Gathright, Jesse Squire

From collection Member List

Gathright, Jesse Squire
Jesse Squire Gathright.  Born 1835, Louisville, KY. Initiated 1854 into Arcanus Decem. Initiated September, 1856 after the founding. Departed Indiana Asbury during the disturbance of 1856. Attended the University of Virginia in 1857 and died March 21, 1858. In UVA Special Collections' copy of Schele de Vere's Students of the University of Virginia: a Semi-Centennial Catalogue, someone penciled in "typhoid epidemic?" next to his entry. Chapter minute April 8, 1858 "between the two preceding meetings a committee was appt . . . to draught resolutions, expressing regard of the Fraternity for late deceased Jesse S. Gathright." Brother of Josiah Baker Gathright (1860) and Richard O. Gathright (1862).