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2001 February Newsletter Gamma Deuteron (Knox College)
February 2001 newsletter for the Gamma Deuteron chapter at Knox College. The newsletter is three pages in length.
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Gamma Deuteron
Knox College
2001 February Newsletter Gamma Deuteron (Knox College)
February 2001
Greetings and Salutations
Formal Rush - 2001
Winter Term Is Off To A Great Start
The Top Ten
Theo Giraldin
Corresponding Secretary
I'll bet you thought all the holiday cards and newsletters
had stopped flowing, didn't you? Well, here at the
Gamma Deuteron Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta, we
are neck-deep in winter term and things are going
great! Good news in academics, good news on the
home front, and good news about brotherhood makes
good news all around. Read on to find out how small
improvements in the house make a big difference in
pride, good grades help us hold on to our alcohol free
housing exemption, and also find out more about new
ideas and programs in the graduate relations
department. Last, but certainly not least. Winter means
more Pledges!
Keep Yours Eyes Pealed:
In coming issues of GD-FIJI NEWS you will find info on this
years Pig Dinner, date to be announced soon!
Inside This Issue
Greetings and Salutations
Formal Rush - 2001
Formal Rush went very well this year as we made a
few slight changes and improvements from recent
traditions. Our first hurdle was being faced with less
than desirable rush dates. As you may know, each
chapter on campus draws rush dates through a
basic lottery. There are five houses, and five rush
events each week of the two week, formal rush
process, it seemed to be just bad luck when we
ended up with back to back dates; the last one of
the first week and the first one of the second week.
When life gives you lemons, you just have to make
The chapter really pulled together. We
brainstormed on ideas to make formal rush more
exciting, with more prizes and it turned out to be a
great experience. Traditionally, our first rush event
has been the Fiji Olympics. This year we changed
the name to Fiji Tournament and made it a much
more interactive experience. Instead of having the
rushees, in groups, led by a brother, we let the
groups move from game to game and kept brothers
stationed at the games. This way more brothers
could meet and get to know the rushees.
The evening culminated with the traditional eating
contest. Many of the current brothers in the house
suddenly realized that this would be the first eating
contest without Brother Kit Kelly '00. He reportedly
it's the little things...
Good Grades for GD Fijis
Calling All Grads!
Continued on Page 2
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It's The Little Things...
Recent House Improvements Have Helped a Lot
It's been 80 years and counting for Gamma Deuteron's
Castle. All together, she is holding up pretty well, but
her age is showing. Recently, a few small cosmetic
improvements have made all the difference for the
Several weeks ago, right before rush in fact, several
brothers were sitting around, thinking about the state of
affairs in the house. They noticed that pride in the
house had slumped a little. While the brotherhood
remains strong, the house didn't seem to attract guys
over to hang out and get together. We had all of the
essentials, big screen TV, pool table, foosball. What
could be the matter? They realized that the house had
gotten a little dirty over the last few months, things
were picked up, but it wasn't really clean. Most of all, if
you did come over to hang out at the house, there was
pretty much only one place to do it. The main floor.
The basement was a dark dingy place, it had the
laundry room and that was about it. Well, a little
inspiration and some creativity turned all this around.
For the basement:
Continued From Page 1
swept the contest all 4 years of his Knox career.
Needless to say, his skill was missed. Later, prizes
were handed out and it was then time for us to get
ready for the next event.
Staying with tradition, the second rush event was Fiji
Casino. Everyone in the house, from the brothers to
the rushees, felt like a high roller that night. With over
30 rushees in attendance, the Fiji Bucks ranged in the
hundreds of millions. Traditional games such as
blackjack, poker, and craps were the staple, however
this years addition of video gaming on the big screen
TV proved to be a success as well. Almost everyone
was able to come away with a prize of some sort.
As usual, this year's Casino ended the traditional way.
Several brothers played the infamous hand of poker..
.only one getting to try out new hairstyles on the rest.
Brother Dan Ligon '03 was victorious this year. With a
stroke of creativity that brought good laughs for ail, he
shaved his name, one letter each, on the back of his
opponents heads.
Purple spirit shined through this year as it always has,
and formal rush yielded the best ten freshmen on this
campus. These men show a lot of promise and seem
to be an excellent addition to the chapter.
First, we bought new, leather couches. Then, we
purchased two new electronic dart boards. Next, we
replaced all the ceiling tiles. After that, a new surround
sound speaker system was installed and a reciever/cd
player wired up. We got some bar stools for the bar.
Using old paddles, we decorated the front of the bar.
