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2001 June Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
June 2001 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.
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Gamma Phi
Pennsylvania State University
2001 June Newsletter Gamma Phi (Pennsylvania State University)
M6evtQ>ftw im
Gamma Phi of Phi Gamma Delta at The Pennsylvania State University
State College, Pa.• June 2001
Welcome back to the Lodge: A Note from the Editor
By Brian Stone '03, Corresponding Secretary and Nittany Fiji Editor
The weather has gotten
Revisit the Lodge during
warm, the ivy on the
Lodge Is turning green,
and the undergraduate
Homecoming 2001
Gamma Phi brothers are
PSU vs. Southern Mississippi
heading home alter complet
ing another successful
Marathon. This year, our
chapter contributed more
e.xample, while editing the
than $1 1,000 to the $3.6
mentioned that this was
million total.
Gamma Phi's first year ol
Camma Phi is getting
increasingly involved with
in\ olvement in THON,
not. Also, the names ol some
You will also find articles
graduate brothers were
misspelled on the Graduate
Voices pages. 1 apologize lor
represented Camma Phi in the
IFC and our participation in
Spring Weekend. II t'ou
missed th Frank Norris Pig
Council as one ot the top live
finalists lor the Omega Epsilon
Cup, an award lor the best
Dinner, you can read the
overall fraternitv' at Penn State.
We placed first in risk manage
ment, and were runners-up lor
This IS the second issue
both the House Aesthetic and
that I have edited lor the
Community Service awards.
house, and I am still learning
how to put together a newslet
In this issue ol the Nillany
Fiji, you can read about our
participation in the Dance
which it most certainly was
activities outside ol the house.
about the brothers who
In April, we were
honored by the Interfraternily
Dance Marathon article, I
these mistakes.
1 hope you enjoy reading
about your undergraduate
brothers and our busy
semester. II you would like to
contribute articles, oiler some
suggestions, or comment on
this issue ol the newsletter,
you may contact me at
ter. There were a lew inaccu, o""
racies in the lall issue. For
Reaching for the Cure:
The Lodge's Newest Addition
Gamma Phi Partieipates in
THON 2001
In this issue:
Some Fiji Facts you may
not have known
By Nicholas Chiappetta, Dance Marathon Chair
The annual IFC/Panhellenic Penn State
Dance Marathon took place on February'
16-18,and it was a huge success once
IM Sports Wrap-up
again. The largest student-run philanthropy in the
world set a new record this year, raising
$3,609,830.07 For the Hershey Medical Center.
More than $2 million ol'that sum was raised by
the Creek community'. 1 he theme this year was
"Within Reach " and since Dance Marathon has
donated over $17 million since 1977, we hope that
Gamma Phi and the
Greek Community
Undergrads and Alumni
Unite at Pig Dinner
the cure For pediatric cancer truly is within reach.
Continued on page 6
Richard Lace'38 (right) donated a new pool
table to the house in April; the brothers used it
frequently for study breaks during finals week.
Here, Brother Lace takes a break between games
during Pig Dinner weekend with his wife Martha
and grandson Brian Lace'02, who is currently an
undergraduate brother.
\r\nPage 2
June 2001
Gamma Phi: Around
Some Fiji Facts You May Not Fiave Known
By Ryan Lizardi '03, Historian
Weat the Gamma Phi chapter understand the importance
of keeping the knowledge of our founding and of our
fraternity's history fresh in our minds. It binds us
together as brothers, and gives us tremendous pinde. Brothers of Phi
Gamma Delta have impacted this country' in every walk of life, and
we owe it to them to remember the wonderful things they have
accomplished. As historian, I thought that there was no better way to
keep the memories and events of our fraternity fresh in our minds
than by giving our chapter brothers fun Fiji facts about what has
happened m the histoty of this great organization. It turned out to be
a success, and the Gamma Phi brothers look forward to new facts.
Some ofthem are big and some are small; some affected the nation,
while others just affected us as a brotherhood. I have compiled a
short list to share with the Nittany Fiji audience:
♦ The farthest a brother s badge has ever traveled is to the moon
with Eugene Ceman,(Purdue,'56) on his lunar mission.
