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2012 Summer Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
Summer 2012 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. This newsletter is four pages.
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Lambda Nu
University of Nebraska
2012 Summer Newsletter Lambda Nu (University of Nebraska)
PL Report
Dear Brothers,
It was an interesting year to be in my inaugural year as
Purple Legionnaire. The newly remodeled house has been
a great asset to the continued growth of our undergraduate
numbers. This y ear’s pledge class of 32 helped add to
the depth and strength of the Lambda Nu chapter, creating
a full house of live-ins. The brothers did a fantastic job
of educating and mentoring this class during the past year.
The chapter participated in many philanthropic events,
improved their GPA substantially, and of course held many
successful social activities. I really want to say thank you to
the members of the Junior and Senior classes that continue
to live or frequently visit the house for their leadership.
Without their effort we wouldn’t be having the success we
are currently having. We look forward to another strong
rush year with our new house and continued improvement
of Lambda Nu. Of course, graduate input for potential rush
candidates is always welcomed.
Lambda Nu Graduate Brothers
Mike Rulhman (2001) and Joe
Andreasen (2001) are part of the ESPN
GameDay family. On October 1, 2011 Nebraska
v. Wisconsin game in Madison, Wisconsin. Several
Lambda Nu graduate brothers were able to visit the College
GameDay set and have their photo taken (based on the smiles
– before the game).
Lambda Nu Chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
Chapter House Remodel Complete
2012 FIJI Golf Outing
Tara Hills GC, Omaha
Saturday July 21st
1:00 Start
e-mail foursomes to
John Schuele ‘86
Lambda Nu Brothers work ESPN
College GameDay
Pig Dinner
Firday September 28th
Chez Hay
14th & P Street, Lincoln
Social Hour-6
Our undergraduate brothers are moving
out of their first full year living in a safe,
modern chapter house. While many of the
improvements are not immediately noticed,
such as fire sprinklers and new fire alarm
system, they did appreciate the central air
conditioning, new bathrooms and suite-style
room layout. This remodel project reflects
nearly a decade of planning, fundraising and
construction. Thank you to the Graduate
Brothers who donated their time and money to
make this project a reality and helped ensure
Phi Gamma Delta’s position on campus for
the next generation.
Phi Gamma Delta is now one of a handful
of fraternity houses that has fire sprinklers.
These sprinklers will automatically release
water in the event of a fire and dramatically
increase the likelihood of survival in the event
of a fire. The University of Nebraska Board
of Regents required all student-approved
housing to be sprinkled by 2017 in response
to a tragic student death at Nebraska Wesleyan
University’s Phi Kappa Tau chapter house fire
in 2006. In addition to the fire sprinklers, a
new monitored fire alarm, emergency exit
doors on each floor, fire-rated windows by the
fire escape and hard wired smoke detectors
were installed to make the FIJI hut one of the
safest fraternity properties on campus.
chapter – with plumbing leaking inside walls
and between floors. Now, the plumbing
issues have been resolved. The old gang-style
showers were replaced with two private stalls
and each toilet is separated by an individual
stall. New Corian countertops with built-in
sinks were installed for years of trouble free
The new student rooms feature a modern suitestyle floor plan, with two or three bedrooms
off a shared study room. This new floor plan
is similar to housing options offered by the
University and is in line with current student
housing needs and desires. Each room comes
complete with a new bunk beds, dressers,
wardrobes and desks. Most bedrooms house
two students. There are a few three-man
bedrooms and three single rooms – including
a private presidential suite on the 4th floor. All
rooms are individually air conditioned by a 40
ton cooling tower located in the parking lot.
The green building movement has not missed
FIJI. The project replaced all 91 original
single-pane windows with new double-paned
low-E Martin windows. All exterior walls
in the 1931 building were insulated and the
entire roofing structure was filled with spray
foam insulation. The attic space in the 1964
addition was filled with fiber insulation. Last
fall a 97% efficient 399,000 BTU hot water
All bathrooms were remodeled – not only the heater was installed and the current boiler
physical items such as new toilets, showers and was retrofitted to use a lower temperature to
sinks – but also all the underlying electrical, heat the building in the winter. All of these
plumbing and wastewater systems are all new. improvements will significantly reduce the
Before the remodel, plumbing issues were a utility costs of the chapter house and make
significant repair cost to the undergraduate Lambda Nu’s carbon footprint a little smaller.
Address Correction Requested
Lambda Nu Graduate Association
of Phi Gamma Delta
P.O. Box 81893
Lincoln, NE 68501-1893
\r\nCont. of Completed Remodel
Not everything is new. The project included refinishing
the 1931 wood floors in the living room, maintaining the
original wrought iron railing and slate floors in the foyer.
The dining room tables were rebuilt and refinished. The
balcony floor was sealed and the exterior trim was painted.
