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2013 December Newsletter for Section XI
December 2013 newsletter for Section XI. The newsletter is 10 pages in length.
Date/Date Range:
2013 December Newsletter for Section XI
Phi Gamma Delta Section XI West News
Section XI West News
Inside this issue:
Volume 3, Issue 1
December 1, 2103
Epsilon Chapter
Nu Sigma Chapter
Delta Kappa Chapter
Beta Nu Chapter
Calendar Dates
Chiefly Speaking
Sales 101
One of the greatest challenges we face
in recruiting new members for Phi
Gamma Delta is determining what is
the best way to describe who we are
and what we represent. Today, young
men in our schools have so many distractions and calls for their attention.
Classes, extracurricular activities, jobs,
video games, family, the list goes on
and on. What can we, as a Fraternity,
offer these men to compete with these
distractions? What do we have that
they can benefit from? How do we sell
Phi Gamma Delta?
That’s right. Sell. Make no mistake.
Every brother in your chapter is a
salesman from the moment he is initiated. Every activity they pursue, every
class they attend, every teacher they
meet presents an opportunity to sell
others on who we are as individuals
and what we represent as members of
our Fraternity. This reality may trouble
some. In truth, every encounter is an
opportunity to sell ourselves, our Fraternity and the principles for which we
the keys for all Phi Gams - friendship,
education and recognition for superior
efforts. We must sell them all on the
reality that Phi Gamma Delta is eliminating hazing in all its forms and offering each recruit a safe and positive
environment to learn and to grow. We
must sell the true meaning of Brother
I am not talking about simply offering
a place to hang out with friends. I
mean the true underlying purpose of
brotherhood - family, welcome, support and friendship. Factors that
strengthen and support young men in
school and drive the graduates of Phi
Gamma Delta to remain a part of the
Fraternity and give back to their chapters as mentors, advisors and graduate
Gamma Delta
men are campus
academic stalwarts
activists. Our
Section Chief
brothers know
Bill Hunnicutt
how to chan(Phi Tau ‘81)
nel the energy
and ambition of new members into the
many clubs and activities of the school and
help give the new recruits renewed focus
and drive to excel.
If we keep all these critical factors in mind
whenever we focus on our recruiting, we
give ourselves all the ammunition we need
to sell ourselves and our Fraternity. Social
events and parties fade from memory over
time as do most activities we may use to
entice new recruits. What remains is the core
of who we are - like minded men in a brotherhood who are devoted to helping each
other become the best we can be - academically, socially and spiritually. Our core beliefs are very compelling and should be easy
to sell to young men who have the drive and
ambition to become the best they can be in
a new environment. It is our job to sell that
story and convince them that no one can
help them achieve success at their new
school like Phi Gamma Delta. Selling Phi
Gamma Delta is Sales 101.
The purpose for every man who enters a college or university is to get an
education. This is common to all.
What is also common is that many
come from schools where they were
the senior students and leaders who
had earned a purpose and value to
their schools. Most enter college having to start all over again and regain
Especially during recruitment, every some of the value they had earned at
brother must sell himself and the their high schools.
chapter to the prospective recruit. We
must sell the recruits and their parents The strength of our Fraternity is that
on the strength of our programs that we can offer them a means to immedipromote academics and campus in- ately put that past experience and
volvement. We must sell them all on leadership back into productive use at Pergé!
\r\nPage 2
Section XI West News
Epsilon Chapter
University of North Carolina
doing every2013 Cabinet
thing from tuChapter Officers
Epsilon officers elected by the chapter in
November for the 2013 –14 term are :
George Moore – Winston Salem, NC
Paul Lilley – Rocky Mount, NC
Corresponding Secretary:
Thomas Webster – Greensboro, NC
Recording Secretary:
William Hathaway – Washington, DC
Ryan Wallace – Kill Devil Hills, NC
In November Epsilon co hosted the
Phi Gam/Pi Kappa Alpha fire truck
pull. The event was held at the UNC
Fraternity Court and featured two
full-sized fire trucks that were pulled
across a finish line by a team of 8
men or 16 women. The event sought
to help raise funds for the Chapel Hill
Fire Department and con-nue Epsilon’s commitment to Fire Safety and
Fire Preven-on. The event pulled in
over 100 par-cipants and spectators
from UNC fraterni-es and sorori-es.
toring in local
schools to volunteering at our local
UNC Arboretum.
