Bart and Barry (as in
Switzer). We spend as much time as
possible on the boat at Lake Texoma.
We love company—both at home or at
the lake!
"Between our mostly-Fiji softball
team and the nationwide Fiji Fantasy
Football League, many of my closest
friends are guys that I shared the Phi
Gam experience with at Nu Omega."
Blake is a manufacturing sales rep
resentative for Sage Products. He is a
member of Dallas OU Club and en
joys water-skiing, softball and photogi-aphy. Sara is a speech pathologist.
You can share college memories
with Blake at 243 High Brook Dr.,
Richardson, TX 75080, or via e-mail
Douglas J. Bourne '43 is retired and
enjoys golf and sculpting. He and his
wife, Hilda (KKF), have two daugh
ters, Laurie and Janalee.
"I recently graduated with honors
from DePaul University College of
Law in Chicago.Iaccepted an offer to
join the litigation department of the
law firm of Mayer, Brown & Platt
where I will begin in October. I have
this to report to my brothers, 7finally
got my s— together.'I don't have a
photograph to send, butyou can check
out my good-looking mug at www.
"I highly recommend the law
school experience, and DePaulin par
ticular, to any of the present Nu
Omegans who may be interested.
"Fm afraid that my contact with
Phi Gams is limited to myfantasyfoot
ball league. The league, which was
born in the lunch room at 1200 S.
College, consists ofmyself, Billy Jones
'88, Sean Blair '88, Dave Hammons
joys golf, yard work and OU sporting
events. David's wife, Amy (FOB), is
a dietitian. They can be found at their
'91, John 'Touc' Lupia '91, Glen
'Wally' Hathaway '92, Brett Vogler
'92 and Blake Vogler '89.
"Keep up the good work, guys."
new address, 10301 Camden Ct.,
Oklahoma City, OK 73162.
661 W. Sheridan #810, Chicago, IL
Pottawatamie Bar Association and en
Touch base with Brother Jones at
Kyle H. Hensley '81 is district man
ager of the Western Region for
Stimson Lane Vineyards & Estates.
ant at Arthur Andersen. He is a mem
He writes, "I was named National
ber of the Council of Logistics
Wine Salesperson ofthe Year in 1998.
I currently deal with wine export to
Management and Institute of Indus
trial Engineers. Say hello to Andy at
Andy Hedrick'95 is a senior consult
his new address, 371 E. Las Colinas
"Fiji is definitely not for college
days alone. Ijustgot backfrom a Cabo
trip with my old pledge brothers, 22
years after initiation."
Kyle coaches Special Olympics and
Little League for the City of San Fran
cisco. Look up this former chapter
president at 190 21st Ave. #5, San
Blvd. #263, Irving, TX 75039.
Delta. 1played in 1999 Fiji GolfClas
Francisco, CA 94121.
sic held in Cincinnati in October 1999.
Patrick M.Jones '92 wrote to us last
not send representatives to the 1999
William O. Gamble III '61 is a self-
employed private trustee, conservator
and expert witness on trusts. He
writes, "I was appointed an Arkon at
the Pittsburg Ekklesia ofPhi Gamma
"I was sorry to see Nu Omega did
Doug comments on his Fiji experi
ence, "I still have great reunions with
Nu Omega Fijis from the '40s—
Howard Kauffmann '43, Hank Simms
spring, "You 're doing an excellentjob
Fiji Academy."
on the newsletter—keep them coming.
'44, Forrest Shoemaker '45 and Jack
I can't recall the details, but I will
William and his wife, Alima, were
mairied on October 23, 1999. Send
Wolfe '45, plus other Phi Gamsfrom
go ahead and credit myselfwith resus
citating the newsletter when I was
St., Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.
other universities."
your best wishes to them at 1242 19th
\r\nPage 4
Winter 1999-2000
More Nu Omega Graduates Write In
James L. Gibbs II '90 is an attorney.
He enjoys hunting and golf. This
former chapter president and his wife,
Shaunagh (AXQ), an RN, can be
William B. Lowry '39 retired as a
vice president and marketing officer
with Wells Fargo. He writes, "We
found at their new address,6741 N.W.
cific Northwest in August 1998, New
Zealand and Australia in January
128th Terr., Oklahoma City, OK
travel all we can—Canada and Pa
1999 and Central and Western Eu
Hardy Summers '55 is chief justice
of the Oklahoma Supreme Court. He
is a member of Rotary Club of Okla
rope in May 1999.
"I am 84 years old."
