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2001 Fall Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
Fall 2001 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages in length.
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University of Alabama
2001 Fall Newsletter Theta (University of Alabama)
tbctbeta Fiji
Published by Theta Chapter of the
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Deita at the University of Alabama
FALL 2001
Dear Theta Chapter graduates.
It is an exciting time to be a member
of Phi Gamma Deita at the University
of Alabama.
Our numbers have increased over
the last couple of years, and for the
second consecutive year, 20 Theta
brothers are living in the house. We
now have 63 members, including
Last spring was a great semester
for Phi Gamma Delta. During this
time, the chapter's grades improved
dramatically. Seventeen Phi Gamma
Delta brothers earned a 3.0 grade point
average or higher.
The spring parties were also
extremely successful. We had a great
time with our dates in New Orleans
for the Black Diamond formal, and at
Fiji Island, we were able to give bids to
13 exceptional young men.
The Norris Pig Dinner was held
The Phi Gamma Delta house at UA
this past April. Our brothers loved
spending time with the graduate
members who attended. Next spring,
we hope to see more of you here to
help celebrate one of Phi Gamma
Delta's most cherished traditions.
Lee Garrison Wins Again!
Theta Chapter Purple Legionnaire
Lee Garrison '97 was recently reelected to represent District 4 as a
Tuscaloosa City Councilman.
Lee's record as a councilman is
quite extensive. Some of his projects
have included: aiding the construction
of Fire Station #2; working on numer
ous drainage projects and resurfacing
of a number of roads; helping with
the UA "Strip" renovation project; and
establishing the Tuscaloosa Police
Lee (a.k.a. "Bird") sells insurance
for Duckworth-Morris Acordia. He is
are active in the Student Government
a member of Rotary and Exchange
Club, and enjoys golf, hunting and
Association and Interfraternity
Council. This past spring, Sim Butler
coaching. His wife, Jessica(OM),is a
Taylor Powell was elected rush
Congratulate Lee at 8345 Enterprise
Ave. N.E., Tuscaloosa, AL 35406.
was elected a SGA senator, and
chairman for IFC.
After great rush events this past
summer, Theta Chapter was able
to get 21 new pledges. Because of
our very selective rush process, we
sought only the finest men available,
including three who are on academic
scholarship and six legacies.
As graduate brothers, you know the
importance of keeping Phi Gamma
Substation on 14th Avenue.
Lee also works regularly with the
university administration and SGA for
the betterment of student life at UA.
A vital part of our fraternity.
Delta going strong. Our graduates are
the very soul of our fraternity! Your
support is greatly appreciated.
Lee meets with us at least once a
week to help us keep the house
running smoothly. His leadership is
unsurpassed, and his dedication to our
fraternity is greatly appreciated.
Theta Chapter continues to stress
the importance of involvement on the
UA campus. Many of our brothers
Dan Weathers
Lee and Jessica
\r\nPage 2
Fall 2001
PhUanthropy a Priority at Phi Gamma Delta
During the 2000-01 school year. Phi
Gamma Delta excelled in philanthropic
activity. Both actives and pledges
worked together to help create one of
the best years we have had lately in
this area.
Throughout the 2000 fall semester,
our brothers sold Alabama vs. Auburn
raffle tickets to benefit the Tuscaloosa
Child Abuse Prevention Service. We
are pleased to report that we sold and
donated the most money of any Greek
organization here at the Capstone—
nearly $2,000 in all! We received a
special plaque that has been placed on
the wall in our library at the house.
This year we plan to continue our
success and sell even more tickets.
In addition, during the month of
November we collected food and toys
for the Salvation Army.
Theta Chapter also continues our
Adopt-A-Mile program on Helen
Keller Boulevard here in Tuscaloosa.
We clean the road every Sunday.
Our members are always looking
for additional philanthropy activities.
If you have any ideas please let us
know! We are currently working on
setting up a Valentine's Day party at a
nursing home.The plans involve spending an evening with the elderly in their
activities facility. We will
provide cards, party favors and food.
Here at Theta Chapter, we are
all excited and eager to have another
successful year.
