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2001 Fall Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
Fall 2001 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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Indiana University
2001 Fall Newsletter Zeta (Indiana University)
THE Hoosier Fm
Published by Zeta Chapter of the
Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at Indiana University
FALL 2001
(The following tribute was presented
at a special service at the lU Musical
Arts Center on September 19. 2001.)
Born April 13, 1939, in North
Vernon. IN, Jerry Frederick Tardy was
the son of Medney E. and Marian H.
Tardy. His family moved to Columbus,
IN in 1943 and to Bloomington in 1949.
the Oscar-winning movie Breaking
Avav. For years, Jerry drove the pace
car for the Little 500, as he did in the
the Campaign for Indiana, a $203 mil
lion fund-raising project.
On Jan. 1, 1987, Jerry succeeded
Film. In the 1980s, he was in charge of
planning for the Bill Armstrong Sta
dium, home of the lU varsity soccer
Association, which serves lU alumni
team and site for the Little 500 race
of more than five decades, the associa
each April.
After his graduation from ID, Jerry
tion has had only three directors:
Claude Rich (1948-68), Jones (196886), and Jerry Tardy (1987-2001).
When the lUAA adopted a new organi
Frank B. Jones as head of the Alumni
from all eight campuses. Over the span
In 1957 Jerry graduated from Bloom
ington High School, where he lettered
served as a first lieutenant in the U.S.
in football, baseball and basketball.
Air Force, becoming a certified meteo
A 1962 graduate of lU, as a student
Jerry was a member of Phi Gamma
Delta Fraternity and the Student Foun
rologist. He returned to the university
zational structure in 2000, Jerry's title
in 1968.
changed to president and chief execu
tive officer.
years, he was selected for the Idttle 500
In 1969 and 1970, he worked as
director of constituent societies at the
lU Alumni Association. He filled sev
At the end of 1986, membership in
the Alumni Association stood at
Riders" All-Star team.
eral posts at the lU Foundation from
In 1978 he helped negotiate the
contract with 20th Centur>- Fox for the
Little 500 bicycle race's appearance in
slightly more than 62,000. It rose to
1970 to 1987. In 1983 he was named
more than 100,000 in early 2001, plac
vice president for development, and in
ing the lUAA in the top five in the
1985, he became executive director of
{continued on page 4)
dation. A Little 500 rider for three
Zeta Pledges Outstanding Class
Rush for Phi Gamma Delta has
traditionally been a two-semester
process that involves every brother
searching for the smartest, most
athletic future leaders who choose to
attend Indiana University. Our
initiated members search for fresh
men who will help our house
continue its tradition of excellence in
eveiy aspect of college life on and off
This past year was very successful!
In order to have an effective rush, the
Zeta Chapter has traditionally hosted
two spring rush weekends, followed
by two summer rush weekends. These
foui lush weekends enable our rush
chairmen and other brothers who
contiibute to the distribution of bids,
an oppoitunity to get to know each
rush candidate who comes through the
Fiji house.
,As a result of our rush weekends.
phone conversations and dinner meet
ings, Zeta Chapter obtained 27 of the
highest caliber men from all over the
With the help of our scholarship
chairmen, the freshmen are studying
to way up in Alaska, the Fiji house is
each day in pursuit of high GPAs. They
will hopefully contribute to the strong
Fiji, all-campus GPA ranking (which
proud of its new freshmen class and
looks forward to seeing each become a
we won again last semester).
The new pledge class also has a his
brother in Phi Gamma Delta.
tory of sports skills which are hard to
compare to other classes. Intramurals,
another aspect of college life we Fijis
pride ourselves on, should bevery com
nation. From St. Louis to Indianapolis
Each individual in the pledge class
has many attributes and is expected to
continue the long-lasting tradition of
superior grades, intramural champion
petitive this year. Currently, the pledge
class of 2005 is winning softball games
Currently, a few freshmen are riding
left and right! The sports background
with the brothers in order for a chance
of each individual pledge will
to qualify to ride for our team in the
Men's Little 500 (a strong and long
standing tradition).
The Fiji house is now also home to
many valedictorians obtained through
rush, not to mention that almost every
pledge was at the top of his class at the
tradition of winning the overall cam
pus championship next spring.
It is exciting to already see the broth
erhood that exists in the pledge class of
2005. The future looks good for Zeta
end of his senior vear!
hopefully continue the Fiji intramural
Fijis at lU!
