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2001 Fall Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
Fall 2001 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. This newsletter is eight pages.
Date/Date Range:
Rho Phi
Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology
2001 Fall Newsletter Rho Phi (Rose-Hulman)
″INot for cOHege days a10ne″
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ed:tors:JOe Weist and C.Jo PrZybyl
1 2001
before and after the
bonf ire - There will be catered
food and a cash bar at the fraternity house. Crads can meet up
with their pledge brothers for
another exciting night in Terre
afternoon - There
be a tent at the Homecoming
is Hit BiS in
By: Andrew Tochterman (CME '01)
The Rose-Hulman baseball team had yet
another successful season posti ng a 2916 record, second-best in school history.
The 2000-01 staff was anchored by five
Fiji baseball players including Maceo
Lewis (firstbase'), Zach Miller
(secondbase), Travis Soyer (pitcher and
outfielder), Jason Fox (outfield), and
Andrew Tochterman (pitcher and
designated hitter). Fox, Tochterman,
Soyer, and Miller joined
Fiji junior Robert
Chandler on the SCAC
F i
Satu rday even ing- There will
be an Open House at the fratern ity house with a sign-up board
for what you'd like to do with
your brothers.
Sunday morning around t l
will be a graduate send-off
brunch at the
fratern ity house.
rst-team Al l-Conference
list. Zach Miller captured
Academic All-Region
honors while batting .412. Milter was
first-team al l-region while Tochterman
earned second-team al l-region honors.
The senior Fiji baseball players left
Rose-Hulman among the tops of
most every statistical category.
Sen ior Andrew Tochterman
received the Samuel F. Hulbert
award for Outstanding Leadership.
Being an Archon
By: Archon Councilor Michael Dockins
Being an Archon doesn't mean you are
an old retired Phi Cam that tells everyone else what to do (you would be
suprised how often I hear that). However, being an Archon does does allow
me to help make decisions for our great
fraternity that will lead us into the future.
For those of you that do not know, I was
selected last summer at the 2000
Ekklesia to round out the nine-member
board of our fraternity known as the
Archonate. Under the leadership of
PresidentJim Caswell, this Archonate has
done some extremely exciting things: an
overhauled web-site with many more
changes to come, colony expansion in
Arkansas, Cal-Berkley, and a revitalization in DePauw. We are also commifted
to forward planning in leadership
development and
lowering undergraduate dues when
It is an exciting time
for Phi Camma Delta
Brothers, and I
encourage you to get
involved in any way
that you can. lf you
cannot help with Rho
The Rose-Hulman pledge cllss
at State Day in Indianapolis.
The pledges took many classes
on important fraternity issues to
enhance their leadership skills.
Phi, please, please get
nvolved somewhere. There
are always House Corporations, BCAs, Section Chief and
Purple Legionairre positions to
be filled. Now, more than
ever, undergrad uate Brothers
are in need of your wisdom,
guidance, and assistance. Oh
yeah, money never hurts
either! Don't fall for the old
age that you have nothing in
ommon, you do... Phi
amma Delta.
The Ftji's working hard on the titne trial day.
lndy 500
By: C.J . Przybyl (nO '04)
For the past 2 years, the undergraduate
brothers at the Rho Phi have been
making their way to lndianapolis toward
the end of the school year. No, it's not
for the better libraries to study in, it is to
solely fulfill the one thing all men have
in common-a need that is vital for
survival-the need for speed. The Rho Phi
brothers give a break to the computer
games and homework that have plagued
them all year and give in to the lndianapolis 500 rush. Each brother who
attends gets a chance to smell the
drive an lndy car for hundreds of
the Rho Phi with a fuel-burning, tiresteaming golf cart. lts hundreds of laps
are made on the backside of the track
behind the screaming fans in the
bleachers. With a mechanical precision
group before, the Fiji's clean trash,
sweep walkways and sanitize bathrooms.
of the track. One team of 20 Boes on the
time trial day and the next team on the
actual race day. Each of the 20 brothers
who attends the session is given a
hundred dollars, which goes to the
lndianapolis 500, look for the Rho Phi
brothers near any trash can or bathroom.'s
everywhere you
need to be!