♦ Mount Rushmore in South Dakota was named for Phi Gam
Charles Rushmore (City (Jollege, 1876) of the now inactive
Upsilon chapter of Phi Gamma Delta.
♦ In 1912, both nominees for the office of vice president of the
United States were Fijis: Thomas Riley Marshall (Wabash, 1873)
for the Democratic Party and Charles Warren Fairbanks (Ohio
Wesleyan, 1872) for the Republican Party.
♦ All of the Immortal Six plus the seventh initiate, Thomas W. B.
Crews, went on to become lawyers.
♦ Phi Gamma Delta was a major influence in the founding of the
Kappa Alpha Theta sorority. The first two meetings were held at
a Fiji chapter house and the first Theta badges were made by a
Fiji named John F. Newman (City (Sollege, 1869).
♦ Fiji Frank E. Hering (Bucknell, 1896) established Mother's Day.
Gamma Phi on the Web, ver. 2.0
By Stephen Oechslein '03 and Michael McQuesten '03, Gamma Phi Webmasters
Gamma Phi has
allowing us to store more
experienced further
information online and
includes frequently posted
Lodge news and information,
success this year, from
establish a new, convenient
important dates and reminders.
sporting event results and our
showcase it has evolved in the
address, The
site was also upgraded to make
it more aesthetically pleasing
process. During the spring
and user-friendl^', so we can
academics to community'
service, and the place to
The "Athletics" section displays
semester, two new webmasters
better serve the needs of
current intramural sports
The "Fiji Rush" section
completely redesigned the
graduate brothers and
prospective recruits.
targets future brothers,
providing an area for them to
Gamma Phi website.
The most important
Over the last few months,
catch a glimpse of our history or
also recently been improved.
In the future, we hope to
create an online database,
where any brother can enter a
password to view contact
information for participating
brothers. We also are planning
to change the current house
tour on the site from a slide
show into a video tour.
We hope you find the new
change is the move from the
the site has become a great
register to be contacted by our
site helpful. After visiting the
university server to a profes
place for alumni brothers to
keep up to date with the
happenings at the Lodge. The
"Announcements " page
rush chairs. As always, there is
also a link to the national Phi
site, let us know how we are
doing. Leave any comments or
Gamma Delta website,
suggestions in our log book.
sional host service. This will
give us a stronger presence on
the World Wide Web by, which has
Gamma Phi Philanthropy
By Mike Mastrangelo '01, Philanthropy Chair
Philanthropic involvement is one area our chapter
hoped to improve upon during the spring semester.
Developing ideas for our own fund-raiser proved to be
harder than expected. Several brainstorming sessions resulted in
lew ideas, and our chapter decided to shift its efforts toward
community service rather than establishing a fund-raising event.
However, after attending a mid-semester philanthropy seminar,
we came away with a wealth ol information. A guest speaker
provided us with a list of organizations in our local community
d gave us some ideas for fund-raising projects. These resources
and gave
will help us plan next semester.
This spring, the Gamma Phi chapter participated m a
number of philanthropies hosted by other Greek organizations.
jal Anchor Splash, the Ski-4-Heart, anc
Fraternity Feud, among several others.
including the
We will continue our participation in these Greek-sponsored
events and working on developing our own philanthropy.
