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2012 Winter Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
Winter 2012 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is nine pages.
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Chi Eta
Western Kentucky University
2012 Winter Newsletter Chi Eta (Western Kentucky University)
December 2012
Volume 3 Issue 3
Date an Iota
PG. 1
Ronnie Santana
PG. 2
Hurricane Issaac
PG. 4
Pg. 6
Parents’ Day
Pg. 7
Color Run
Pg. 7
Senior Bios
Pg. 8
Graduate News &
Chapter Updates
Pg. 9
Save the
4th Annual
frank norris
pig dinner
April 27, 2013
Auctions, Initation
and the Iota’s
Austin Lanter (2014)
Each pledge class for
the Chi Eta Chapter is given
a Greek name. The most
recent pledge class is known
as the Iota Class. This class
is comprised of 15 men from
all over Kentucky, ranging
from Freshman to Juniors in
Another tradition that
the Chapter has that binds
each pledge class even closer
together is the idea of each
class completing a pledge
The Iota’s perform the Fraternity stroll at Date an Iota. (Photo by
class project. These projects Brian Campbell)
are intended to form a deeper
bond within the class and im- calling it “Date an Iota.” The
Stephens went on to say
prove something around the
event took place December
that every member of his
chapter house. Past pledge
4 in the DUC Auditorium
class was involved and beclass projects have included
on campus. The fundraiser
cause of the help and support
the fence built in the backfeatured 13 Iota’s and seven
of the older brothers, it was a
yard by the Epsilon Class and other Fiji’s being auctioned
fun, successful night.
the stairs in the basement by
off with Iota’s Taylor Ruby
Right now, the Iota’s
the Delta Class.
and Brent Stephens and Delta plan to renovate one of the
Before any project can
Nick Burnett playing the role rooms in the basement with
be completed, the class must of MC for the evening.
the money they were able to
find a way to raise the funds
Overall, the Iota’s were
for it. Both the Delta Class
able to raise over $900.
“Date an Iota was a
and the Epsilon Class raised
“I think Date an Iota
blast,” Lexington Iota Clint
money by auctioning themwent great,” Stephens said.
Bacon said. “It went much
selves off with the highest
“We had a good number of
better than I think anyone
bidder receiving a date with
ladies come out and also a
anticipated and I can’t wait
the brother they purchased.
significant number of brothto get started on our pledge
The Iota Class, seeing
ers which was awesome to
class project.”
the success that the previous
see how supportive they
two auctions had, decided to
(See Iota, page 2)
do the same fundraiser,
\r\nDecember 2012
Volume 3 Issue 3
Members of the Iota class, from left to right, Seth Haga,
Sam Cherry, Hayden Hickey, and Parker Kuhn examine
memorabila while on a tour at Phi Gamma Delta’s International
Headquarters in Lexington. (Photo by Brian Campbell)
where we started, how we
(Iota Continued)
got started and it was very
interesting to see that tied
That was not the only
in with some Hilltopper
thing the Iota’s have been
history too,” Stephens said.
looking forward to for quite
Lexington Iota Parker
some time. Just a few days Kuhn said that he is blessed
prior to Date an Iota, the
to have gotten such a great
Iota’s became the ninth
start with the fraternity
pledge class to initiate into through the Pledge Educathe Chi Eta Chapter of Phi
tion program.
Gamma Delta.
“Having such a great
Stephens said that
pledge semester with such
initiation was one of the
a great class made it pergreatest experiences of his
fect,” he said. “It’s always
life and really enjoyed the
weird to look back and rehistory walk as well.
member the day that we all
“The history walk was received our bids and look
an informative, fun, and re- at how we were as a class
ally cool way to show how then compared to what we
Fiji’s are involved at WKU, are now.”
Ronnie Santana: A Life of Faith
Sam Knott (2014)
Brother Ronnie Santana, a Founding Father of this Chi Eta Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta, has devoted the
last few years of his life to studying in
hopes to one day become a Catholic
priest. Great interest in his studies has
led him to seek a knowledge that can’t
be found in the United States and so it
has led him to the epicenter of Roman
Catholicism, the Vatican.
Current undergraduate brother
and fellow Catholic, Samuel Knott,
decided to catch up with Ronnie a little
bit through a short Q & A session in
order to update the chapter on the great
things that this graduate brother is
participating in.
So what are you up to now days?
Well, currently I am studying
in The Eternal City – Rome, Italy
– through the Catholic Studies program located at the University of St.