Epsilon’s incoming pledge class
recently volunteered their -me
to re-stain the visitor center
complex at the Vance Birthplace
State Historic Site in Asheville,
NC. Zebulon Baird Vance was
one of the founding members of
Epsilon Chapter and a governor
of North Carolina. Cumula-vely,
Our sincerest thanks to outgoing President In addi-on to the sponsored events, our men put in over 250 hours of
Kevin DePopas and his cabinet for their many Epsilon brothers are serving in service over the course of two
hard work and dedica-on to the chapter.
personal philanthropy in community days.
Well done, brothers!
service and campus involvement,
Epsilon has pledged a solid group of 17
young men to the chapter during the Fall
2013 recrui-ng season. The new pledges
are already ac-ve on campus.
Two of the pledges are Moorhead Scholars. Greater than half of the new pledge
class is playing intramural sports and tutoring at local Chapel Hill and Carrboro
middle schools.
We also have two new members who
play on the club lacrosse team..
2013 Fall Pledges at the Zebulon Vance Birthplace Visitor Center
Spring Sports & Acvies
Junior Keegan Lowe con-nues to serve as manager for the UNC Tarheels men’s baseball team for the coming
school year. Freshmen Tripp Andracchio and Morgan Pergande are Moorhead Scholars as is Sophomore
Fields Pierce.
Several brothers par-cipate as members of the UNC Club Lacrosse team including Kevin DePopas, Wilkins
Zollicoffer, August Pons & Greg Gehsmann. Wilkins and August serve as captains on the team.
\r\nVolume 3, Issue 1
Page 3
IFC Leadership
Sophomore Fields Pierce was elected as the
Chairman of the IFC Greek Judicial Board for the
2013 –14 school year.
One of the challenges the cabinet at Epsilon has accepted for the Fall 2013 academic year is refocusing the dedica-on
the chapter has on academics. With Phi
Gamma Delta’s emphasis on academic
improvement and the demanding expecta-ons for academic performance required by the University, Epsilon is commiGed to making academics the top priority for all brothers. Epsilon has ins-tuted a new Scholarship program with
the assistance from IHQ. The first
“proof” of their renewed focus comes at
the end of the Fall 2013 term and the
grade reports. Purple Legionnaire
Marvin Carver and President Kevin
Depopas are driving the academic program for the Chapter.
AKer the re-rement of Purple Legionnaire Edwin Braswell
(Epsilon ‘03), Epsilon was looking for a strong Purple Legionnaire to help guide them as they embarked on their
renewed focus on academics, philanthropy and communi- and brotherhood to Epsilon’s young chapter and will be
ty/fraternity involvement. The ques-on was Who? Who instrumental in helping the chapter achieve its ambi-ous
could give them the guidance they needed to make so renewal goals.
many changes?
Purple Legionnaire
AKer a lengthy search, the chapter reached out to a familiar and well established graduate brother for help. Joining
the chapter this fall as Purple Legionnaire was Living Former Archon Marvin Carver (Epsilon ‘75)
Marvin served as Archon President of Phi Gamma Delta
from 2004 - 06. His tenure included significant efforts in
improving alcohol awareness among the chapters and
renewed emphasis on academics. Brother Carver also
served as the first Director of Chapter Services for the Interna-onal Fraternity from 1976 - 78.