\r\nPage 3
Nittany Fiji
the House
Strong Finish for Gamma Phi in Intramurals
By Scott Simko '02
The Gamma Phi brothers clinched some key victories this spring in basketball, badminton, and racquetball to
rank us sixth overall. Here is how we performed in each event this 3'ear:
/M Points in 2000 - 2001
Fall Semester
28-8 vs. AZ
3-0 vs. Phi Delta Theta
8-6vs. SAE
2-1 vs. SAE
W Forfeit vs. Phi Kappa Psi
2-1 vs. SAM
3-Ovs. TKE
W Forfeit vs. Alpha Sigma
W Rainout vs. Kappa Alpha Psi 10
L 24-14 vs. Delta Sigma
40 pts. + 25 bonus =
36 pts. + 25 bonus =
Racquetball Singles
Spring Semester
Racquetball Doubles
42-30 vs. Theta Chi
vs. Beta Sigma Beta
vs. Theta Chi
52-21 vs. Kappa Alpha Psi
37-17 vs. Pi Kappa Alpha
vs. Sigma Nu
W 2-1 vs. Phi Sigma Kappa
W Rainout vs. Beta Sigma Beta 10
50-37 vs. Chi Phi
vs. SAE
55-25 vs. Zeta Psi
vs. Acacia in Finals
Playoffs vs. Delta Upsilon
50 pts. + 25 bonus =
2nd Place
50 pts. + 10 bonus =
1-0 vs. Delta Chi
l-lvs. TKE
25 pts. + 25 bonus =
50 Breaststroke (7th Place)
and (1 Ith Place)
200 Relay (6th Place)
100 Freestyle (7th Place)
Track & Field (10th Place in Mile) 3
Overall Point Total = 438
Home Improvements
Jason Gahres '03, House Manager
his semester, I have done some routine maintenance and
made some minor repairs to the Lodge. I replaced
the first-floor toilet and the lighting fixtures in the dining
room. Our mailbo.x was vandalized a few months ago, so it was
sure the tighter joints will keep them in good condition for years
to come.
As for the long term, I would like to see improvements on the
also replaced, complete with a sturdier wooden post cemented
into the ground. We have not had trouble with it since.
Probably the most notable project I have completed this
semester was repair of the dining room tables. I^oose joints caused
the table tops to wobble and lean with the slightest amount of
Ivodge exterior, l^flowers and shrubbery in the empty beds
surrounding the house would x'astly improc e the landscape. The
asphalt in our parking lot is in poor condition, and althoueh I
ha\ e managed to patch the numerous potholes, these repairs are
only temporary.
A house of this size takes a great deal of time and effort to
pressure. I reassembled each of the se\'en tables and bolted everv
run efficiently, so 1 am sure 1 will have more impro\ ements to
joint. Aesthetically, there is no difference in the tables, and I am
report ne.xt fall.
\r\nPage 4
June 2001
Gamma Phi: Outside the House
Gamma Phi Continues Increased involvement in Interfraternity Couneil
By Michael Zboray '03, IFC Vice President of Communications
The close ofthe semester brings an end to another year of
increasing involvement of Phi Gams in the Penn State
IFC. New terms for officers and committee members
began, as usual, in early December and January, and will run
until late fall of 2001.
For the second year in a row, Gamma Phi has a member sitting
In January, yet another brother was appointed to a position on
the IFC Standing Committee. Jeff Kulbieda '03 succeeded me as IFC
public relations chairman. This is the third year in a row that a Phi
Gam has held this position. The public relations chairman works
closely with all of the local media as well as being responsible for
distribution ol all pertinent information to the university and commu
on the executive board of the IFC. I succeeded Derek Holt '01 as the
nity as a whole.
vice president of communications for the council. This position is
The following brothers of Gamma Phi have also gamed positions
within the IF"C: Stephen Archut '02, Mike McOuesten '03, and Ryan
fairly self-explanatoiy, as it deals with all internal and external
communication throughout the council, with the Greek community,
and with the university. The IFC webpage, the Greek newsletter, the
IFC public relations committee, and meeting records are all responsi
bilities of this important position.
Max Pipman '02 was also appointed to a noteworthy position
Stokes '04 were appointed social monitors; as such, they are respon
sible for the enforcement of IFC social policies at all fraternity
functions and events. Nick Mahoney '02 was appointed to the IFC
Community Service Committee, Dave Oechslein 03 was appointed to
the IF"C Community Relations Committee, Steve Oechslein 03 was
ivithin the IFC. He holds the title of IFC Hearings Board chair,
appointed to the IFC Membership Committee and Jon Dornblaser
which IS a part of the IFC Board of Standards. Max is responsible For '02 was appointed to IFC University Relations.
selecting and training chapter presidents to serve as board members
All of these men should be applauded for their dedication and
during the numerous trials that go on throughout the semester.
contributions to IFC and Penn State Greek life. We plan for this trend
Ha\nng two brothers in such prominent positions on the council
is indicative of the high respect in which Phi Gamma Delta is held.
of involvement to continue well into the future.