In no particular order:
Graham Lambert, Watertown MA
Tom Kanger, Bridgman Ml
Matt Forman, Buffalo Grove IL
Behind the bar, we hung the Phi Gamma Delta 150"^
Tom Neagle, Charlotte NC
anniversary flag, flanked with a couple of paddles as
well. To top it off, the flag is illuminated by some nice
track lighting. Finally, we had the carpets down there
as well as on the main floor professionally steam
Sean Tedrick, Sterling IL
Luke Denoma, Lake Villa IL
Nick Benedict, Knoxville IL
Courtney Brown, Jenks OK
Andy Zehr, Peoria IL
Bob Heller, St. Louis MO
Now the house is a fun, clean, enjoyable place to hang
out with friends and brothers. With all of its patriotic
atmosphere, the basement provides a wonderful place
for hanging out and socializing on the weekends, but is
also equally inviting to mid-week study groups and
brothers who want a place to do homework. A big
thank you to all of the brothers who helped with some
aspect of this large project. It was a job well done!!!
Thanks a Ton to Our Pledges:
We couldn't have got this newsletter out without the help of
the pledge class. Great Job guys!!!
\r\nGood Grades for GD Fijis
Calling All Grads!
High marks make reason for merriment
We want you!I!
With our alcohol free housing exemption hanging
In the balance, now more than ever Scholarship
We know Gamma Deuteron Is a great chapter, and It will
remain the best In our hearts. But one aspect of
Fraternity life seems to have slipped away from this
chapter, and that Is Graduate Reiations. Where have all
our graduates gone? Of the nearly 700 known, living.
Gamma Deuteron Graduates, less than 10 percent have
contact with the chapter on at least an annual basis!!!
must come first. In order to maintain our 'wet'
status, we must match or beat the all fraternity
average, every single term. This exemption Is fairly
prestigious. Out of 107 chapter and 7 colonies, only
27 were granted an alcohol free housing
exemption. We had to stand up to rigorous
requirements to show that our chapter was worthy.
Yet again, the brothers of the undergraduate
chapter did their part by cracking the books,
attending study sessions, and keeping on top of
their schoolwork. And It paid off. Once again, the
Gamma Deuteron chapter asserted Its excellence
on the Knox College campus, rising to the top
position among fraternities. At press time, our
exact, final house GPA was not yet returned to us
by the school. However, the preliminary numbers
show us coming In with just over an astounding 3.0
GPA for the entire chapter In Fall Term.
Along with proving our excellence academically. In
order to keep our exemption we must make a
commitment to continuing education In the fields of
alcohol and drug addiction. Insurance, risk
management, and the legalities concerning alcohol
consumption from a fraternity perspective. To
accomplish this, we host a battery of speakers and
presenters ranging from faculty members to law
enforcement officials each year, so that these
Issues are fresh In the chapter's mind. By
maintaining this level of commitment and
perseverance, the chapter Is sure to remain top
notch condition as we continue to move into the 21®'
Chapter Address:
FIJI - Box 1735
Knox College
2 E. South Street
Galesburg, IL 61401
We, the current undergraduate chapter, feel that this Is a
travesty. Other than your names, we don't know
anything about you. This has prompted us to roll out a
whole new graduate relations program. We want to get
to know you. We want you to be a fundamental and
Integral part of this chapter's life. A task this big has got
to start somewhere, so we thought that communication
would be the best tool to begin with. You should expect
to see more mailings, Informationals, and newsletters as
well as bigger and better events In the near future.
To get this whole campaign kicked off, we would like the
same from you. Who are you? What do you do? Are you
married? Have kids? What was life at Knox College like
when you were here? What was FIJI life like when you
were here?
In conjunction with getting to know you, we want to know
what you want. To start the discussion off, we have a
few Ideas. Tell us Ifwe're on the right path or not. Do
you want to hear more news from the brothers who were
In chapter with you? Maybe we can help get you In
contact with a brother with whom you have lost touch.
Instead of paper mailings would you rather receive
emalllngs? We are ready and willing to offer all of these
programs If there Is any Interest! Is there something neat
that you would like to see offered that we haven't
thought of?
Why have you lost contact with and/or Interest In the
chapter? What can we do, as a chapter, to earn back
your Interest and/or Involvement?
Please send us your stories, your Ideas, your comments
and your criticisms. We want you!
All correspondence can be sent to the address at left.
ATTN: Corresponding Secretary
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February 2001 newsletter for the Gamma Deuteron chapter at Knox College. The newsletter is three pages in length.