Brian ''Setzer " O 'NeiU "04
\r\nPage 2
Fall 2001
Fiji Claims Pole, Falls Short in Race
The 51st running of the Indiana
University Men's Little 500 took place
on April 21, 2001, and proved to be a
historical one for Zeta Fiji cyclists.
Having secured the pole position with
a highly qualified team, expectations
were high amongst the "Purple Haze"
on race day.
All of the lU Fijis expected to
the team was the annual trip to
Gainesville, FL, over spring break for
one week of intense training and a
stay at the Residence Inn.
Several accomplishments should be
noted about this year's team. First, we
took the pole position with a time
the Little 500 season. "Sy"" Cornelius
was named an "All-Star Rider" by
the lU Student Foundation at the
conclusion of the season.
more than 3 seconds ahead of the rest
of the field. Second, we had five riders
A 13th-place finish in the 51st race
was certainly an unlucky number for
this team. However, our sights are set
high once again for 2002 with an
appropriate goal of winning the 52nd
celebrate with the team on the
place in the top 15 at Individual
winner's podium by the end of the
day. However, our luck turned sour
during the early stages of the race,
Time Trials. Third, three Zeta riders
with wrecks, broken chains and penal
ties plaguing our efforts to get back
into the race. A disappointing 13th
place is where we stood at the end of
the day, but the entire Zeta crowd,
never lacking in numbers or enthusi
placed in the top 15 of "Miss-N-Out"
competition; and lastly, a Fiji earned a
second-place finish in the series event
"North" Nierengarten was elected
Riders Council vice president and
spoke for all of the riders throughout
Many thanks to Zeta graduate
brothers and "Fiji Bike Boosters'" for
all the help you provided in making
this Little 500 experience truly great
for your Phi Gam riders.
Hope to see you on race day, April
20, 2002!
Andrew "Buddy" Wilson '02
asm, cheered our team even in defeat.
The team this year consisted of
Todd "Sy" Cornelius '01, Mikey
"North" Nierengarten '02, Sam
"Lotto" Blossom '02, Adam "Cam"
Shields '03. Brian "Setzer" O'Neill
"04 and Andrew "Buddy'" Wilson "02.
Once again we had the assistance of
Troy "Blades"' Lewis "80. our coach,
and we can't forget the numerous
other graduate brothers who assisted
us throughout the year in many differ
ent ways.
I he Fiji team s year was high
lighted by a trip to Del Mar. CA,
over Christmas break for one week of
training in perfect weather and amaz
ing scenery. Another bright spot for
Zeta Fijis at this year's Little 500
The Hoosier Fiji is published by
the brothers of the Fraternity of Phi
Introducing the Class of2005
Gamma Delta at Indiana University
tor members and friends.
Take an e.xtra minute now to up
date your former classmates on your
life since leaving lU. The interest
is two-way: just as you arc interested
in their busy lives, they are interested
in yours.
Graduate news items. ph(Uographs
and change of address notices should
be sent to Zeta Chapter of Piii
Andy Almond
Oliver Ayres
.larod Brown
Andrew Daugherty
Matt Davis
Malt Feldman
Nathan Ciraeser
Ben Havens
fjilmore l iaynie
Gamma [Delta, c/o Newsletter Pro
Brian Hinds
gram Headquarters. P.O. Ifox 1311.
[frendy Lange
Bloominmon. IN 47402-131 1.
Scott Kcnnev
Matt Sowder
David Hyatt
Ted Lohman
Port Wayne
Plain field
Drew Moore
Bedford, MA
Fort Wayne
Rob Nation
Chesterfield, MO
Mike Schulte
.lason Sondhi
Steve Spencer
[fient Spitzer
Mike Sweitzer
Chesterfield. MS
Andrew Remak
Mike fhompson
iTc/c()ii?e to Zeta Chapter!
\r\nFall 2001
Page 3
Zeta Chapter Graduate News
J. Scott Avery '75 sends this news.
"Susan (Ball State) and / are the
proud parents of a new daughter.
Claire Elizabeth, horn on November
3. 2001). " They have two older chil
dren, .lohn, 15, and Abby, 13.
"Skitz" is a CPA at Account for
Yourself. He adds, ".lust as Zeta pro
vided a sense of belonging to a small
community of individuals committed
to excellence while attending a large
university, so too has continued
association with the broader commu
nity of brothers. After graduation.
Zeta continues to provide me a source
of pride and desire to contribute my
best to all endeavors /pursue. "
Renew your friendship with Skitz
by writing to 7415 Grandview Dr.,
Indianapolis, IN 46260.
month. The band website is at irnnt'. I got over
my stage fright through events like
Fiji Flashback and lU Sing! Ifyou 're
in Minneapolis, look me up! "
Hoover, who enjoys golf and camp
ing, can be found at 4833 12th Ave.