IFC and the Greek Community See Change This Semester
By Michael Zboray '03, IFC Vice President of Communications
Tt has been yet another busy
resolution took effect on
semester for the leaders of
January I, 2001, and has been
the Interfraternity Council.
followed ever since. This
During the three years that I
have been here, 1 have seen a lot
of change, and this spring was
resolution upset some people
and changed fraternity social
Fraternity. The Penn State
chapter decided on this route in
response to dwindling numbers
and decreased interest in the
fraternity. Unlike Phi Gamma
Delta, Delta Sigma Phi did not
offer the opportunity for
With all of these tasks complete,
the chapter submitted its
application to the IFC. After
being rejected twice, it was finally
accepted in early Februaiy. On
March 12, the proposal was
voted on and passed bt' a
no different.
calendars quite a bit. All cosponsored social functions are
The first issue that we were
faced with was one that was
now held at third-party vendors,
exemption of this policy to the
majontv^ of the chapters at Penn
while traditional fraternity
stronger chapters within the
State, 33-15. 1 he chapter IS
completely out of our hands.
parties are now termed all-
fraternity. After being denied a
now officially recognized as a
Around the middle of the fall
semester, 21 of 22 Panhellenic
Greek functions where three or
more organizations sponsor an
compromise by their national
fraternity numerous times, and
Council chapters voted in favor
event and only Greek members
with strong alumni support.
local chapter with the name
Delta Sigma. Please do not
think that the simplicity of this
of a resolution prohibiting all
are authorized to attend.
Delta Sig at Penn State decided
to attempt to become a local
fraternity recognized bv the
Interfraternity Council. Their
explanation reflects the ease
alumni control board took on the
and most believe that Delta Sig is
sororities at Penn State from
holding or co-sponsoring
functions at fraternities where
Probably the biggest and
most sensitive issue this semester
force behind this resolution was
was Delta Sigma Phi's bid to
become a local fraternity. About
two years ago. Delta Sigma Phi
the lack of liability insurance
National enacted an alcohol-free
coverage for sorority presidents
and chapter members. The
one enacted bv our International
alcohol is served. The driving
housing initiative, much like the
with which a chapter may go
local. The actual process is
extremelv complicated and costly,
daunting task of purchasing
one of the only chapters that
insurance for the chapter, while
the undergrads rewrote all of the
chapter bylaws and rituals.
could have accomplished this at
Penn State.
Continued, next page
The Nittany Fiji\s published for the members and friends of the Gamma Phi Chapter of The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta at The Pennsylvania State
University. Address changes, news items, photographs and contributions are always welcome and may be sent in the enclosed envelope or mailed to
The Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta, Graduate Records Office, P.O. Box 296, State College, PA 16804-0296.
\r\nNittany Fiji
Page 5
Graduate Forum
Undergraduate and Graduate Brothers Unite for Annual Norris Pig Dinner
By Jeff Kuibieda '03, Graduate Reiations Chair
Gamma Phi brothers ot
all ages were reunited
during BlueAVhite
Weekend on Saturday, April 21,
2001, when the chapter held the
annual Frank Norris Pig
Dinner. The event was a huge
success, as more than twenty
graduate brothers oF various
speaker deny Wanek, Vice
his duties to me. One of my
President of Archons, talked
main goals for the fall is to
increase financial support From
our graduates. The undergradu
ate brothers appreciate the help
about the importance oFour rich
traditions at Gamma Phi and
how it is each graduate brother's
responsibility to help keep the
chapter growing. He suggested
all graduate brothers ask
themselves,"What have I done
classes returned to the Lodge.
For Phi Gamma Delta this
House Corporation
President Dave Young '66,
other graduate brothers, and
current undergraduates met to
year? "
Richard Lace '38 and Roy
From brothers who have
donated in the last year, but the
Lodge is aging and is in need of
costly renovations.
The Fall will be here before
their sendee to the chapter, and
Dave Young received the Phi
you know it, and we invite all
brothers to come back to your
house iF3'Ou are in State College
For a Football game next season.
IFyou would like 303' more
Gam Medallion From the
information or would like to
goals For the Future. Brothers
undergraduates in appreciation
who have not returned to the
For all ot his \'ears oF dedication
plan to meet with some under
graduate brothers, please
house in years commended the
undergraduate brothers on the
as House Corporation president.