Marvin brings a strong back ground in service, academics
\r\nPage 4
Section XI West News
Nu Sigma Chapter
North Carolina State University
2013 Cabinet
Nu Sigma cabinet elected in December 2012 include:
C. ScoG McDonald, Durham, NC
Mar-n Hemphill, Greensboro, NC
Recording Secretary
Christopher Zaino, Huntersville, NC
Corresponding Secretary
Kevin Judd, Cornelius, NC
Andrew Speciale, FayeGeville, NC
Campus Involvement
Nu Sigma con-nues to grow and has added a new
group of pledges the fall semester. The Fall recruitment chose 9 new men of quality to fill the chapter
ranks. The chapter will also par-cipate in the Spring
rush to further build their numbers. The coming rush
will be greatly enhanced by the recent awarding of the
Caldwell Cup to the chapter as the top IFC chapter at
North Carolina State. Recrui-ng plans include informal
event such as pick-up football and Broomball to more
formal gatherings including dinner with our local graduates.
Blake Richardville (Business Admin)
• NCSU Republicans Club
Nu Sigma’s success in achieving the top recogni-on
on campus for IFC fraterni-es is driven by strong in- Andrew Speciale (Mechanical Eng)
volvement by brothers in campus ac-vi-es. Listed
• Contracted Army ROTC
below are some of the brother involved with campus
Kevin Judd (Electrical Eng)
extracurricular ac-vi-es
• University Honors Program
Sco3 McDonald (Elementary Educa-on)
Drew Sffler (Aerospace Eng)
• University Ambassador
• AIAA Member
• College of Educa-on Ambassador
• CommiGee Member, Development &
Adam Oakes (Sta-s-cs)
Alumni Rela-ons CommiGee
• Sta-s-cs Club
• Co-Chair, CED Senior Class GiK CommiGee
• Intramural Soccer Official
• Leader, Campus Crusade for Christ (CRU)
• Member, Alpha Sigma Pi Honor Society
Chris Zaino (Chemical Eng)
Bryan Barbour (Agriculture Tech)
• Student Alumni Associa-on
• Student Wolfpack Club
• Wakeboard and Ski Club
Andrew McGowan (Environmental Tech & Mgmnt)
• Student Alumni Associa-on
• Collegiate entrepreneurial organiza-on
• NCSU republicans
Jacob Gould (Sports Management)
• Students for solar-OXFAM
• Student Alumni associa-on
• Habitat for Humanity club
Jon Dillon Drushal (Criminology)
• Contracted Army ROTC on scholarship
Taylor Grassi (Chemical Eng)
• Member of AICHe
Jusn Pence (Business Administra-on)
• NCSU Club Golf team
• Student Wolfpack club
• NCSU Club Ul-mate Frisbee team 4x IM
• Ski and Snowboard club
\r\nVolume 3, Issue 1
Page 5
2013 NCSU Caldwell Cup
Nu Sigma has seen a marked
improvement in the chapter
academics and reports that
all brothers are compliant
with their Scholarship program requirements. The incoming pledge class has a
GPA of about 3.1. Inial surveys suggest that the chapter
will complete the fall term
with a overall GPA of 3.1
Patrick Brehm (Sta-s-c)
• Sta-s-cs club
Ryan Mallory (Sport Management)
• Club Soccer
• Student Alumni Associa-on
Alex Ramsey (Computer Science)
• Ski & Snowboard Club
Nu Sigma President Scott McDonald
with the NCSU IFC Caldwell Cup
The Nu Sigma Chapter of
Phi Gamma Delta is proud
to announce their selecon as the recipients of
the Caldwell Cup. This
award goes to the best
overall chapter in the IFC
at North Carolina State
University. Recipients are
selected by a panel of
judges who consider overall chapter performance in
Scholarship, Philanthropy,
Service, Campus Involvement, and IM Sports.
This is the first me that
won the cup.