;;;; ;;:;;ffi ;; il il;;
By: Steve Parker (CO
ever. The benefit for the graduates is that
il:i :X': ;#T:ild,"*XJil i, i[::'
:lTi yto :tr:.?l:l:I'
maoe Inrs summer
tne vtsual asDect. of
could eventually give access"l,to various
the house, we have
U"e;,;* ;;il-"'
information such as scheduled
"tro fi: fi;
phase network upgrade.
ll|.u-'^"f past and present graduate
includes a rewirin! .r,r'" ["*..I"i
newslefters, and perhaps a web-based
"r :::1T'
well as added networr.."""*ii"^r
':" _* '-"- a
database utility that could provide
Ine Ltvtng, urao, ano utnlng roomswith a source of searching and
upstairs. phase two *rririr'.i ,rtl
F]i9uateseach other with
implementation or un int"rni'n"i*ort !":,"!|18
information on theirown' All of this is
thatwilleventuallyt,* rr,r* o.*lra'"
planned to be done this school year, the
break free of Rose,s ."ntorir"iJ*"'
majority of which should take place in
nerwork. The benefit i".. ii"'.i"ilr*"ar-;'--;''-"- the first semester. Any graduate assis,"ates 15 tnat we can now oownloao
" .:-- .
tance would be greatly appreciated!
anything from urrign."n:':
n"Jli'r).T1ij, y:
lll* vou kn6w if and when these
servrces will become available.
Fiji Academy A place to experience greafness!
rrom anywhere ," ,n"
By: Jeremy Kashman (CE '03)
This past July, the Rho Phi House
Corporation made it possible for 10
undergraduate brothers to attend the 2lh
Fiji Leadership Academy. Leadership
Academy is held in years opposite to
Ekklesia. The Academy started off with a
tour of lnternational Headquarters and a
model initiation where sophmore Ben
ciant (ME ,03) was the model historian.
The group then went to Miami University
in Oxford, Ohio for the remainder of the
trip before wrapping back up at Headl0 of the ll Rho Phi's v,*lto attended FUi
quafters on the final day. During
Academy, many different events took
place. The undergraduate brothers were
roomed with brothers from other chapters Tempilton McCarty proficiency award for
the 15th year running! The chapter also
and placed on teams of 13-1 7 brothers
got honorable mention for the Zerman
from other chapters. Each team was led
Award and was recognized for being
by one or two Craduate brothers that
above the all-men's grade average. After
chose to volunteer their time for the
the awards and work, it was time for the
fraternity. In these teams, many issues
Fiji Olympics. The events ranged from
were discussed. Among the topics were:
basketbal l, fou r-corners soccer, pi ng-pong
Recruitment, Pledge Education programs,
and dodge ball. The most exciting event
Risk Management, scholarhips and any
was the final game of dodge ball in which
other goals brothers had for their
all 21 5 delegates competed. The 27th taji
respective chapters and the entire
Leadership Academy was a fun and
Fraternity of Phi Camma Delta. Awards
enjoyable learning experience had by all
were issued to worthy chapters. The Rho
Phi chapter received the John
who attended.
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many ttf ylou soo■ iSOO a星 l of youご 就 HO mecottling覆
-. now, and it feels like it was yesterday when I
As of July 23rd, I began my employment with
was in your shoes. Time flies. I hope everyMotorola in the Sales Engineering Rotational
thing is treating everyone well there. lt sounds
Program. The past two weeks have been a lot of
like every one is doing great in the Rose and
reading and learning about Motorola products
FlJl publications. That's my 2 cents...tell
and the structure of the company. I have also
everyone I said hi. Our address will be
been slowly but surely moving into our
changing here shortly as we are moving into a
apartment, but mainly I have been waiting
new home. The address is:
patiently to see the University of Texas to start
355 Andscott Dr.
classes again so I can see many beautiful
Brownsburg, lN 46112
women. And when l'do see them, I will be sure
I hope this summer is treating you well!
to say one of the following comments; "stay hot"
"sustain beauty" or "remain attractive." I also
Jeremy Pugh
plan on trying to get involved with the FUI
chapter down here once I get settled in.
Currently l'm a Nationwide Account Manager
and a Territory Manager for a telecommunicaMatt LeVora (EE)
tions test and measurement company called
Acterna. I started here upon graduation (June
'99) as a Sales Support Engineer and since then
Well, I graduated in November 2000 and now
have had three promotions. I f ust bought a
work for Praxair Surface Technologies in
house here in Chicago and things are going
lndianapolis. l'rn a profect engineer, and my Job
very well. l'm slated for another promotion in
is very rewarding to me. I also live with two of
October. On the weekends (the only time t'm
my pledge brothers, Matt Comer and D.C.
not on the road for work), t D, clubs and Loft
Smalley, on the north side of lndy, and we still
parties here in the city, and on August 16th, I
have a lot of good times just like when we lived
have my first large club date. l'll be spinning at
in the House together (l won't go into detail)! ln
a club called RedNoFive.