S., Minneapolis, MN 55417.
Robert A. Long '68 writes, "Last
year. / iim honored to be inducted
into the American College of Trial
Lawyers. / recently completed a term
as the managing
partner of the
Los Angeles of
fice of Latham &
Watkins. I am still
in active practice,
but splitting my
Tony George '49 writes of Fiji, "It is
one ofthe greatest things in our lives.
/ encourage all brothers to include
homes in Pasa
dena. CA. and
Zeta or the Beechwood Educational
Foundation in their wills or estates. "
Mountain in the Eastern Sierra
Nevada Mountains. "
Contact Tony at Lake Heather Cir.,
Saint .lames City, FL 33956.
Dennis D. Anglin '62, now retired,
enjoys tennis. He and his wife, Flory
(St. Mary's), can be reached at 253
Virginia A\e., San Mateo, CA 94402.
William J, Otteson '92 is an attorney
at the law firm of Greene Espel,
near Mammoth
"Oblong" has served on the Board
of Governors of the Association
of Business Trial Lawyers of Los
Angeles and is a member of the Los
Angeles County and American bar
associations. He has appeared as a
speaker panelist for bar programs
dealing with professional liability,
procurement law and business
litigation issues.
and his wife, Liz (Wisconsin AcD), is
a high school teacher. "Hoover" is a
Brother Long serves on the board
of directors of World Impact, Inc. and
member of the American and Minne
sota Bar associations. I le earned a .ID
Irom the Universitv of Minnesota in
the Crescenta-Canada YMCA, the
boards of trustees of the San Fran
Hoover writes, "/ play guitar in a
bluegrass bcnid ccdled Free Range
Pickin'. We gig a couple of times a
cisco Theological Seminary and Town
Hall Los Angeles, and the Board of
Visitors of the lU School of Law.
and Tyler. Oblong enjoys bicycling,
skiing, backpacking and collecting
wine. He adds, "7 had a rich educa
tional experience at Indiana but
learned my most important lessons at
Zeta: how to lead, /row to follow and
how to join hands and produce some
thing grander in collaboration than
any ofus couldproduce individually. "
Write to Oblong at 1471 Arroyo
View Dr., Pasadena, CA 91103.
Michael G. Evans '51 is owner and
president of a corporate benefit plans
consulting firm. He has two children,
Michael and Becky.
He writes of Fiji, "7 gained the
ability to understand and strive for
excellence coming from a group of
fellows at Ill's Zeta Chapter. "
Michael enjoys traveling, music
and exercising. Catch up with him at
12900 Preston Rd. Ste. 920, Dallas,
TX 75230.
Fiji Gallery
Oak Hall at Beechwood has
been converted to a gallery featur
ing class composites dating back
to 1949. Class composites will be
added each year so all visiting
graduates can view all classes
passing through Zeta Chapter.
But we need your help! If you
have a composite from the follow
He and his wife, Susan (KKT), a
ing graduation years: 1950, 1951,
consultant, have two children, Travis
1954, 1955, 1964, 1966, 1981,
1984, 1986, 1987 or 1988, please
Zeta Chapter Officers
Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
loseph "Flash" Frank "02
Justin "Bouchet" Padgett "02
Greg "Moe" Berman '02
Keith "Hell Fire" Hancock '02
Mike "North" Nierengarten '02
make a copy of it at Kinko's for
$1 and send it to: Tom Frank, 757
Eden Woods PL, Carmel, IN
46033. You may also contact
Tom via e-mail at tfrank(rT
Thank vou for vour assistance.
\r\nPage 4
Fall 2001
More News from Zeta Graduates
W. Henderson #3, Chicago, IL 60657.
Craig Byron '97 sends this update, "/
am currently working on a graduate
degree in biological anthropology at
Kent State University. As a biological
anthropologist, I
study evolution
ary biology and
specifically of
Mark D. Hedges '79 is director of
sales at Ferro Corp. He is a member of
the Society of Plastic Engineers and
the Chamber of Commerce. "Wedgie"
enjoys golf (16-plus handicap) and
exercising. He has two children,
Ashley, 14, and Drew, 8.
Drop a line to Wedgie at 3501 Key
stone Hills Dr., Evansville, IN 4771 1.
