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2012 Winter Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
Winter 2012 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. This newsletter is four pages.
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University of Evansville
2012 Winter Newsletter Epsilon Iota (University of Evansville)
Evening Out
with the Undergrads
March 24
Epsilon Iota
April 28
2 0 1 2
March Madness 2
with the Undergrads
Have You
Heard the
Good News?
What’s Distracting Fijis?
EI Open Moves 3
to the Spring
2 0 1 2
Phi Gam Heals Sick, Sounds Tired
At Epsilon Iota, our graduates
have gone on to become lawyers, business owners, engineers, teachers, and exxtreme
consultants. Nick Jones (EI
2007) is our first medical doctor. After leaving the University of Evansville, Nick went
on to medical school at the
University of Kentucky. After his graduation there in
2011, he began his residency
at Memphis’s University of
Tennessee hospital. He took
time out of his very busy
schedule to answer a few
Pig Dinner
October 13
A Letter From
the President
Ace of Diamonds
What made you want to
become a doctor?
There wasn't one thing that
made me want to be a doctor.
I have always liked science
and puzzles. Medicine offered
me a way to engage in both of
them on a daily basis while
helping people out.
Explain the residency program for those of us who
have never watched a medical show.
After you graduate from medical school, you complete a
residency in your chosen area
of specialty. This lasts 3-7
years and you take care of
patients in the hospital and
clinics under the supervision
of a more experienced doctor.
At the end of this period, you
are eligible to sit for a board
exam and become an inde-
pendent practitioner or
you can undergo further training in a fellowship to become
sub specialized in
something like cardiology or endocrinology.
You’re performing
your residency in
Memphis. Was it
your first choice?
Memphis was one of
my top choices and it's
a great city to train in
because you get to
serve a population
with a lot of need and
a wide variety of disease.
Nick Jones and his wife Megan at
Nick’s medical school graduation.
The assumption among
lay people about a resident’s schedule is that it’s
pretty hectic. How much
time do you spend at the
My schedule varies each
month. For the most part I
work 12-14 hour days 6 days
a week. Next year, I will
have to do 30 hour call days
every 4-5 days for about 8
months of the year.
What’s been the most interesting/craziest thing that
you’ve experienced so far?
I have seen lots of gross infections and things like that,
but to me the most notable
thing I have been a part of is
working in the NICU and
taking care of babies born
extremely premature that only
weighed 500 grams (a little
over 1 pound) and seeing
them leave the hospital.
Any thoughts on a specialty?
Currently I am a resident in a
combined internal medicine
and pediatrics program which
gives me a lot of choices to
specialize further down the
road. I have no specific plans
to pursue a fellowship at this
time, but I am keeping my
options open.
March Madness with the Undergrads
The undergrads would like to invite the graduates
and their families to spend a Saturday evening
with them at Kipplee’s Party House on Boeke
Avenue. On March 24, from 6:30 to 9:30, the
Epsilon Iota chapter will be treating all interested
parties to pizza and basketball. There will also
be a cash bar.
RSVP’s are appreciated, but not necessary, and
can be made with Bryan Hamann (EI 2012) at or (901) 359-0713.
EI Undergrads. They Miss Us.
Have You Heard the Good News?
Bryan Hartman (EI 2006)’s wife Chelsea is pregnant with their first child.
Ray Baker (EI 2008) and Becky Miller were married on New Year’s Eve.
Eric Zenthoefer (EI 2002) and his wife Amanda are expecting their first child.
Matt Korn (EI 2005) and his wife Kim are expecting their second child.
Todd Ebright (EI 2008) started a new job as a Design Engineer for MartinCSI
in Columbus, Ohio last August and became an EIT (Engineer in Training) after
passing the Fundamentals of Engineering Exam last October.
Matt Snodgrass (EI 2005) and his wife Dria are expecting their second child.
At Ray and Becky
Baker’s wedding, Geoff
Keller (EI 2008, far left)
makes it all about him.
What’s Distracting Fijis?
In a new feature, the Ace of Diamonds
sets out to determine what movies, TV,
books, etc., are distracting a particular
Phi Gam. First, we check out what Jon
Kissel (EI 2006) is up to.
Contagion – For someone like myself
who’s interested in epidemiology and
the work of the CDC, Contagion was
made specifically for me. It’s half
scripted movie, half well-researched
documentary about a pandemic that
sweeps across the world. It was my
favorite movie of last year and I’ve
watched the blu-ray three times since I
bought it a month ago.
you whole, even if you had the raccoon
suit. Then, you finally make it
through, and it’s nothing but sheer,
unbridled joy. Dark Souls for the
XBOX 360 or PS3 is just like that, only with zombies and skeletons.