Donnie Stash(EE)
June I started back to Rose-Hulrnan part time to
get my Master's in Engineering .Management. I
love my Job, I love my life, and I really have no
Jill gave birth to Austin James on June 29-B lbs
complaints (except that Comer and D.C. aren't
3 ozs and 21 112" ln.
beautiful women). Recently about Z of us Pho
Ryan Seavert (CE)
Phi's (Jason Macak, Matt Ervin, Monte Brown,
Duffy Engineering & Associates, lnc.
Shawn Stafford, Matt Comer, Terry Hardin) got
together for Macak's bachelor party, and none
seaverrj @hotmai l.corn
of us got arrested or killed, which is surprising.
Right after I graduated, I went to an lce game
I have been working for Caterpillar in Cermany
with my boss and our plant manager, and we
for the last year and will be here for another 1ended up sitting behind the chapter at the
2 years. I also recently got engaged.
game! Everyone was wearing their colors, and
Tim Crunow (EE)
my boss was really impressed and enjoyed
seeing all of us make fools out of ourselves. He
thought I was a stud because everyone in that
section knew my narne. Kinda funny.
January 2O, my wife, Heidi, and I welcomed our
Derek (d-Rock) (ME)
third child, Derek Matthew. I am currently in
my final year of pharmacy school at the
University of Kentucky, and I will be the first to
I have recently married Amy Henu (EE, '01) and graduate from the University with a joint
have moved to the Dallas. Texas area where I
PharmD/MBA. I am in the process of applying
am a process engineer for Alcatel Optronics, a
for active duty Army pharmacy after graduamaker of long-haul fiber optic components. Amy tion. We'll know how that turns out in a few
has taken a job with Rockwell Collins as a
months. After leaving Rose in spring ,95, I
project manager working on Very Low
affiliated with the Upsilon Kappa chapter here.
Frequency communication systems used by the
As at Rose, I met many wonderful brothers
Navy on submarines. We currently reside in our here. My wife is currently serving as a
new home in Allen, TX.
surrogate mother for one of those brothers and
his wife. Please keep us and that couple in
your prayers.
Jason Macak (ME)
Charlie Holloway (RP '96, UK '92)
Working at Delphi Delco Electronics Systems in
the Mobile Multimedia Division. Married to
Jennifer on June 16th, 2001 . Currently living in
Noblesville, lN.
Sean Valentine
I would have to say that the most exciting news
in my life has been getting married to my wife,
Jennifer, a little over a year ago. We just
celebrated our one-year anniversary J uly 22nd.
l've been at National Starch for about two years
I am still working for GE Aircraft Engines in
Cincinnati, OH. I recently moved back from a 6month asssignment working with Qantas
Airways in Sydney, Australia. lt was an exciting
adventure that began with the 2000 Summer
Olympics and ended with hiking in the Outback
and sailing/snorkeling in the Great Barrier
Upon my return, I took a new assignment in
our Risk Mgmt. organization where I am
leading an effort tO develop power by the hOur
agreements for engine and aircraft accessories。
So far′
its been a cha‖ enging rOle′
as it′
brand new area of grOwth for our Englne
SeⅣ ices business.l c10sed our first deal w:th
Cont:nental Airlines a few weeks ago and am
working sirn‖ ar deals with many other of Our
airline customers.
Rob Wa‖ ace(ME)
1 have made the decisiOn to leave Honeywe‖
Aircraft Landing Systems after six years and
move my family to lndianapolis to take a lob as a
Service Engineer with Ro‖ s― Royce(fOrrnerly the
Allison cas Turbine Division of GM)。 This is a
big opportunity for rne professiOna‖
and it w‖
a150 al10w me to mOve my family closerto
relatives. : haven′ t settled yet(sti‖ loOking fOr a
home and trying to se‖ one in Mishawaka)。
Here is my contact information at work:
2001 South ttibbs Avenue
:N 46241
VVork e‐ Fna‖ : Chad.z:gler(2)ro‖
Home e― rna‖ : chadzigler(oyah00。
Perhaps:′ │l see sOme of you at Homecorning!!
Fraterna‖ y′
Chad Zigler(ME)
He‖ o! l hOpe that things are going we‖
.l just
wanted to send my nevv address.:have moved
back tO the wOnderful city oftterre Haute.:t00k
a10b aS a pharrnaceut:cal sale rep.ノ
my new address is as fo‖ ows:
Ryan VValke(CME)
922 Springdale Lane
Terre Haute′
lN 47802
phone:812‑298Ю 855
e‐ rna‖
The past year has been a busy one for IDebbie
and meoin February′ we welcomed our second
ch‖ d′ Gabriel ThOmas′ On the 18th.ln May′
received a Masters Degree in Business
Adrninistration from Purdue University.Since
: have assumed the new responsib‖ ity of
managing a portion Of Our engineering
department and:abOrator:es to focus on
technical issues in applying cOmbustion systems
to various types of industrial heating processes.
