Davis, James M.

From collection Member List

DAR #278: "Lawyer. A.B. 1868; A.M., 1871. Born, September 11, 1844, Orchard Grove, Ind. Professor of Greek and mathematics in Valparaiso College, 1866-67; tutor in the Indiana Asbury University, 1868-69; justice of the peace in Kalamazoo county, Mich., 1872-84; commissioner of Kalamazoo county, 1876; United States Commissioner for the Western District of Michigan, 1883; judge of the Probate Court, Kalamazoo county, Mich., 1889; member of the House of Representatives for the Michigan State Legislature, from Second District, Kalamazoo county, and member of the Advisory Council of the Republican State League of Michigan, 1899-1900. Married, March 22, 1867, Miss Estella Eldred, Climax, Mich. Died, January 18, 1913, Irvington, Ala." Initiated April 18, 1864 as a freshman.