The Nu Sigma chapter of Phi Gamma Delta is raising money through a
Rivalry Run against the Pi Nu chapter of East Carolina for the V Founda-on. On November 17th, the Pi Nu chapter will run 33.5 miles from
East Carolina University in Greenville, NC towards Raleigh, NC. There
they will meet the brothers of the Nu Sigma Chapter and finish the
rest of the run for a combined total of 67 miles. Both chapters will secure dona-ons and pledges for the V Founda-on with the chapter
earning the most in pledges being declared the winner of the Rivalry
Run and hold the -tle un-l the next NCSU/ECU football game.
Jonathan Lopez (Biological Sciences)
Nu Sigma was also an ac-ve par-cipant in the 2013 Shack-a-Thon at
• Zoology club
NCSU. The Shack-a-thon is a week long program run by and to raise
Marn Hemphill (Business Admin- money for Habitat for Humanity. For the event, 15 different organizaistra-on)
-ons bid and win spots in the brickyard to build a shack. While build• CEO Club,
ing the shack, organiza-ons are supposed to raise as much money as
• Finance Club
possible, through dona-ons, bake sales, etc. The brothers of Nu Sigma
par-cipated this year for the first -me and were able to raise over
$2,000 for Habitat for Humani-es
\r\nPage 6
Section XI West News
Delta Kappa Chapter
Davidson College
2013 Cabinet
Delta Kappa cabinet for 2013. Cabinet officers are:
Chester Lindley (2014)
Los Angeles, CA
Sam Densen (2014) Summit, NJ
Recording Secretary
Bryan Kelly (2014)
Rockland, MA
Corresponding Secretary
MaGhew Brady (2015)
New Canaan, CT
Collin Malone (2015)
Warrington, PA
On Saturday, September
28th, the Delta Kappa
chapter ran in the annual
15K/5K Lung Strong charity run to raise money for
lung cancer in memory of
senior FIJI Sam Densen’s
mother, Barb, who tragically lost her baGle with
lung cancer this summer. Team Barb raised
the most money of any
team at the event bringing in over $4,000 for the
Lung Strong Charity.
Delta Kappa Brothers and members of “Team Barb” participated in the annual Lung Strong
Charity event for Lung Cancer.
\r\nVolume 3, Issue 1
Page 7
Fraternity recrui-ng rules for Davidson College have
changed. In the fall of 2012, Recruitment changed to
deferred recruitment. First semester students are not
allowed to pledge to a fraternity un-l they complete
their first semester on campus. Ac-ve recrui-ng is allowed beginning in January 2014.
The new program allows recrui-ng events in the first
three weeks of the Spring semester. Delta Kappa has
several events planned including a Cigar Night and a corn
hole tournament.
Delta Kappa has developed a strong following aKer the
first semester and looks forward to a successful spring
recrui-ng session.
Delta Kappa Brother Dan Hagemann competes
on the Davidson varsity wrestling team. Bo
Herlin is Vice President of the Sailing Club.
Daniel Peek plays Varsity Soccer for the Wildcats,
Bryan Kelly is President of the Bernard (Math)
Society and Ma3 Brady is the Vice President of
the Club Rugby team. Ma3hew Schlerf is a
Presiden-al Scholar. Ralph Blasey plays golf for
the Davidson Varsity team. Dan Van Note is
President of the Dance Ensemble
for America
Grant Mitchell
Special Olympics College Treasurer
Collin Malone
Delta Kappa has many brothers involved at the Davidson
Hall Counselor
campus. Delta Kappa brothers involved include
Society of Physics Students
Ralph Blasey
Ford Higgins
Hall Counselor
Varsity Basketball Manager
Jason Pacious
Dan Van Note
Davidson Honor Council
Gamut Dance Choreographer
Club Soccer Captain
Rob Hagerty
Bolton Smith
President of Rape Awareness CommiGee
German Club
Hall Counselor
Mock Trial Team
Andrew Irvine
Ma3 Brady
Habitat for Humanity
American Chemical Society
Ma3hew Schlerf
Delta Kappa is proud to announce that Alec Brown and
Oops! Improv comedy group
Project Life
Josh Brandt were selected as Chidsey Leadership FelSpencer Chadinha
lows. The Davidson Chidsey Leadership Fellows program
is focused on developing leaders who will make a powerJazz Ensemble
Ma3hew Gore
ful impact and who exemplify the values of Davidson ColCrossFit Davidson coach
lege: honor, service, leadership, and respect for the digDavidson College Libertarians
nity and worth of all people. Chidsey Fellows develop the
School Ambassador
Sam Densen
ability to bring together people from a range of interests,
Volunteer Coordinator for Community
backgrounds, and perspec-ves to challenge the status
Free Clinic of Concord
quo and work together for the common good.