Needless to say′
rn consciously trying to have a
uneventful surnrnero We hope to see
everyone at homecOming this fa‖
Yours in brotherhood,
Jeffrey T. Rafter (ME)
Manager of Application Engineering
Maxon Corporation
201 E lBth St
Muncie′ IN 4730ア
(765)25牛 1175 phone
(765)254‑21 75 fax
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l've moved ardund a little since graduating but
have landed at Parametric Technology
Corp.(PTC). I am the Regional Technical
Manager tor 4 offices in Ohio and Pennsylva-
nia. I work in Cincinnati, OH and live near
King's lsland. My wife and I are expecting our
first child around Jan. 2,'A2. Lately, l've
continued my hobby of home brewing and
golfing (but not necessarily at the same time).
Chad Powers (ME)
My wife (Mary) and two daughters (Bridget 4
years, Gretchen 2 years) moved from lndiana 2
years ago and now reside in Wytheville, VA.
Anyone traveling through southwest Virginia
(intersection of l-Bland l-77) is more than
welcome at our house. Our e-mail is
June of 1994. My wife's name is Deb and we
currently have no children. Below is the
information for which you asked on the form.
Name: Christopher (Chris) A. Himsel (Math)
Home Address: 9081 N 650
City/statelzip: Pittsbor6, lN 461 67
Home Number: (317) 858-3699
Work Number: (765) 771-6033
Fax Number: (765) 771-6049
Home e-mail:
Work e-mail: (l'm at
work more than home)
Employer: Lafayette School Corporation
Job Title: Director of Secondary Education
Saturday mornings.
Its been a long time since l've been back to
y FUI events. l'm
Rose or participated
writing this brief
of life :n Peoria。 │
My hobbies continue to be shooting sports and
While at Rose, I
Thorn sports editor
itor. I was also
oney dick for a
hunting. I have been fortunate to have been
able to travel out west several times in pursuit
of big garne. Hunting trips have included
antelope in Wyoming, mule deer in Wyoming
and elk in Colorado. We have also ventured
back to lndiana several times to harvest some
white-tailed deer. Preferred tools of the trade
include: high power rifle, shotgun, muzzle
loader and bow and arrow. A future hunt will
probably be down south to hunt swamp pigs.
Since its about bath time, I will end here.
enjoyable Homecoming
graduated BSEE in
spent 2 years as
and 2 years as
fortunate to be t
Rod West and his wife Laurie are proud to
announce the birth of a second daughter, Nora
Lorraine, on April 4, 2001. Nora is Rod's
second daughter joining her big sister, Alyssa
Rae. Rod (Roio) is a staff engineer with Square
D Company. He is in
development group, an
received his 6th U.S. Patent.
hometown of Liberty, lndiana
of endurance and will power, the time
commitment for training makes it something I
doubt I will ever repeat. ln the 5 months
trained for the event, I logged over 500
running miles. Needless to say, a house full of
kids prohibits those 4 hours training runs on
After graduati
ith Caterpillar,
lnc in Peoria
on electronic
and systems
bontrols for
f my work
control mod
for transmis
Cat's machi
A fellow graduate, Chris Sloffer (CS,
recently moved
to Peoria from lndianapolis,
lN. He is working at a local hospital as his
first assignment after graduating from med
school. He is putting his electrical engineering degree to use as a neurosurgeon. Quite a
change from the fortune 500 world of big
the town council.
Rod West (ME)
lie and I have three children (David (5),
Abbie (3), and Joel (3 months) )and live in
Greenwood, SC. I am a family physician
teaching other doctors at the Montgomery
Center for Family Medicine, a family medicine
residency. I would love to hear from other
brothers from 1 98G1990!
Update from Rob Tiller (CME)
I currently live in Florence, KY (suburban
Cincinnati) and work at Corning Precision
Lens (CPL) in Sales. I sell specialty optics for
major electronics manufacturers to be used in
video projectors (for example, big screen TV's,
LCD/LCoS projectors). Since CPL has many
customers throughout the world, I get the
opportunity to travel throughout the US,
Mexico, parts of Asia, and Europe. The travel
is fun and exciting at times but can also be
very long and tiring. I was married in June
1996 to my wife, Catherine, and we have a
two-year-old son, Kenneth. Unfortunately,
travel does not give me much free time, b
play in sand and indoor volleyball leagues and
hang out with the family when l'm in town.