Once again, feel free to share any
ideas you have about philanthropies,
Thank You,
Brent Boehm
Spring Initiates '
The following outstanding young
men were initiated into Theta Chapter
of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
during the 2001 spring semester at the
University of Alabama;
Shane Barnes
> -iL
Cayce Fry
Leo Karpeles
U ■
Forrest Long
Rich Morgan
Walker Reynolds
Spencer Ringland
Roscoe Whately
Phi Gamma Delta did great at fall recruitment. Our pledges are (front, 1-r)
Chris Walker, Greenville, MS; Bill Gunter, Montgomery; Philip Mangam,
Montgomery; Will Allen, Birmingham; T.R. Butler, Montgomery; and
Stephen Nichols,Birmingham;(back)Bryan McManus,Metairie,LA;James
Buckley, Kenner, LA; Will Butler, Auburn; Chris Davis, Birmingham;
Adam Bass, Newnan,GA;Jeff Stone, Birmingham; Chip Tait, Lake Forest,
IL; Hal Mooty, Montgomery; Matt West, Moultrie, GA; Robert Sher,
Birmingham; Paul Bernaur, Florence; Brahnam Moore,Birmingham; and
Joseph Fitz-Gerald, Marion. Not pictured: Stephen Davis, Demopolis.
Theta Chapter Scholarship Report
These men excelled academically
this past spring by earning a 3.0 grade
point average or higher.
Blair Badham
Ben Morehead
Chris Bouchard
Jackson Ratliff
Ernest Cory
Justin Reynolds
Chip Davis
Patton Smith
Scott Hunter
Hughston Nichols
Dan Weathers
Phi Gamma Deltas Dan Weathers
Bo Broadfoot
and John Lawrence are selected for
Taylor Powell
Michael Casey
John Lawrence
Jonathan Wells
Patrick Lowther
membership into the Jasons.
\r\nFall 2001
Page 3
Theta Chapter Graduate News
Max V. McLaughlin '52 is a retired physician, and his
wife, Nikki(Southern Mississippi), is an interior designer. He
has three children, Victor, Anne and Lauren.
A retired Army National Guard brigadier general, Max is
Elbert B. Haltom Jr. '48, a retired lawyer and senior US
District Courtjudge, is a member of Florence Rotary Club,
University of North Alabama Sportsman Club and First
Methodist Church of Florence.
He and his wife, Constance (North Carolina XQ), have a
in touch with some contemporaries and would love to be daughter, Emily, and two grandchildren.
contacted for hunting, fishing and reminiscing. Fiji's
"Bert," an avid reader, sends this note, "I made lifelong
influence continues to this day through contacts, per friendships with numerous fraternity brothers throughout
a member of Kiwanis. He writes ofPhi Gamma Delta, "lam
sonal and business. I was the classic 'poor country boy'
and Theta nurtured me. I'm very thankful."
Share college memories with Max by writing to 4670 Old
Alabama and elsewhere."
Renew your friendship with Bert by writing to 562
Palisade Dr., Florence, AL 35630.
Shell Rd., Mobile, AL 36608.
Edward E. Matney'59,senior vice president ofFirst Union
Securities, writes, "After graduation,Iserved in Vietnam as
Blue Cross/Blue Shield, and his wife, Leigh(Auburn ALA), a senior advisor for 18 months. 1 retired after almost
is a financial advisor at Prudential Securities.
29 years ofservice. 1 have been afinancial advisor (stock
Jackson is a member ofthe Quarterback Club and a coach broker)since 1982 and have been selectedfor 'Who's Who'
for a 4th grade football team in Crestline. He enjoys golf, in America, the World, the Southeast and Finance.
"1 was initiated while a captain in the Army. Irose to the
tennis and running.
He writes, "Twelve of my 15 groomsmen werefi-aternity grade of colonel. Earning an MBA helped my military, as
brothers ofmine, and we 've maintained the strong and close M'ell as civilian careers. 1 have associated with other Fijis
friendships we established in college."
and they also enhanced my employment opportunities."
Jackson has a new address, 129 Dixon Ave., Homewood,
Ed is a past president of Kiwanis and a moderator at the
AL 35209.
Congregational Church. He enjoys golf, tennis and fishing.
He and his wife, Herma, have two sons. Marc and David.
C. Jackson Register '96 is a marketing representative for
Paul A.Smith Jr.'45, now retired, sends this news, "Carter
Eugene Coe, 19, the eldest of my two grandsons, has just
been invited into Gamma Tau at Georgia Tech hisfreshman
year. Greatjoy!Perge!"
"Speedy" and his wife, Betty, have four children. He adds
of Phi Gamma Delta, "I had a wonderfid experience and
Send a letter to Ed at 485 Hill Rd., Southern Pines, NC
The Theta Fiji is published by the brothers of the Fraternity
of Phi Gamma Delta at the University of Alabama for members
made wonderful friends."
Renew your friendship with Speedy by writing to 3863 N.
and friends. Graduate news items, photographs and change of
address notices should be sent to Theta Chapter of Phi Gamma
Delta, c/o Newsletter Program Headquarters, P.O. Box 7311,
Stratford Rd. N.E., Atlanta, GA 30342.