Josh Hengen
Campus Campaign Coordinator for Teach
Campus Involvement
\r\nPage 8
Section XI West News
Beta Nu Chapter
Appalachian State University
2014 Cabinet
Beta Nu has elected their new cabinet for
2014. Accep-ng the du-es as cabinet
officers are:
Ramsey Marra
MaG Dudley
Recording Secretary
Caleb Yelton
The Beta Nu chapter of Phi Gamma Delta
hosted a Fall philanthropy event called Mustachio Bashio. The chapter set a goal to raise
$1000 to be donated to the USO. 12 brothers
volunteered to grow mustaches for the
months of October and November in an
effort to raise the money. On November 14,
the brothers shaved their mustaches off at a
"Mustache Shaving Party" and car bash.
One of Beta Nu chapter goals has been to
work towards increasing efforts in philanCorresponding Secretary
thropic endeavors and the "service" value of
Bryan Wright
the fraternity. This has had an indirect and posi-ve influence
in building campus and Phi Gamma Delta recogni-on. Beta Nu
Connor Jones
achieved this goal by par-cipa-ng in and contribu-ng to mulCongratula-ons and good luck to the new cabinet.
-ple philanthropy events of fellow ASU Greek organiza-on.
We also extend a hearty thank you to outgoing Pres- Beta Nu donated manpower and money in assis-ng these
ident Patrick Gi3er and his cabinet. Well done,
other groups endeavors.
Further, the chapter’s month-long philanthropy event
"Mustachio Bashio" received a great response form the campus. Campus contributors were encouraged to make small
monetary contribu-ons as en-cement for par-cipa-ng musIt was an exci-ng semester for the Beta Nu Broth- tache growers to grow and to keep growing their mustaches
ers at Appalachian State University. We were ex- and earn more contribu-ons throughout the length of the
beyond program. At the end of the month long contest, the chapter
in recruitment tac-cs by boos-ng our website, had received over $1000 from more than 100 contributors
passing out brochures, and mee-ng candidates that was then donated to the USO. Beta Nu has found that
and promo-ng the idea and benefits of an unique the renewed commitment to the chapter’s philanthropy and
in suppor-ng the ASU Greek community's philanthropic
brotherhood within our fraternity.
efforts have shown the campus that the Beta Nu chapter lives
At the end of recruitment week, we were proud to by the values of our fraternity. Beta Nu has been able to show
announce that we were able to gain one of the the campus that Beta Nu men are well-rounded and united by
biggest pledge classes since our chartering in common ideals, values and goals and driven to become a vi2010. As a brotherhood effort, it was exci-ng to brant organiza-on involved and engaged with ASU students
see everyone work together and make sacrifices and organiza-on on campus.
to ensure a promising future for the chapter. All
the hard work paid off as Beta Nu pledges 21
young men to the chapter at the end of the Appalachian State recruitment drive.
In con-nuing our commitment to philanthropic endeavors at
Appalachian State, Beta Nu has completed 705 community
service hours and donated over $1000 to other Fraterni-es
and Sorority philanthropy events this semester.