Carl J. Cillman (ME)
Sales Engineer
Corning Precision Lens
fax: (513) 943-5505
(51 3)
I hope all is going well at Rho Phi. I greatly
enjoy learning information about brothers
who graduated bewveen '86 and '90. I
wish I could say that I was one of those
graduates, but as you probably recall, I
transferred to lndiana State and graduated in
'90 with a BS in Mathematics Education.
have since earned my MS from Butler in
educational administration and was married in
Currently working for Jaguar (via FMC) as an
ied on May 4′
1996 to Shari:
girl (from Pekin, lL). We met at a I
balth club while working out. On February
1998, we had twin boys (lustin and Jacob).
They were born 16-weeks premature. Justin
weighed 1 lb 1 3 oz and Jacob was 1 lb 4 oz.
Both could easily fit in the palm of your hand,
and my wedding ring was big enough to serve
as a bracelet. After 3 months in the neonatal
intensive care unit, Justin came homealthough he was on several medications and
oxygen. A month later, Jacob contracted an
infection and died. We have since had another
boy, Noah, and recently a little girl, Elizabeth.
Justin is now 3, Noah 2 and Elizabeth 11
months. We will be unable to attend
Homecoming this year, as we will be
celebrating Elizabeth's 1-year birthday.
All the kids are now doing fine with Justin
starting this fall. I participated in
and finished the 1999 Chicago Marathon. My
finishing time was a tick over 4 hours-just
behind the world record set during the race of
just over 2 hours. While this was a great test
Engine Systems Engineer for the $Type & Xype V6 engine platforms. Recently moved to
e SE Michigan area from Cleveland (OH),
he worked as a quality engineer at Ford's
and Engine Plants. He and his lovely
wife, Ana, have two beautiful children;
Madeleine-5 and Dmitri-2. Completely
enjoying those years, the family is
positioning for Madeleine's adventure into
Kindergarten. lt's a wonderful life.
Brother Frederick G. Krick (Fred)
I am probably going to be moving in the next
several months. I am leaving academics and
am going to be starting a private practice in
an underserued area in South Carolina. The
area has no physicians that do what I do (l am
an lnfectious Disease physician/AIDS doctor).
I do not know what my new address or phone
number will be. I may be able to keep my
personal email address, which is Otherwise I will
update you in the future. I currently have
鶴W占 」
,1翼 T生
s name
months.They are a handfulo My wife′
is IDeanna。
David Lakey(Leroy)(CM)
Heather de‖ vered a 9 1b 4 oz(ouch!)baby giri
On July 1 8th.Her narne is Hadley Diana
Thonn. Everyone is句 o:ng great.¨ though
Hadley′ s big brOther′ carter′ can′ tseem to
understand why he is no longer the center of
Brian Thonn(B丁 )(HU)
l am Senior Litigat:on Counsel fOr
Bridgestone/F:restone′ lnc. responsible for a
!arge portiOn of the tire̲related litigation at
As of 7/2/01′
the companyo Needless tO say′ it rnakes fOr
50me interesting days!My wife(Lisa)and l
have twO kids(ThOmas′ ageア ′and Abby′ age
4)′ plus anOther expected in March 2002(and
a 13‑week―old beagle puppy). ln other wOrds′
i come into wOrk to relax.Take care― hope a‖
is we‖ in TH。
development, and we are still adjusting to that
and putting the finishing touches on it. lt,s
amazing how rnuch work a new house
requires! Going into it you think everything
will be done. I have two boys in a Catholic
high school in Columbus this year, and my
daughter will be going to the junior high for
her first year there. All are doing welt and
involved in a million things. My wife, Alison,
and I were married 20 years as of last
December, and she just started a new job as a
gate agent at the airport for America West. pay
is not great but the flight benefits are. We
have already flown a few places as a family
for fun, like Boston, D.C. and St. Louis. I am
still working for Dow Chemical in a technology center for plastic fabricated products.