Thomas in St. Paul, Minnesota. I will
be here in Rome until January 23rd,
upon which I will be returning to the
United States and finishing my last
year of philosophical studies. Being a
Catholic Seminarian is great but also
difficult in Rome because of the nearly
limitless possibilities available here.
Life is busy, life is fun!
What is it like to be in the beautiful
country of Italy?
Being here in Italy has been a
wonderful and singular experience.
Without a doubt, it will be a part of me
for the rest of my life. I have been to
many places in Italy including Norcia, Venice, Padoua, Assisi, Siena and
Ravenna. What will amaze you as you
begin to travel in the country is how
different the daily way of life is here.
In the cities you walk by ancient buildings, most of which are older than our
country, and immediately get a taste
of how life was several hundred years
ago. Traveling by train is even more
amazing. As you zip through the Italian countryside you see the mountains
in the horizon, the flat plains before
you, and the majestic medieval towns
built upon the tallest hills all in one
blink of an eye.
\r\nDecember 2012
Volume 3 Issue 3
Being in Italy is kinda like being Larry
Daley from A Night at the Museumeverything I encounter comes to life
before my eyes.
As a Catholic, what does it mean to be
studying in the Vatican?
As a Catholic Christian nothing
makes my faith more real and substantial than the Vatican. Typically when
you think of the Vatican you immediately imagine St. Peter’s Basilica, and
this is not far off from reality! St. Peter’s Basilica is a very real testimony to
the unbroken faith of the Christian people in both the Eastern and the Western
worlds throughout the centuries. This
can be very difficult for many Americans to grasp, including myself, since
our history and our culture is barely
over two centuries young. Being able
to study at the Pontifical University of
St. Thomas Aquinas solidifies my connection to the faith of my forefathers
and brings to my life an entirely new
dimension of faith and love.
What exactly is your main goal in
becoming a priest?
There is a beautiful poem written
by a French Dominican priest named
Fr. Henri Dominique Lacordaire, O.P.
titled The Priest which, in my opinion
grasps, really attains a great answer to
this question.
I love this poem but the best
answer to this question is found in the
scriptures. If I had to use the words of
our Lord Himself to describe what the
main goal of my priesthood would be,
it would be summed up by the passages
from St. Luke 4:18-19 and St. Matthew
Graduate Brother Ronnie Santana with
Monsignor Guido Marini.
(Photo submitted)
13. The example set by Christ in these
scripture passages is, among many, the
example a priest must follow in virtue
of his ordination. The priest must be,
in a very real sense, Christ to all people
– in and out of season. As I am sure
you can conclude, this means that the
priest is called to fully conform himself
to the model of Christ, the supreme
and eternal priest from whom his very
priesthood is derived.
As a graduate brother of Phi Gamma
Delta, was there anything within your
undergrad years in the brotherhood
that led you to pursue a life of priesthood?
Yes. The brotherhood itself!
While at that time I was not to familiar
with Blessed John Paul II and his writings, he describes my experience at that
time the best. Blessed John Paul
II said, “Man, who is the only creature
on earth which God willed for himself, cannot fully find himself except
through a sincere gift of self.” In other
words we are meant for communion –
for brotherhood – and it was my first
experience of community with Phi
Gamma Delta that helped pave my way
to enter seminary and perhaps one day
become a priest of the Church. Without
the brotherhood found in Phi Gamma
Delta, which challenged me but also
helped me become a better man, I more
than probably would not be where I am
now. My family and friends had much
to contribute to my formation as well,
but the benefit of brotherhood received
during my undergraduate times with
Phi Gamma Delta is very significant
What is one piece of advice you could
give to the Chapter at this point in
Memory. Do not forget your roots
especially the history of how our local Chapter came to be! While there
are universal aspects of Phi Gamma
Delta that transcend into every chapter,
there must exist a preservation of those
certain particular qualities which make
every chapter what they are. The local
customs and traits enrich the overall
experience which is Phi Gamma Delta
and in order to remember what these
customs and traits are you must continue to keep in touch with the founding classes and the classes which come
thereafter. Engage us, pursue us, and
you will begin to find a new life and
purpose within the local chapter that
could become lost.
\r\nDecember 2012
Volume 3 Issue 3
Tearing down Walls, Rebuilding Hope
Liberty Junior Levi McQueary shovels debris
and sludge from a house in New Orleans,
Louisiana. (Photo by Brian Campbell)
Austin Lanter (2014)
For the third consecutive year,
brothers of the Chi Eta Chapter of Phi
Gamma Delta packed up and headed
down to the state of Louisiana for their
annual Fall Break Service Trip. The
past two years featured brothers staying in Baton Rouge at Louisiana State
University with the Fiji Chapter there.