The graduate relations
chairman position is cur
rently in transition. Justin
Dunkelberger '01 is graduat
ing ne.\t Fall and has passed on
discuss the current state of the
house, voice concerns, and set
condition oFthe house and the
improvements they have made
in recent years.
At the dinner, guest
Bcitolet '-i-4 received awards For
contact ^JeFF Kuibieda via e-mail
at jmkaSl, at his
summer phone number 412-
Brother Jerry Wanek, Vice
President of Archons, delivered
the keynote address during the
Norris Pig Dinner, held at the
Ramada Inn of State College. He
suggested all of the graduate
brothers in attendance ask
835-22880, or in the fall at 814213-0238.
themselves,"What have I done
for Phi Gamma Delta this year?"
Spring Weekend Competitions
IFC and the Greek Commiinitv
See Change This Semester
(Continued from previous page)
In dealing with these two
very prominent issues, we have
also been very proactive. In
earl3' Januar3',
passed a
Greek councils from uni\ ersities
throughout the Northeast
region. While at the conference,
the Penn State IFC won five of
statement supporting the
the se\ en awards gi\ en to
Panhellenic resolution
councils. PSU individuals also
described. We also amended
won Greek Alan of the Year,
the expansion policy that allows
new chapters to join the council.
Greek Woman of the Year, and
Greek Ad\'isor of the Year.
Recently, we amended our
statement against sexual assault
and sexual abuse, which now
One final project is an IFCsponsored scholarship. We are
working with the unn'ersity s
provides for much stronger
endowment office to create this
sanctions on chapters or
scholarship, and ha\ e just made
our first payment totaling
$10,000. The expected date that
the scholarship will be available
is fall of 2002. Ifnsuring the
success of this scholarship is one
of our many goals tor the lall
individuals found guiltx' of this
terrible crime.
At the beginning of the
semester, the three councils
attended the Northeast Greek
leadership Conference in
Cherrv Hill, N.J., which invites
On April 4-7, Gamma Phi participated in the annual
Spring Weekend competitions. We were joined by the
Orchesis Dance Company, a student organization that
performs ballet and modern dance. We competed
against other Greek organizations in a T-shirt design
contest, a window-painting contest, a chariot race,
and various other activities. Above, brothers and
some Orchesis members get ready to march in the
campus-wide AIDS Walk, one of the final weekend
\r\nPage 6
June 2001
to 9612 Royal Lamb Dr.. Las
Vegas. NV 89145. You can
Graduate Voices
Wallace R. Kiinger '29
(Foxclale Village, 500 F.
Marylyn Ave., State College, PA
16801) enjoyed the article "Not
W.John Soost '62(22 ligret
Cir.. Denver. PA 17517;
contact him via e-mail at
todlower( Todd
Robert has asked Brian Cornog
'86 to he in the wedding party.
) is \'ice
is married and has two daugh
ters. "liveiything going well!"
he writes. "Still hangin' with
the same Fiji crew Irotn my
days ol 1988-92!
president of marketing and
engineering at Fastern Tech
Sean K. Essig '89 (5959 La
Colina Rd.. Santa Barbara. C/\
Sean M. Clifton 93 is now a
December 2000 issue of the
nologies Inc. He enjoyed reading
95110; edeske^^ is a
Nittany Fiji. It reminded him of
the time he stayed at the house
for the Gettj'sburg College/Penn
State football game. That was
many years ago. he notes, and
the letter written by R03'
territorial sales representative
patrolman with the Haverlord
Township Police and resides at
Bertolet '44 in the last At/Zit/n;
with Forest Pharmaceuticals. He
254 W. Ridley Ave.. Ridley
Fiji. "Jack " and Charles Fink
'62 were planning to spend a
reports that Thor. the former
Lodge dog. passed away in
December 2000 at the age of 15.
Park. PA 19078.
Since leaving the Marine Corps
and Hawaii seven years ago.
Craig B. Fiedler '89 (104
Buckingham Rd.. Pittsburgh.