Try to catch Bill and his wife,
Wanda (Northern Iowa), at home at
8107 Ave."W," Lubbock, TX 79423.
homa City and past president of
American Inn of Court XXIII. Hardy
enjoys fishing, quail hunting and mu
sic. He and his wife, Marilyn, an OU
graduate and librarian, have two chil
dren, of whom he writes, "My daugh
ter, Julia, is bilingual in Spanish, and
is an attorney with Oklahoma County
Public Defenders Office. Her son is
Ted E, Lewis '59 is president and
chairman of the board of First Option
Bank. He and his wife, Janet(KA0),
secretary ofthe bank board, have three
sons, Gordon(Kansas Fiji), Gregg and
Murphy. Ted writes, "My fraternity
experience was tremendous.
Gabe, 11.
"Ispentfour years with Wards, six
years with Kansas State Bank in New
ton, KS, and 11 years with Miami
County Bank in Paola, KS. Then, in
1970, I purchased control of First
"My son, Andrew, is head baseball
coach at Crowder Junior College,
Neosho, MO. His (and Samantha's)
son is Dalton, 3."
You can reach Brother Summers at
National Bank in Osawatomie, KS,for
3036 Rockridge PI., Oklahoma City,
$4 million. Today, it's worth $78 mil
lion, owned 95 percent by ourfamily;
which are critical to success in busi
ness, government and militaiy. The
ability to lead is an outcome of the
fraternity experience."
Ken is a member of the National
Order of Daedalians, a military pilots
fraternity, and enjoys golf and travel
ing. Ken and his wife, San, an OU
graduate and teacher, have two sons,
Travis, 12, and Brandon, 10. The most
recent address we have for this former
chapter president at 413 Napa St. #2,
Travis Air Force Base, CA 94535.
Fred B. Aurin '38 brings us up-to-
date, "Since 1938, my home has been
in Fort Worth, then, in the Army threeand-a-halfyears, two years overseas,
returned to Cincinnati, OH, and went
through residency in general surgery.
In 1950, 1 completed residency, re
turned to Fort Worth,practicedfor 50
years, retired 13 years ago and built a
home on Shady Oaks Golf Course. 1
love life and my seven grandkids.
"Fiji showed me how to be a gentle
man, how to live, how to relax and
He tells brothers, "We are building a
Charles D.Cresap '56 is president of
havefun and how to evaluate people."
Fred is a trustee of Boys Club, St.
Stephen Presbyterian Church and
Medical Plaza Hospital. He enjoys ex
ercise, golf and traveling to Europe,
Asia, South America, Japan, Scan
new main officefor our bank, at a $4
million-plus cost, on South Memorial
Drive in Bixby.
Premium Beers, Inc. Contact him at
100 Copper Cove, Afton, OK 74331,
or via e-mail at
dinavia, Australia and New Zealand.
He and his wife, Gene (Texas ZTA),
have three children, Kathleen, Pamela
OK 73120.
Gregg is chairman."
Homer Paul Jr. '54 is chairman,
president and CEO of Citizens Secu
rity Bank & Trust Company in Bixby.
Drop Ted a note at 110 Rohrer
Heights Dr., Osawatomie, KS 66064.
and Fritz. Send Fred a letter at 620
"The lessons learned and experi
ences enjoyed in college helped pre
pare me for a responsible business
and personal life."
Homer is a member of Rotary Club
Richard G. Taft '35 is a senior part
Roaring Springs Rd., Fort Worth, TX
ner at McAfee & Taft. Reminisce with
this brother at 603 Okmulgee St.,
Norman, OK 73071.
Chip Morgan '71 is vice president of
business operations at Oklahoma
of Tulsa, Metropolitan Tulsa Cham
ber of Commerce Board of Directors,
Ken R. Carson '80 is a US Air Force
Medical Research Foundation. Look
Greater Tulsa United Way,Oklahoma
lieutenant colonel. He wrote to us in
Bankers Association Board and Okla
May, "1justfinished a command tour
of one of our C-5 flying squads at
him up at 1832 Dorchester PI., Okla
homa City, OK 73120, or via e-mail at
homa Finance Authorities Board.
His wife, Ramona (OSU/Purdue
KKF),is assistant state superintendent
at the State Department of Education.
He has four children. Chip, Lela,
Sarnie and Jenna, and three stepsons,
Steve, Stuart and Jerry.
Homer resides at 2705 Windmill
Rd., Edmond, OK 73013.
Travis AFB, CA.I will be at Army War
College at Carlysle, PA, in thefall of
Michael C. McKown '91 is senior
1999-summer of2000, then off to the
Pentagon or flying a squad com
land survey technician at R.L. Good-
mander at Altus AFB in Oklahoma.
"Phi Gamma Delta provides a
healthy opportunityfor young men to
develop leadership and societal skills
son Jr., Inc.
Write to Michael at his new ad
dress, 5454 Amesbury #1815, Dallas,
TX 75206, or contact him via e-mail
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Winter 2000 newsletter of the Nu Omega chapter at the University of Oklahoma. The newsletter is four pages in length.