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2001 Fall Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Tech)
Fall 2001 newsletter for the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech. The newsletter is 5 pages in length.
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Rho Alpha
Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University
2001 Fall Newsletter Rho Alpha (Virginia Tech)
ginia Tech's Rho Alpha Chapter
2001 Newsletter
This Issue:
Graduate Updates:
State Of Chapter:
Pig Dinner Status:
Local Graduate info:
Homecoming Brief:
Graduate Update
As our summer winds down, we prepare
for the long winter full of work. At the same time,
our chapter is preparing for a new school year,
full of challenges. A new cabinet will be taking
over the reins of the undergraduate chapter, and it
is our duty to support them. In this spirit, the
Graduate Association has made the following initiatives.
A new committee has been created to
assist the undergraduate chapter in its planning of
the Norris Pig Dinner. The upcoming Pig Dinner
will be the chapter's 30lh, and we have created this
committee to make sure that this year's Pig Dinner will be one to enjoy and remember. However,
this is a permanent committee, and will provide
continuing support to the chapter. Brother Pete
McDevitt has volunteered to head this committee,
but I encourage all interested brothers to take
part. Please feel free to contact Brother McDevitt
( if you are interested in helping
Additionally, the Graduate Association
is pursuing the creation of another annual scholarship award. Currently, brothers achieving outstanding academic performance are eligible for an
award from our chapter's scholarship fund.
by House Corp. President Glenn Kinnear
by President Christopher Almond
by Graduate Relations Chair Cory Curtin
By Purple Legionnaire Brent Holoviak
by Graduate Brother Dan Chen
However, there are many brothers who provide outstanding service to the chapter, but are unable to
meet the qualifications for the current scholarship
award. This new 'Chapter Service Scholarship'
would reward such brothers for their hard work.
There would still remain certain academic requirements, but the primary focus of the new scholarship
would be chapter service and financial need. This
new scholarship award will be finalized at the upcoming Graduate Association meeting at Homecoming. Again I encourage all interested brothers to attend the meeting.
As one final note, I'd like to remind all
brothers that the term of office for the Graduate Association Officers is coming to a close. Elections for
the next two year term will be held Pig Dinner
weekend. If you're interested in continuing support
of our chapter, start thinking about running for office, or talk to Brother Jeff Scattergood about becoming an appointed advisor.
Glenn Kinnear
House Corporation President
Beta Gamma ('94)
\r\nState of the Chapter
| Brothers,
April was a busy month for our chapI ter. I want to thank all of you who attended Pig
Dinner. I felt like it was a big success. I enI joyed meeting more brothers that have all sorts
1 of stories to tell about your times here. I hope
you all enjoyed it because we are already starting to look at dates for next year. We will be
sure to keep you updated about that. If you
have any suggestions or comments, please let
me know (calmond@vtedii). Also, in the beginning of April, most of the brothers and almost all of the pledges took a trip to the FIJI
Islander at Georgia Tech. It was a lot of fun
and their Islander was incredible.
This spring our pledge class did very well, and
we would like to congratulate our five newest
Brothers from the Beta Psi pledge class: Ryan
Cavey, Kris Dugger, Jimmy McKittrick, Jason
Miller, and Jordan Wood. These Brothers were
initiated May 2. We are very proud to welcome
them as a part of Phi Gamma Delta.
The chapter, as a whole, also closed out the
year very well. Once again, we were recognized by the InterFraternity Council for outstanding scholarship for both our chapter and
our new members. The chapter tone is very
high, and we were number one in grades once
again. I would also like to congratulate Brothers Brandon, Budicak, Burger, Chen,
Fitzsimmons, Gravatt, McMurrer, and Reisig
on graduating.
We wish them luck as they continue in the
workplace or graduate/law school. We are
going to miss them, but we are hoping to
have a strong rush next fall and spring and
gain more gentlemen of quality.
Our goal as a chapter is to have fifteen
pledges over the next academic year. We
know rliis done, and we are working
towards this goal. The InterFraternity
Council is starting Rush on September 10,
and we would be very appreciative if any
of the Graduate Brothers could come down
during that time for the Rush events. It
would make a good impression on the
Rushees if they could see a lot of the brothers attending these events and get a
glimpse of the brotherhood after graduation. Please consider coming down during
the middle of September and get in touch
with me if you can. Also, the date for Islander is September 14, so if you are interested in coming down, just let us know.