Capital Campaign Report
Undergraduates are commonly found studying at the
large conference table by the fire place on first floor or
in the new Anderson Conference Room in the basement
where B1 use to be located. The Harkson Study Center has
become a popular quite place for students to work or use
the new network printer that students can print to from any
location on campus. The entire chapter house now has
access to the University’s wireless internet system.
The living room includes new leather furniture, end tables,
lighting and an upright piano. The chapter’s grandfather
clock was repaired and now keeps perfect time. The
basement is now home to a home theater system and pool
table, complete with purple felt.
Pool Table
The house corporation kept a blog of the entire project. To
read about the weekly progress, visit
Pig Dinner Paddles
Andersen Room
Dear Brothers,
undergraduate leaders emerging.
Five years ago this month, with a
committee of eight other graduate
brothers, we began a capital
campaign to raise the funds necessary
to renovate our chapter house. As
I look back over our five-year
journey, I am amazed and excited
by the major accomplishments that
have occurred at Lambda Nu.
Thank you to all of you
whose financial contribution
has made this a reality.
First and foremost, 275 graduate
brothers stepped forward with time
and money for this project. Our
House Corporation Board, led by
John Osterholm, donated countless
hours overseeing the renovation
project. Our chapter house is now
a modern facility of which we can
all be proud. We have an active
Board of Chapter Advisors with
several new members, including
John Schuele as Purple Legionnaire.
Finally, our undergraduate brothers
have a renewed sense of pride
in Phi Gamma Delta. We have
a full house, an overall GPA
of 3.1, and a large number of
The campaign has raised $1.3
million of our $1.5 million goal.
This year, we need $150,000 in
new pledges to meet our financial
obligations. These new pledges
will be 100% tax deductible when
given through the NU Foundation.
Please consider being a part of
the final push in this campaign.
It has been an honor to be a part
of so many positive changes at
Lambda Nu and to witness the
influence graduate involvement has
on the lives of our undergraduate
brothers. I am confident we will
raise the remaining $150,000 and I
look forward to talking with many of
you as we close out this campaign.
Fraternally yours,
Joseph L. Skradski, D.D.S.
Campaign Chairman
\r\nCapital Campaign Report
Your House Corporation has
concluded “year one” in the
refurbished chapter house
and by most standards it has
been a complete success.
At this time last year we were in
the middle of construction and
planning for a rushed opening and
developing a property management
plan. As with any project of this
size, there were some challenges
with construction and workers were
on-site after the first days of classes.
The undergraduates handled it well
and the finish project is incredible.
Living Room
Donor Wall
Dinning Room
As promised to all of you, the House
Corporation Board of Directors
developed a comprehensive plan to
maintain your investment. A formal
check-in/check-out procedure
was developed (complete with
the photographing of each room
condition at the start and end of the
academic year). The Undergrads are
held to a strict “as new” condition
report – meaning the rooms must
be as presented to them at the start
of the school year when they checkout. Damage deposits were increased
to ensure that enough money is
available to do any needed repairs.
The chapter house continues to be
closed during the summer. This
allows the Corporation to have the
building cleaned, repainted and make
other general repairs. The House
Corporation also holds a “graduate
work-day” which allows the board
to finish repairs to certain areas of
the chapter house that are not open
to our general maintenance crews.
The Undergraduate house manager
works closely with Eric Drumheller
(Nebraska 1998) through the year to
identify problems and make repairs
as needed. Gone are the days of doing
massive repairs over the summer.
The result of this close interaction
with the undergraduates has worked
well! They appreciate the effort
the House Corporation put in and
have made great steps in taking
care of the building. Now that
they have a first-class property,
they want to keep it that way!
In other news, our second year of
food service with Upper Crust is
about to begin. Upper Crust is a food
service provider based out Columbia,
MO focuses on greek chapters. After
a few bumps in the road, we have a
food service that the undergrads have
come to enjoy. All food is still cooked
on-site, but kitchen management is
handled by this company. This has
given us an overall reduction in costs
and still provides high quality food.
At present, we are exploring adding
a convection oven to the kitchen
to help with food preparation.
Also, I would like to welcome Scott
Oman (Nebraska 1982) to the House
Corporation Board. Scott comes to
us brining a background in property
management and facility operation.
Finally, I want to provide the results
of your investment – three years of
30+ men pledge classes, an increased
chapter GPA and more involvement
on campus and pride that had
been lacking at 1425 R Street for
a number of years. Definitely
a GREAT time to be a FIJI!
John Osterholm (Nebraska 1995)
\r\nSeeking Delta Sigma Lambda
Lambda Nu has a unique Phi Gamma Delta history.
With the 1936 purchase of the chapter house from the
Epsilon chapter of Delta Sigma Lambda at 1425 R
Street, their members had the opportunity to be released
from their national organization and become members
of Phi Gamma Delta. This has only happened a handful
time times in all of FIJI’s history.
