Ridpath, William Marion

From collection Member List

Ridpath, William Marion
Initiated after war; private, 115th Indiana Infantry; then private, 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery to July, 1865 (see Chapter Rolls and Directory, 1898).


DAR #348: "Lawyer. B.S. 1870; M.S., 1873. Born, Oct. 14, 1845, in Putnam county, Ind. Chairman of the Republican Central Committee of Clay county, 1879; speaker of the Indiana House of Representatives, 1881-83; Indian agent at Yankton, Sioux Reservation, Greenwood, Dakota; prosecuting attorney of the counties of Stephens, Okanogan and Spokane [1888-__]; member of the Republican State Central Committee. Brother of 221, 267, 649 and 707. Married, February 9, 1875, Miss Sarah J. Cole. Father of Paul, Mary, and Nellie. Died, August 6, 1914, at the Mayo Sanitarium, Rochester, Minn.; buried at Spokane, Wash." Initiated January 18, 1869. Private, 115th Indiana Infantry, then private, 1st Indiana Heavy Artillery to July 1865. Obituary in The Phi Gamma Delta, October 1914, p. 70 notes he died of stomach cancer and was a foster brother of John Clark Ridpath 1867. "Col. Ridpath went to Spokane as one of its pioneers in 1888. . . . He was one of the original owners of the famour Le Roi mine at Rossland, B.C., and his share of the sale price was the nucleus of his fortune. He built, in 1899, the Ridpath Hotel . . . . He also owned other Spokane real estate, including a large interest in the Greenwood Cemetery . . . ."