PA 15215) has been living in
Pittsburgh with his wife. Alyce.
and twoyoung children. Craig is
continuing to build his insur-
Department. Todd R.
tor College Days Alone..." in the
long before PSU became "big
time.' Wallace sends greetings
weekend at Penn State this
Last t'ear. Knrl R. Fink '63
and best wishes to all.
A. Dean Walter Jr.'37(1035
Scott Dr.. #470. Prescott. AZ
(4990 Christina Ct.. Naples. PL
341 12) retired from L.x.xon
Mobil after 373'ears there. He
had a great time with his work,
86301) reports he's "still alive
and well " and "working on
longevity. "
especially tra\'eling the interna
tional markets as vice president
After living in Bequia. W.I.. for
13 years. Donald G. Maize '48
(24749 Hollybrier Ln.. Bonita
Springs. FL34134; seachant@
of marketing during his last 10
years with the company. f^arl is
still having fun. "Golfing,
boating and fishing are fabulous
ways to spend the day! "
wcbt\'.net) is back in the
Sunshine State and resides at
Robert Curran Jr.'85. an
Pelican Landing. He had dinner
with former roommate Bill
attorney with Norcini. Musi and
Malone. now li\ es at 400 N.
Malloiy '49 several months ago
Monroe St.. Media. P/V 19065.
ance/in\ estinent business as a
member of Northwestern
Mutual Financial Network. For
recreation, he golls and hunts.
Craig enjoys seeing brothers at
PSU football games and found
the latdge looking great when he
stopped hv kist kill alter the
Robinson '95 (P.O. Bo.x 1622.
Pottsboro. IX/30/6;
risheries(" has been
managing freshwater fish
populations in 12 public
reser\'oirs lor eight counties in
north central 'I exas for the last
lour years. He has lond
memories ol many great times
at the Dxige.
We regret to inform you of the
death ol
Willard E. McCain '36
Iowa game.
Phi Gamma Delta mourns his
Tod I-ower '92 is a \ ice
and contacted /VI Bberhardt '48
He and Aimee f""o.x. a ballet
by phone after seeing his name
instructor and performer, plan to
president at International
be married in December 2001.
Integrated Inc. and has moved
and address in the newsletter.
As a fisheries biologist with the
Texas Parks and Wildlife
February' with their wi\ es.
passing and extends condolences
to his family and friends.
Reaching for the Cure:Gamnia Phi Participates in THON 200!
(Continued from page 1)
ITom October through F'ebruary. we
spent many hours of our holiday breaks
and weekends raising money with canning
trips and door-to-door soliciting. Gamma
Phi donated $I 1.321.16 to the IMur
Diamonds Fund, which earned our
'The most important part ol THON is
the dancing.'This year, more than 700
dancers representing Greek anti other stu
dent organizations gave an entire weekend of
their semester to dance for 48 straight hours.
chapter the I hree Diamonds Award for
Stephen /Vrchut '02 and Sujoy Kundu '01
represented Phi Gamma Delta, while
contributing more than $10,000. We
brother Derek Flolt '01 danced for the
e.xtend special thanks to Dick Corpora
I F"C. We arc truly proud of their dedication.
tion. Restek Corporation, and Larson
Design Group for the donations that
helped us win this recognition.
f here is more to THON than raising
money. More than 2.000 student volunteers
do most of the work behind the scenes to
organize the event. More than a fourth of
Gamma Phi members joined committees,
Steve Archut'02 (left) and Sujoy Kundu
'01 represented Gamma Phi during the
2001 Dance Marathon."It's something not
a lot of people can say they did." says Steve
including public relations, security and
about his THON experience. "Even many
Penn State students can't say they danced
operations. 'This is yet another step for the
in Dance Marathon. It is an experience that
house m community involvement.
I will carry with me the rest of my life."
Gamma Phi is looking lonvard to the
next Tl ION. Because ol the amount we
raised this year, we will he able to .send tour
dancers to THON next year. Our efforts
will only get better, and it's onh'a matter of
time before we break the $25,000 plateau
and recei\ e the Four Diamonds .Award. It is
"within reach. "
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June 2001 newsletter of the Gamma Phi chapter at Pennsylvania State University. The newsletter is six pages in length.