Macon,GA 31209-7311.
Theta Chapter officers for 2001 are (l-r) President John
Lawrence, Historian Taylor Powell, Corresponding
Secretary Dan Weathers,Treasurer Justin Reynolds and
Recording Secretary Robert Moore.
Our staff is satisfied after cooking a delicious meal.
\r\nPage 4
Fall 2001
More News from Our Graduates
Philip A. McDaniel (The Citadel
'42), now retired, is a 3rd Degree Ma
son and charter member ofthe Fairfax
(VA) Civitan Club. He enjoys bridge
and reading.
"Mac" and his wife, Dorothy, have
a daughter, Phyllis.
He writes of Phi Gamma Delta, "It
gives me a sense of belonging to a
fine group of individuals with fra
ternal love."
Renew the bonds of Phi Gamma
Delta by writing to Mac at 422 San
Pedro Dr., Lady Lake, PL 32159.
The book is the story of a World War
11 rifle company in Patton's Third
Army, as detailed in the journals of
S/Sgt. Bruce Egger and Lt. Lee Otts,
both of G Company, 328th Regiment,
26th Infantry Division. These
accounts of combat are the parallel
day-by-day records ofthe same events
as seen by the two men.
Lee and his wife, Mary Frances,
(East Carolina), have four daughters,
Harriett, Frances, Elizabeth and Mary
Lee. He enjoys golf.
Brothers may write to Lee via P.O.
Box 467, Brewton, AL 36427.
since 1949 (Otts, Moore, Jordan and
Coale). He is a past president of the
Escambia County Bar Association and
a member of the Alabama State Bar
Lee is a member of the First Presby
terian Church (serving in numerous
leadership roles), Brewton Rotary Club
(past president). Chamber ofCommerce,
American Legion and numerous other
civic and community organizations.
Gimtersville, AL 35976.
Blucher H. Cooper '56 sends this
update, "Since 1 retired about 15
years ago, 1 have been involved as a
volunteer. 1 have served as chairman
of the boardfor Westminster Presby
terian Homes, president of Atlanta
PC Users and an elder at Peachtree
Presbyterian Church."
He and his wife. Peggy (KKF),
have three children, Margret, Blucher
IV and Elizabeth.
Lee M. Otts '43 has owned his
own general law practice in Brewton
stamp collecting.
Contact Jack at 1900 Wyeth Dr.,
Jack Powers '60 is president of Mark
Powers & Co. He enjoys golf and
Drop a line to Blucher at 3981
Whittington Dr. N.E., Atlanta, GA
Theta Graduate Address Updates
Robert L. Slaughter '70
Thomas P. Willingham '84
P.O. Box 2758
2116 Chestnut Oak Dr.
Hoover, AL 35244
Gulf Stream, AL 36547
Michael K. Hudson '74
1128 Camellia Cir.
Hoover, AL 35226
Robert O. Skinner '97
3601 Acorn Ave.
Tuscaloosa, AL 35406
He has been listed in Who's Who in
Alabama, Community Leaders of
America, Who's Who in the South and
Southwest, Personalities ofthe South,
Alabama's Distinguished and Who's
Who in American Law.
Lee is co-author of G Company's
War, Two Personal Accounts of the
Carey F. Hollingsworth Jr.
James W, Moss Jr.'96
3820 Glenview Dr.
107 Fairoaks St.
Birmingham, AL 35213
Gadsden, AL 35901
Patrick L. Mills Jr.'84
Gary C. Huckaby Jr.'87
3 Pamona Ave.
1200 W. Cleermont Cir.
Horaewood, AL 35209
Huntsville, AL 35801
Campaigns in Europe, 1944-1945.
Help Us Keep You in Touch
With every issue of The Theta Fiji, communication with our alumni
improves. Former classmates are communicating with one another again,
and many of you have been to visit the house and meet members of the
active chapter. We believe the newsletter we publish twice a year has a lot
to do with this renewed interest. Thank you to all the alumni who have
contributed to the newsletter program.
In order to continue the newsletter program, we need all of our alumni to
help. Voluntary contributions from our alumni pay for publication of the
newsletter. Please help us so we can keep you up-to-date on the active
chapter here at the University of Alabama and in touch with your former
classmates. We need the participation of all of our alumni to continue, so
mail your contribution and personal information today! We also welcome
your suggestions for future issues. Thank you.
The Phi Gam football team prepares
for victory.
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Fall 2001 newsletter of the Theta chapter at the University of Alabama. This newsletter is four pages in length.