More Phi Gam, Less Self
During the construction demolition, the construction
crews found a “More Phi Gam, Less Self” plaque inside
one of the walls. The origination of this plaque was a
mystery to the undergraduate chapter, other than it was
assumed it must have been hung somewhere at one time
due to the purple paint on one side.
Thankfully Walter Gerlach (Nebraska 1958) solved
the mystery by emailing the chapter with the story of
the brass plaque. Brother Gerlach made two of these
plaques (one for each door of the second and third
floor bathroom) at the foundry located in the basement
of Richards Hall during the 1956-57 academic year.
Brother Gerlach explained that since few engineers
were Greek, the most overheard comment was, “What
are you going to do with that!?”
The museum at Phi Gamma Delta International
Headquarters has a display of other fraternities that
became FIJI chapters. If you were a member of Delta
Sigma Lambda and would be willing to donate any of
your memorabilia (such as membership certificates,
fraternity pin, newsletters, etc), please send it to the
Lambda Nu House Corporation (PO Box 81893,
Lincoln, NE 68501) so it can be included in the fraternity
The found plaque has been mounted to an exterior
column for the Undergraduate Brothers to see as they
leave the house and to remind them of this fraternity
creed. Thank you again Brother Gerlach for helping
this mystery.
A note from the Chapter President
As president of the undergrauate chapter I can say
hands down this past year was the most successful I
have been a part of in my three plus years in Phi Gamma
Delta. This year was a turning point in our chapter’s
sucess. The undergrads were handed the keys to a brand
new house, our GPA rose from a 2.7 to above 3.0, we
initiated 27 new brothers and expected to initiate 4
more in August. We have reached the point where every
single member is contributing to making our chapter
better, and that is something that could not be said the
last couple of years. Due to the hard work of brother
like Ethan Blackledge and Buck Stanek, Phi Gamma
Delta had its first successful philanthropy in over 3
years known as “Phi Gamma Fry and Jam.” At this
point in the year our main focus is recruiting the new
great pledge class of Lambda Nu. If you have our main
focus is recommendations or wish to assist recruitment
in any way I urge you to contact our rush chairs through
William Grubb
Chapter President
2011 Pig Dinner attracts over 200
Over 200 Graduate Brothers, undergraduate Brothers
and Pledges gathered on Friday, October 7, 2011 to
celebrate Lambda Nu’s 106th Annual Frank Norris
Pig Dinner and the rededication of the chapter
house. The highlight of the evening was the keynote
address by former United States Senator and
Governor of Nebraska J. Robert Kerrey (Nebraska
1965) who provided important advice on integrity.
The evening ended with a keynote address by
Senator Kerrey (Nebraska 1965) whose message
highlighted the important of integrity and ethics.
The House Corporation started the event by holding
a reception at 4 p.m. in the Chapter House’s dining
room. At 4.45 Brothers and Pledges gathered in the
living room to celebration the completion of the chapter
houses $1.9 million renovation. The highlight of the
event was Capital Campaign Chairman Dr. Joe Skradski
(Nebraska 1983) presenting undergraduate President
William Grubb (Nebraska 2013) the official key to
the chapter house. In addition, House Corporation
President John Osterholm (Nebraska 1995) thanked
all Graduate Brothers for their project support.
Willam Grubb (2013) recieves key
from Dr. Joe Skradski (1983)
Following dinner, emcee Nick Benner (Nebraska 2012),
started the program by recognizing Brother Luby and
Brother Kerrey as the furthest traveled – both reside in
New York City. Board of Chapter Advisors Chairman,
J. Cody Larson (Nebraska 2003), provided an overview
of the BCA’s current progress in refining the chapter’s
operations and processes to ensure Lambda Nu continues
to be a strong and vibrant for years to come. Following
Larson’s update, John Osterholm (Nebraska 1995),
Lambda Nu’s House Corporation President provided
a brief update and then presented Dr. Joe Skradski
(Nebraska 1983) a framed Lambda Nu Graduate
Association stock certificate from the early 1900’s as a
thank you for his leadership during the capital campaign.
Lambda Nu’s annual awards were given to:
Benjamin A. Silverstein Outstanding
Freshman – Mike Maenner (Nebraska 2014)
John H. Binning Scholarship Award – highest
GPA – Nick Benner (Nebraska 2012)
N.W. “Jerry” Solomon Brotherhood
Award – Artie Goll (Nebraska 2014)
William S. Zerman Lambda Nu Leadership
Award – William Grubb (Nebraska 2013)
Clement L. Waldron (Nebraska 1941), the most senior
FIJI in attendance with his son John
Waldron (Lawrence, 1977)
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Summer 2012 newsletter of the Lambda Nu chapter at the University of Nebraska. This newsletter is four pages.