However, this year would hold something new and exciting for the brothers.
The brothers decided to go where
there was the most need and where
they could make the biggest difference
within the community. It was because
of this that the chapter ended up in
After work, the brothers returned
New Orleans helping a Christian relief to the bunk house that Operation Blessorganization called Operation Blessing ing had provided and were able to get
by serving victims effected by Hurriin some much needed rest and relaxcane Isaac.
ation. Some brothers opted to explore
Nearly half of the chapter packed
the New Orleans area and went down
up and headed down to New Orleans
to the French Quarter, a big tourist aton Wednesday, October 3. Some broth- traction in the city.
ers had to drive through the night and
While everyone went so that they
did not arrive until 4 a.m.
may serve those in need, the brothers
Thursday morning the brothers
were able to grow closer to each other
were greeted by members of the Opera- in the process. For the most recent
tion Blessing team, who had prepared
pledge class of the fraternity, the Iota’s,
a warm, home-cooked meal for them.
this was their first big experience and
After breakfast, the brothers headed out opportunity for brotherhood.
to the worksite and it was not until they
were there that they learned what they
would be doing for the next two days.
From 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. on both
Thursday and Friday, the Chi Eta
Chapter assisted those effected by
the Hurricane by demolishing several
homes that had been ruined by water.
The area the brothers were serving in
was located outside of the levees and
had flooded for the first time in almost
100 years. The young men came together to bust down drywall, completely gut houses, clean sludge, and move
garbage to the street all while getting
to know the homeowners of the houses
which they were destroying.
“We were able to form bonds with
the residents by praying for them,”
Owensboro Senior Bo Armstrong
said. “It’s wild to think that destroying someone’s house can actually help Louisville Senior Chris Kinney removes
someone start on the road to rebuilding debris from a house in New Orleans,
his or her home and life.”
Louisiana. (Photo by Brian Campbell)
\r\nDecember 2012
Volume 3 Issue 3
Brothers pose for a picture with members of the Operation Blessing team before heading to work.
(Photo taken by Operation Blessing)
For Taylor Ruby, a Somerset
Freshman and member of the Iota
class, it was an opportunity he could
not pass up.
“I went on the trip because
I wanted to make an impact in
someones life,” Ruby said. “I
hadn’t been in the Fraternity for
that long at the time and it was a
great opportunity to grow closer to
some of the brothers that I didn’t
know as well. Overall, the trip was
a great way to provide a service for
a community in need while also
bonding with my brothers.”
After two long days of manual
labor, the brothers once again loaded
into the cars to head back to Bowling
Green, completely exhausted.
Some chose to make a pit stop at
Auburn University to see an SEC
football game while others returned
to Bowling Green to relax before
having to go back to class.
“Even though we did a lot of
good work and saw some cool stuff,
my favorite part was the car rides
down and back with the same group
of brothers,” Armstrong said. “We
had a hilarious trip, blasting
Gangnam Style and Taylor
Swift at every state border and
live-tweeting our shenanigans.
Throughout the weekend, I stuck
close to these brothers, and formed
new bonds as well as strengthened
old bonds, grappling them as with
hoops of steel. I made memories that
I won’t soon forget.”
\r\nDecember 2012
Volume 3 Issue 3
Phi Gams Have Successful Homecoming Week
Brent Stephens (2016)
as people lined the streets to watch.
Overall Chi Eta’s group finished fourth
This years homecoming gave
in Homecoming week.
the men of Chi Eta an excellent
Spending several nights that seemed
opportunity to show off their talents
endless, and with the complete help
to the Bowling Green and WKU
and cooperation of OPA and Iota Phi
communities, and the Phi Gams did not Theta, the parade float was finished just
hours before it traveled to Avenue of
Chi Eta and its partners, the ladies
Champions for the start of the parade.
of Omega Phi Alpha and the men of
The trio of organizations worked for a
Iota Phi Theta, embraced this year’s
little over six days on the float, starting
theme of “Red, White and WKU,” in
on Sunday Oct. 14 at noon, and finally
producing a patriotic float that finished wrapping up around 2 p.m. that Friday.
second overall. The group also finished
Throughout the week Chi Eta
second in a new category, Parade
participated in several events with the
Spirit, which was judged on a basis of
OPA’s and Theta’s. The men started
overall enthusiasm, school spirit and
the week off with a dinner at Fort
crowd interaction. Each group showed Armstrong, and then later that night
their float off to the community, pulling had an impromptu step show on the
it with a truck from campus to the
back deck.
square in downtown Bowling Green
Chi Eta also hosted an ice cream
social that week, with an ice cream
bar set up in the kitchen with movies
playing on the first floor and a dance
party going on in the basement.
