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2012 Summer Newsletter Mu (University of Wisconsin)
Summer 2012 newsletter for the Mu chapter at University of Wisconsin. The newsletter is four pages in length.
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University of Wisconsin
2012 Summer Newsletter Mu (University of Wisconsin)
Mu Mumbles
University of Wisconsin - Phi Gamma Delta Fraternity - Summer 2012 Edition
By: Leo Warman (2012)
After much hard work, we
are pleased to report that
the 2011 Fiji Rivalry Run
raised over $9,000 for the
American Red Cross Disaster Relief Fund. Again
beating the University of
Minnesota's fundraising
total, the replica Paul
Bunyan's Axe Trophy
remains at 16 Langdon.
Bolstered by a generous
donation from Badger head
football coach Bret Bielema,
numerous personal donations
from family members and
grads alike, as well as multiple on-campus fundraisers,
the Phi Gams have garnered
unprecedented awareness for
the annual philanthropy.
Running over 270 miles from
Madison to Minneapolis is no
easy task, as sororities noticed and took part in the
many local fundraisers. Realizing the ceiling has not yet
July 28
Brewers Game
August 27
Recruitment Starts
October 27
been reached, preparations for
this year’s run are already underway. At the Norris Pig Dinner,
$650 was raised, serving as a
great launching pad for the 2012
effort. We are soliciting corporate
sponsorships and looking to improve on the buzz that last year’s
run received here at UW.
In the works is a promotional
video with Athletic Director Barry
Alvarez and possibly an on-field
ceremony in which a giant check
is given to Tom Mooney, CEO of
the Badger Chapter Red Cross.
Graduate support for this
event has been a big part in
the run's success over the last
three years, and we expect it
to also have a big impact on
the 2012 event.
Please continue to aid us in
our efforts to achieve the full
potential of this admirable
cause. We are currently accepting donations by credit
card at or by
check sent to 16 Langdon.
If you have not already
done so, please update
your contact info by
emailing Corresponding
Secretary Luke
Nevermann at
The weekend of October 26-27 is the University of Wisconsin’s Homecoming. On Saturday
the 27th, the Badgers will be taking on the Michigan State Spartans in what is sure to be a great game.
We will have a cookout at the house after the game, so throw on your Badger red and make your
way to Madison for a great weekend! Family and friends are more than welcome.
Please feel free to contact Luke Nevermann at if you have any questions.
By: Rolf Ieuter (2014) - Chapter Treasurer
This past semester, we had our first outof-town formal since our re-chartering.
This exciting new addition to our social
calendar is something we will be continuing. The anticipation of our spring
formal was almost unbearable, as it was
the weekend after many of us had midterms. However, after hitting the books
hard, our spring formal was a much
needed vacation weekend.
On March 24, we packed two doubledecker coach busses with Mu Chapter’s
own FIJI gentlemen and their stunning
dates. After a four-hour bus ride full of
car games and flirting, we finally arrived
at our destination about 200 miles
north of Madison: Eagle Waters Resort
in Eagle River. We rented three giant
cabins and hotel suites for the graduat-
ing seniors. The beautiful resort was located
directly on Eagle Lake.
We also rented the
ballroom, complete
with a bar and appetizers, and had an amazing evening.
Our spring formal was a
complete success. Stories of FIJI formal were
heard up and down Langdon throughout the
following weeks. Even more importantly, a
few days after our return to Madison, the
resort manager called with nothing but positive remarks. To our delight she said, “Your
group was the most polite group of guests I
have dealt with all year,” and asked us to
come back again.
So with our spring formal already
planned for next year, I have started
planning our fall formal, which hopefully
will be even better than our spring formal
and most importantly will allow us to
continue spreading our FIJI charm.
By: Jackson Rohde (2013) - Historian
In order to get our mothers involved with the well-being of the chapter, the Mom’s Club was started in the fall of 2011.
They haven’t done any dishes or helped with house cleanings, but through the Mom’s Club, our mothers have graciously
provided financial support directed toward house improvements. The moms were very happy to become involved and the
club is off to a great start. At their first meeting in October, they created a list of objectives, and since then many improvements
have been made. Objectives high in priority were an organized kitchen, a furnished foyer, curtains for the Great Hall, and
matching dining room chairs. Since October, the moms have raised enough money to purchase six dozen plates, forks,
spoons, and knives, new dishwasher holders, and new kitchen cabinets. The moms continue to brainstorm new
improvements. We are very thankful to have them contribute to the long term well-being of the house.
By: Bryan Mette (2012)
On April 28, the brothers hosted the annual Frank Norris Pig Dinner, garnering
an attendance of over 100 brothers. The
ceremonies were located at the Edgewater Hotel, where brothers from around
the country and spanning decades from
the 1950’s to the 2010’s feasted upon the
finest fare and libations. Various speakers gave updates about the fraternity,
including President Martin Uraga
(2012) who gave the annual state of the
Chapter. Also, brothers John Siewert
(1950) and Bryan Linton (2015) had
the honor of kissing the snout and rump of
the porker, respectively. It was also announced that the undergraduate brothers
had approved the purchase of a new dock.
