Smith, Orlando Jay

From collection Member List

Smith, Orlando Jay
16th Indiana Infantry (1861-2); 6th Indiana Cavalry, July 1862 to 1865, 1st lieutenant, promoted to Major. In Kentucky, East Tennessee; wounded at Atlanta. POW in Charleston, SC. [Uniformed picture with badge, The Photographic History of the Civil War] (1870 cat. "Colonel U.S. Vols.")


DAR #217: "Editor and Publisher. B.S. 1862, A.M., pro honore, 1876. Born, June 14, 1842, near Terre Haute, Ind. Sergeant, "Asbury Guards," Sixteenth Indiana Volunteers; lieutenant, captain and major, Sixth Regiment Indiana Volunteer Cavalry, 1862-65; founder of Terre Haute "Gazette" and Terre Haute "Mail"; editor Terre Haute "Express"; editor Chicago "Express"; author of "A Short View of Great Questions" and "The Coming Democracy," "Eternalism," "Balance" and "The Agreement Between Science and Religion"; founder of the American Press Association."  Initiated March 22, 1860.