\r\nVolume 3, Issue 1
Campus Involvement
The Beta Nu chapter has done an excellent job of
working towards our goal of increasing recogni-on
on campus this semester. For the Fall term, the
biggest events on campus are the homecoming
week fes-vi-es. This year, the Beta Nu chapter
partnered with the ladies of Alpha Omicron Pi and
par-cipated successfully in the week's events. The
Beta Nu chapter and AOPi were well represented
at all events involved earning several accolades
including placing second in the homecoming banner compe--on and placing into the homecoming
lip sync finals.
Page 9
closed par-es. These have served to help increase
rela-ons between the fraternity and both Greek
and non-Greek students giving brothers the opportunity to interact with diverse segments of campus
informally, being a posi-ve representa-on of the
Beta Nu chapter and what it means to be a Phi Gamma Delta
Our brothers are involved in a variety of different clubs and
organiza-ons across campus, and many of us hold leadership
posi-ons in those groups. These groups include Future
Healthcare Execu-ves, Club Council, Leadership Educators,
College Republicans, ACT, Emerging Leaders, Gamma Beta
Phi, Omicron Delta Kappa, UREC, Appol Corps, and Order of
Omega. Jason Sharpe is President of Lambda Pi Eta. Addison
is the Vice-Chair of Educa-on for Club Council. Rob HefSocially thus far, the Beta Nu chapter has had 2
VP of Conduct for IFC.
mixers with sorori-es, 2 date func-ons and two
From the last grade report (Spring 2013) Beta Nu’s
average term GPA was 2.999 and the cumula-ve GPA was 3.118. The chapter’s Scholas-c
Improvement program focus for 2013 include scholarships as incen-ve for scholas-c
achievement, study hours for those below a 2.50 GPA (as directed by the Scholarship Chair and
Graduate Advisor) and study rooms in the library booked by the chapter to provide the brothers
a place to study for exams. The chapter’s goals are to bring its term GPA up to a 3.25 term
average and a 3.25 cumula-ve average.
Beta Nu Brothers at
the IFC Greek Kick
Off at Appalachian
\r\nThe Fraternity of Phi Gamma Delta
1201 Red Mile Road
P.O. Box 4599
Lexington, Kentucky 40544-4599
(859) 255-1848
Fax: (859) 253-0779
Phi Gamma Delta
Not for college days alone!
Phi Gamma Delta Website
Mission of Phi Gamma Delta
Phi Gamma Delta exists to promote lifelong friendships,
to reaffirm high ethical standards and values, and to foster personal development in the pursuit of excellence.
Phi Gamma Delta is committed to providing opportunities to each brother to develop responsibility, leadership,
scholarship and social skills to become a fully contributing member of society.
Founded in 1848, Phi Gamma Delta is a men's social fraternity represented on 137 campuses throughout the
United States and Canada.
Section XI West includes Phi Gamma Delta Chapters at
the University of North Carolina (Epsilon) in Chapel Hill,
NC North Carolina State University (Nu Sigma) in Raleigh, NC, Davidson College (Delta Kappa) in Davidson,
NC and Appalachian State University (Beta Nu) in Boone,
Important Dates and Events
Pig Dinner Dates
Beta Nu will hold their Pig Dinner on Saturday,
November 16, 2013 at 6 p.m. At the Jefferson
Landing Resort, Jefferson, NC.
Nu Sigma will host Pig dinner on April 5th,
2014 at the Radisson Hotel in Raleigh, NC.
Fiji Academy
39th Fiji Academy - January 3 - 5, 2014 at St
Louis Union Sta-on MarrioG, St. Louis, MO.
Each chapter in Sec-on XI West has registered
a full complement of delegates for the Academy with some chapters sending addi-onal
officers for the specific training Academy offers
for cabinet officers and commiGee chairmen.
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December 2013 newsletter for Section XI. The newsletter is 10 pages in length.