rThere is always new technology to get
involved in and learn about, so I enjoy my job
and have lots of challenges. My boss is
retiring this year so that will mean some
changes in responsibilities and job content for
Paul Curtin (CME)
Dow Chemical
Fabricated Products Technology Center
office: 74U929-51 31
丁wo years ago!started a new mechanical
fax:74U929-51 01
contracting f:rrn with、 ″0 0ther assOciates. lt
has been a busy and successful twO years.We
have cOmpleted a iittle Over$2 rni‖
iOn in
contracts′ our latest pЮ ject is a three story
restaurant in Shipshewana′
lNo We do Our
own DDC controls― the system even pages me
when in a!arm(l am not sure l:ike this
feature― am l wOrking for it now?)。
Bob Tippmann(ME)
1 continue to eniOy the world Of Private Equity
investing as a partner at VV‖ ‖s
Stein tt Partners′
a Chicago―based private
equity investrnent firrn.VVe have iust finished
raising our third fund― a l.8b‖ ‖on fundo The
economy and the market have been bOth a
blessing and a curse.VVe are work:ng harder
to ensure our current po面 OH0 0f c6mpanies
continues to grow and prosper.Conversely′
the market correction has made:t a little
easier to find attractive investrnents。
On the hOme frOnt′ my w:fe′ janet′ and l
continue to enioy Ourtwo ch‖ dren′ Rob′ 12
and Lynn′ 9.Both are big sOccer players and
Mark L. Ress and His Conservative and Rather
Boring Existence:
Well, it is time for my 25th class reunion and
it is hard to believe. Since graduation from
Rose, I have been elevated to President of
Frederick Sheet Metal, lnc., but I was already
Vice President before I graduated so I guess
that is not a rnonumental rnove! Frederick
Sheet Metal, lnc. is a family owned HVAC
contractor and I am the fifth generation. My
next big career move will be retirement,
which I plan for in 2o'l2l My wife, Cindia, and
I have two children, Brandon (who witt be a
senior at Northwestern double majoring in
Math and Comparative Literature) and
Courtney (who will be a freshman at Miami of
Ohio, probably double majoring in graphic
design and arts management). I was recently
elected to the board of directors of peoples
Community Bank. I am President of the Tell
City Historical Society. As a genealogist, I
spend most of my spare time looking for dead
Mark L.
Ress, P.E. (ME)
have made″ trave‖ ng″ squads.BOth are good
although with the imprOvement in
the quality Of Ros()Hulrnan′ s student body
they w‖ l have tO be better students than dad
with my wife, Judy, (we were married when
to get in。
()ur big vacations this year as a
family were skiing Out west:n Aspen between
Chr:stmas and New Year′ s and then again in
March fOr Spr:ng break.This surTarner we are
headed tO the jersey shore and back out tO a
Co!orado guest ranch(think″ City Shckers″
s about:t.
Bob C.Froetscher(ME)
ljust built a new house last year in a new
Not much to say, just enjoying the empty nest
attended Rose and our oldest daughter
attended most of the "social activities" in her
pajamas). She is now married, living in
Florida. My middle daughter graduared from
the University of Florida with a degree in bio
engineering and my youngest daughter
graduated last year from the University of New
Orleans with a degree in accounting. t can't
believe how much money I have now! My
wife has her own accounting business and I
manage a division of a capital equipment
company in central PA. We live on a lake,
enjoy our pontoon boat, hot tub, 59 MCA,
quite a bit of travel and general life style. yes,
for all of those toiling students, the effort is
well worth it. We maintain a family web page
that is updated about once a quarter if anyone
is interested, they can check it out at As I write this, I
am expecting a visit from Mike Lee ,74
tomorrow. Intend to sip a little 25 year old
single malt scotch and smoke some fine cigars
with Mike. Not too different from the kegs of
beer and swisher sweets we had 25 or so years
Steve Smith
Well about me, I am Vice president of
Consulting for Solomon Associates. We do
benchmarking and performance improvement
consulting in the petroleum refining and
petrochemical industry. We are a small firm
with about 30 consultants, but we have 2 phi
Cams. I learned that a fellow consultant was a
Fiji from Texas Tech when we were talking
about hobbies. I collect owls, especially white
owls-of all types. He said the ,,symbol,, of his
college fraternity was a white owt, so now
have that bond in common. Consulting is
interesting work that allows some interesting
travel. Recently I have been spending time in
China working the two large Chinese oit
companies. Creat place to visit, nice people,
and the growth in buildings in the major cities
is really amazing. I can go back 6 weeks later
and find entire blocks torn down getting ready
for a new high-rise office. My wife, Kathy,
and former Woodsie are enjoying tife in Texas
now that our son Derek has graduated from
Rose. Our cash flow has greatly improved now
that we do not have Rose tuition to pay for.
It's been an interesting year so far. No
monoliths have appeared in my front yard, but
so far, 2001 HAS offered up the following:
- t'm now wearing braces. y"p, my enigmatic
and endearing smile is going to be all
straightened out. And they suck. At least t get
to pick out an interesting color every 2
months for the little rubber bands that hold
the wire to the brackets.