The brothers hope that this phenomenal
improvement to 16 Langdon demonstrates
a commitment to the house in the long
After the dinner, the brothers went to
Hawk’s on State Street to continue the
festivities. From there, brothers continued
on to other Madison institutions like
State Street Brats (The Brathaus) for a
red brat, the Kollege Klub for swamp
water, and Parthenon for a gyro. All in
all, the event was a resounding success
and paved the way for an even larger Pig
Dinner in 2013. Special thanks goes to
Archon Councilor Mike Lucas
(Bradley 1983), who delivered the
keynote address and PL Mike Wygocki
(Western Michigan 1986), who was
named Graduate Brother of the Year.
\r\nP AGE 3
By: Martin Uraga (2013) - Chapter President
Like a phoenix, reborn from its own
ashes, the Mu Chapter is back in action
here at the University of Wisconsin. On
April 4, the Chapter celebrated its third
anniversary since re-chartering in the
spring of 2009, and since it has pledged
nine classes (Alphas through Iotas),
reaching an impressive current membership of 78 brothers.
As the fifth brother since the recolonization to be elected to the position of Chapter President, it has been incredibly encouraging to witness the progress that all
the brothers at 16 Langdon have
achieved in such a short span of time.
Nonetheless, we are reminded every day
that we are a young chapter, still learning the ways to conduct operations, how
to maintain a balance between scholar-
ship and Fraternity life, as well as keeping
up with the old Mu traditions.
formal, and of course keeping our chapter GPA well above the 3.0 mark.
Most importantly, we have a plan. After
finishing up a very successful semester
this spring, we have all our expectations
clear for next fall. By the end of 2012, we
aim to have initiated 30 more members,
to finally reach the 100-brother mark.
Starting the school year in 2013-14, the
house at 16 Langdon will be home to 42
brothers, the first time since re-chartering
that the house has been at maximum capacity. Along with our very successful
Rivalry Run philanthropy, we are planning to incorporate two more events, a
blood drive with the Red Cross in the
Great Hall, and a philanthropic concert at
the house with The Madhatters. All of this,
on top of a full social calendar, overnight
Lastly, but just as important, we are
committed to reach out to all our graduate brothers who have not had a chance
to be involved with our chapter lately.
The house at 16 Langdon is always open
to visitors, and we are already looking
forward to our Homecoming event in
the fall. As undergraduates, we need all
the help and support possible from our
graduate brothers in order to live up to
our motto that Fiji “Is Not For College
Days Alone.”
We are back, and on our way to becoming the best fraternity at the University.
Please join us in the process.
By: Mike Wygocki (Western Michigan 1986) - Purple Legionnaire
This May, 11 Mu FIJI's participated in Hammer with a Heart, sponsored by NARI of Madison, for
the Project Home charity of Dane County. This year's house was remodeled to provide access for
the owner, who has MS. The remodeling included a universal design kitchen, bathrooms, doorways and a ramp to the outside. Also included in the work were landscaping and the rebuilding/
adding of screens to the porch off of the main living area. Brother Charlie Vaughn (1986) organized the Mu Chapter involvement and said that the project would not have been completed
without the involvement of the brothers.
Over the course of the semester, brothers also spent time at a variety of philanthropic events that
included volunteering at a local Madison food bank, donating blood, and participating in Pi Phi’s
Trivia Night, Relay for Life, and Alpha Phi’s Cardiac Arrest.
By: Eric L. Lied (2014) - Pledge Educator
This spring, we were proud to initiate 9
gentlemen as new brothers in FIJI. The
Iota Pledge Class consists of Jared
Borislow (Class Secretary), Bryan
Davia, Daniel Ebsen, Maximilian
Fanning (Class Treasurer), Cody
Jorgenson, Connor Kepchar, and
Alex Newell (Class President).
As a pledge project, the Iota class stained
the Snark Deck and the picnic tables (built
by the Delta’s) on the deck, as well as
cleaning and painting a section of the
basement. They were initiated on April 27,
2012, the night before Pig Dinner.
After spending three months with these
young men during their pledgeship, I am
proud of the progress they have made and
to call them my brothers. I have been
especially impressed with the level of
involvement of the Iota’s, and the tightness of their pledge class brotherhood.
Their friendship exemplifies our motto:
“Friendship - the sweetest influence.”
\r\nPhi Gamma Delta Fraternity
1201 Red Mile Road
Lexington, KY 40504
Nonprofit Org
US Postage
Lexington, KY
Permit # 540
Mu Mumbles is a biannual publication of the undergraduate members for the graduate
members, parents, and friends of the Mu Chapter of the Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
All correspondence regarding this publication should be directed to Corresponding
Secretary Luke Nevermann at
Undergraduate Officers
Martín Uraga (2013) - Chapter President
Rolf Iueter (2014) - Chapter Treasurer
John Williams (2014) - Recording Secretary
Luke Nevermann (2013) - Corresponding Secretary
Jackson Rohde (2013) - Chapter Historian
Purple Legionnaire
Mike Wygocki (Western Michigan 1986)
Mu Mumbles Contributors
Luke Nevermann
Martín Uraga
Rolf Ieuter
Jackson Rohde
Leo Warman
Bryan Mette
Eric Lied
For more information and to stay up-to-date
with your chapter, please visit or
Design, printing and mailing services provided by the International Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta.
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Summer 2012 newsletter for the Mu chapter at University of Wisconsin. The newsletter is four pages in length.