Goree, Thomas J.

From collection Member List

Goree, Thomas J.
General Longstreet's staff: Captain VADC (Volunteer Aide de Camp) July 1861; Major ADC February 26, 1863. Online Handbook of Texas: "In 1861 . . . set out for Virginia to join the Confederate Army. On the boat from Galveston to New Orleans, he met Maj. James Longstreet . . . . Goree, who was eventually promoted to captain, served as Longstreet's aide-de-camp throughout the war and was involved in almost every battle in which Longstreet's division took part. He was never wounded, though he had several horses shot out from under him, and his clothing was riddled with bullet holes. After Appomattox, Goree accompanied Longstreet home to Alabama." [uniformed photo, Newton Gresham Library, Sam Houston State University]