Throughout the week Chi Eta
participated in other events that
counted towards the overall standings
for the week. Fiji participated in Greek
Games, nominated OPA president
Tessa Duvall for Homecoming Queen,
and had their float for the parade.
Greek Events Chair and Owensboro
Junior Sam Knott said the week was a
great success.
“We became closer with two other
organizations we hadn’t been with
before,” Knott said. “Anytime you can
get to know other organizations and
start or improve those relationships, it’s
always a good thing.”
\r\nDecember 2012
Volume 3 Issue 3
Parents’ Day 2012
Evan Pennington (2015)
Parents’ day is a chance for the parents of the
newest pledge class to come and meet other brothers and
their parents. It is really the first chance that parents of the
pledge class have to interact with the fraternity and see
that chapter house. This year, parents’ day took place on
Saturday, September 22nd, and was a huge success.
Lunch was complemented by speeches from parents
Anita Caron, Amy Haga, and George Pennington as well
as Chapter President Nick Burnett and Purple Legionnaire
Jeff Baynham. The parents’ day festivities continued later
with tailgating at the alumni house on campus.
After tailgating, the parents were invited to come and
cheer on the Hilltopper football team against Southern
Mississippi. In the end, WKU was victorious against the
Golden Eagles 42-17. The chapter will be holding another
Parents’ day in the spring as well with the date to be
Throwing Paint, Fighting Alzheimers
Kyle Stewart (2015)
On November 3, 2012, the Chi
Eta chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
hosted the inaugural "Color Run to
Remember" at Kereiakes Park in
Bowling Green, Kentucky. The Color
Run to Remember is based off the
popular 5K race known as the Color
Run. Both 5K events have a unique
twist in that every runner is hit with
colored powder during the race to
create a vibrant and fun atmosphere for
participants of all ages.
The Color Run’s that take place
throughout the country, however,
benefit a different organization each
time. The Brothers, on the other hand,
wanted something that would be long
term and be a cause that they were
passionate about. Thus, the benefactor
for the the Color Run to Remember
became the Alzheimer’s Association.
The event raised $3,400 to assist in the
fight against Alzheimer's Disease.
For its first year in production,
the event ran smoothly and has the
potential growth in future years. A
color run had never been done in
Bowling Green before, and therefore
the event had a lot of community
involvement in addition to the
support from the greek system at
WKU. All in all, there were over 120
runners at the 5K.
This philanthropy event provided
brothers the chance to either
volunteer or participate in the event.
Many brothers were able to run
the race and others volunteered to
help with the event by throwing the
"powder" at the runners.
Overall, the event went extremely
well for its first year and the
brothers are extremely excited for
the potential success of the event in
years to come.
\r\nDecember 2012
Graduating Seniors
Volume 3 Issue 3
Wade Haga
Age: 22
Pledge Class: Senior/Fall 2012, Alpha Class
Major: Double major Finance and Spanish
Hometown: Lexington, KY
College Activities: Spirit Masters, Fiji
Big brother: No big brother, Alpha Class
Why did you join: I joined Fiji because I liked the idea of helping to form the organization. I wanted to be Greek to be able to
participate in the fun and beneficial experiences that come with it, but I wasn't excited to join a stereotypical fraternity.
What will you miss the most?: Fiji turned out to have an incredible influence on my life. I'll miss how present it is in my life now.
I'll always have Fiji, but the fraternity house won't always be a two minute drive away, and there won't always be brothers around
on campus to grab lunch and dinner with.
What are your plans for the future: I plan on living in the Dominican Republic for about six months starting in January as a
long-term intern with G.O. Ministries.
John R. Whitaker
Age: 21
Pledge Class: Gamma
Major: Biochemistry (Pre-Med)
Hometown: London, KY
College Activities: AED Pre-Professional Honors Society, Honors College Student, 2012 Partners in Caring Kenya Trip, WKU
Up 'til Dawn (2009-2011),
Big Brother: Josh Wiseman; Little Brothers: Jonathan Caron and Ben Harris
Why did you join?: I joined this group of men because I was captivated by the fact that these were such men of character that had
the highest goals possible. I really wanted to be a part of something big in my collegiate experience, and Phi Gamma Delta gave
me that opportunity. I also wanted to be surrounded by a group of men that I knew would challenge me, sharpen me, teach me,
and force me to grow into a man. I wanted to find role models and guys that genuinely cared about me for who I was, and what I
stood and believed in.