Kenya collecting
primate fossils
and this past
Robert R. Wylie '61, a physician,
tells us, "I am out ofretirementfor the
"I have had some medical prob
lems (coronary stents put in), but I
now seem to be doing well. "
"Walls" (a.k.a. "Bullet") is a mem
ber of the YMCA, Rotary, Elks and
American Legion. He enjoys fishing,
puzzles, reading and traveling. He
adds, "The study habits developed and
emphasis on scholarship at Zeta were
monumental in paving the road to my
becoming a physician. "
He and his wife, Nancy (Butler
AXQ), make their home at 2806 Saint
Remy Cir., Bloomington, IN 47401.
third time and now work 25 hours a
January, I spent time in Vietnam col
lecting observational data on living
leaf monkeys that occupy Southeast
Asian forests. In addition to taking
classes and publishing research. I am
also teaching undergraduate level
week at General Motors Powertrain
James R. Stanbrough '79 is manager of
Division plant in Bedford. I commute
Monday through Friday.
"I have been marriedfor almost 3 7
years and have two great daughters
sales at Delta Dental. He and his wife,
courses in anthropology. "
graduates. One is an accountant and
the other is an executive chef.
When he wrote to us earlier this
(Jodie and Richelle), both lU Pi Phi
Marta (Purdue KKT), have three chil
dren, Jake, 8, Johnny, 7, and Megan, 3.
"BRD" is basketball commissioner for
the Carmel Dads Club and enjoys golf
and coaching. Contact him at 12958
Limberlost Dr., Carmel, IN 46033.
year, Craig planned to be married in
the summer. Brothers can contact
Craig at 1002 Lake St. #H-400, Kent,
OH 44240 or cbyronf^
{continuedfrom page I)
country. The association serves more
holes-in-one to his credit.
than 448,000 alumni around the world.
For three years early in the 1990s,
A goal Jerry set for himself on be
Jerry chaired the lU United Way Cam
paign, receiving from the United Way
coming alumni director was achieved
in 1997, when the Virgil T. DeVault
of Monroe County its 1992 Mary
Alumni Center opened. Tardy spear
Alice Gray Memorial Award. lU
headed a drive that raised more than
President John W. Ryan presented him
$5 million in private funds. An exist
with the President's Citation in 1987.
ing limestone structure, built in 1963,
and lU President Thomas Ehrlich hon
was renovated and refurbished, and for
ored him with the Thomas Hart
Francis E. "Jeff Wylie '28 retired
as director of public relations at MIT.
He participates in conservation activi
ties and enjoys gardening. Jeff has two
sons, David and Richard.
Renewthe bonds of Fiji by writing to
Jeffat2 Merrill St.,Hingham, MA02043.
JackW. Lenox '78, an OB-GYN, and
the first time alumni had their own home.
his wife, Christy (KKT), have three
Increased student programming
Survivors include his wife, Laura
clxldren, Jessica, 17, Matthew, 16, and
was another hallmark of his tenure.
in, 13. "Lester" enjoys skiing, golf
He added student representatives from
all eight campuses to the association's
Loudenback Tardy; two stepsons,
Andrew Mingerand Geoffrey Minger,
He writes, "The Fiji house made a
large, impersonal school seem much
smaller. I would like to have a reunion
Executive Council. Under his direc
tion, the association sponsored the
men's student a cappella group.
Straight No Chaser, in October 1998.
A women's counterpart. Ladies First,
with the pledge class of 1974 ASAP!"
Help Lester plan a reunion by writ
ing to jcmacoTi) or 1417
came under the aegis of the associa
Brown Hills Rd., Rockford, IL 61 107.
tion in 1999.
Joshua M. Storm '96 is senior art
Jerry served on numerous univer
sity task forces, the latest being the
director at The Marketing Store, and
his wife, Amy (Iowa State Fd^B). is an
interior designer.
'"Turbo" has a new address, 1228
search committee for the new athlet
ics director. He was a director of the
lU Foundation and the IIJ Varsity
Club. An avid golfer, he had two
Benton Mural Medallion in 1994.
both at home; two brothers, M.
Eugene "Gene" Tardy, M.D., of Oak
Park, IE, and Richard N. "Dick"
Tardy, of Salem, IN; and a sister,
Suzanne "Susie" Tardy Maxwell, of
The family requests memorial con
tributions be made to lU Foundation
Urologic Cancer Research, lU Cancer
Center, Long 506, P.O. Box 67, India
napolis, IN 46209-8763.
*A special annual award will be
given to an outstanding senior bike
rider in Jerry Iardy 's memorv.
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Fall 2001 newsletter for the Zeta chapter at Indiana University. The newsletter is four pages in length.