- My Mom entered the hospital on an
emergency basis with a multitude of problems,
but renal failure had center ring. I went up
(to rural Minnesota) and stayed with my Dad
for 2 weeks. Then work beckoned and I had to
leave, so my spouse, Nancy, came up and
stayed with him for 3 weeks. Then it became
clear that this was going to be a longer haul,
so I went up and brought spouse, my
Dad, and my folks' 2 cats back with me. My
Dad stayed with us for a couple of months.
Everything is fine now. Mom is out of the
hospital, and Mom and Dad are back in their
own house.
- | became a reduction-in-workforce
at Motorola. After 17 years it seemed like a big
blow. But it turns out to be a big world after
all. I am now working again in private
practice with the intellectual property law
firm of Fitch, Even, Tabin & Flannery (http:// for those with inquiring
minds (though the present site is somewhat
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out of date and in the process of being updated
now) and having a splendid time. The work is
cool, I can work from home much of the time,
my partners are good people, and the pay is
improved. I came around to concluding that the
now-fading bootmark on my fanny actually
belonged to my guardian angel. That's the first
half of the year. I can't wait to see what the rest
of 2001 brings!
Steve Parmelee
As your records probably ref!ect′ !was one of
the original founding members ofthe Delta
Colony三 n1968。 My undergraduate degree was
in aerospace engineering and:graduated in
1971.:rnmediately after undergraduate′
recruited by!nland D市 ision of General Motors Dayton′ OH′ and!worked there for
three rnonths as a production/fac‖ :ties des:gn
engineer unt:│!was ca‖ ed to act:ve du、/aS a
second l:eutenant in the Arti‖ ery/UoS.Army。
:was stat:oned for a tourin
Atter training′
My wife, Jane (Purdue '74), and I and our three
boys (loe 15, Scott, 1B and lim 21) just got back
from vacation in California. We visited relatives
and toured Sequoia and Yosemite National
Parks. l'm a "film builder" at Kodak. The Max
Versatility Plus 800 film is my most recent
effort. Jane is the corporate nutritionist at
Wegmans Food Markets. Jim is working some
part-time jobs while developing his sports
memorabilia business. (Check e-Bay auctions
by fandrews8.) Scott is heading to Rochester
lnstitute of Technology to study lnformation
Technology. Joe is getting serious about Nordic
skiing to the extent that he is applying for a
foreign exchange slot in Norway.
Ron Andrews (CME)
Europe′ and then!returned to General Motors
for approx:rnately f:ve years do:ng design and
build of iarge― scale manufactu百 ng facilijes.!n
1277′ :wentto law school atthe Univers:ty of
Puget sOund in ttacoma′
graduated frorll there:n1980 and took the
VVashington state bar exarnination in the
surnrner of 1 980.Fortunate!y l passed it on the
first try.:have now been practicing lavv for 21
years′ mosJy in the area of products l:abinty′
complex litigat:on and catastrophic loss cases
and excess insurance coverage disputes′
usua‖ y
:nvolving construction or products.l usua‖ y
defend the rnanufacturer or indivldual engineer/
designer Or construction company and
50metimes the excess insurance carriero As to
my present!aw firrn′ :am the founding rTlember
of C)′ Su‖
:van&Blotch′ PLLC of Seattle′
My wife′ Anne′ is an information technology
I have my own business and have had it since
1997. I am working as a consultant, primarily in
the area of Architecture Framework and
principally to departments of the US Covern-
ment, i.e., Department of Defense, Department
of Treasury, etc. While the Architecture
Framework area is required by Congress in the
Clinger Cohen Act, its application to commercial enterprise is equally significant. ln general,
the work that I do embraces the integration of
Systems Architecting, Systems Engineering and
Simulation Based Design for complex system of
specialist who is also a cPA/CMA atA丁 &丁
VV:reless headquarters:n Redmond′ Washing―
ton.Our son′ ,osh′ iust graduated from
Rensselaer Polytechn:c!nstitute in May ofthis
year with a degree in computer sc:ence.He is
presently an Ensign in training at the Service
United States Navy′ Newport′
R:.And yes′ ,osh Was accepted to Rose―
Hulrnan′ but when he 80t a larger scholarsh:p
Warfare School′
fbr hirn′ the
choice became very easy.As he pointed outto
me′ he wanted to go to″ his″ school′ not dad′ s
offered to hirn at Rensselaer′
school.As to other family maters′
,Ohn′ a retired Air Force co!onel′
my brother′
iust became
On the home front, my oldest, Jordanne, just
got married the end of June, and we had a great
the Superintendent Of schools for Savannah′
party for family and friends. She and her
husband now live here in Cleveland, and we
get a chance to see her on a regular basis. My
second, jacqueline, has graduated from high
school and will be attending the University of
Chicago. She will be studying Biology with her
intention to do research. My
third, Alexandra, is entering 8th
grade and keeping my wife,
Lisa, and I company in a house
suddenly partially depleted of
noise, music and the sounds of
children. Lisa (St. Mary's
graduate) is working as a
Marketing Manager opening a
new assisted living facility here
in Cleveland.