Party Down – Focused on caterers in
Hollywood with bigger dreams or
failed ones, Party Down is a TV show
that takes what could be. a depressing
premise and turns it into a really funny
look at what happens when a person
very slowly realizes that they maybe
aren’t as great as they thought they
Dark Souls – Remember playing Super
Mario Bros. 3? You never thought you
would be able to get past that level
with the huge fish who could swallow
Jon Kissel Pondering his distractions
EI Open Moves to the Spring
The 2012 Epsilon Iota Open
could not have higher stakes.
After years of the same four or
five Alpha's winning in every
way possible, from keeping the
competition at arm's length to
needing several overtime holes
to seal the victory, a team of
upstarts led by Rance Brown (EI
2006) came out of nowhere to
shake the EI FIJI golf world to
its core. Winning the day by 8
strokes, Rance and company
emphatically declared themselves the new Champions of
the World, if the World were
defined by the few dozen golfers who took part. This outcome
generated so much shock and
disbelief, the 2012 EI Open had
to be moved up by six months.
Can Team Rance replicate their
success? Is this the beginning
of a new golf dynasty, or a
freakish divot on the fairway?
Will the Alpha's reclaim their
title, or will a new foursome
firmly put their tee into the sod
of 2012? Golf metaphors!
These questions and more will
be answered on April 28th, at
Clearcrest Pines golf course.
The day will be a scramble on a
shotgun start. As always, proceeds go to help fund our beloved Epsilon Iota chapter at the
University of Evansville. Tee
times will begin at 11, and the
cost of golfing will be $50.
More information and RSVP’s
can be made with Jon Kissel at or at
(812) 550-4476. Please make
checks out to Phi Gamma Delta.
Hole sponsorships are accepted
from $25 or greater, and can be
paid for through PayPal by
sending your donation to, .or by mailing a check to 383 E Melrose
Ave, Bloomington, IN,
After a sensational turn-out in
2011, we hope to
exceed it in this
new year. We
hope to hear from
many prospective
golfers in the
coming weeks.
May your drives
be straight and
your putts calibrated to the
curve of the
\r\nA Letter From the President
It has been a very successful last
few months at Epsilon Iota. We
were fortunate to initiate eleven of
our twelve fall pledges, the best
ratio on campus and a testament
to our growing brotherhood. The
pledge class achieved an amazing
3.32 grade point average and eight
of the new brothers qualified for
the AAA scholarship from IHQ.
Many of the new members are
taking on leadership roles in the
chapter and proving that they are
active participants, willing to contribute all they can to Phi Gamma
The chapter elected its new officers during the early days of December. New cabinet members
include myself (2013) as President, Austin White (2014) as
Treasurer, Derrick McDowell
(2013) as Recording Secretary,
Jordan Chapman (2013) as Corresponding Secretary, and Tyler
Tungate (2013) as Historian. The
new officers look to continue the
upward march of the previous
cabinet and continue to help Epsilon Iota strive for excellence.
Epsilon Iota has also been standing out on campus. The chapter
recently won the annual Musical
Madness competition, sweeping
all of the awards in a rendition of
the show, Mighty Morphin’ Pow-
er Rangers. We have also won
championships in intramural
sports, including Men’s A and C
league basketball, badminton, and
racquetball. Along with the
championships of the previous
semester, Epsilon Iota has a very
good chance at winning the overall intramural crown for this year.
Among individual achievements,
new member Nathan Graves
(2015) was one of a select few to
be chosen as an Orientation Leader this past month, and Bryce
Huff (2013) was also elected as
President of the Inter Fraternity
Council for the next year.
The chapter also excelled in
scholarship this past year. We
achieved a 3.13 grade point average this past semester and hold a
Epsilon Iota President
John Gentry
cumulative 3.09 overall. This
number placed us second among
all fraternities on campus by a
slim margin of 0.01 and was
above the all-Greek male and allmale averages.
The next few months will be very
busy for our chapter. We are intensifying our work towards HotTub-A-Thon and are pleased to
report several successful bucket
shakes raising over 200 dollars
each and two very generous, and
anonymous, donations of 1000
and 1500 dollars. We will be
having a give back day on February 23rd at Spudz-N- Stuff that
should prove to be very successful
in raising money for Easter Seals.
Speaking personally, I am very
happy to be leading this chapter
and its continual growth. I know
with the strong brotherhood we
continually build at this chapter,
we will only get stronger as a
whole. I look to use my time as
President to help this chapter continuously improve. I know that
many of the brothers are considering this to be their best time as a
Phi Gam, so I hope to report even
better news to you in my next
John Gentry
Epsilon Iota 2013
Jon Kissel, Ace of Diamonds editor
Phi Gamma Delta
John Gentry, Chapter President
Evansville, IN 47714
Hot-Tub-O-Thon information
227 S. Lincoln Park Dr.
Visit Epsilon Iota on the web at
“Not for college days alone.”
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Winter 2012 newsletter of the Epsilon Iota chapter at the University of Evansville. This newsletter is four pages.