What will you miss the most?: I will definitely miss the brotherhood the most. From fall break and Gatlinburg trips to a fifteen
minute walk across campus with a brother that impacts me in a huge way. I will miss having such an awesome group of men
surrounding me every day and always encouraging me to press on!
What are your plans for the future?: I will be marrying Hunter Stevens within the next few months, we will be moving
to Lexington, KY where I will be attending the University of Kentucky College of Medicine and she will be attending the
University of Kentucky College of Law. We will also be raising our newborn child, and making frequent trips to WKU to support
our Hilltoppers and Fiji!
Eric Hughes
Age: 22
Pledge Class: Zeta Class
Major: Business Informatics
Hometown: Huntsville, Alabama
College Activities: Intramural sports
Big brother: Mitch White
Why did you join?: I joined this fraternity in order to become a better man than when I entered college. I knew that this group
of guys would push me to be the absolute best that I could be while also keeping me accountable for my actions. My goals and
aspirations would not have been possible by myself, but having this brotherhood made all the difference.
What will you miss the most: I will miss the friendship and the memories the most. Above anything else we conduct in this
fraternity, friendship must always stay at the top.
What are your plans for the future?: I plan to go to work for the next 7 months before returning to WKU in August to pursue my
MBA. After I have completed that, I plan on getting a full time job.
\r\nDecember 2012
Volume 3 Issue 3
Graduate News
Weddings & Engagements
Chris Drury (WKU ‘10) married Nikki Zalewski on
November 24.
Intramural Success
The Chi Eta Chapter has experienced a lot of success in
Intramurals the past few semesters at WKU. This semester alone,
the chapter has been able to achieve the following:
Chaz Vittitow (WKU ‘11) married Karinne
Marcum on December 21, 2012
• 2nd and 3rd place in Fraternity league Flag Football
John Whitaker (WKU ‘12) is now engaged to Hunter
Stevens and the two will be wed in mid-to-late
January. They are also expecting a baby girl on May
16, 2013.
• Sam Knott got 2nd in the Turkey Trot 5K
General Updates
Brandon Bowman (WKU ‘10) is now serving as the
Purple Legionaire for the University of Cincinatti Fiji
Dean Kahler (WKU Affiliate ‘10) was hired as the
Vice Chancellor for Enrollment Management at the
University of Arkansas-Little Rock in October.
Luke Gilliam (WKU ‘12) is now working for the
Kentucky Transporation Cabinet in Paducah.
Clint Conrad (WKU Affiliate ‘10) is now an insurance
agent for State Farm in Lexington. Clint can be
contacted at (859) 276-4366 or you may visit his
website at
• Dallas Wilson placed 1st in the Football Skills Com
• 2nd in Men’s and Co-Ed Volleyball
• 1st in the Kickball Tournament
• 2nd in 3-on-3 Basketball
The Fraternity is currently 2nd in the Intramural standings
as well and will be looking to defend their Basketball league
championship this spring.
Parent & Graduate Events
4th Annual Chi Eta Frank Norris Pig Dinner
April 27, 2013
Parents and Graduates mark your calendars! Pig
Dinner will be held at the Carol Knicely Center on
April 27, 2013. More details on registration coming
2013 Cabinet Members
President- Dylan Ward
Treasurer- Griffin Fruge
Recording Secretary- Tyler Lockhart
Corresponding Secretary- Will Garcia
Historian- Robert Lucas
Have graduate news? Send an email to!
Learn about the WKU Excellence Fund and how you can
support Chi Eta at
Current Supporters
Bob Anderegg (USC `71, WKU GA `10)
Jeff Baynham (WKU `10)
Ray Blankenship (Kentucky `84, WKU GA `10)
Brandon Bowman (WKU `10)
Dr. Craig Cobane (WKU Faculty `10)
Steve and Anita Caron (Parents)
George and Janie Pennington (Parents)
Blaine Routt (WKU `11)
Chaz Vittitow (WKU `11)
Mitchell White (WKU `11)
Josh Wiseman (WKU `12)
Friendship. Knowledge. Service. Morality. Excellence.
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Winter 2012 newsletter of the Chi Eta chapter at Western Kentucky University. This newsletter is nine pages.