Chris Almond
President of Rho Alpha Chapter
To contact anyone featured in this newsletter please contact the FIJI house @ (540)552.3047 Or check us nut on
the graduate web site @ or ungraduate site @ sensitive)
2002 Annual Frank Norris
Pig Dinner:
Brothers this year Pig Dinner will be held at
Ramada Inn on April 20th, 2002. The undergraduate brothers would be extremely
pleased to have all of our many graduates
attend this our 30* Norris Pig Dinner. We
have been diligently planning and we are
hoping to make this our best one yet. We are
planning to have all the same great events,
which have become ritual to this weekend
including the graduate party on Friday night
and the backyard BBQ on Saturday, and
even the grad v. undergrad football game on
Sunday. Hopefully, we will be adding some
new events such as a tour of our beloved
campus, which has changed quite a bit since
you have all been here even if you just left.
Also a Saturday brunch for our lovely dates,
wives and children, while we hold our House
Corporation meeting. Along with planning
the events this year we are also trying to get
some information to you early. Included in
this newsletter will be a self addressed post
card with a couple of questions involving Pig
Dinner, whether you are interested in coming
this year and if so the amount of T-shirts and
glassware you would like. The pictures below are similar to glassware we will be getting, and the prices are listed below.
This is not an invitation; this is inly a supplement to the Pig Dinner invitation that will be
coming to you sometime in early January.
Also, this will help to minimize the amount
of wrong addresses we encountered last year.
There will hopefully be an electric copy of
this postcard going out to you so please forward it along to brothers who might not get
information we send out. We hope this
newsletter reaches you in good health, and
we look forward to hearing from you.
Cory Curtin
Graduate Relations Chair
Executive Glass w/ silver trim:
Tumbler Glass w silver trim:
Price: $#each ; $lbtogether
$14 per person
Not shown to scale
To contact anyone featured in this newsletter please contact the FIJI house @ (540)552.3047 Or check us out on
the graduate web site @ or ungraduate site @ (case sensitive)
\r\nLocal Graduate and Homecoming Info
Homecoming Brief
Purple Legionnaire Address
Another year has started at Tech bringing with
it new challenges both fraternal and academic.
Rush is foremost in all our minds to introduce
young men to Phi Gamma Delta. This year has
great promise with a given strength of having
the most local graduate support to be around in
recent years. There are 10 graduates within the
Blacksburg area, five of which are pursuing
post graduate work. Many other recent grads
are furthering there education in the field of law
and we wish them the best of luck.
More houses have been added to special purpose housing, moving more and more of
the Greek System to campus. With new houses
brings higher standards of fraternity living. To
compete with the "new and shinny" we need to
be able to update our house to better than average standards i.e. kitchen cabinet replacements.
The brothers want to show off the benefits of
off campus fraternity living and can use what
ever support possible to achieve this goal.
The undergraduate chapter Jooks forward to this the 30th Pig Dinner a^pd enjoying
the air of brotherhood.
Homecoming is once again upon us. This year,
we hope to attract more grads to come back to
Blacksburg and see why Phi Gamma Delta is
"Not for College Days Alone". The graduates
and undergraduates are working hard to create
a great homecoming for our graduate brothers.
Activities will include a bar night at Champs
sports bar the night before the game as well as a
tailgate the day of. This year we have acquired
two tailgate spots for brothers enjoyment, and
there will be plenty of food and beverages for
everyone. For tickets to this year's game, please
contact the chapter. We look forward to seeing
as many of you there as possible. Best wishes.
Daniel Chen
Class '01
Brent Holoviak
Purple Legionnaire Rho Alpha Chapter
you Jbzow
To contact anyone featured in this newsletter please contact the FIJI house @ (540)552.3047 Or check us out on
the graduate web site @ or ungraduate site @ (case sensitive)
\r\nFiji House
202 Church St.
Blacksburg, Va. 24060
I S 9 9 » f. T I 0
C O l L t C T I N C
Dana W. Hesse
9531 Kings Grant Road
Laurel, MD 20723
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Fall 2001 newsletter for the Rho Alpha chapter at Virginia Tech. The newsletter is 5 pages in length.