,ay D.0′ Sullivan(AE)
GA.:hope his book is 10ng enough.丁 ake care.
PS Please note that rny new bus:ness e―
address is iay.osu‖
is the eィ na‖
ivan(フosu‖ iVanblotchocom。
address:usua‖ y use.
Best regards,
Collins (AE)
Rob Wallace, ME '96, enjoyed the
Summer Olympics, snorkeling and
hiking while working for Qantas
Airways in Sydney, Australiu.
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How was Hucky enough to be one ofthe″
selected″ graduate brothers on this 1 0‑page list?Anyway′
!own and operate an adult entettainment establishment
in Atlanta.You rnay have heard ofit as it has recently been in the news for funne‖
ng rnoney to the mob.My attorneys have advised me to not discuss that
wh‖ e the case is st:‖ pending.:arn currently the starting left cornerback for the Caro‖ na Pantherso We are in camp now′ 50 1 may have to run very shortly,:
recently inished medical school wh‖ e taking law classes at n:ghto l passed the NC bar and iust bOught the largest practice in Chariotte.丁 hat keeps me prety
busy′ butl su‖ 輌
nd lme fOr the volunteertri,3tO Serve as a doctorin the remote pans Of so Af百
cao My life is prew standard reaily.Let me know how
everyone else is doing。 :may tty my personallet back to Homecoming ifthe tter百 ble Haute airpott can handle ns sizeo Peace and chicken grease.
Cra:g Holder(ME′ 97)
Here is an oveⅣ iew ofsome lnteresting things 80ing on in my life:
VVh‖ e at MiPS′ !was the product manager forthe fastest rn:croprofeSSOr:n the world atthe tirneo l did not devё
world― class engineers with whom l was priv‖
lop it― that
wasdOne by a large tearn of
egedto worko l did help define the feature requirements and bring the product to rTlarket with severai large
OEM partnerso Atterア years:n the chip industry′ !let the fu‖ ―
tirne working world to pursue my MBA at Stanford in 91‑93.:′ ve been a resident ofthe Bay
Area since then work:ng for S‖ icon Graphi(s′ then (ye5′ ̲l fe‖ prey to the lure of dotocom fame and fortune)′ and Currently PolySeⅣ e′ a Berkeley―
baS,l maker ofseⅣ er and storage sottwarcti′ m currentlyithe Sro Director Of Product Marketing for PolySeⅣ
e and am really en,Oying working for a hard― core
product and technology―based company once more.│′ rTl engaged to Donna Passaglia′ alovely womanl met wh‖ e at SC〕 !.VVe both live:n San Francisco and
are en,oying City lifeo We iike tO go hiking in the area and snowboarding in ttahoe.:′
ve also traveled pretty extensively in northern Europe and southeast Asia
Sweden..。 )My Rho Phi brothers circa′ 84w:│l perhaps recall my affinity for playing the pianoo Since
(my faVO百 te home away from hOme is Gothenberg′
Rose′ ve played in three bands overthe years and arTl currently playing keyboards with the Model C:tizens′
an 80′ s cover band that:forrlled along with
some classrllates fronl Stanford Business School.:hope an the Rho Phi brothers are doing we‖
ca‖ /email:f you′ re corlling to the Bay Area and we′
meet up for an Anchor Steam(that′ S a local micro― brew...)
Steve Proffitt′ (EE′ 84)
We need yOUr Email AddreSS!
lf we do not have your email address, you are missing out on a lot. Since we have almost 600 email addresses (representing all but 100 graduates),
a lot of graduate communication is done electronically. For instance, if we have your current address, you have received periodic updated address/
phone books formatted in Microsoft,Excel. These phone books have phone numbers, addresses and email addresses of Rho Phi brothers sorted
alphabetically and by class. Additionally, a graduate listserv keeps you up to date on chapter, graduate and school information. Don't worry; it is
secure. The listserv is set up to prevent anyone from entering the list without permission, and email addresses cannot be downloaded from the list.
We hate iunk email as much as you. Take a minute to send us your address so that you can be added to the list. Thanks in advance with your help
with the project. - Joe - Perge!
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Fall 2001 newsletter of the Rho Phi chapter at Rose-Hulman. This newsletter is eight pages.